Show Games > The Amazing Race

The All Stars Season!


I am a big fan of TAR.  This season of all stars kind of makes me excited.  I have some favorite teams -- Cowboys (yes I love those Oklahoma boys!), Mark and Bopper from Kentucky, Conner and his dad that had to leave early due to injury and the Globetrotters are among them!  I even sort of like Brenchel!!  You have to admit they are hard core competitors. 

I hope there will be some discussion here during the season! 

Yep trouble! This is a season that is bound to please--lots of great teams to root for--I like those cowboys, too! And all the others you mentioned. I think a lot of us will be wanting to talk about it.

We seem to like all the same teams trouble.  Of all those I think my #1 pick would be Mark and Booper.  They seem to have such a genuine friendship.  Of course I could say the same about those Oklahoma Cowboys. 
I am also a Brenchel fan as they never seem to give up.  I have even grown to like Rachel's laugh.   -loll

We will have lots to talk about and we will also have an Amazing Race game so I hope we have a lot of interest. 

I am definitely interested! Love Amazing Race.


--- Quote from: trouble405 on February 01, 2014, 12:37:39 PM ---I am a big fan of TAR.  This season of all stars kind of makes me excited.  I have some favorite teams -- Cowboys (yes I love those Oklahoma boys!), Mark and Bopper from Kentucky, Conner and his dad that had to leave early due to injury and the Globetrotters are among them!  I even sort of like Brenchel!!  You have to admit they are hard core competitors. 

I hope there will be some discussion here during the season!

--- End quote ---

We look forward to lots of lively discussions here. We all love TAR. ..and with All-Stars, it's going to be hard to root for just one team.
I love Mark and Bopper, and The Cowboys... and yes... I have missed Rachel and Brendon... time for our Brenchel "fix". LOL
I love all the teams you do...
And, as Snowbird said...we also plan on running an TAR game. This game format is still to be decided.
But, we do know that some of our members don't seem to enjoy weekly, let us know if I'm right in saying this and we can do a game with Teams like the one we did.
We will have fun.


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