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Author Topic: How Are You?  (Read 1723 times)

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Offline bacali

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How Are You?
« on: April 16, 2013, 12:12:23 AM »
With the world being as it is ... ..we use our site, to have a little fun and escape from some of this reality.
I thought that we could have a place to share our feelings, vent our emotions....and sometimes help each other cope.
Hopefully, it may not be a tragedy like we had in Boston today, it could be the weather.
Are you affected by a recent hurricane, or blizzard?
Tell us here...."How are You?"

I was posting today the Survivor questions when the programming stopped and I heard of the bombings in Boston. I immediately put it up in our shoutbox.
I then was immersed in hours of tv coverage listening to countless interviews.
Right now, I understand that there are 3 deaths, one being an 8 yr old little boy, and 114 casualties.
People lost their legs!! Because they went to cheer on marathon runners on a lovely Spring day!!!
How can anyone do this to people?
What has always been a joyous Patriots's day for the people of Boston has now become another sad day in American history.
It just makes me so, so sad.

Offline Prairie Dawn

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 09:31:28 AM »
Going to watch the marathon has been a part of my life for so long.  I can remember going when I was younger and into my college years so I could cheer for friends who were brave enough to run that monster of a course!  It was always a busy, fun filled day.  Everyone in good spirits, children, adults, all people from all places gathering to cheer.  Food and laughter, happy chaos! After parties at the Pru. 

No more.  The people of Boston are resilient but things will never be the same.  Innocence lost.   :03:

As an adult I do not have the time to gather and cheer like I used to.  I have friends that still do (one ran the course this year).  I am happy to report all are well but the shock and sadness will remain for some time.

My heart goes out to all of the families who lost a loved one, especially that eight year old boy.  Best wishes to all the injured, may they recover fully. 

It is a sad day for the people of Boston.

Offline ponytail

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 05:30:49 PM »
Very well said, Prairie. My arms are held out to you in a virual hug. -Grouphug-

My son is a marathon runner--he does the ones near Los Angeles. As you say, it is supposed to be a day of celebration, accomplishment, and fun. A time to put away your troubles and cheer for those who made it all the way. So sorry, so sad, so helpless.

Offline Snowbird

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2013, 01:02:07 AM »
There was another tragedy tonight.  A fertilizer plant in West, TX exploded after a fire started there.  Many homes and places around the plant were also damaged.  There is no count of the number of dead and injured at this time but it is so sad to think of what those people are going through.  My heart  goes out to them.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline Prairie Dawn

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2013, 09:03:07 AM »
I heard about the explosion this morning while watching the news.  It is so sad, so much pain and suffering.  It is almost too much to handle. Once again, my heart goes out to all of those affected by this tragedy.   :'(

Offline bacali

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2013, 02:12:56 AM »
Well, the 19 yr old terrorist  in in the hospital and we still have so many families reeling from this absolutely senseless act of terror.
We, here,on our little fun site,  as most of us normal people just live our everyday lives and pray this never happens to us.
I am not a really avid sports fan ...pushed into game watching by males I live with... but if it's any baseball team I root for ... it's the  Yankees.
Hey... the song goes.."root, root, root, for the home team..." and for me.. that's the Yankees.
So, for them to play "Caroline" the other night.., at a Yankee game with this Boston/ NY "baseball feud"  was ... just so American.
They know they are just baseball teams...and this is a sport... but... when it comes down to it.. we are... Americans..
MP "shouted" that he thougth Neil Diamond did a "pretty cool thing" tonight at the Boston game...although he's not a big Neil Diamond fan. Thanks, MP.. I agree..
 But, I happen to love Neil Diamond. I have for many years.  He puts on a spectacular concert. But, we all have our favs..
I had heard earlier in the day... before I went out to a wedding...that they "thought" Neil Diamond was in the stadium... so, I guess he was..
 I looked up Neil singing  "Caroline".. tonight at the Boston game...the sound of the song seems off. ... but.. how great for the world to see Boston... America.. not crippled and afraid of terrorism.
 Here's a link to Neil Diamond's Boston Red Sox song tonight...


Offline mollygurl

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Re: How Are You?
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2013, 01:05:32 PM »
Thank you for the link, bacali, I like Neil Diamond, too. The whole stadium singing gave me chills.
But, I, too believe that is what America is all about.. that is why they call us "the United States"
This whole situation has been terrible and I am glad they have the young boy. I hope that they will get some answers.
We all really have to be vigilant now in any surroundings . It does sort of give you paranoia.
But, sadly, as has been said, this is the world we live in now.


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