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Author Topic: Sons of the Harpy  (Read 981 times)

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Offline ponytail

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Sons of the Harpy
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:13:16 PM »
Jorah is on his way to redeem himself with a bound and gagged Tyrion.
Jaime and Bronn are heading for Dorne. Bronn is skeptical about their chances as the Dornish are crazy, all they like to do is f*** and fight. Why go to all this trouble to kidnap the girl? Jaime spills the fact that he is not kidnapping, but rescuing his niece. Bronn questions what he is really doing. He also suspects that he is the one who freed Tyrion. Jaime tells him he did so, but that he murdered his father, so if he sees him again he will slit him in two.
Cersei is having a meeting with her small council. The Iron Bank is calling in their debt and she gets rid of another of her small council members, Lord Martell, by sending him away to negotiate better terms.
She meets with the High Sparrow and broaches the subject of starting up the Faith Militant once more. She will persuade the king to sign a decree. She informs the High Sparrow that there is a great sinner in their midst.
In the city we see the Sparrows wreaking havoc with the citizenry. Kegs are smashed, and ale runs through the streets. Shopkeepers tables are overturned and their wares trampled underfoot. The king's guard looks on from above. We see a painful sign being carved into the forehead of a Sparrow (Lancel) which seems to take him over. He and some of the other Sparrows flood into the practice field where Ser Loras is sparring and haul him off.
Margaery marches in to confront Tommen about Loras' imprisonment but he's clueless and has no idea what she is talking about. Margaery tells him Cersei is responsible and he must go to her and ask her to set him free, which Tommen does. Cersei tells him she does not have him, the High Sparrow does. Tommen goes to see the High Sparrow but is blocked by his followers who won't let him pass. The young king is out of  his element, and a coward as well. His guards ask him to give the order and they will clear the rabble away. He
is indecisive, and hears the catcalls from the crowd--bastard, abomination. He turns and tells his men, we will find another way. When Tommen tells Margaery of this, she realizes that perhaps King's Landing is not a healthy place for her to be. She leaves quickly, telling him she needs to be with her family.
Stannis and his queen watch the sparring in the practice field below, When Mellisandre arrives, the queen leaves. Melissandre tells Stannis that he needs to take her with him when he marches on Winterfell.
Jon is signing documents presented to him by Sam requesting men from the lords of the North to beef up their defenses. He balks when Sam lays down a request for men to be sent by Lord Bolton from Winterfell, but reluctantly signs it.
Mellisandre comes to speak with Jon. She asks him to come with them to Winterfell, to chase the rats out his home. But he's not buying it. And then she begins her seduction. She tells Jon he has a power in him, he resists it, but he should embrace it. She bares herself to him, and Jon is tempted but he doesn't fall for it and draws back, telling her he can't-- he swore a vow, and that he loved another. Mellisandre leaves but has a parting remark--You know nothing Jon Snow.
Stannis is joined by his daughter Shireen. He wonders if she regrets coming with them, and she says she rather likes being there. She asks Stannis if he is ashamed of her. He tells her the story of buying a doll when she was a baby and giving it to her. She pressed it to her cheek and was so happy to have it. That is how she got the greyscale which was supposed to be deadly. He sought out the best healers, and they were able to stop it's progression and save her life. He tells her she is the Princess Shireen, she is his daughter.
Deep in the tombs under Winterfell, Sansa lights a candle to her Aunt Liana. Baelish finds her there, and reminisces about a tournament held long ago where he saw her. Raegar Targaryen was the champion, and rode past his wife to present her with frost roses. He chose her, kidnapped her, and raped her. He goes on to tell Sansa that he is going back to King's Landing at Cersei's request. Sansa does not like the idea of being left along with her enemies, but Baelish reassures her she will be fine. Stannis will be riding south, and will take Winterfell. He'll defeat the Bolton's, rescue you, and name you the Wardeness of the North. You're the last surviving Stark. If not, you'll take the Bolton boy and make him your own. Roose Bolton is a dangerous man, but she will learn how to handle him, too. He kisses Sansa (not in a fatherly way) and tells her the north will be hers. Sansa tells him she expects she will be married by the time he returns.
Bronn and Jaime sneak ashore in the middle of the night and fall asleep on the beach. Jaime is startled awake by Bronn stabbing a poisonous snake just inches away from his face.  This brings up a discussion on how each wants to die. Bronn says--I've had an exciting life, I want a boring death. You? Jaime--In the arms of the woman I love.
We hear hoofbeats--they have been found. Four Dornish soldiers surround them and demand they throw down their weapons, which they begin to do, but turn instead to the attack. Bronn handles himself well, but Jaime is having trouble--his foe is getting the best of him. At the last minute he throws up his gold hand and catches the sword that is about to kill him. He stabs his foe instead. Jaime has found a new method of fighting. He has Bronn bury the bodies.
Ellaria rides up to the encampment of three of her daughters, the Sand Snakes. She tells them they must avenge the death of Oberyn themselves. They have no army, but they don't need one to start a war. Cersei loves her children. They agree to stand with her. There is a man buried in the sand with only his head sticking out. He is being used as a target for whips and the occasional scorpion. The girls tell their mother he is a ship's captain, and he smuggled Jaime Lannister into Dorne. If Jaime has come for Myrcella they will lose their only chance for revenge. The captain is sent to his death with a spear through his skull.
Jorah releases Tyrion from his gag. Tyrion's first request is wine, and then he informs Jorah he is heading the wrong way if he wants to go to Westeros to return him to the queen. Jorah tells him he's taking him to Daenarys Targaryen. Tyrion laughs, says he was heading there himself. Then he begins to piece together all the parts of the story, and guesses that Jorah was exiled, that Dani found out that he had been spying on her, and that he is hoping to get back in her good graces by bringing him to her as a gift.
Hizdar zo Loraq is still trying to persuade Dani to open the fighting pits. Tradition is the only thing that will hold the city together. (We see that the Sons of the Harpy are on the move). Dani wants nothing to do with the fighting pits. Hizdar can't promise her it's a solution to the problem but it's a start.
In the streets of Meereen the harpies begin to attack Dani's men. Wherever they find one of them, they move silently in and slit their throats. Some of the Unsullied are lured off into an ambush where they are quickly surrounded by the harpies. The Unsullied, Grey Worm among them, give a good fight, taking down many of them, but there are too many. Grey Worm is wounded, but fights on. Ser Barristan is walking in the streets when he hears bells ring out. He pulls his sword and races to the defense of Grey Worm. As old as he is, they are no match for him. But again, he is outnumbered and falls--Grey Worm in a last ditch effort kills the harpy who got Ser Barristan, but falls at his side, where they die together.
In the previews for next week Tyrion sees a dragon!

« Last Edit: May 03, 2015, 11:24:14 PM by ponytail »


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