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Author Topic: The Mountain and the Viper  (Read 1192 times)

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Offline ponytail

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The Mountain and the Viper
« on: June 01, 2014, 11:47:16 PM »
It's a drunken night in Mole's Town. Tavern wenches are belching songs, and the drunks are guessing what they are. In the back, Gilly is being hounded by one of them because her baby keeps her up at night. Gilly hears an owl, and she knows it is not the usual kind of owl....The wildlings enter Mole's Town, killing every one in their path, Ygritte dispatches quite a few herself. In the tavern she hears a baby, and finds Gilly hiding behind a blanket. She puts her finger to her lips--sshhh--and leaves.

Sam is regretting leaving Gilly at Mole's Town and Jon tells him that they can't go after them, that's what they want. She survived Craster's Keep, she survived the long march to the Wall, maybe she'll survive this. We'll be next, how can 102 men stop 100,000.

Grey Worm and several of the Unsullied are swimming in a river outside Meereen. He sees some of the women bathing nude, Missendei included, and can't keep his eyes off her. She stands up, covers herself, and he turns away. Later on Missendei is talking to Dani about this, and wondering why he was so interested. Dani wonders if they take all of their 'parts' when they castrate them. Grey Worm comes to apologize to Missendei for staring at her. She tells him she is sorry he was cut. Grey Worm asks her why? He would never have become Unsullied, killed the masters, or met Missendei. He goes on to apologize again for staring at her. Missendei tells him she is glad he did and Grey Worm says--so am I.

Ramsay is coaching Reek--What do you tell them?--I'm Theon Greyjoy.--and who are you?--Reek.--That's right, until you're rotting in the ground. Bring me Moat Cailin. Theon rides into Moat Cailin alone and is brought before the Commander who questions him. Theon tells him he comes to treat with him in the name of Lord Bolton. They are outnumbered, hundreds of miles from the sea, sick. Lord Bolton will give them safe passage. The Commander is noticeably ill, but strong in resolve. He collapses, and is propped up. Theon tells him there would be no shame in surrender, they fought with honor. The Commander says only a whipped dog would speak that way, or a woman. The Ironborn will not surrender--you go tell your master that. But not all his men feel the same. He is stabbed in the back by one, falls dead to the floor, and Theon is asked--if we yield, we live? Theon says--yes, have your men raise the white flag and open the gates, you're going home.
Yeah, right...the next thing we see is the soldier, skinned and stake out in the courtyard, with Ramsay and Reek looking on. Ramsay says--you didn't think we'd let them go, did you?

Baelish stands before Lord Royce and some other council members who are none too impressed with him, his motives, and his reputation. They tell him--Lady Lysa's predilections were her own affair, but her death is ours. Baelish tells them her suicide shattered us all. The council is suspicious, it is strange, she adored her boy, she would never abandon him. Within days of his arrival she married him and fell through the moon door. They ask to speak to Sansa. A timid and nervous Sansa enters and the Council asks her to tell them what she saw. She says--I'm sorry Lord Baelish, I have to tell the truth. She goes on to tell them that she is Sansa Stark, and that Lord Baelish has told many lies, all to protect her. Her father was executed, she was held hostage, she was a plaything for Joffrey, beaten, and forced to marry the Imp. She had no friends in King's Landing. Lord Baelish saved her and smuggled her away to her aunt. The council wants to know what happened to her aunt. Growing more and more hysterical, Sansa tells them--you knew her well, you knew how troubled she was, she was a jealous lady and was terrified Lord Baelish would abandon her. One day she saw him give her a kiss on the cheek, a peck,  and she called her a whore, and promised to throw her through the moon door. Lord Baelish tried to calm her and she struck him. She said she didn't want to live any more, and Lord Baelish tried to reason with her...she stepped through the moon door. Through all of this, Lord Baelish sits with a small, sly grin on his face.
In the aftermath, Lord Baelish speaks with the Council. All the great houses of the Vale watched from the corner as events unfolded around them. He wants to know which side they are on--by staying out of the fray they have allowed Tywin Lannister to destroy all of his rivals on every point. They want to know who they should back then. Lord Baelish tells them it should be Robin. Even though he is a sickly little boy, they sometimes become powerful men. His mother was overprotective. He needs to learn to swing a sword, protect the Vale. It is time for him to leave the nest.

Ser Barristan receives a message, reads it, and goes to find Ser Jorah. It is a royal pardon, signed by Robert Baratheon. Barristan confronts Jorah with spying on Dani, he is telling Jorah first, man to man before he goes to speak with Dani. Jorah asks to speak to her first in private, but Barristan tells him he will never be alone with her again. Jorah enters the throne room to speak with Dani and receive his grilling. She wants to know why he was pardoned, it was signed the year they met. Jorah tries to get her to see that it is the work of Tywin Lannister, sent to divide them. He admits to her that he sent information to Varys and confesses to telling them about her being pregnant with Drogo's child. Dani is furious. She tells him that that is why the wine merchant tried to poison her. Jorah protests, he stopped him. Dani shouts, because you knew it was poisoned, and Jorah tells her--I suspected. He falls to his knees, begging her forgiveness, he has loved her. A bitter, crushed Dani, tears trickling down her cheeks, says--any other man I would have executed, but you I won't have in my city living or dead. Go back to King's Landing and collect your pardon if you can. She tells him he has until dusk to leave or she'll have his head thrown into Slaver's Bay.

Ramsey presents Moat Cailin to his father. They walk up to a high point and look down over the northern lands. Lord Bolton tells Ramsay that the North is larger than the other 6 kingdoms combined and--I am the Warden of the North. He tells Ramsay that from this day forth he will no longer be known as Ramsay Snow, but Ramsay Bolton. Lord Bolton's forces proceed into the North.

Lord Baelish goes to see Sansa, and asks her why she helped him. Sansa tells him--they would have thrown you through the moon door--if they had executed you, what would they have done with me? Baelish says--so you gamble on the man you know instead of the strangers you don't. So you think you know me? Sansa says--I know what you want, Baelish wonders--do you?

The Hound and Arya are walking up the approach to the Eyrie. They are talking about Arya's list--she's mad she didn't get the chance to see the look in Joffrey's eyes when he died, wonders if the Hound could have protected him. The Hound says not from poison, he deserved to die, but poison is women's work. Arya tells him--that's why you'll never be a great killer. The Hounds wound is bothering him, and he's slowing down a bit. They approach the Bloody Gate and are asked who they are. Arya tells them who she is and asks for lady Aryn. They are told that she has died. Arya laughs hysterically.

Robin is being coached by Baelish. He is afraid to leave the Eyrie and Baelish tells him to take charge of his life for as long as it lasts. Sansa walks over to them. Rather sways confidently over to them. She is dressed in black, and there is nothing about the timid, fearful girl left in her.

Tyrion and Jaime are spending the last few moments before the combat in his cell. He is very worried, afraid Oberyn will die, and he will die. The bells ring out. It is time. Tyrion is led out to the ring, to Oberyn and Ellaria's pavilion. Oberyn is having a cup of wine, Tyrion is worried he is not preparing himself for his battle, Ellaria sees the Mountain stride into the ring and says--You're going to fight that? Prince Oberyn says--I'm going to kill that.
Maester Pycelle announces the combat. And so it begins. Prince Oberyn is quick, flashy, playing to the crowd. The Mountain is slow, weighed down by his armor, but unbelievably strong. Oberyn flies around him, taunting him, telling him he is the brother of Elia Martell, how he came to this city for him, and how he is going to hear him confess before he dies. They exchange blows, the Mountain's helm flies off, Oberyn continues to circle him--say it, say it, you raped her, you murdered her. The Mountain strikes, he escapes, continues his taunts, lunges in and hamstrings him. The Mountain falls to the ground and Oberyn spears him. But says --you're dying, no, no, you can't die yet, you haven't confessed. Say her name, Elia Martell, you raped her...Who gave you the order? (He points to a stone faced Tywin Lannister). Say it, say it. The Mountain isn't quite finished yet, Oberyn circles in too close and is grabbed quickly by the Mountain who throws him to the ground and begins gouging out his eyes. As he does so, he confesses to the rape and murder of his sister before one final squeeze, and Oberyn's head bursts open. The Mountain falls to the ground beside him. Ellaria screams hysterically, Cersei smirks, Tyrion and Jaime look hopeless and defeated, and Tywin Lannister stands up and says--the gods have made their will known. Tyrion Lannister you are hereby sentenced to death.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2014, 12:09:25 AM by ponytail »


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