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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time - ABC  (Read 20685 times)

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Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #30 on: March 07, 2015, 02:32:23 PM »

Cruella is kind of awesome. As was the scene with Rumple wondering around in a robe and eating Ramon. I loved the bit about him (Rumple) being the Oxford prof who translated the spell for Belle.

HATE HATE HATE the scene with Belle and Hook where Belle barely seems to care about Rumple. Even worse is the spoiler they've teased about Belle hooking up with Will Scarlet. :banghead:

There is an episode coming up titled 'Mother' so I'm calling my old predication up about Regina being pregnant and that's why they focused so much on the horrible adultery scene between her and Robin Hood.

The ending with the Charmings confronting Cruella & Ursula about some secret was unexpected and mysterious. But it's hard to imagine it could be a very good secret from the supposedly pure of heart Snow (pre-Cora murder) and actually fairly pure of heart Charming. (I like Charming).

I'm intrigued by the possible Emma turn. The commercials they showed where she was making a kind of evil face were chilling in the best way.  I think she would make a great villain, but they need to go all the way with it if they're going to do it. Don't just have her toy with wickedness for an episode or two and then decide to be good. We need a good villain on this show who isn't constantly under pressure to be good all the time. We have plenty of those villains already. Think Peter Pan. A villain with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, who the heroes & semi-villains will have to team up to defeat.

I don't know. It's probably not going to be awesome whatever they actually do with it. That's kind of how I feel about OUAT right now.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 02:34:16 PM by Outlast »

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #31 on: March 07, 2015, 05:50:11 PM »
Actually, I watched Frozen the other night and think OUAT did an awesome job with 4A.  What I don't like is dealing with the villains.  I'm not happy with trying to turn Emma to the dark side.  It's like Darth Vader trying to turn Luke.

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #32 on: March 10, 2015, 10:11:27 PM »
You know what I think (ok hope)? That scene with Belle and Will Scarlett in the pawn shop window... totally fake! It's just the 'queens of darkness' messing with/getting even with Gold. Please let that be it!

Other than the horrible pawn shop window scene, I liked the episode a lot. The Charmings secret turned out to be a good one, rather than just a lame one and I certainly didn't see the evil baby coming.

New questions:
1. What happened to the baby? I'm assuming it wasn't killed (Charmings did it after all). My assumption is that they traded it to Rumple for some in-utero protection for Emma against becoming super evil. I've also read a theory that the Charmings sent the baby through to our world (through the magic wardrobe) and that the baby became Lily. That makes sense to me too.

2. Where is the baby now? Rumple does have a history of selling babies to childless monarchs... Belle doesn't have any siblings now does she? oh. my. gosh.  :-\
OK probably not.  :D
Perhaps the child somehow became the author? Less fun and probably not since you'd think the author would have to be a very old character indeed, although who knows?
Most likely the internet is right and the baby is Lily. Yawn.

3. Who is the baby's father? It could be utterly insignificant (like Zelena's worthless unmagical father), but it would be a lot more fun if it was someone we already know. Maybe 'The Dragon' Tamara killed back in season 2 in (the recently mentioned) Phuket? Dragon & Maleficent ... it would be rather fitting.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 10:13:07 PM by Outlast »

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2015, 09:59:18 AM »
quote author=Outlast link=topic=998.msg16399#msg16399 date=1426039887]
New questions:
1. What happened to the baby? I'm assuming it wasn't killed (Charmings did it after all). My assumption is that they traded it to Rumple for some in-utero protection for Emma against becoming super evil. I've also read a theory that the Charmings sent the baby through to our world (through the magic wardrob[e) and that the baby became Lily. That makes sense to me too.[/quote]

I wondered the same thing.  I don't know how they would get their hands on that baby.  Stephanie, my student worker, thinks it is Aurora.

2. Where is the baby now? Rumple does have a history of selling babies to childless monarchs... Belle doesn't have any siblings now does she? oh. my. gosh.  :-\
OK probably not.  :D
Perhaps the child somehow became the author? Less fun and probably not since you'd think the author would have to be a very old character indeed, although who knows?
Most likely the internet is right and the baby is Lily. Yawn.

Oh, I see your first thoughts ran the same way as mine.  Belle was obvious, wasn't she.  Lily would be a waste and I want to think of her as belonging on Neverland.

3. Who is the baby's father? It could be utterly insignificant (like Zelena's worthless unmagical father), but it would be a lot more fun if it was someone we already know. Maybe 'The Dragon' Tamara killed back in season 2 in (the recently mentioned) Phuket? Dragon & Maleficent ... it would be rather fitting.

Could be Belle's dad but this one won't be Rumple.  "The Dragon" would be obvious and he hinted that he would be back.

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #34 on: March 13, 2015, 08:36:56 AM »
Some site is holding a couple tournament here...

Rumbelle is up against a couple from How I met your Mother. Snow & Charming, Robin & Regina, Emma & Hook and bizarrely Emma & Regina are also up for the couple crown. They're are also some Big Bang couple and Castle and a lot of shows I've never seen.

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #35 on: March 13, 2015, 05:52:43 PM »
Oh and have you seen the Princess Rap Battles on YouTube?  -rollinglaugh-

I'd post them here if I knew how! :040:

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2015, 08:09:08 PM »
The Prankster is not an avid watcher of OUAT but he did catch Sunday's episode and has one observation:  Cruella has a really cool car.  The Prankster googled it and found it to be a slightly modified Zimmer Golden Spirit.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #37 on: March 17, 2015, 10:16:38 AM »
I fully agree it is one very COOL car.  I'd love to own that. 

What do you think?  Does Rumple know that Regina is lying?  And where will Emma join the group?  I hope Henry isn't involved.

And what a tease?  August is back but only for five minutes.  Come on!  Team him up with Emma already and make all of us happy.  Now that would be a match for Hook!

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #38 on: March 21, 2015, 03:28:35 PM »
After listening to various podcast hosts complain about Will Scarlets presence in Storybrooke with no explanation, I had a thought... What if he isn't really Will Scarlett? Instead he could be The Author or The Socerer in disguise! (Like Rumple/Hook this episode) Maybe I'm just grasping at any straw to explain why Belle is bahaving the way she has in season four. But I'd rather she was being fooled and manipulated by another wizard than believe that her love for Rumple was that weak.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #39 on: March 23, 2015, 11:29:44 AM »
After listening to various podcast hosts complain about Will Scarlets presence in Storybrooke with no explanation, I had a thought... What if he isn't really Will Scarlett? Instead he could be The Author or The Socerer in disguise! (Like Rumple/Hook this episode) Maybe I'm just grasping at any straw to explain why Belle is bahaving the way she has in season four. But I'd rather she was being fooled and manipulated by another wizard than believe that her love for Rumple was that weak.

Okay -- Ursula has her "happy ending."
I'm betting that Maleficient's happy ending involves her child.  Don't know how they'll get around this one.
Cruella is the stumper.  We don't know anything about Cruella except her log of dalmatian coats.  What else could she want?
And Rumple wants to turn the "Savior" black.  Looks like it might start.  But wait!  Haven't we had a hint of it before (like season one) and she never becomes dark.  She's good.  Could Emma be setting up a scam?

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2015, 08:56:42 AM »
Emma setting up a scam seems most likely given the general history of the show. I don't know that I care one way or another.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2015, 12:44:50 PM »
Okay last night's episode was interesting.  Here's why:

Rumple went and put the sleeping Belle to bed.  He plans to go get her later.
The author is there and while I'm not happy with who it is, I'm glad he's not in Rumple's clutches. 
Zelena's coming back for a while. Now that one is more fun that the trio is together.
Not liking that Snow took Malificent's child.  Granted they thought it was a dragon.
Not liking that Lilly (Lilth -- Bible connotation here) is the evil one to Emma's good one.
I think I know who will be the next author.
I'm seeing LOST resurface in some ways with the author's story.  Seeing also in the good/evil aspect of Emma/Lilth.  Just don't want an island with a mystery organization to appear.  Oh we had that in Season 2B.

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2015, 08:40:21 AM »
The purity of Snow & Charming's hearts is getting more and more ridicules after that bit about Mal's baby. At least Snow acknowledged that the darkness Regina saw in her heart started much earlier than she thought.

I'm still bitterly unhappy about the way the writer's have written Rumple and especially Belle this season.

Just fyi, Lilith is NOT in the Bible. She is an ancient myth often associated with the Bible, but she never appears in it's pages. Since Lilith is supposed to be evil to the core (both in myth and now thanks to the two idiots) in OUAT, I'm hoping she joins up with her mummy and Rumple to take out Storybrooke.  :violent-smiley-007:

I'm sure it won't happen though. Rumple will continue to be heartbroken, Regina will get yet another happy ending and Snow and Charming will continue doing stupid crap and wondering if they really are heroes or not. :banghead:

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #43 on: April 01, 2015, 02:19:35 PM »
Lilith myth -- forgot that.  Maybe I need to stop reading the myths. 

Okay -- not sure why they're doing what they're doing.  If a hero is human, of course, they're going to do some "bad things."  The heart thing with Snow was a little over the top.  When part of her heart was taken for Charming, I didn't see any black did you?  Snow and Charming are human.  A thief isn't a good person.  He lied about who he is.  We have to accept them but I never saw them as good.

Rumple needs to make a change but I'm not sure how.  Someone would have to kill him with the dagger wouldn't they?  I don't  want him gone!  Otherwise, could someone claim the power.  I'd love to see him have a happy ending.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time - ABC
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2015, 05:43:08 PM »
The Prankster has a question:  How did Ursula get her happy ending without a re-write from the author?

Rumple won't and can't die.  He's by far the most interesting character in the story.  Will Henry become the next author?  (the Prankster believes the writers will get rid of the current putz of an author)


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