The Reality Buzz

Open Floor => Post Games => Topic started by: ponytail on March 26, 2013, 02:43:13 PM

Title: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 26, 2013, 02:43:13 PM
A new game to play, be outlandish!

Would you rather be Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker.

I'll go first.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 26, 2013, 02:45:25 PM
Luke Skywalker--I've always wanted a light saber!

Would you rather play leap frog with a porcupine or catch with a hornet's nest.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: NittanyFuzz on March 26, 2013, 03:26:03 PM
I'll try Leap Frog with a porcupine...I'm allergic to bee stings!   -Bee-

Would you rather....

Fall asleep during a really good movie ~ or ~ stay awake during a boring blah, blah movie?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on March 26, 2013, 03:50:28 PM
stay awake during a boring one as I so do not want to miss anything good :cool2: :41:

Would you rather.....
Knock over a bee hive while camping and you are in your swimwear and barefoot  :29: :32:or run into big foot while you are baracuing in the camp ground and big fott looks very mad and hungry :103: :16:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on March 26, 2013, 10:16:05 PM
Hmmm, run into Bigfoot as I am allergic to bees  -Bee-

Would you rather...........

Hop around on an 100 degree sunny day dressed as the Easter Bunny, singing "Here Comes Peter Cottontail," and handing out melted chocolate eggs to children with the chicken pox (and you have never had them)  OR  ride in a Fiat, on the hottest day of the year, no air conditioning, with seven angry turkeys?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on March 27, 2013, 11:51:30 AM
The fiat with the turkeys :16:

Would you rather....

Have to pogo stick travel all the way across the united states or  walk backwards for one day and then walk in a circle for the 2nd day and then the 3rd day, stand still the whole day :41: :29: :smiley_confused1: :035:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on March 27, 2013, 03:47:42 PM
 :73:   It will be challenging...but, I'd rather  WALK...backwards ,& in a circle and then stand still
I don't know how to...  pogo

  Would you back and forth across a football field 3 times, then hop onto a bike for a mile ride and finish it off with a refreshing milkshake of .... curdled milk.....  -duh-

or.... climb a really tall mountain peak in a blizzard with no ropes, and then at the peak overnight without a tent.
Only food for this whole venture...dried bugs.   :86:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 27, 2013, 04:53:21 PM
 -LOL- gimme the football field and curdled milk, at least I wouldn't have to worry about falling off a mountain.

walk on broken glass or walk on hot coals
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on March 27, 2013, 05:27:43 PM
Walk on broken glass.  I don't like anything hot.

Fix a meal by yourself for 50 people or wash the dishes in a busy restaurant for 24  hours straight.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on March 27, 2013, 10:47:27 PM
Fix a meal by myself for fifty people.

Would you rather.......

Live in a world where giant, friendly gummy bears walk around all day  OR wake up every morning covered in ham and not know how it got there?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 27, 2013, 11:50:14 PM
I like gummy bears!

Would you rather enter a hot dog eating contest with Big Brother houseguests or a pie eating contest with former Survivors.

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on March 28, 2013, 10:15:07 AM
Pie eating contest! Banana cream please!

Would you rather roast marshmallows on the sun OR be forced to watch reruns of "Charles in Charge" for 24 hours straight?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 28, 2013, 10:19:45 AM
Gimme some of that Scott Baio!

Would you rather ride a bicycle over bumpy terrain carrying a basket of bad fish on your head or gallop a horse across an obstacle course surrounded by pygmies with poison darts.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on March 28, 2013, 12:28:14 PM
 -LOL-  Pymies!

Would you rather....

Be forced to listen to Paris Hilton entire life story while tied to a chair with no food and water
or  Have to go to a vanity 6 renion concert and it is 6 hours long :41:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on March 28, 2013, 12:52:38 PM
I will take the Vanity 6 concert. 

Would you rather.....

Be run aground while gunkholing with eight inebriated leprechauns with head lice who cannot swim OR be washed ashore on an island inhabited by a group of Gilbert Gottfried clones who have been taking No Doze for 5 days straight?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 28, 2013, 03:17:21 PM
Well I have no idea what gunkholing is  ??? but I don't want to be anywhere near leprechauns with head lice, so I guess I will try gilbert on no-doze and plug my ears with seaweed.

Would you rather mow the grass in 100+ weather, or scoop snow in -10 weather.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: cak416 on March 28, 2013, 04:59:42 PM
Scoop snow in -10 definitely. I hate heat.

Would you rather sleep in late or get up early to have a "spa" date with a friend?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on March 28, 2013, 07:14:54 PM
sleep in late.

Would you rather...........

be stuck off Alaska, on a cruise ship w/neither power nor working toilets, along with 2000 "swinging single" munchkins who just polished off an 800 gallon vat of bourbon and Maalox, took off their clothes, began mooning Orcas, playing Twister and singing "We represent the lollipop guild"  OR  be stuck in a Range Rover that ran out of gas in the middle of the Serengeti with a family of baboons reaching through the open windows trying to snatch your bling and an elderly, badly nearsighted, lovesick Tarzan staring at you through the moon roof and pleading "Please Jane, come back.  I know I can't swing as well as I once could but I can swing ONCE as well as I ever could."?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 28, 2013, 08:38:44 PM
aaaaaah...ahahah-ahah.....aaaaaah--that's supposed to be my Tarzan call--just call me Jane. -LOL- (strangely enough some friends and I are looking at going on an Alaskan cruise later this year.)

Would you rather be jammed into a car trunk with 33 rats wanting a warm place to snuggle, or be jammed into an elevator with 33 flea ridden dogs itching like crazy.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on March 28, 2013, 09:08:43 PM
FLEAS! Yikes! I'll take the rats.

Would you rather.........

Be locked in a volkswagen bug on a sizzling summer day, for six hours, no ac and the windows are jammed shut, with three sweaty sumo wrestlers who are unfamiliar with deodorant, ate copious amounts of beans and sun chokes for lunch and are starting to feel the "gassy after effects," and in between very juicy onion dip burps are singing "Love Will Keep Us Together."  OR  take a nice road trip, down Route 66, in an El Camino with two cannabis loving Yetis who have just learned to speak and every third word coming from their mouths is "Maaaaaaaahvelous," the radio is stuck on a channel that plays "Muskrat Love" 24 hours a day, and every five minutes you have to stop for a Yeti "bathroom break" as road food is very irritating to their sensitive stomachs.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on March 29, 2013, 01:31:55 AM
I think I'll opt for the drive down Rte. 66

Would you rather.......

Be caught in a raging blizzard in your nightgown , after going outside to get the morning newspaper and the nightgown gets soaking wet and then see through when all of a sudden you see the mailman at the house next to yours crossing over the lawn to deliver your mail... OR  ... be on a terrifying airplane ride sitting next to a woman weeping and praying while the oxygen masks dangle in front of you and have no air in them... and the pilot says... every man , woman and child is....on their own?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on March 29, 2013, 07:33:42 AM
Since I don't wear a nightgown..............well, almost never..............I guess I'll be gasping for oxygen.

Would you rather..........

Have a migraine for 12 hours or be next up at the local "Colin's Drive Thru Colonoscopy" franchise?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on March 29, 2013, 10:02:07 AM
Gimme back that Advil, and I'll take the migraine.

Would you rather be the mailman that ran into the person in the see through nightgown, or see the prankster in a nightgown.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on March 31, 2013, 10:59:28 AM
See the prankster in a night gown!

Would you rather watch a room full of screaming and hyper children or swim in a swamp infested with alligators?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: mystico on April 01, 2013, 10:25:20 AM
gimme the gators

would you rather be chased by a pack of cute golden retriever puppies or chased by a pack of beautiful women in bikinis
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 01, 2013, 12:21:27 PM
See the prankster in a night gown

Court, be careful what you wish for.................... :smiley_confused1:

Beautiful women in bikinis (can I allow them to catch me?)

Would you rather........................

travel in time or travel anywhere in the world whenever you want to?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 04, 2013, 12:34:15 PM
I like my modern conveniences so I think I would travel the world..first stop, Paris.

Would you rather go for 48 hours without talking to anybody, or go for 48 hours without using your laptop or phone.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: mystico on April 05, 2013, 10:55:04 AM
go withoug laptop and phone

would you rather enter a warrior dash or a color run
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 05, 2013, 01:20:53 PM
warrior run (probably my last)

Would you rather..............

tell the story or be the story?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 05, 2013, 02:20:56 PM
tell the story

would you rather be an author or be an actor?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: cak416 on April 05, 2013, 05:37:29 PM
be an author

Would you rather be on Survivor or Big Brother?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 05, 2013, 08:35:49 PM
I think I would prefer Big Brother, but I would probably be booted out right away!
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 05, 2013, 08:41:36 PM
Would you rather eat a 12 piece bucket of chicken with the Colonel or a six pack and a pound with Taco John?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on April 06, 2013, 11:18:34 PM
Give me the chicken!

Would you rather swim with sharks or smell like stinky feet for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 07, 2013, 12:47:06 PM
Ugh! -Silly face- to both of those.

I think I will swim with some baby sharks.

Eat chocolate pudding or banana pudding every day for the rest of your life.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 07, 2013, 03:52:37 PM
chocolate pudding

Would you rather..........

Be a tester of S&M mattresses filled with carpet tacks and bed bugs or be swinging by your hands on a greased trapeze 50 feet above a pool of crocodiles that just came off 30 days on the Scarsdale Diet with your catch partner Stubby, the black sheep of the Wallendas due to his stubby arms and ten thumbs, yelling "let go!  I'm two for three today!"
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 08, 2013, 01:52:23 PM
First of all...... :bravo_2:

I will take my chances on the vermin ridden mattress!

Would you rather....

Be forced to do push ups in a rubber suit in the middle of the Mojave desert with three angry munchkins strapped to your back who are  covered with poison ivy and itching and oozing like crazy and complaining loudly in ubbie dubbie OR be forced to eat the culinary delights of a self proclaimed chef who has poor hygiene habits, drips copious amounts of sweat into everything he cooks, and never reads expiration dates?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 08, 2013, 02:36:02 PM
Ok the munchins :steeringwheel: :72:

Would you rather....

Fall into a huge vat of shaving cream naked and then fall into a giant vat of salt and then slip on an oil slick and find your clothes there to put on  :16: :040: :57:
Be walking backwards with a swarm of bees coming towards you and you are heading towards all aligator swamp and your shirt is covered in honey and your pants have fallen off -Silly face- :106: :72:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 08, 2013, 03:42:56 PM
 -LOL- I'll take the shaving cream. 

Would you rather find yourself naked in the middle of a big shopping mall with everyone pointing and laughing at your body or be at a luncheon in your honor and as you get up to speak you throw up all over your plate and the two people on each side of you. 
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 08, 2013, 10:01:30 PM
Hmmmm....sounds like a dream I've had. Naked I guess.

Would you rather take 10 mastiffs wanting to go different directions for a walk, or scoop up after said mastiffs have been in a tiny backyard for 24 hours after gorging themselves on peanut butter and bacon fat sandwiches.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 08, 2013, 10:52:36 PM
 -LOL- I will walk the mastiffs!

Would you rather.....

Swim naked in a pond full of leeches OR swim in a chum filled swimsuit just off the Great Barrier Reef?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 09, 2013, 11:38:12 AM
-LOL- I will walk the mastiffs!

Would you rather.....

Swim naked in a pond full of leeches OR swim in a chum filled swimsuit just off the Great Barrier Reef?

I feel like the barrier reef, but not bare assed! -loll

Would you rather.....

Have to eat thru a wall of blueberry pie to get outside    :41: :bluegrab:
have the biggest fan blowing you so hard that it flings you into the birds that wanted to finish off the Alfred Hitchcock movie with their name in it? :c029:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 09, 2013, 12:46:07 PM
Let me at that wall of pie! -eatincake- -Warmingup-

Would you rather.........................

meet the man in the moon or the person behind the voice in your head?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 09, 2013, 11:01:13 PM
The person behind the voice in my head  :017:

Would you rather......

Be locked in a phone booth with six angry, belching, flea infested, unwashed yetis who have just noshed on some old sardines and are heavy mouth breathers, in a parking lot in sunny Arizona, on the hottest day of the year for three hours OR go to work everyday, for two weeks, wearing nothing but a grass skirt, coconut bra top, and hot pink crocs, in the middle of the coldest December on record, every fifteen minutes being forced to sing "Tiny Bubbles" while standing on your desk and shimmying about like a Hula dancer?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 10, 2013, 11:31:55 AM
coconut bra, when else could I ever wear one :29:

Would you rather...

Have to walk like this for one month.  Take 5 steps sideways, then 3 backwards, then jump in the air and then fart :bravo_2: :41: :d030:


Have to be stuck in an airport for one week and eat all their food and wash up in the bathroom :73: :96: :16:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 11, 2013, 09:30:09 AM
Airport--although I'd be broke at their prices...

Would you rather catch 20 frogs covered in poison ivy or catch 20 rats with razor sharp teeth and oozing pus filled boils.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 11, 2013, 11:15:17 PM
Catch the frogs!

Would you rather.......

Be stuck on an island for several weeks with George Clooney (Jen Aniston for the men), who is feeling quite randy and wanting a smooch but there is nothing to eat on the island but garlic, onions, and durian, and said "smoocher" has been chowing on the island delights for several days and has breath like a dumpster on a hot day  and will not stop chasing you until he/she gets a kiss OR be strapped to a chair with a drunken Chuck Woolery and forced to watch "Barney and Friends" non-stop for 72 hours with nothing to eat but potted meat and sardines?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 12, 2013, 12:40:22 PM
Ok is this a set up....if I was single and on the Island, Jennifer Anston for sure :72:

Would you rather....

Have 4 lege and two heads and one head has eyes in the back of your head ??? :lol_hitting:


Have a brand new car that broke down and you are on a mountain road all alone with no cell phone connection and may be there for at least several days and it is hot and the wolves come out at night :smiley_confused1: :73: :33:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 12, 2013, 06:36:09 PM
I'll take the car and my chances.

Would you rather…………

Be a tester for Melania Trump by rolling around in a vat of Beluga Caviar with a bunch of angry “Big Mama” Sturgeon thrashing around trying to break your ribs while fending off a group of undocumented munchkins who escaped from the local Kellogg’s factory and are trying to climb into the vat because they have been genetically re-engineered to consume caviar and poop pristine Honey Nut Cheerios for packaging and sale---

OR fight a duel at 40 paces with The Donald in which the winner will be the first to convert his/her Don King “I just saw a ghost” perm into “The Donald”s” trademark comb over, under, sideways, back and forth, etc. by using only the following items:  A can of “Diamond Dust Hair Spray” by The Donald,  an “Emerald Dust Hairbrush” by The Melania and a combo “Ruby Dust Comb/Hair Pik/Toothpick” by The Ivanka;   if you win you receive a full scholarship to the Barbizon School of Hairstyling and Psychology located above the Car Guys’ Auto Repair Shop;  if you lose you become  a permanent contestant on Celebrity Apprentice with Gary Busey as your project manager and Omarosa as your teammate and you are fired each week in sequence by The Donald, The Melania, The Ivanka  and the youngest member of the Trump Clan, 2 year-old The Baby Stardust.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 12, 2013, 09:45:25 PM
Could you repeat that please?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 13, 2013, 07:09:29 AM
Could you repeat that please?

Only for you will I do this.

Before we get started, why don't you grab a cup of coffee.  I'll wait........................................Got it?  Good.  Now, take three deep breaths............slowly.................................Are you done?  Good.

Please take the time to read the repeated question thoroughly.  Here it is.....

Would you rather..................

be the ball or kick the ball?   


Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on April 13, 2013, 07:11:16 AM
Kick the ball

Would you rather sit beside a stinky person or go into a stinky place
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 13, 2013, 11:05:14 AM
Sit beside a stinky person.........I can always move! Lol!

Would you rather..........

Be forced to listen to Tiny Tim sing Proust's "Swann's Way" OR have the world's worst tattoo artist, who has an awful time with spelling, tattoo "semel in anno licet insanire" across your back while riding in an off road vehicle on a very bumpy trail.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 13, 2013, 02:06:34 PM
Tiny Tim--painful on the ear drums, but....

Would you rather wash all the outside windows of the Empire State building while being pelted by hail and thunderbolts thrown by Zeus, or wash all of the dishes by hand in the restaurants of Mumbai with the helpful aid of the monkey population. -dishes-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 13, 2013, 07:09:29 PM
Mumbai and Monkeys here I come!

Would you rather..............

Take off your clothes and play Twister with a bunch of drunk, naked, frisky Munchkins or play strip poker with Andre the Giant, Chris Christie, Louie Anderson, and Jabba the Hutt all of whom are wearing only thongs, tie-dyed bandanas, neckties and brown wingtips w/no socks.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 14, 2013, 05:43:45 PM
Let's see....I guess it will be the munchkins as I have always loved a good game of Twister

Would you rather---be trapped in a boring lecture hall with no air conditionning listening to a three hour diatribe on dust mites by someone who uses words like henceforth, point of fact, like, and irregardless or be trapped by a coworker in your cubicle while they go on and on about their inner bodily functions all the while treating you to an assortment of stinky farts, burps, hacking coughs, and spittle sprayed all over your face.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 14, 2013, 08:03:41 PM
I'll put up with the words.  At least that's the theory hypothesis.

Would you rather............

Make a 20 foot putt to win the Masters and be the hero of your native land or miss the putt and fall in love with a munchkin?

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 14, 2013, 11:23:06 PM
Make the putt

Would you rather........

Have the fleas of 1,000 camels infest your underarms OR go over Niagara Falls, locked in a barrel, with three angry woodchucks and one very confused John-Claude Van Damme?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on April 15, 2013, 01:30:58 AM
Go over the dam... I don't want to be itchy.... :32:

Would you rather be stuck in a hot, stinky elevator with rabid cats for two hours or on a Carnival cruise that's gone ..."wrong" for a week?   -Dancekick-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 15, 2013, 08:29:58 AM
I'll take my chances with the stinky cats!  -LOL-

Would you rather......

Live like a squirrel for a week OR live like a kangaroo?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 15, 2013, 11:33:33 AM
kangaroo...I like jumping on my pogo stick legs -Silly face-

Would you rather......

Be a fart or be the fallen tree that everyone sits on :29: :bluegrab: :33:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 16, 2013, 02:49:18 PM
Great choices, CM.  Sheesh!   Fallen tree.

Would you rather.....................

Be on DWTS or SPLASH!?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on April 16, 2013, 04:55:37 PM
 Be on DWTS and dance with Tony!!!!   kiss1

Would you rather a brand new fancy car or an old ,shiny like new, classic?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 16, 2013, 05:02:54 PM
I always wanted a classic!

Would you rather spend 24 hours alone in a room with Daffy Duck chugging 5 hr. energy drinks or spend 24 hours alone in a room being taught animal husbandry by the secretary of agriculture who has yet to figure out how to use his promethean board.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 17, 2013, 06:33:52 PM
I'll take Daffy Duck.

Had you rather teach a room full of 13 and 14 year old how to do calculus with half of them having ADHD, or take 20 four and five years olds to an amusement park all by yourself?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 17, 2013, 11:22:49 PM
Yikes! Snow, this is a tough one.  I will pick the 13 and 14 year olds with ADHD!

Would you rather........

Ride in a duck boat on a very windy day, downwind of a man with questionable hygiene who likes his chewing tobacco, spits a lot, is snacking on limburger and onion sandwiches, and and does not embrace the idea of deodorant  OR play spin the bottle with six drunken leprechauns who have never seen a toothbrush?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 18, 2013, 12:02:55 PM
Ok, I will take the lepracans, maybe one could be female and cute :72: :93:

Would you rather be stuck in the mud and cannot get out while a crocidle is heading your way  :c029: ??? or

have to eat Sushi all day for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 weeks... :41: :33: :91:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 18, 2013, 02:34:02 PM
Sushi, please!

Would you rather be up the creek without a paddle or one beer short of a six pack.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 18, 2013, 11:02:10 PM
One beer short of a six pack

Would you rather...........

Wake up in a hotel in Las Vegas, surrounded by empty wine bottles, five chickens, a tennis racquet, with a clown named "Jinks," who has no teeth, dancing around your room singing "Unchained Melody," a tattoo of Bea Arthur on your left butt cheek, and find yourself married to an oompa loompa  OR  Wander the streets of NYC for one week, with a troupe of Abe Vigoda look alikes who have been snorting no doze for six days straight and must stop at every Starbucks for a triple latte, and be forced to say "what's our vector Victor," to every woman wearing black pants?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 19, 2013, 12:44:37 PM
One beer short of a six pack

Would you rather...........

Wake up in a hotel in Las Vegas, surrounded by empty wine bottles, five chickens, a tennis racquet, with a clown named "Jinks," who has no teeth, dancing around your room singing "Unchained Melody," a tattoo of Bea Arthur on your left butt cheek, and find yourself married to an oompa loompa  OR  Wander the streets of NYC for one week, with a troupe of Abe Vigoda look alikes who have been snorting no doze for six days straight and must stop at every Starbucks for a triple latte, and be forced to say "what's our vector Victor," to every woman wearing black pants?

 -LOL-  Just cuz I liked Barney Miller, the Abe Vigoda...

Would you rather be in a crowed elevator and have to let out a huge fart and cannot hold it in :16:
Be sitting on a plane next to an orge that farts allot -SPLAT- -loll :lol_hitting:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 19, 2013, 01:37:45 PM
I'd rather do the farting.  Mine don't stink. -LOL-

Had you rather be sitting at a machine in a casino losing your shirt while people on each side of you are winning thousands and thousands or have a winning lottery ticket and lose it?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 21, 2013, 06:42:16 PM
I'll take losing the lottery ticket.  Better to have lotto'd and lost...........

Would you rather........................

be chased by a tribe of crazed cannibal-zombie Munchkins who have a huge crockpot, four "D" cell batteries, and an assortment of razor-sharp cutlery or be the first bachelor (use your imaginations ladies) on a revised edition of The Bachelor in which you have to select and marry one woman from a group of 25 "black widows," each of whom has had at least two husbands die under "mysterious circumstances.?"
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 21, 2013, 10:36:43 PM
I will take my chances with the "black widows."

Would you rather.......

Go tubing "commando" in a shallow river filled with hungry snapping turtles  OR  listen to an audiobook of "War and Peace" read by Barney (everyones favorite purple dinosaur)?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 22, 2013, 09:56:16 AM
Let's get the pain over with quickly and go with the snapping turtles.

Would you rather win the lottery and never have to work again, or get your dream job whatever that might be.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 22, 2013, 11:54:47 AM
dream job, do not want to get too spoiled -LOL-

Would you rather.....
Find a new island, but you are stranded there with a half of a dozen strangers, male and female... -Dancekick- -Grouphug-
or   Find a new planet, but you are in a spaceship and are crash landing there to stay with a half dozen aquantances and maybe some alien life forms... :16:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 22, 2013, 01:36:39 PM
I've always wanted to go to space.

Would you rather ride the roller coaster nonstop for 24 hours after participating in a hot dog and pie eating contest or enter a hot dog and pie eating contest while you are simultaneously being tickled and scared by an assortment of clowns, rowdy toddlers, and I'll throw in a munchkin for MP.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 25, 2013, 01:58:55 PM
If it involves a munchkin I'm in.  Tickled and scared.

Would you rather.....................

Write the great AMerican novel as your first book and never again write anything that approaches it (and know it) or write a series of pretty good novels but never achieve greatness?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 27, 2013, 07:57:35 AM
Tough one MP, btw did I ever tell you how much I enjoy your "Would you rathers?".   No, you never have MP, but thank you. :smiley_confused1: :smiley_confused1:

Great American novel.

Would you the dental hygienist for a clan of black mambas that included the mischievous twins La Bamba and Samba or be the massage therapist for a clan of porcupines that included the mischievous twins Pins and Needles?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 27, 2013, 09:12:53 AM
 -LOL- I will take my chances with Pins and Needles!

Would you rather......

Play tiddlywinks with manhole covers OR hopscotch with a landshark?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 27, 2013, 01:41:07 PM

travel the entire length of the Appalachian trail on a pogo stick, or swim the Mississippi River using only the backstroke
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on April 28, 2013, 01:00:28 AM
I would swim the Mississippi on my back.  That would be much easier for me. 

Had you rather paddle a rowboat up the Mississippi River or go down Niagara Falls in a barrel?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 28, 2013, 09:49:11 AM
Over we go!

Would you rather slurp 3 plates of spaghetti or chug a six-pack of cheap beer.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 28, 2013, 12:18:49 PM
MMMMMMM, spaghetti!

Would you rather.......

Give a ham sandwich eating Mama Cass lookalike a piggyback ride up Mt. Everest OR slide down K2 on a metal saucer that is all greased up with WD40 (Christmas Vacation style) with an angry munchkin strapped to your back?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on April 29, 2013, 12:26:11 PM
the angry munchin, maybe I can calm him down -LOL- -Dancekick-

Would you rather....

Find the center of the earth and just as you are down there, the way out caves in and this is your new you see something very angry looking at you in the dark
 :c029: :17: :bluegrab:


Be under 17 orgers that are from Lord of the Rings and have not bathed for 14 days and then fart allot and then are all sitting on top of you and all around you and you have no where to go... -loll :16: -Grouphug- :33:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 30, 2013, 06:24:00 PM
YIKES!  Talk about your Hobson's choice.  Give me a Bic lighter and I'll take the orgers.

Would you the in-water swimming instructor for a group of young Pirhanas that includes the mischievous triplets Nip, Nibble and Bite-Sized, all of whom have just had their adult teeth grow in and are chomping at the bit to get started OR be the on-ground flight instructor/practice target for a group of young seagulls (that includes the mischievous triplets Bombs Away!, Smart Bomb, and Oops!) who are part of the clan know as the "White Devils" who en masse execute low-level runs and cluster bomb unsuspecting beachgoers?

-Bee-  Anniversary
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 30, 2013, 11:25:05 PM
First of all........what is an orger?   :confuse:

I will take the seagull triplets.

Would you rather.......

Go on vacation with six Leprechauns, all of which have been drinking heavily for six days, have fallen into a patch of poison ivy while urinating in the woods and are now itching and oozing and scratching furiously, and there is only one room available at the resort and you will have to share the bed with the "Pruritus Posse" OR go camping in a pup tent in the heat of the summer with two rowdy mountain men who love to sit round and eat beans all day and use their fragrant "natural gas" to light up the tent so the other can read the NY Times?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 01, 2013, 12:25:40 AM
First of all........what is an orger?   :confuse:

I don't know,  I simply repeated the term posted by the questioner.  I believe he might be within the range of your voice as I write this. :72:

Now I've roped myself into answering your question.  I suppose I'm just an accidental a-hole. -Silly face-

I'll take a gas mask and the NY Times.

Would you rather be......................double bunking in the asylum w/Bill O'Reilly who keeps repeating "No spin zone---Jon Stewart wears granny gowns---word of the day 'dingleberry'" and occasionally gets in your face and keeps saying "Did you kill Lincoln?  Did you kill Kennedy?  Did you kill Jesus?" OR
triple bunk in the asylum w/Dennis Rodman who keeps proposing marriage to you and wants to honeymoon in North Korea w/his best buddy and Gary Busey who thinks he's a mechanical dog, keeps slobbering all over a tennis ball and brings it to you so you can throw it for him to fetch over and over?

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 01, 2013, 11:27:47 AM
 -LOL-  Oh an orger or what I was trying to spell is the green big guys from Shrek! -SPLAT- -Silly face- :lol_hitting:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 03, 2013, 08:06:46 AM
Moving things along-------Bill O'Reilly.  We can discuss his days as a hard-hitting journalist with "A Current Affair."  (Truly----I don't have anything against BO specifically.  I'm an equal opportunity hater of all political pundits.)

Would you rather..........................have a slam-dunk contest with a Yeti or a limbo contest with a munchkin?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 03, 2013, 08:37:46 AM
Limbo with the munchkin.

Would you rather......

Attend "Rigoletto" with Ronald McDonald who pops out of his seat every five minutes and screams "I'm loving it!" before sitting down and letting out a juicy sausage belch OR Take a tour of the red light district in Amsterdam with the Burger King who has spent too much time in a "coffee house" and is stuffing his face with day old bread and saying to everyone he passes, "have it your way" with a wink and a smile?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 03, 2013, 11:23:44 PM
Love a good opera!

Would you rather be with Lucy when she stuffed her face with chocolates on a conveyor belt or chugged bottles of vitameatavegamin.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 04, 2013, 06:55:21 PM
Conveyor belt.

Would you rather...............

boogie with a Boa or dance with the devil?

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 04, 2013, 07:55:28 PM
I'll boogie with a Boa.  I want to stay away from that devil.

Would you rather eat chocolate covered ants with a glass of oil and vinegar to wash it down or be tarred and feathered and run out of town.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 06, 2013, 02:32:44 PM
Would you rather catch 10 greasy pigs--skin, gut, stuff apples in their mouths and roast them slowly on a spit that you have to turn by hand or pluck the feathers from 10 none too happy ostriches and make an assortment of feather fans, boas and hats for a troupe of aged, toothless burlesque dancers that insist you help them shave their legs and armpits.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 14, 2013, 11:04:09 PM
I'll be the feather plucker/shaver (eyes closed---I don't warrant my work).

Would you rather............................

Have to dance for hours in 6 inch heels and too tight shoes or wear neon pink sneakers to a black tie event?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 15, 2013, 02:49:20 PM
I'll take the neon pink sneakers.

Would you rather be forced to sit in a six hour long, boring meeting without being able to get out of your seat or eat a fried rat?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 15, 2013, 05:17:37 PM
Meeting.  The Prankster has perfected sleeping w/his eyes open.

Would you rather....................

drive a NASCAR car at over 200 MPH or hang glide starting at 10000 feet?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 17, 2013, 07:29:54 AM
Why MP, I think I would rather drive the Nascar car.

Would you rather....................

Have a high jump contest w/a group of Yetis using pogo sticks on the summit of Mt. Everest or have a chocolate covered ant-eating contest with an armadillo?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 17, 2013, 10:26:25 AM
Looks like a loss either way, but at least with the ants I might have a chance at survival.

Would you rather plunge into a huge ball pit with 100 toddlers in dirty diapers, or dive into a pool of jello with the cast-offs of Splash (and a leprechaun)  playing Marco Polo.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 20, 2013, 07:48:18 AM
If Louie Anderson is involved I'll take my chances with the toddlers.

Change a squirmy toddler's cloth diaper (using diaper pins) with only your thumbs or be allergic to chocolate?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 20, 2013, 09:57:53 AM
I could change a diaper in my sleep, but not with my thumbs, so I will be allergic to chocolate.

 Would you rather chop down a tree and break it up into kindling or haul enough water (uphill) to fill 20 horse troughs.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 21, 2013, 08:08:03 AM

Would you rather...............

be the Queen or be the Queen maker?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 21, 2013, 10:14:38 AM
 the Queen

Would you rather be the head cheese taster in a Limburger cheese factory, or be the head sampler at a hot sauce factory.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on May 22, 2013, 04:24:33 PM
Bring on the hot sauce!

Would you rather be an actor in a movie or producing a movie?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 22, 2013, 05:16:16 PM

Would you rather..........................have no memory or have no conscience?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 22, 2013, 05:52:20 PM
no conscience

Would you rather..........

Dance with the devil in the pale moonlight or be a knight in white satin?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 22, 2013, 05:55:20 PM
knight in white satin

would you rather......

Share a sandwich with a freind or    look in the mirror to see something good? _Rainbow_
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 22, 2013, 05:56:43 PM
Look in a mirror to see something good.

Would you rather..........

Drink pink champagne or red wine?  :72:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 22, 2013, 05:58:16 PM
Look in a mirror to see something good.

Would you rather..........

Drink pink champagne or red wine?  :72:

red wine

would you rather

be dirty or clean? -dishes- _Vacum_ -SHOWER- -Cryinglaughing-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 22, 2013, 05:59:44 PM
Depends on who I am with...... :72:    :88:

Would you rather..........

See a concert in an outdoor stadium or an indoor arena?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: sherylk on May 23, 2013, 12:34:03 AM
Outdoor stadium

Would you rather...

Have one incredibly great day with a loved one, or 365 with a stranger?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 23, 2013, 12:41:35 AM
One with a love one.

Would you rather watch the sun rise or watch the sun set?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 23, 2013, 07:43:28 AM
sun rise

Would you rather be..................

Older but wiser or younger but foolish?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 23, 2013, 08:22:31 AM
older but wiser

Would you rather......

Have a six hour shopping spree at Nordstrom or Amoeba Records?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 23, 2013, 11:33:22 AM
Amoeba Records -Dancekick- -duh- :29: :72: :93:

Would you rather
Be able to eat whatever you wanted for as long as you wanted, but you could not then brush your teeth all day :smiley_confused1: :-\ :57: :03:


Find an genie lamp and when you rub it, your Genie comes out to grant your 3 wishes , but the genie gets one wish of their choosing in return  -Cryinglaughing- -sneaky- -dunno- :a102:8)
 :lol_hitting: :051bye: :a102:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 23, 2013, 11:47:35 AM
I'll take the genie lamp.

Would you rather have a vacation home on the beach or in the mountains?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 23, 2013, 11:13:08 PM
In the mountains!

Would you rather be a taste tester for Guinness or be a taste tester for Dom Perignon?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 24, 2013, 10:04:09 AM
Dom Perignon

Would you rather peel 100 apples with a dull knife, or dice 100 onions with a sharp one.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 24, 2013, 10:29:29 AM
I would rather peel the apples, onions make me cry.

Would you rather.....

Teach 50 drunken leprechauns how to speak Italian OR roll around in your bathing suit in a patch of poison ivy?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 24, 2013, 11:16:04 AM
I'll take the teaching job over the poison ivy but I'd have to learn Italian first  -rollinglaugh- :043:

Would you rather have your computer go out  :33: or your TV break down.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 24, 2013, 11:23:54 AM
computer out, I love me shows -Bee- :72:

Would you rather find a buried treasure worth $1,000,000,000,000,000 :a102:

or find your love of your life :88: :whoo: :035:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 24, 2013, 07:00:04 PM
I'll take the money (I already have the love of my life)  :88:

Would you rather.........

Take a trip in a UFO or be able to breathe underwater?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 24, 2013, 07:02:27 PM
UFO, I want to see the others

Would you rather wake up with a happy feeling :whoo: or go to sleep happy ?:bedtime2:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 26, 2013, 05:32:06 PM
Wake up happy!

Would you rather eat boiled peanuts or parched peanuts?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on May 26, 2013, 06:35:12 PM
I say parched peanuts...I could alway drink something...and I never heard of boiling a peanut.

Would you a hotdog at home or have to walk a mile in the snow to have a luscious steak dinner?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 26, 2013, 06:48:31 PM
Always been a fan of hot dogs...snow, not so much, unless it's a reality buzz Snow.

Would you rather search for mushrooms in a tick infested forest or go strawberry picking in ground infested with fire ants.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on May 28, 2013, 08:58:27 PM
Bring on the ticks!

Would you rather break your ankle or break your wrist.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on May 28, 2013, 10:52:18 PM
OUCH! I will take the wrist.

Would you rather......

Have one tooth or a mouth chock full of nasty ole' teeth?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on May 28, 2013, 11:28:49 PM
I say parched peanuts...I could alway drink something...and I never heard of boiling a peanut.

Would you a hotdog at home or have to walk a mile in the snow to have a luscious steak dinner?

They are delicious.  I guess it is a Southern thing.  They have boiled peanuts for sale everywhere here, especially Farmer's Markets.  Anyone else had boiled peanuts?

Prairie Dawn, I guess I would have to go with the nasty ole' teeth.

Would you rather go for a week without brushing your teeth or go for a week without a bath?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 29, 2013, 11:34:32 AM
Yikes...teeth I guess, but that was another hard choice.

Would you rather work at  fast food joint on a hot day making hamburgers and getting grease burns, or work at a convenience store on a cold day and have to stock the cooler with ice cold beer with no gloves.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on May 30, 2013, 08:58:22 PM
stock the cooler (as long as I keep my hands dry)

Would you rather................

be incapable of lying or be incapable of telling the truth?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on May 31, 2013, 02:03:50 PM
be incapable of lying..
Would you rather be stuck in a time loop watching your favorite show over and over and over or :c029:

be in hawaii, but find out there is not a room to stay in, but you can stay as long as you want! -rollinglaugh-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on May 31, 2013, 02:50:15 PM
I'd opt for Hawaii... I can always find somewhere to  stay.... doesn't have to be a room... :57:

Would you rather... be swimming in a tropical paradise...but, with jellyfish in the water.....

or be warm and comfortable on a bleek, dang day at home ..with all your conveniences?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on June 01, 2013, 10:14:49 PM
I'll take the tropical paradise.  I'll try to avoid the jellyfish.

Would you rather turn on your TV and find nothing but Andy Griffith reruns on every single channel or turn on the radio and hear only Mama Got Run Over by a Reindeer on every channel.   You would have to watch the TV or listen to the radio for 24 hours.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on June 02, 2013, 10:46:53 AM
Andy Griffin

Would you rather ride a bike home during a thunder, lightening and a downpour of rain storm or sleep in a tent during a  big thunder and lightening storm?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 06, 2013, 11:01:17 AM
ride a bike home, get it over with!

Would you rather take an elephant for a walk, and pick up after him, or be the pooper scooper at a parade behind all the horses.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 06, 2013, 02:39:50 PM
if I had to pick up for the elephant by hand, I'll take the horses.

Would you rather......................

be the lion or the lion tamer?

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on June 06, 2013, 03:32:10 PM
Be the lion, looks better from that side :d030:

Would you rather be having a nice shower and the hot water goes out  -SPLAT-or

ready to watch tv and the power goes out :41:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 06, 2013, 05:30:00 PM
I'll take the shower.  (I always seem to be in hot water.) O:-)

Would you rather...............

look up to a Munchkin or look down on a Yeti? -dunno- -Fishing-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on June 06, 2013, 06:14:03 PM
Look down on a yeti.

Would you rather........

Wear lace panties like Sidney Crosby or support hose like Matt Cooke?  -loll
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 06, 2013, 07:56:33 PM
Support hose for me :(

Would you rather copy Bart Simpson's homework, or copy Homer Simpson's work ethic.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 09, 2013, 12:43:36 AM
Homer Simpson's work ethic.

Would you rather......................

be the person who repaints the bricks in the yellow brick road or the person who fixes the steps on the stairway to heaven?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: sherylk on June 09, 2013, 01:09:07 AM
Fix the stairway to heaven...think thats the only way I'm getting

Would you rather go back in time and spend a day in  "your old life", or go into the future and see "what is to become"?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 10, 2013, 10:58:15 AM
For sure go back in time--my future is somewhat limited!

Would you rather skydive into an icy lake surrounded by hungry bears or run the rapids on an angry river populated with ravenous piranhas.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 11, 2013, 05:39:52 PM
YIKES!  eenie, meenie,  minie, mo..............Run the rapids

Would you rather......................

have a lollipop licking contest w/a member of the munchkins' lollipop guild or have a cookie eating contest w/Cookie Monster? -rollinglaugh-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on June 11, 2013, 05:44:00 PM
YIKES!  eenie, meenie,  minie, mo..............Run the rapids

Would you rather......................

have a lollipop licking contest w/a member of the munchkins' lollipop guild or have a cookie eating contest w/Cookie Monster? -rollinglaugh-

 :wee_hee: :a102:  I will let someone else answer this one! :)
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on June 11, 2013, 09:39:15 PM
Cookie eating contest with cookie (been there, done that, lost by a mile)

Would you rather.......

Pirouette with Porky Pig or tango with the Tasmanian Devil?   :character0029:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 11, 2013, 11:46:24 PM
Take Porky for a spin, unless I am still hopscotching with that hippo.

Would you rather do 500 laps around the track in a pedal car or do 500 laps across the pool on your inflatable sea horse.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on June 12, 2013, 09:35:43 AM
 -loll That just cracks me up!  I will take the pool and the seahorse!

Would you rather......

Do the Macarena with Merlin or belly dance with Barney?  :smiley_confused1:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on June 12, 2013, 12:48:47 PM
belly dance with Barney... I like to move it , move it...

Would you rather...
Eat a hamburger and find out it has no meat inside or
Have a great plate of food from the buffet and as you are sitting down, you drop it :91:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on June 12, 2013, 11:09:01 PM
Drop the plate of food from the buffet (I can always get another one)

Would you rather.......

Walk around Disney World wearing a GIANT neon pink fanny pack, mouse ears, a tee shirt that reads "Imagine Whirled Peas," black knee socks, green crocs, and tiny running shorts yelling "I LOVE JIMINY CRICKET" or  spend the day at the local water park wearing a full body snowsuit, goggles, boots, and mittens, drinking hot chocolate and applying copious amounts of chapstick as you tell everyone who will listen how "toasty warm" you are?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on June 13, 2013, 11:51:56 AM
I will take the water park -rollinglaugh-

Would you rather ..
Just have to rip a stinky fart in a crowded eleavator and it is loud and everyone knows you did it :'( :85: :-\


Be on an African Safari and all of a sudden in your car, a stampede of mad Rhino's are coming your way :16:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on June 13, 2013, 12:38:27 PM
African safari

Have your wisdom teeth pulled or cataract surgery
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 15, 2013, 12:06:17 AM
Cataract surgery.

Would you rather................

be stuck on a submarine under the polar ice cap for six months with a group of munchkins who have been genetically re-engineered to exist exclusively on baked beans, engage in continuous hyper-flatulence and sing "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" over and over OR be stuck in a sweatlodge for six months eating copious amounts of beef jerky and drinking water with a group of Yetis who have been genetically re-engineered so that their sweat glands produce a chemical compound identical to the one found in skunk spray?  :97:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 19, 2013, 11:52:17 AM
 :c029: I guess it would have to be the munchkins, yikes!

Would you rather storm the fort with suction cup arrows and cap guns or storm the castle on your hobby horse wearing cardboard armor.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 19, 2013, 01:55:49 PM
Hobby Horse (But the Prankster used to wear it out attacking the strongholds of the scofflaws of the wild west)

Would you rather be........................

a gunslinger in the wild West or a Marshal in the wild west?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on June 19, 2013, 11:18:32 PM
A Marshal

Would you rather........

Spend the afternoon bouncing in a bouncy house with three sumo wrestlers known as "The Blowholes" who have gorged themselves on hard boiled eggs, refried beans, Schlitz beer, and cabbage  OR Be crammed into a Volkswagen bug with six goats who have recently fallen into a cesspool and are flea ridden, a very angry bumblebee, and a man named Horace "the halitosis" Hornsby who currently holds the  Guinness World  Record for "Most Horrific Breath," and is a mouth breather?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 20, 2013, 10:18:33 AM
Again, WOW! I guess I'll go with the sumo wrestlers.

Would you rather take a bath in guacamole with an unruly mariachi band playing La Cucaracha nonstop, or take a bath in maranara sauce with a barbershop quartet singing Bicycle Built for Two while playing catch with the meatballs. 
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 20, 2013, 12:18:18 PM
I'll take the guacamole.  Does it come w/chips?

Would you rather be...................

the voice coach for Roseanne Barr or the hair coach for Don King?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 21, 2013, 10:07:07 AM
<ponytail throws the Prankster a bag of chips>

hair coach

Would you rather cuddle with a golden retriever on a comfy couch, or curl up on your recliner with a Schnauzer.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on August 14, 2013, 02:43:24 PM
Cuddle that golden, I like large, lazy dogs.

Would you rather be a little mouse in the corner with Amanda and McCrae, or be a fly on the wall with Helen and Andy.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on August 14, 2013, 10:44:13 PM
Mouse in the corner

Would you rather......

Take a trip to light fantastic with a robotripping Tiny Tim OR be in a 48 hour dance marathon with Bigfoot?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on August 21, 2013, 10:38:18 PM
Tiny Tim!

 Would you rather punch 1000 holes with a paper punch or staple 1000 papers.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on October 03, 2013, 10:58:32 PM

Would you rather.............

get mushy with a munchkin or smooch with a smurf?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on October 04, 2013, 09:28:28 AM
Smooch with a smurf

Would you rather.......

Bring a twerking, tongue wagging Miley Cyrus to tea OR watch a power point presentation created by Cookie on the wonders of paper clips?  -rollinglaugh-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on October 04, 2013, 10:31:22 AM
What would we do without paper clips....and Cookie!

Would you rather be an elected official in Washington or be dropped off in the middle of a pit of poisonous vipers.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Sergeant Prankster on October 11, 2013, 12:52:59 PM

Would you rather be an elected official in Washington or be dropped off in the middle of a pit of poisonous vipers.

Isn't that the same choice?.........I'll take the vipers.

Would you rather..............

Be a member of Seal Team 6 or a top gunslinger in the Old West?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on October 11, 2013, 10:46:08 PM
top gunslinger for sure!

Would you rather string a whole box of Cheerios on a fishing line or sew 10 bags of mini marshmallows together.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Sergeant Prankster on November 05, 2013, 12:26:30 PM
String cheerios (so long as I can eat some while I work)

Would you rather...................

Spacewalk or Moonwalk?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on November 05, 2013, 06:21:09 PM

would you rather pluck ten chickens or dig up 50 lbs of potatoes.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Sergeant Prankster on November 13, 2013, 12:27:39 PM
Hmmmm.......Never plucked chickens so I'll dig potatoes

Would you rather...............

Be the wicked witch of the west at a munchkin swim party or the wicked witch of the east at a munchkin housewarming?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on November 16, 2013, 07:03:02 PM
I will choose....housewarming.

Would you rather do the backstroke in a pool of poorly set lime jello or dive for pennies in a pool of pepto bismol.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 11, 2014, 10:28:24 AM
Personally, I think it would be the lime jello backstroke.....

This one is courtesy of Phoebe on Friends:

Would you rather live in the inside pocket of a sweaty giant, or at the bottom of a shower drain?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on February 11, 2014, 12:54:17 PM
Bottom of a shower drain----at least I could rinse off once in a while

Would you an Olympic Gold Medal or an Oscar?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on February 12, 2014, 08:16:37 AM
Olympic Gold Medal

Would you rather.........

Be Ovechkin's dentist or Big Foot's toe nail clipper?  -rollinglaugh-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on February 12, 2014, 10:48:34 AM
big foot toe nail clipper :91: :41:

Would you rather....

Find the meaning of life in a envelope, but to read it, you have to walk backwards in a dog park and then roll around there for an hour and then jump into a swamp and hope ollie the alligator is not hungry    :32: :57: :-X :043: :Woot_Emoticon:

Or  find the most amazing treasure chest in the ocean shore and then look up and the most massive wave is heading your way and it has a few sharks in it as well :smiley_confused1::38: :c023: :shut_up:
 :confuse: :PDT_Armataz_01_37:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on February 12, 2014, 06:24:57 PM
The Prankster just placed a re-order.............<sigh> :banghead: :banghead: :91:

The meaning of life.

Would you rather…………….

Be the sole in-line fragrance tester for 100 million scratch ‘n sniff cards made for viewers of the anticipated 3-D Mega-hit “Zombie Skunks Spray the World” OR the sole personal trainer for a grossly overweight group of garlic-eating, flatulent munchkins with hyperhidrosis for a new reality show named “The Smallest, Stinkiest Biggest Loser?” -dunno-
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 13, 2014, 07:56:35 PM
Bring on those munchkins, 100 million is a little too much...

Would you rather do the downhill ski event with barrel staves strapped to your feet, or the bobsled run in a child's plastic sled.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on February 13, 2014, 09:40:27 PM
 -rollinglaugh-bobsled run in the plastic sled!

Would you rather curl up next to a flea infested Sasquatch in a sweat lodge OR give a Yeti a body wax?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Cookie Monster on February 14, 2014, 11:06:20 AM
-rollinglaugh-bobsled run in the plastic sled!

Would you rather curl up next to a flea infested Sasquatch in a sweat lodge OR give a Yeti a body wax?

flea infested, I hate pain :96: :victory:

Would you rather....

Have to travel by pogo stick for 3 days with all your belongings on your back :lol_hitting: 014 :embarrassed: :P or
 Be shot out of a cannon and land right inside a grizzly bears den at dinner time :a102: :103:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on February 18, 2014, 07:01:55 PM
I'd opt for being shot out of a canon and landing inside a grissly bears den.....because right now...those bears are hibernating...and dam...
this meat is frozen....they wouldn't want it anyway.   -rollinglaugh-

Would you rather...hike.. all the way down to Florida for sunshine
and swimming
Or fly on a private jet up North to  a more frozen tundra?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on February 18, 2014, 07:11:23 PM
The Prankster would head for FL.  Don't forget to put the golf clubs in the trunk.

Would you rather...............

kiss a frog or limbo with a munchkin?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 18, 2014, 08:54:43 PM
smoochies with the frog

Would you rather snuggle with a Muggle or bitch with a witch.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on February 18, 2014, 11:46:30 PM
The Prankster would head for FL.  Don't forget to put the golf clubs in the trunk.

Would you rather...............

kiss a frog or limbo with a munchkin?

What trunk? ..for the golf clubs....I said "hike". ..there's no car.   :Woot_Emoticon:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on February 19, 2014, 08:54:14 AM
Given the past few days......bitch with a witch.  :41:

Would you rather......

Man the Kissing Booth at the annual "Halitosis Anonymous" convention or ride in a Fiat with the three winners of the "Garlic Eating Champions of the World" contest on a 90 degree day with no air conditioning?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on February 25, 2014, 06:58:11 PM
Ride in the Fiat (does it have a sun roof?)

Be chased by a bunch of rabid munchkins who want to bite your tootsie pop or be chased by a cabal of hungry cannibals with a pot of boiling water and a rectal meat thermometer? :bedtime2:
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on February 26, 2014, 08:58:49 AM
Ride in the Fiat (does it have a sun roof?)

Be chased by a bunch of rabid munchkins who want to bite your tootsie pop or be chased by a cabal of hungry cannibals with a pot of boiling water and a rectal meat thermometer? :bedtime2:

 -rollinglaugh- -rollinglaugh- -rollinglaugh-

I'll take my chances with the munchkins!

Would you rather.....

Be lounging on the beach when a mammoth flight of 500 "loose stooled" geese fly over and decide to "let loose" or be the cheese server on the rat infested ghost ship?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 28, 2014, 11:21:20 PM
It would have to be the loose least the ocean is close by for a quick rinse.

Run backwards over sharp rocks for a mile or do somersaults around the block on hot, tarry roads.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 03, 2014, 06:35:56 PM
Ponytail---you live in a tough neighborhood, geographically speaking.  If I can wear shoes----rocks.  If not--somersaults and blisters.

Would you the serpent in the Garden of Eden with munchkins Adam and Eve unable to reach the forbidden fruit from the Lollypop Tree with the Big Munchkin becoming increasingly curious about his jumping creations OR be Dorothy, without the ruby slippers (she swapped them for three meat suits from Lady Gaga) and being chased by the even more wicked witch of the south by southwest who wears nothing but Gore-Tex.

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Prairie Dawn on April 03, 2014, 10:21:40 PM
Ponytail---you live in a tough neighborhood, geographically speaking.  If I can wear shoes----rocks.  If not--somersaults and blisters.

Would you the serpent in the Garden of Eden with munchkins Adam and Eve unable to reach the forbidden fruit from the Lollypop Tree with the Big Munchkin becoming increasingly curious about his jumping creations OR be Dorothy, without the ruby slippers (she swapped them for three meat suits from Lady Gaga) and being chased by the even more wicked witch of the south by southwest who wears nothing but Gore-Tex.

WHOA! Cookie, is that you?  -rollinglaugh-

I'll take the serpent?

Would you rather.....climb a fire ant infested banyon tree using nothing but your teeth and your thumbs OR zip line straight into a tree full of angry woodpeckers?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on April 04, 2014, 09:38:44 PM
I'll chance the woodpeckers!

Would you rather spend all day in a room full of 20 toddlers wearing dirty diapers, hyped up on chocolate and Pepsi, or spend all day cooped up in a room of 20 cats and 20 rats,  wearing catnip stuffed shorts.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 16, 2014, 09:59:58 AM
okayeeeee, I'll take the toddlers, I guess.

Would you rather eat your way through a huge cake from the inside out, or eat your way through a watermelon from the outside in.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 04, 2014, 12:30:36 AM
Okayeeeee again, I take the cake!

Would you rather be stuck in line behind a dozen shoppers with full carts, coupons, and price matching ads orbe stuck in line behind 12 harried mothers with rude toddlers and crying babies.....
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on June 04, 2014, 12:16:23 PM
Gawd, I'll take the shoppers.

Would you rather........

channel surf or surf the deep web?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on June 18, 2014, 02:02:34 PM
channel surf --don't go many places on the web

Would you rather surf jellyfish infested waters or paddle board in shark infested waters.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 20, 2016, 11:31:23 PM taking my own dares. I choose the jelly fish cuz I'm more afraid of sharp teeth.

Would you rather wrestle a bear with a toothache and a severe case of mange, or groom a lice infested wolverine with your teeth.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Court on February 22, 2016, 06:03:09 AM
Give me that bear!

Would you rather eat a Ghost Chilli Pepper once (one of the hottest in the world)  or eat bland food for the rest of your life?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on February 23, 2016, 10:08:13 AM
I think I will go with the ghost pepper :(  But that could be a mistake!

Would you rather compete with your dog in the frisbee championships, or compete with him in the dog water jumping competitions.
(I love watching both, my dog doesn't even fetch)!
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Merry Prankster on April 11, 2016, 06:19:29 PM

Would you rather have a bee in your bonnet or ants in your pants?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 21, 2016, 10:41:21 AM
Bee in my bonnet, but couldn't really say why!

Would you rather rather open 100 cans of sauerkraut with a swiss army knife can opener, or chop up 100 onions with a butter knife.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on January 26, 2017, 10:01:07 PM
I'd open the sauerkraut, the onions would wreck havoc on my eyes...

Would you rather hang out with a not too bright gorgeous ( gal/guy) or a well spoken, polite, intelligent "nerd".
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on July 12, 2017, 11:31:24 AM
The nerd for sure!

Would you rather participate in a BB competition or a Survivor competition. (If weather wasn't a factor).
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Whitesox71 on November 19, 2017, 02:39:13 PM
BB competition

Would you rather go scuba diving or sky diving?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on November 19, 2017, 11:35:17 PM
scuba diving

Had you rather attend a football game or a car race?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on November 20, 2017, 06:04:36 PM
Football game

Would you rather host the holiday dinner or be a guest at one ?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Whitesox71 on December 10, 2017, 02:18:45 PM

  be a guest at one

  Would you rather ride a horse or a motorcycle?

Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on December 10, 2017, 11:15:27 PM
At my age...neither! But I used to love both. Would you rather sing carols or listen to carols?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Whitesox71 on December 16, 2017, 08:36:14 PM
I love singing carols but my husband would prefer we put on carols and I just listen!

Would you rather travel by train or plane?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on January 08, 2018, 05:08:59 PM
Plane...although trains are much more comfortable. Just take too long!

Would you rather take a walk or take a bike ride.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Whitesox71 on January 10, 2018, 10:08:28 AM

   take a walk

Would you rather read a book or watch television?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on January 10, 2018, 08:51:51 PM
Watch tv

Would you rather get up with the birds or be a night owl?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on January 22, 2018, 01:49:37 PM
I wish I could get up with the  birds but I'm a night owl.   Most of the time I am both because I just can't sleep more than five or six hours.

Would you rather eat Italian food or sea food?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on July 02, 2018, 01:25:45 AM
Italian food

Would you rather  drink water that is room temp or ice cold.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on June 13, 2019, 07:41:27 PM
Since no one answered....and it's such a long time since we all played these game... I'll put it out there again..

Would you rather  drink water that is room temp or ice cold.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Whitesox71 on June 23, 2019, 01:41:36 PM

  ice cold

  Would you rather be an author or an actress?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: Snowbird on June 24, 2019, 11:27:10 PM
An author. 

Had you rather be a singer or an actress?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on July 01, 2019, 02:19:36 PM

Would you rather be on BB for a whole summer or the 39 days of Survivor?
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on July 01, 2019, 08:35:46 PM
BB, at least you have air conditioning!

Would you rather have a filling or stitches...
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on May 04, 2022, 02:13:39 PM
Had both.... think a filling.
( Was seriously cut by my kitty years ago...had some 100 stitches on my FACE!
Thank God for the plastic surgeon they called. You would never know anything even happened)

Would you rather all white or colored lights on your Christmas tree?


Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: ponytail on May 05, 2022, 12:39:57 AM
Holy cow! A kitty?

White lights, but it used to be colored.

Would you rather wash the clothes or fold the clothes.
Title: Re: Would you rather...
Post by: bacali on May 08, 2022, 01:56:20 AM
Washing isn't hard, the machine does's getting down to the basement to put the clothes in that is a problem for me now!!!

Would rather a plant or a bouquet of flowers for a mother's day gift?
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