Big Brother 25 discussion > New Board

General BB discussion

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What did everyone think of the HOH comp?  I thought it was fun and something different from the same old contest we've had for years.  Anyone could have won it no matter how smart are strong they were.

I loved it! I hope they keep them coming!

Also read it was filmed on the old My Three Sons set...nice to see they are getting out of the backyard.

Cirie is one gooood player. The others better either learn from her or watch their backs. She was a master at manipulation and back stabbing in the Traitors. After all these years of playing Survivor and other reality games, she has all the angles figured out. It will be interesting to see how far she gets. i hope Izzy doesn't blow her cover.

She sure is!  She has good instincts and can read people's motives.  It would be funny if both she and her boy end up final 2.

I am so sick of unanimous voting.  Why?  It use to be a surprise for the players and us.  I wish BB would explain to them it is how it works and it is not necessary to all vote alike.  Maybe even outlawing it.


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