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Stephen King

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It's about a town that gets covered by a dome and no one can get in and no one can get out.  I have only begun reading it and so far a plane crashed into the dome as well as some vehicles on the ground.  Some people and animals had the dome fall on them and cut parts of their bodies off. 

Prairie Dawn:
Hi from sunny California! I have read Under the Dome and I loved it.  I do like his earlier books better though. 

Looking forward to the miniseries.

I love reading, but don't like to read scary books anymore. This one sounds like it may be interesting though. Read IT by Stephen King and had nightmares for years (couldn't even watch that movie when it came out)...still don't like to go by

I don't mind scary stories as much as I do scary movies. You wouldn't catch me at one of those. As long as it is a good story and not just blood, gore and torture, I don't mind a good scare.

Here is a link to the clip from CBS for Under The Dome.


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