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Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by Snowbird on April 25, 2024, 01:19:13 AM »
Charlie was the one who won immunity and also addressed first in final.  Ponytail and I both have him so we get 2 points!!! I wish I could give Trouble a point for Hunter using his idol but sadly, he didn't. 
Trouble has 9, Bacali has 8, and Ponytail and I both have 6 now. 

Don't forget to choose a player to join your team.  I had planned to get Hunter but  he's gone.  Put your pick on the game rules page. 
Discussion / Re: discussion
« Last post by Snowbird on April 25, 2024, 01:12:32 AM »
I hate that a good player like Hunter was voted off.  It seems like the ones who deserve to win always are voted off.  Now I think Q and Venus will be in the final four because they will think they can be beaten.  I wish he had played his idol, then we would have seen the last of Q.
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by Snowbird on April 21, 2024, 06:33:15 PM »
Yes, and before the show in two weeks. You could go ahead and add someone, but they could be evicted so it would be better to wait.
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by trouble405 on April 21, 2024, 07:06:37 AM »
I am ok with the changes. So we can add 1 player after this week?
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by ponytail on April 20, 2024, 11:47:46 PM »
Agreed! I have done the same more than once, Snowbird!
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by Snowbird on April 20, 2024, 03:17:33 PM »
I am getting forgetful.  I typed up the scores and forgot to post them.  So here goes again.
Won immunity - Hunter, Jeff addressed first - Q,  handed idols back to Jeff -Maria and Kenzie

Trouble 2 points  Total 9
Bacali - 2 points - Total - 8
Ponytail - 1 point  - Total 4
I had no points - Total 4

I think I should drop the one about who hands the idol back to Jeff as it will now be whoever wins immunity.
Also, I think since two of us are low on players, we should all be allowed to pick another team member.  I suggest we do it after the next show so we can be safe from choosing someone who goes home right away.
If you agree to these two changes let me know.  If there are any objections we won't change things.
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by trouble405 on April 15, 2024, 02:23:45 PM »
You are right. I was thinking we all started with 5 and I lost Jem. I forgot we each put 6 on the original team. I seem to forget everything these days!  :57:
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by Snowbird on April 14, 2024, 03:52:56 AM »
Trouble, I have you down for Hunter, Kenzie, Tiffany, Tevin, and Venus and Jem who is gone.  I thought you only lost Jem.  Do I have the right ones left for you?
Discussion / Re: discussion
« Last post by trouble405 on April 14, 2024, 02:02:13 AM »
I have Kenzie on my team but I still think she is a pretty cutthroat player! ???
Scores for game / Re: weekly scores
« Last post by trouble405 on April 14, 2024, 01:58:12 AM »
I only have 4 players left. Jem is out from my team.
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