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Author Topic: The Laws of Gods and Men  (Read 1398 times)

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Offline ponytail

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The Laws of Gods and Men
« on: May 11, 2014, 11:04:33 PM »
Stannis and Davos make a spectacular entrance into the city of Bravos by sailing under a huge statue of a warrior. They are left cooling their heels for several hours waiting for the representatives of the Iron Bank to meet with them. Three of them finally come out, and ask what they can do for them. Stannis tells them he is the true king, although Tommen is crowned--he is a bastard. They ask Stannis how many men he has--4000, how many ships---32, how much food he produces--none, and then tell him that his numbers don't add up and that they decline his request for financial support.
Davos comes to Stannis defense and tells the bankers that he is their best chance at getting back the money they are owed. Tywin Lannister is 67 years old, a boy sits on the throne, Cersei is despised by the people and Jaime .....When Tywin is gone, Stannis is your best bet for getting back what you are owed. There is only one reliable leader left, he has the birthright, he is in his prime, he doesn't only talk of paying people back he does it.
We enter a bathhouse, and watch as a pirate soaking in a heated pool with two girls tells a few wild tales of his adventures. Davos enters, sits, and tells him--We leave at sunrise. He tosses him a pouch filled with coins. (Looks like the funds came through).

Yarra, on the way to rescue Theon, reads the threatening letter sent to her father by Ramsey to fire up her soldiers. They invade the castle silently, killing all the guards they come across until they reach the kennels where they find Theon locked in a cage like the vicious dogs around him. When he sees Yarra he scurries back into a corner and quivers. Yarra calls him Theon, tries to get him out but he just screams--I'm not Theon, I'm Reek.
Ramsey Snow charges in, shirtless, with bloody scratches (from a previous 'romantic' encounter), and evilly grins and says--This is turning into a lovely evening. The battle begins. Theon bites Yarra, wrenches himself away, and Yarra tells Ramsey to--give me my brother, and no more men will die. Ramsey tells her--you've got big balls, but with those big balls of yours, how fast can you run? He pulls out a key, and reaches down to unlock one of the cages. Yarra is with her men, sailing away. One of them asks--what about your brother? And Yarra replies--my brother is dead.
Ramsey tells Reek--those creatures tried to take you, and you remained loyal. Reek says--I was so scared. Ramsey points to a bath waiting for Theon and tells him to remove all his clothes and get in. Reek does, and cowers in the bath wondering what punishment is coming next. Ramsey picks up a washcloth, gently washes Reek's back, and asks him--Do you love me, Reek? Reek says --of course milord. Ramsey tells him he needs to do something for him, he needs his help to get this castle back. He needs Reek to play a role, pretend to be someone he is not--Theon Greyjoy.

A young boy is watching his goat herd in a hilly pasture when one of Dani's dragons flies over and incinerates the herd, carrying off one of them to eat. Which leads us into the throne room where we hear Missendei rattling off all of Dani's titles. She begins to hold court, first receiving a goat herder who lays down a pile of blackened bones and tells her her dragons have killed his entire herd. Dani tells the court to see that he is paid their value 3x over.
The next supplicant is Hizdahr zo Loraq, the handsome son of one of the masters she crucified. He is there to ask her to allow the proper burial of his father, and the rest of the 162 masters that she staked up. He tells her his father was not one of those who agreed to stake up the slaves on her path to Meereen, and that he cannot defend the actions of the masters, he wants only to be able to bury his father. Dani agrees.
When he leaves, she asks how many more supplicants there are to receive--and the answer is 212. She settles in to the throne.

Back at King's Landing, we join a meeting of the small council. Varys reports on the most recent happenings--Sandor Clegane was spotted, there are whispers from the east that Dani has conquered Meereen and is ruling as their queen. Cersei sees no problem there--baby dragons, Ser Barristan is an old man-- Tywin thinks she needs to be dealt with. He asks Varys if Ser Jorah is still his spy, and he tells Tywin that Jorah's loyalty has changed and he is firmly with her now. Hmmmmmm.....

Varys and Oberyn meet before the Iron Throne. The two are feeling each other out, trying to figure out where they each stand. Varys questions Oberyn about his time in Essos, what he knows of the Unsullied. Oberyn is interested in Varys, where he came from, if he preferred boys or girls before his castration. Varys replies that he had no desire for either and that the absence of desire leaves one able to pursue other things. They both glance at the Iron Throne.

Jaime visits Tyrion in his cell, cuffs him, and brings him into the throne room where it looks like his trial is about to start. He is marched down the aisle to the catcall of Kingslayer. Tommen rises from the throne and announces that he is recusing himself from the trial and that Tywin will sit as judge in his place. Tywin takes the throne. (Now this is a man who looks like he belongs there).
Tywin asks Tyrion if he killed Joffrey, or if Sansa did. Tyrion says no. And then the witnesses against him are called in.
Meryn Trant recounts all of the times he threateded Joffrey, and slapped him before the battle of Blackwater.
Maester Pycelle reads off a long list of poisons that were missing from his possession and accuses Tyrion of plundering them.
Tywin asks if it was poison that killed Joffrey, Pycelle holds up Sansa's necklace and talks about the residue of poison left behind.
Cersei recounts the threats made to her by Tyrion
Varys also relays information condemning Tyrion about one of the small council meetings where they were told of Robb Stark's death, and how Tyrion did not seem overjoyed, and about kings dropping like flies. Tyrion asks for a question to Varys, and asks him--you once said you would not forget I saved the city. But Varys only says--sadly, milord, I never forget a thing.

Court is in recess, Jaime and Tywin have a talk, and Jaime pleads for mercy. It is not a trial, it is a farce. If Tyrion is found guilty, what will happen to the Lannister name? He is a King's Guard and can have no children, Cersei can not bear children with his name, it will fall to distant relatives, and we will be gone. He tells Tywin that if Tyrion is shown mercy, he will leave the King's Guard, marry, and have children to bear the Lannister name. Tywin says he will find him guilty ask him to plead for mercy and send him to the Night's Watch.

Jaime relays the conversation to Tyrion before the trial begins again and tells him to plead for mercy, keep his mouth shut, make no outbursts, and it will all be over soon.

The next witness is Shea. She has the most damning testimony of all. She tells the court that she knows Tyrion planned it all with Sansa, that Sansa wanted revenge for her father, brother, and mother. That he hated the king, the queen, and Lord Tywin. He stole the poison. Oberyn wants to know how she would know all this. She goes on to say she wasn't just the maid to Sansa, she was also his whore. That he stole her and made her do his bidding whenever he wanted. She takes every single loving moment that she and Tyrion shared and turns it into a degrading, filthy picture of Tyrion using her for his own sick purposes. She tells the court that Tyrion promised to kill Joffrey for Sansa. Tyrion looks sadly at Shea and tells her--please don't. Shea goes on to say how all he wanted was Sansa, and Sansa wouldn't let him into her bed, so he promised to kill King Joffrey for her.

He tells the court, he wishes to confess. He looks around angrily and says--I saved you, I saved the city and all your worthless lives. I should have let Stannis kill you all.
Tywin asks him again--Do you wish to confess?
Tyrion says--I'm guilty of being a dwarf. I've been on trial for that all my life. I did not do it, but I wish I had, I wish I was the monster you think I am. I wish I had enough poison for the whole pack of you--I would give my life to watch you all swallow it. I will not give my life for Joffrey's murder. I will get no justice here, so I will let the gods decide my fate, I demand a trial by combat.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2014, 11:57:30 PM by ponytail »


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