Other Reality Shows > American Idol

Elimination Night


March 21

Jimmy starts off by critiquing each of the performances on the previous night and tells us that he thinks Candice was the best.
The guys sing--Got to Get You Into My Life (not an outstanding performance by any means)
Paul is in the bottom 3

Former Idol contestant Casey Abrams sings I Saw Her Standing There. (IMPRESSIVE)

The girls sing their Beatles song, and I forgot to write it down--(so so)

Devin is in the bottom 3

Lazaro is safe--(surprise to me, he stunk last night)

Jessica Sanchez and Ne-Yo sing her new single Tonight (not impressed, she seemed awkward, trying too hard to be edgy)

Kree, Candice, Angie, Janelle, and Burnel are safe. They did it differently this year. A huge tv screen flashed the pictures of the safe contestants one at a time.

Amber is in the bottom 3--the judges don't agree she should be there.

Amber and Devin are safe, which means Paul is singing for the save.

In the end it does him no good--Paul Jolley has been eliminated.


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