Open Floor > Movie Reviews



Lincoln---have any of you seen it? I actually saw it twice, and not by intent. The first time I saw it with friends and was bored, bored, bored. But impressed with Daniel Day Lewis and Sally Field such good actors. If you don't care for history this is not the film for you. If you want to see a film about the life of Lincoln, this is not the film for you. It is actually about all the wheeling and dealing that went into the passage of the 13th amendment. Lincoln was a pretty shady guy when he wanted something badly! And his wife was a little nutso....The period recreation was spectacular, so authentic looking.
The second time I saw it was with my Mom and I actually liked it better the second time...go figure! Hope Daniel Day Lewis wins the Oscar.

I don't know if I'll be seeing this one, but, am a big fan of Sally Field and have seen her on all the talk shows with various clips of the film.
She had to gain a lot of weight to play the part and also had to really audition and talk Steven Speilberg into giving her the role. He previously thought she was too sweet for the role. She showed him.

I love history but just don't go to the movies anymore.  With my restless leg syndrome I just can't sit that long at a time.  I get miserable and have to get up.  One hour is my limit for sitting in one place.  I love Sally Fields and think she is an all around actress.  She can play so many types of rolls and make the character so believable. 

Merry Prankster:
Daniel Day-Lewis is the best male actor of his generation.  Has he ever made a pure comedy?


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