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Offline LindaM

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New Article on Racism
« on: August 15, 2022, 08:49:33 PM »
To me, don't blame Taylor.  She said going on she wouldn't put a woman of color up.  She didn't know how annoying that Jasmine would be.  Plus, she had Monte to take her out.  Jasmine said she couldn't be put up due to her birthday.  Kyle should get the blame.  Read below.

Big Brother #25 – Racism?  Again?

Big Brother, with all your sensitivity training, nothing seems to work.  We had that horrible Jackson/Jack season and then All-Stars.  While All-Stars, in the regard of being aware of others, was fine, there were issues.  Then last year, we had the Cookout and an awareness of personal worth with the contestants.  This season, we have spent the first three to four weeks in a bullying situation.  Now, Kyle, the mouse, has come out as letting personal feelings get in the way and thus race has reared its head.  How did this happen?  Let’s review, shall we?

When we started, Kyle was the first to realize that Monte, Joseph, Turner, and he needed to form an alliance.  By Week Three, Kyle and Monte were realizing that Taylor was being bullied and decided to do something about it.  The way it was presented in the group was that when it got down to seven, Taylor would be the first to go.  So they brought Taylor and the other two outsiders, Michael (comp beast) and Brittany (his best friend) into the circle which Taylor named the Leftovers.  All seemed like it could go to the end, and then a showmance reared its head with the help of production.  Alyssa wanted a boyfriend and seemed focused on Kyle.  Finally, Kyle gave in and kissed her, and the rest is history.  Saturday, the duo consummated their love, and he will now do anything to keep her in the house.

So far, nothing racial implied but we need to go back to when Daniel left.  The Leftovers are made up of two African Americans (Taylor and Monte), one Middle-Eastern (Joseph), and four Caucasian (Turner, Kyle, Michael and Brittany.  Kyle decided that Alyssa need to have a place of safety in the group.  Alas, Alyssa had been one of the bullies of Taylor so getting Alyssa in good with the others would be hard.  Also, Kyle saw another Cookout forming (say what?).  This makes me question his sanity and real personal beliefs.  Did his “love” make him blind to the numbers of players in his alliance?  There is no way that this could be considered another “Cookout.”

Still, it nagged at Kyle.  His scheming earned him the name KKKyle on Twitter.  He approached Michael and Brittany on forming an alliance of the non-People of Color to win the finale.  He is also planning on approaching Turner to join the group.  With this, he thinks he can control who wins (with it being he).  Not only is he part of his newly designed alliance (with no name), but most of them (sans Alyssa) are part of the Leftovers so he is covered.

Well, he was right to a point!  Taylor won HoH.  That’s good for the Leftovers but left Taylor with few nominees -- Jasmine, Indy, Terrance, and – guess who – Alyssa.  And how can Kyle keep Alyssa safe if she is nominated.  He decided to use rumor, gossip, and any skill he had to keep Alyssa off the block.  First it was Jasmine going up but Taylor made a promise before entering the house that if she won HoH, she would not nominate a POC.  So it came down to Terrance and Indy on the block.  This was good but what would happen if one of them won the Power of Veto.  While Joseph volunteered to go up, the Leftovers suspect that he will end up tied to Taylor in a punishment stunt (again due Alyssa’s bad decision skills).  Thus, Alyssa is the one to go up and Kyle made plans to control the PoV. 

He met with his “secret allies” who supported him.  Basically, if any of them won the Power of Veto, nothing would be changed.  Then Kyle got pulled to play POV and won.  This meant for the Leftovers plan to work, one of the nominees would come down and Alyssa would go up.  Kyle wasn’t having it and started his maneuvers.  First, he tried to convince his allies.  Whether that worked or not, who can say because Michael and Brit seem to never really say what they feel. After putting it out to them that Alyssa wouldn’t hurt his game, Kyle approached Taylor in the HoH room about the nominees.  Per live-feeders, this was a long meeting with Kyle making promises that us feeder viewers know he won’t keep.  Taylor seemed okay with whatever he decided.  He lied to Taylor though.  He hadn’t spoken to all the alliance when he said they were indifferent and it wasn’t discussed as a group until after Kyle met with Taylor.  According, again, to the live-feeds, he promised Indy last night that he would use it on her.  This morning he changed his mind.  While I’m not sure what happened or what was said at the PoV (no live feeds).  Apparently, Kyle said something that set Taylor off.   I think Monte, Joseph, and Turner are getting vibes that if it is left to Kyle, Alyssa stays until the end.  The question is:  how does his new alliance friends feel.

Turner is a question mark at this point.  He’s in the Leftovers and seems to support everyone in the  Leftover group.  Turner’s one foe, Jasmine, is annoying but Turner has fun playing tricks on her (Muffin-gate, Cookie-gate, Balloon-gate).  As a POC, Jasmine would never have been Taylor’s choice.  Brittany and Michael, on the other hand, haven’t take a strong stand against Kyle’s new alliance.  Some online feel that Michael is concerned over Taylor’s Diary Room numbers.  Hopefully, after whatever happened today, Michael and Brit have begun to see that Kyle is only playing for himself.  Maybe that has happened.  It seems from the live-feeds that they are standing away from Kyle.  Jasmine, Taylor and Monte are aware that Kyle’s thinking is impaired by sex (yes, that happened), and he’s going to take Alyssa as far as he can – regardless of what he says.  So the question is:  will Kyle be true to his alliance or do they vote him out sooner than later.

My question is:  Is Kyle a racist?  He didn’t appear to be in the early weeks but as time has gone by, his actions and his words don’t seem to agree.  He speaks the right words to the Leftovers, but he’ll do anything for Alyssa.  And this could be his downfall and a problem for his future.  He is a TikTok artist and it seems that he will be met with the same type of flack (or worse) that Amerrah, Nicole, and Daniel has.  Actually, with his Twitter nickname (KKKyle), he may face worse blowback.  With people in the house wising up, how long will he be safe.  The Leftovers are good at hiding their real feelings.  Plus, the new twist may make it hard for Kyle’s protective cover for he and Alyssa may not work.  Give me your opinion?  This could get good.  But we can’t forget that Big Brother again is letting the racial aspect play into the game.  Isn’t it time that all are treated as equals.

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Re: New Article on Racism
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2022, 11:05:52 PM »
After reading your article, I don't get where you are coming from with Kyle being a racist.  He has fallen for a pretty face and is thinking with something besides his head.  But that doesn't make him a racist.  He sees the others getting close and is playing the game by trying to pull in some support for him and Allyssa.
The only racism I see is Taylor not wanting to put up the one most of the house wants gone by putting up another of color.  What about Terrance?

I still think the "bullying" was not done because of Taylor's race but by her actions.  She was stand-offish with the girls and did sexy poses in front of the guys at the pool table.  I have seen much worse bullying on the show that wasn't addressed.  In fact, it was probably encouraged by production to make a good show.
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Re: New Article on Racism
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2022, 12:29:44 PM »
Well forming an alliance of non people of color sounds kind of racist, though. It's different with Taylor. When you've been on the side that has had to work and struggle twice as hard to get or do anything, I don't think you can compare it to Kyle's nonsense. I don't watch anything but the show, so it's hard for me to judge anything but that he is head over heels for Alyssa. So just my thoughts.

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Re: New Article on Racism
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2022, 02:18:31 PM »
If his intent was to form an alliance with no people of color I would agree with you but I don't think he thought I will ask these people because they aren't people of color.  They were just people he trusted,  Taylor's intent was to nominate no black woman.  She even would have liked to get Jasmine out over some of the others.  Most of the others, even Monte and Joseph wanted Jasmine gone.  The thing that saved her was her skin wasn't white. 

You all probably think I am a southerner and I am prejudiced.  I have seen what black people have gone through and I hated it.  People in Georgia have lived around more black people than most people up north.  When I visited my sister in Indiana there were counties where nobody but white people dared to cross the county line.  When I was there I heard them referred to as "darkies".  How insulting!  I taught school and had mostly black children in my class.  When I see some of them around town now they are in their 30's and 40's now and you would think that someone had just seen their long-lost mother and I had just found my long-lost child. 

I have also seen reverse discrimination.  I have known of many people hired that did not qualify for a job over people highly qualified.  I taught for a few months in an all black school with one other white teacher and I can say I can feel for anyone being treated like they don't belong.

But the main point here is Kyle's intent and I don't think it was racist but was playing the game to include trusted people that he had connected with.  I don't particularly like Kyle, a 29 year old man that acts like a boy and still lives with his parents.  Watching him with Allyssa is sort of sickening.  Hearing that he said he only lasted 10 seconds on their sexual encounter is not what I want to listen to.  I bet his mom is pulling her hair out.
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Offline LindaM

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Re: New Article on Racism
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2022, 08:00:22 PM »
No -- live feeders caught and put in the feed updates last week that Kyle said he didn't want another Cookout 2.0.  He would form his group so there wouldn't be an African American winner this year like last year.

Snowbird.  I'm a North Carolinian.  I have lived here all my life.  The difference is my area of the state.  The county is a wide mix of people.  When I grew up, I didn't understand why we had segregation.  Why couldn't we all go to school together.  My community was glad when we all went to the same school but that didn't carry over to high school as one area was very racist in their make up. 

The thing is Kyle doesn't think his words through.  And Big Brother wants him to win, bring the showmance so he gets away with it.  What would have happened to Jack/Jackson if they said it.  What about other instances.  Last night, he made a "racist style" comment to Turner about his hat and dress while they played pool by referring to it as a Asian dress. Turner shut him down with "I like the hat, man."  Kyle's religion may also play a part in it (or should I say former cult).


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