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Author Topic: GoT--The Rains of Castamere  (Read 1267 times)

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Offline ponytail

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GoT--The Rains of Castamere
« on: June 02, 2013, 10:18:49 PM »
We open this episode with Robb and Catelyn discussing his plan to take Casterly Rock. When he asks her advice as to his plan she is surprised that he wants it, he tells her he should have listened to her advice about Theon Greyjoy. He didn't, and now Winterfell is burned to the ground, and Bran and Rickon are gone. She thinks a bit and then tells him that they need to show them how it feels to lose what they love.

Walder Frey welcomes Catelyn and Robb to the Twins. Promising his protection and hospitality. Robb makes his apologies and begs forgiveness for breaking his vow to wed one of his daughters. He did it for love. Walder says it is not he he spurned, but his daughters, and then presents all of them and all of his granddaughters. A homely bunch they are, and Walder can't even remember all their names. Robb makes his apologies to them as well. Walder calls Talisi forward and inspects her. He says love--that's what the Starks call it, I call it a pretty face.
Let's get ready, Walder says. The wine will flow red, the music will flow loud, and we'll put this mess behind us.

Dani and Daario discuss plans to get into the city of Yunkai. He thinks they get a few through the back gate--the one they use to visit the sex slaves, and then open the front gate to the rest of the army. Jorah is not so sure but Grey Worm thinks it is a good idea, he trusts Daario. Barristan wants to go, too, but is told to stay by Jorah.

Sam and Gilly are getting closer to home. He is telling her about a secret sally port in the wall that will get them to the other side. He read about it in a book. Gilly is  amazed that he can find out anything from those markings, he must be a wizard. Sam is astounded. They reach the wall.

The Hound and Arya see an old man and a wagon with a broken wheel. He tells her to remember what happens to children who run--I'm your father I'll do the talking. He helps the old man put the wheel back on, and then coldcocks him and begins to draw his sword to kill him. Arya steps in front of him and stops him, but when the old man begins to come around, she picks up a cudgel and knocks him out again. The Hound is stupified, and impressed.

The Wildlings are discussing a plan to take some horses and kill the old man that is there with them. Jon tries to talk them out of it, but they will not hear reason. They make a mad dash for the farmstead and the old man sees them coming, races out and jumps on the back of one of the horses and takes off. Ygritte draws her bow, and Jon distracts her, causing her to miss her target.

Arya and the Hound are close to the Twins. She gazes at them from the roadside.

Bran and his companions take shelter at a windmill from a quickly approaching storm. Bran wonders how they will get past the wall. Hodor begins clutching his head and yelling HODOR, HODOR. They see a rider approach from the window in the windmill with the Wildlings chasing him. Hodor is still going crazy, so frightened of the thunder he can't be calmed down. The rest are worried that the Wildlings will hear them. All of a sudden, Bran goes very still and Hodor crashes to the floor. They ask him, what did you do?
The Wildling Warg has heard the shouting and is staring up at the windmill tower.
Inside the tower, they hear the dying screams of a horse. Jojen wants Bran to get inside the minds of the wolves outside but Bran says he can only do it in his dreams.
The Wildlings want to cut the old man's throat because he will tell the crows they are here--and they ask Jon to do it to prove he is one of them. Jon has his sword out and at the old man's throat but he cannot do it--Ygritte takes matters into her own hands and shoots him instead and they all say to Jon--he's a crow, kill him. A vicious attack begins on Jon. Ygritte is held back from joining in the attack in the defense of Jon.
Jojen tells Bran, do it, they'll find us if you don't and Bran contacts the wolf and sends it after the Wildlings.
A hawk attacks Jon-sent by the Warg, but Jon escapes on one of the horses, leaving Ygritte behind.

Daario gets into the city with Grey Worm and Jorah. They are attacked, but their fancy swordsmanship and superior ability win out--over the first batch. They are soon surrounded by dozens more.

At the wedding Walder Frey walks his veiled daughter down the aisle in a very quiet church. Edmure looks on, expecting to see a plain, dumpy woman and is unexpectedly surprised to find he is wedding a beauty. The two are married.

Back at the windmill Bran realizes that Jojen is right. He can contact all sorts of animals, and more. He also got into Hodor's mind. He also saw that Jon got away from the Wildlings but he will not go to Castle Black, he has to find the 3 eyed raven. He tells Osha he needs her to take Rickon to safety. After tearful goodbyes, they leave in the middle of the night.

Dani and Barristan are waiting impatiently for the return of Jorah, Daario, and Grey Worm. Jorah appears, beaten and bloody with good news. Dani seems more concerned (to Jorah's dismay) with where Daario is. He appears,kneels, and tells her--the city is yours my queen, they threw down their spears and surrendered.

At the wedding feast, amidst the music and laughter, we see tender scenes between Robb and Talisi, and see Catelyn and Lord Bolton talking together. As tradition demands, the newly wedded couple is carried out of the banquet hall for their bedding ceremony. The doors are closed and barred, the music turns very sorrrowful, and Catelyn is on her feet, worried. Outside, Robb's penned wolf whines.
Arya and the Hound arrive at the gates, and are told by the gatekeeper to leave, the wedding feast is over. The Hound turns around and sees that Arya has vanished.
Back in the hall Walder Frey stands up and says--I have been remiss in my duties, I haven't shown you the hospitality you deserve. As those words fall on a still audience, pandemonium breaks loose. Talisi is attacked and stabbed several times, most of them in her stomach, Robb is shot several times with crossbows, Catelyn is stabbed as well. Their gazes lock as Robb goes down. It is one roiling mass of attackers stabbing and killing everyone left in the banquet hall.
Outside, Arya witnesses the slaying of Robb's men and his penned direwolf as well. She begins to race toward the hall but is knocked out by the Hound and carried away.
Inside Catelyn crawls to a table, Robb crawls to Talisi, who is cold and dead. Catelyn seizes Walder Frey's wife, who has been cowering under the table and holds a knife to her throat. She tells Walder to let it end, let Robb go, take me as a hostage, let him go or I will cut your wife's throat. Walder calmly replies--I will find another. Lord Bolton rushes over and stabs Robb to death, telling him--the Lannisters send their regards. Catelyn looks on in stunned grief, quickly slices the throat of Walder Frey's wife, and has her throat cut in return. She falls to the floor, dead.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 12:28:17 PM by ponytail »


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