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Author Topic: GoT--Second Sons  (Read 1577 times)

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Offline ponytail

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GoT--Second Sons
« on: May 19, 2013, 11:03:22 PM »
We begin this episode with Arya, awakening in the morning, seeing her chance, picking up a rock and going over to the Hound to dash his brains  into the ground. Of course the Hound is not asleep, catches her, and tells her to go ahead and do it, but if he survives she might regret it. He goes on to tell her that she is lucky he has her, there are much more worse around than he is. He tells her how he would have taken Sansa with him if he had the chance, and that he is taking her to the Twins so that her mother and brother can pay him for her.

Dani sees a group of mercenaries called the Second Sons ride in to Yunkai and wonders if perhaps they can be bought to fight for her. She arranges a meeting with 3 of their captains. The leader hurls rude insults at her and tells her what he wishes/will do to her when she loses. He tells her he has contracted with the Yunkai already and cannont break it, and departs calling her a variety of rude, lewd and crude names. She tells Jorah--When it comes to battle kill that one first.

Gendry and Melisandre arrive home and she meets with Stannis who asks about Gendry's fate. Melisandre tells him, as if you didn't know, he will be a sacrifice to the Lord of Light. Like a lamb he will be led to the slaughter, she has done it many times. When a lamb sees the blade, it panics, she knows how to make them unsuspecting.

Davos is reading in his cell and Stannis comes to visit him and tell him he is to be freed. He tells Davos that Melisandre has returned with Gendry. Davos tries to plead Gendry's case, appeal to Stannis' better man but Stannis says--we do not choose our destiny, we must do our duty, what's one bastard boy against a kingdom? Stannis tells him of a vision he has seen in the flames of a great battle in the snow. He reminds him that he has seen Melisandre give birth, how can you deny that her god is real? Davos suspects Stannis is there to give him his freedom so he has him to voice his disapproval of Gendry's sacrifice.

The 3 captains of the Second Sons are back in Yunkai, discussing how to deal with Dani and her Unsullied. They decide they don't have to deal with them, just with her. They decide to draw for the honor of sneaking into her camp and killing her. 3 different coins are used and the one who selects the Bravos coin will go.

Sansa and Shea are in her room preparing for the wedding. Tyrion enters and asks for a word alone He tells her he didn't ask for this, and after today you will be my wife, he promises her he will never hurt her.

Margaery and Cersei have an unpleasant little chat. Margaery calls Cersei her 'sister' and tries to butter her up. Cersei tells her a tale of a family that betrayed the Lannisters and what happened to them, everyone was killed, man, woman, and child. If you ever call me sister again....

Joffrey finds Sansa and insists on standing in for her father at her wedding to Tyrion. He walks her up the aisle. At the altar he takes the step stool away and sets it by Tywin to humiliate Tyrion who has to ask Sansa to stoop so he can place his cloak of protection around her shoulders.

Melisandre comes to Gendry in one of the castle's richly appointed bedrooms. She offers him wine and begins the process of seduction. She tells him that they are both a part of the plan of the Lord of Light and that they can stop the darkness from swallowing the dawn. She ties his hands and feet to the bed once she has him going and unsuspecting and then goes to a bowl full of leeches and places them on Gendry. Davos and Stannis enter--Melisandre tells Stannis, Davos doesn't believe in the power of a king's blood, but he soon will. She removes the leeches from Gendry and they place them on the grill of a brazier burning at the bedside. Each time one is fried, Stannis says a name, Robb Stark, Balon Greyjoy, Joffrey Baratheon.

At the wedding dinner, Sansa sits--not eating or talking. Tyrion has clearly had a few too many. Sansa asks to be excused and Joffrey gets up also. Tywin approaches his son and threatens him (as usual) about doing his duty as a husband. Joffrey has caught up to Sansa and tells her she has  done it, she has married a Lannister and that maybe he will pay a visit to her once his uncle passes out. He hauls her back to the banquet hall and demands in front of everyone that there be a bedding ceremony. Tyrion says no--if you insist on this you will be ....ing your bride with a wooden .... and violently stabs his knife into the table. Stillness in the room, but Tywin brings it under control, Tyrion says he was joking, and then he gathers up Sansa and takes her off to the bedroom.
In the bedroom a very drunk Tyrion tells Sansa that his father Lord Tywin has commanded him to consummate the marriage. Sansa runs to the table and pours herself a glass of wine, and then heads over to the bed and begins to disrobe. Tyrion tells her to stop. He says--I won't share your bed until you tell me to. He staggers a few steps, and then passes out on the floor.

Dani is in her tent with Missendei, taking a bath and talking small talk. Suddenly, Missendei is attacked by a man disguised as one of the Unsullied, and a knife is held to her throat. The helmet is removed, and we see that it is Dario, one of the 3 captains she spoke to earlier in the day. Dani says she supposes he is there to kill her, and he says he doesn't want to, and dumps two severed heads on the floor---the heads of the other 2 captains. Dani wants to know why she would trust a man who kills his fellows and Dario explains that he doesn't do what others want, he does what he wants. When he drew the coin to kill her, he said he wouldn't, they drew their swords, and he beat them. Dani steps out of the tub and asks him if he will fight for her. He swears to her that his life, his heart, the Second Sons are hers.

It's the morning after and Shea brings in breakfast for the newlyweds. She sees Tyrion on the floor, and Sansa getting out of bed. She goes over to the bed to gather the sheets and notices that they are clean, no maidenhead has been taken. She gives Tyrion a small smile as she leaves with the linens.

In the final scene of this episode we are back with Samwell, Gilly, and the baby still on the move. They come to a shack near a heart tree and decide to stay there for the night. Lots of cawing crows. They small talk for a while, Sam is trying to get Gilly to choose a name for her babe, Gilly is building a fire since Sam can't do it. All of a sudden there is loud, raucous cawing from hundreds of crows, and Sam takes a torch and a sword outside to see what it is all about. The crows are completely filling the branches of the Heart tree, and Sam sees shadows in the woods. Gilly shrieks--they are coming for the baby! Sam stands his ground as a White Walker comes forward and grabs his blade. It shatters into shards, and the Walker easily throws Sam aside and heads for Gilly and her baby. Sam draws the obsidian blade and makes a last ditch attempt to protect Gilly and her baby by stabbing the White Walker in the back. Much to his amazement, this blade kills the White Walker and it falls to the ground and shatters into dust. Sam, Gilly, and the baby, followed by a thousand or more crows race away, into the night.


« Last Edit: May 24, 2013, 11:21:53 PM by ponytail »

Offline Prairie Dawn

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Re: GoT--Second Sons
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2013, 08:56:22 AM »
One of my favorite episodes of the season.  Felt so sad for Tyrion and Sansa. Cannot wait until nasty little Joffrey gets what is coming to him.

Dani is by far my favorite character in the series.  Love those dragons!

Offline ponytail

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Re: GoT--Second Sons
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2013, 05:14:10 PM »
It looks like things are building to a season ending cliffhanger with the one of the upcoming weddings!

I agree, Dani and her dragons are great, and she is so cool, calm, collected, and in charge. Tyrion is still my favorite, though. They have done a great job casting all the characters. I will be sad to see the series end for the season. Only 2 more episodes left...  :'(


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