Open Floor > Movie Reviews

Snow White and the Huntsman


So my sister wanted to see Snow White and the Huntsman, and I being the great sister that I am went with her.  The movie was alright, Kristen Stewarts acting was better in this movie than in others I have seen her in. It was a tad on the long side though. The movie had some of the key elements from the orginal but more grown up. In this version Snow White was able to save herself a lot more than in the orginal.

A rating from 1 - 10 , ten being the best I'd rate the movie to be a 7.

Just watched that one myself. I liked the story, it kept the major storylines, but twisted them and used them creatively. Charlize Theron was a wickedly good evil queen. Lot's of great special effects and Chris Hemsworth, well, need I say more!


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