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Present for my boss

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The ladies at my work have been busy procreating. In two weeks my boss is going off on mat leave for a year. But we aren't sure what to do for her. She has two kids already (both boys) and she doesn't know what she's having. I'm in the same boat as I was last time! Ideas?

Wow.. maternity leave for a whole year!!! Oh nice.
We talked about this last time.. on another site, I believe. I thought that idea was really a terrific one.
A whole spa day for mom... away from the whole family. .of hubby and 3 children.
What more could a woman ask for? 

One thing that is always needed and that is disposable diapers.  Give her a diaper shower and ask different people to bring the first two  sizes always needed by newborns. 
I also liked bacali's idea.  Of course you could always pitch in for a gift certificate for a baby store.

Yeah, our mat leaves in Canada are a year. I work in a daycare and most daycares don't even take infants.  Mine they have to be 12 months and walking to come.

Yeah, I think we might get her a spa thing. That would be nice. A lot of the parents give presents as well. I could talk to them about if they are wanting to do something to do diapers.

Another thing you may want to do is give her clothing for a child 12 mos. old or older. It seems they get so many things for little ones, and then when they get around a year or so they have nothing left.


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