Big Brother 2022 discussion > New Board

BB -- I Can't Take This Season Anymore

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--- Quote from: LindaM on September 19, 2022, 10:56:39 AM ---Odh, when Paloma asked her to model her finale dress, that was bragging.  Look, none of these people have been good.  To me, each have problems.  The biggest problem is thinking you are above someone else. 

I just finished working on a chapter of a book about the Hydra as seen in Sociology.  This show was a classic example of most of that book. 

Also, note:  we are not to judge.  Only God does that.

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Judge?  Have we all not talked about the cast and their character?  They know when they sign up people are going to be watching their behavior.
Even Monte noticed that her behavior at the beginning of the game was cold and not meant to endure her to the other females,  She has said something about his God-daughter that hurt him.  He told her about her character flaws that he noticed.  If the biggest problem is thinking you are above someone else Taylor is a good example/  She made fun of people who shopped at certain stores she didn't consider luxury stores.  She was worried she wouldn't stay long enough to wear all the dresses she wanted to show off.
Am I being judged for judging her?  How about the way Kyle was judged for doing something he did not realize could be considered racist and she actually has shown a lot of racism?


--- Quote from: ponytail on September 19, 2022, 01:38:47 PM ---And now I'm gonna have to look up info on the Hydra. LOL!

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Look up the article titled The Progressive, Socialist, Elitist Super Hydra/ Canada FreePress.  Very informative

According to Tom Arcaro's sociology book, here they are:

●   Patriarchy – How do we see patriarchy manifesting in the 10 dimensions of a relevant response?
●   Race and privilege – Which core beliefs currently present in the humanitarian sector should we question and why?
●   Colonialism and paternalism – What would it mean in practice to remove paternalism and colonialism from humanitarianism?
●   Heteronormativity and cisgender-normativity – What would it mean in practice to make humanitarian response more inclusive of people of diverse genders and sexualities?
●   Classism/ class privilege –How might our class privilege and identity impact the relevance of humanitarian action we have witnessed or been part of?


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