Big Brother 25 discussion > New Board

Cameron Hardin

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  Stay At Home Dad.

Plain and simple: I do not like him.
Ok, so he's HOH, but, his whole attitude is so rude... just can't stand him. and I thought I would like him.

I realize he is fipping the house this week, but, others have been in this position and don't sound so actually mean talking to the other houseguests.
I hope he enjoys his week and is back doored next week. Not even allowed to play for veto!!! So there!!! :33:

 He seems to be liked on Jokers.  I don't like him because he seems to forget this is a game others are trying to win just like he is.  He was so angry because Red was voted out. 

He's a feisty one! I still like him, though.

Well, we are all entitled to our opinion. I actually don't even read Jokers. I got the feeds and although for some reason they say "fatal error" when I try to watch on my tablet. I can pull them up on my phone.
So, I am just listening and making up my own mind.

I just think Cameron is brash and sorry, do not care for him at all.. 


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