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Old Favorites


Do you have any favorite books that you have read again and again? My husband and I got hooked on a series of books by John D. McDonald--I think there is around 20 of them. All of them have a color in their title. Currently I am rereading The Empty Copper Sea. They take place in the Florida of the 60's and 70's. The main character is a weathered, dangerous hunk called Travis McGee that lives on a houseboat in Ft. Lauderdale that he won in a poker game. He takes his retirement a little at a time, and when he needs some cash, he helps people that have been scammed or ruined get their money or reputations back for 1/2 of what he recovers. Lots of great characters and story lines, lots of philosophizing, lots of excitement. It is great to be carried back to the time when I was young and see that some of the problems we are facing today were of concern back then, too!

Do you have any old favorites?

I wish I could say that I had old favorites, but, I don't read much anymore.
I love playing one game on my tablet and watching cooking shows online too. Sorry, ponytail. I wish someone like MP would come back so you could enjoy more here.

I usually don't read anything more than once but I have read Gone With The Wind several times and TO Kill a Mockingbird more than once.  Also some of Flannery O'Connors short stories I read more than once since she is from my hometown and I like her style.  Right now I am reading a book about a couple of lawyers that were murdered here back in the 50's during the time our town was celebrating the Sesquessentinual.  (I think I spelled that right)  The book Paris Trout was based on it but wasn't completely accurate so Susan Lindsley, an author from here, wrote the true facts about the murders.   

Loved 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. We got to see the theater version a couple months ago at the Orpheum in Omaha. Richard Thomas (John Boy) was Atticus Finch. Outstanding!

I loved Gone with the Wind. I did read this book years ago when I could still read small print. I think it was over 1000 pages!
I have seen the movie several times.
I wonder if this movie might be one put on a list of those not permitted to be shown anymore. Now a day so many classic books are considered wrong for the younger generation to read. Ridiculous!


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