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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)  (Read 5983 times)

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Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« on: May 19, 2015, 09:10:38 AM »
Welcome to the Once Upon a Time season five fanfiction thread!  Once is gone until the fall so this is our chance to use our imaginations to play out the season five we would like to see and perhaps to right a few wrongs in the past seasons.

This is also our chance to slash and burn, to kill off all but the most beloved (and hated) of our characters.

We could open with Emma who could appear in the premiere as a normal human, darkness perfectly contained within, until about six episodes later when the camera pans over to see Emma's dead body in the bushes... oh my gosh it's not really Emma! The Dark One killed her and assumed her shape, now she is fake Emma or Femma (as I like to call her)and everyone trusts her but she wants all the good guys dead... and she largely succeeds.

For instance the Charmings could both drown because Snow is pinned under quickly rising flood waters and Charming refuses to leave her (in fairness they might both die anyway since they share a heart; not that that has even been brought up in a season) All without even a mention of who will look after baby Baelfire... that's right I said baby BAE! Retcon can be our friend! when they both die.

Gold could wake up and suddenly known exactly what he has to do which is to unplug and then replug some kind of white light source cleverly hidden in the Storybrook mines, thus resetting everything and putting all the good and evil forces back into balance.

Zelena could die of a mysterious nose-bleed.

Hook could get shot (preferably by Belle) and then healed by Emma, who in so doing infects him with her own evil. Then Baelfire could come back from the dead to save the town and kill Evilized Hook along the way (accidentally of course) in an explosion of some kind. 
Rumple, fresh from re-plugging up the magic drain, escapes with Belle and a few random survivors on a plane flown by Gus Gus the mouseman.

Henry becomes the new protector of magic, taking a newly reformed Isaac Heller under his wing. Then Bae would die again, but even more heroically this time as the camera focuses on a close-up of his eye.

Hey it might work. :)

Anyway please post below any fanfiction or ideas for fanfiction that you might dream up in hiatus and hopefully we can manage to keep ourselves entertained in the dull duration between seasons.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2015, 09:23:48 AM »
Now introducing the Once Upon a Time Season Four Retcon Fanfiction Preamble - In which Outtie attempts to fix some of the glaring problems with season four, without bothering to re-watch the crappy season and refresh herself on any pertinent details.

Episode 4.12 'Heroes and Villains' - A Better Ending

Rumpelstiltskin's hand hovered over the defeated heart of his enemy as he paused to enjoy his triumph.  In a few moments the spell would be complete and he would at last be freed from that cursed dagger! No longer need he fear being forced to hurt the people he loved at the whim of whichever evil soul came into to possession of the dagger. He and Belle would be free to go wherever she desires... finally their happy ending was upon them! And all it would cost him was the death of the filthy pirate who had seduced his first faithless wife and shot his darling Belle in the back. "And they call me a coward... ". Rumple smiled and began to squeeze the heart...

"Gold stop!" Rumple's eyes lit with rage as he felt his hand freeze around the heart, mere seconds away from crushing it to dust. Guess he shouldn't have paused to gloat. He turned to face his adversary as he felt his fingers loosen around his enemy's heart which he was now forced to cradle gently in his hand.

"Miss Swan?" his surprise was impossible to hide, not at seeing Emma Swan interfering in his plans, but at seeing what she held in her hand. "Where did you get that?" he growled pointing to the dagger with his free hand.

"From Belle." Emma enjoyed the shocked look that flashed across Gold's expressive face, the golden mask dropped for the moment. "Anna told us about the hat. I went to Belle for help and she just gave it to me." she admitted. "Gullible isn't she? She actually thought I was going to save you from yourself."

Gold glowered, "Belle is a good person; she's always trusting people who are unworthy of it. But you...", with some visible effort he turned to face dagger, "You Miss Swan don't trust anyone."

"That's right." she said, "I don't." she raised the dagger and began to advance on a frozen Gold.

"Emma! NO!" Emma turns in annoyance to see her parents running into the building. Late as usual. "Don't do it Emma! He's not worth it!"

"I'm standing right here." Gold muttered, mentally reminding himself not to lift a finger to save the town next time these idiots opened a magical can of worms.

Emma ignored her parents raised the dagger again. "Take us to the town line, Gold." she commanded through the dagger.

Gold obeyed carrying himself and Emma Swan to the town line, bringing her charming parents and Belle along in the vain hope they might try to stop Emma.

No dice. She raised the dagger again, "Rumplestiltskin, I command thee to leave Storybrook." Not quite as much fun as stabbing the bastard, but she'd take what she could get.

"No! Please No!" Gold's lower lip wobbled adorably as he slowly began backing towards the town line, fighting every step of the way.

Emma's expression was dark and dour (as usual), "Do you think I would let YOU ruin my happy ending?" with one last shove of magic, Emma pushes the town pawn broker over the town line where he immediately where he became lame once more. She turned to face the sobbing Belle (that's right sobbing. Her true love just got banished she should be upset!), "Remember Rumple," she spoke into the dagger since Rumple could no longer hear her, "If you ever attempt to come back into town, I'm going to crush your true love's heart the way you tried to crush mine. Understand?" he understood.

"Let me go with him!" Belle cried, not wanting to be separated from her true love.

"Not a chance."

"Emma..." her parents try to reason with her. But to no avail.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2015, 10:54:14 AM »
Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)

Previously on Once Upon a Time... Emma banished Gold from town, threatening Belle's life if he returned. Then she had Regina steal Belle's heart, a pesky little detail she didn't share with her parents who continued to use Belle as a nearly constant babysitter, completely oblivious to the fact that heartless Belle was letting baby Baelfire crawl around the top of the stair and run holding scissors. All while leaving the toilet cleaner lay out where anyone would reach it. When Gold tricks a couple of displaced fairytale characters into sneaking him back into town, he immediately figures out about Belle's heart being held as leverage and tells The Charmings who confront Emma while Gold scampers off to rescue Belle's heart and his dagger from Regina, who is too distraught after Gold tells her that her evil sister Zelena is boinking Robin Hood, to stop him. Meanwhile...

Snow to Emma: "It's wrong to take away another's person's free will, Emma." Charming nods.

Emma to Snow: "Oh yeah?! Well what about what YOU did?" she asked, reminding her parents about all the stupid crap they did back in the Enchanted Forest, most recently applicable the kidnapping and darkness filling of Maleficent's daughter Lily, a fact she learned from Regina, who learned it from Snow, who knew because she did it.

Subsequently Emma and Regina go into the real world and come back with Robin Hood, a pregnant Zelena and Lily in tow. Gold, who is dying in Belle's arms, uses his last ounce of strength to free The Sorcerer's Apprentice from the hat. The Apprentice realizes that a dead Rumplestiltskin is bad for everyone and attempts to pull the darkness out of Rumple and into the hat. But the hat can't contain the darkness.

Cut to Emma stabbing the darkness with her dagger and disappearing.

00000>>>>>>> Season Five <<<<<<<00000

Zelena opened her eyes and smiled at the chipped and peeling ceiling of her cell. It had only been a matter of time... she got up and stood in front of the door as a key was hurt scraping in the lock. The door sings open to reveal Lily standing on the other side

"I trust you had no trouble getting in?" she asked.

"None at all." Lily confirmed, "It seems the nurses around here get a little disloyal to your dear sister once a dragon appears."

"Well you can hardly blame them." said Zelena, "I doubt Regina offers much in the way of incentives."

"Her accommodations certainly leave a lot to be desired."

Zelena rolls her eyes when she sees former Author Isaac Heller standing behind Lily, "What are YOU doing here?"

"The same thing you." he replied, "Plotting my revenge on the heroes."

"What do you need us for then?" Zelena asked, "Can't you just write your way out of this mess... 'Author'."

"I'm not the author anymore. The job has moved on to a more 'worthy' candidate."

"Then I don't see how..."

"How a human, a dragon and a wicked witch can win?" Isaac asked.

"She isn't a witch at the moment." Lily informed him, "Regina put a magic cuff on her wrist that keeps her from using any magic."

Zelena grimaced, "And only Regina can remove it."

"Maybe." Isaac said, "But I'm willing to bet that Rumplestilkskin could do it."

"Rumplestiltskin?" Zelena scoffed, "He's currently at death door; if he's not dead already... or hadn't you heard?"

"Oh he's still alive." Isaac said.

"How do you know?" Zelena asked.

"I know, because if Rumplestiltskin was dead than this town would be a smoking ruin by now. You may not know this but once Rumple dies The Dark One will be released..."

"Is that bad?" Lily asked.

"If you don't mind watching the whole world burn, it's not that bad I suppose..."

"So that's why you were helping him." Zelena realized. "I figured he offered you something precious or something that was very very naughty..."

"What did you think I helped Gold out of the goodness of my heart?" he sneered, "I did it to save my own ass. Which I might add is still on the line unless we can get to Gold pronto."

"Look guys," Lily interrupted, "the last time I saw the 'heroes' they were flocking towards Gold's pawnshop. Something about him dying..."

"Then we may not have much time..." Isaac said, "We need to get to Gold before he dies and unleashes the Dark One all over town."

Zelena raised her arm and tapped the magic canceling cuff.

"Yeah yeah..." he paused as a wicked thought occurred to him,  "You know of course that the only way to save our collective asses is to make sure that Dark Curse doesn't get into the hands of those," he sneered, "Heroes."

"How the hell can we do that?" Lily asked.

The former author smiled at Zelena, who smiled back, "Tell me darling," she said after a brief pause, "Do you happen to know where old Rumple kept that stunning little knife of his?"

Edited to finish scene one.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 09:45:47 AM by Outlast »

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2015, 01:29:05 PM »
Just let me get past this week and next Wednesday then I can think.  With packing the office, monitoring placement scores, grade dues Friday, my brain is fried.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2015, 03:27:44 PM »
Take your time LM we've got all summer. If I can think of more stuff I will, hopefully MP too, I just thought this could be fun. Or it could all end in tears. One or the other. :043:

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2015, 06:46:02 PM »
A capital idea, Outtie!  Although the Prankster lacks the in-depth knowledge of OUAT that you and LindaM possess, he is intrigued.  Perhaps he will come out and play.  He must caution, however, that his predilection is for darker fare and his vision of Season 5 might reflect such bias.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2015, 09:48:30 AM »
Continued from reply #2 which has been altered slightly.  :beta:

Scene 2: Belle sits tearful vigil over her unconscious husband, annoyed that no one had bothered to carry him to a couch or a bed when she hears a low moan coming from The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Belle rushed to his side, surprised to find him still breathing when everyone had seemed so sure he was gone.

"The darkness..." he moaned while feebly trying to rise from Rumple's couch.

Quickly Belle poured a glass of water from the tap in the back of the shop and put the cool glass to The Apprentice's blue lips.

The Apprentice took a few pathetic swallows and lay back down. The effort clearly draining whatever strength he had left.  "The darkness..." he began again.

"It's gone." Belle told him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"Gone? How?"

"After it kil... 'er left you, it tried to take Regina, but Emma voluntarily took the curse on in her place." The look of absolute horror on his face caused Belle to add, "She probably thought Regina with the dark curse would be too powerful to stop. All that dark magic piling one upon the other..." she babbled.

The Apprentice groaned, "No no, this is the worst possible thing that could've happened!"

"Well I know it's not exactly nice, but at least..."

"No! You don't understand. Regina's soul has already tasted darkness, there are few who have tasted more, but she at least knows how to fight it. Emma Swan has no true darkness in her. Her parents made me remove it before she was even born. She has no immunity to evil at all!" His strength spent, The Apprentice collapsed back on to the cushions.

Belle placed her ear to his chest to check that he was still breathing. He was, but quickly, and shallowly. She returned to her husband's side. "Oh, Rumple!" she said, running her hand across his whiskered cheek. Still soft and prickly under the protection spell, "I don't know what to do. How can I help Emma fight the darkness, when I couldn't even help you..."


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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2015, 07:32:46 PM »
Suddenly the bell over Gold's door chimes harshly as the door is opened and slammed shut fast. Lily, Isaac and Zelena enter Gold's shop.

"Damn it." Lily said looking at Gold laid out on the floor. "We're too late."

"Honey, I told you, if we were too late we'd know it." the former author reminded her, "Shove over toots." he said, rudely pushing Belle out of the way. He knelt beside Rumple and tried to take his pulse.  "He's still alive." he said "But judging by the look of him just barely."

Zelena leaned over him old teacher and sniffed, "Ugh, he's human again, bother." she said crossing pettishly back towards the back of the shop slamming through cupboards looking for any stray magic she could find laying about the place.

"You can smell magic?" Lily asks, the admiration showing in her voice.

"I'm a pregnant witch dear. I can do anything."

"Except magic of course." Isaac quipped.

"Just you wait until I get my cuff off sunshine."

 "Which is going to be a bit of a problem," Isaac reminded them, "Since 'The Dark One' here isn't dark anymore." He turned to Belle, "Hey you, Gold trusted you, right? Do you happen to know how to remove the magic cuff Regina put on Zelena?"

"Why on Earth do you think I would help you?!" Belle shouted from behind the pawn shop's counter where she'd spent the last two minutes frantically texting for help...


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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2015, 05:11:32 PM »
Isaac shrugged and looked at his companions, "I got this." he said, quickly scanning the pawn shop for deadly objects, he settled on a nice sharp sword, which ironically Belle herself had polished only last week. Weapon in hand, he crossed the shop and placed the tip of the sword against the chest of the cowering Belle. 

Belle trembled with fear, but managed enough anger to sneer at him and at his fiends, "Peter Pan made that cuff. Even Rumple couldn't get out of it. So as far as I can see the only way you're going to get rid of that cuff is by cutting off the arm it's attached too."

Isaac paused momentarily to think about it, and then he said, "Ok." and he spun around and and turned his sword on his ally, slicing off Zelena's arm off just below the elbow. Zelena screamed in agony as her arm and the magic canceling cuff hit the pawn shop floor with a dull thud.

"Was that really necessary?!" she hissed through gritted teeth as her restored magic made quick work of re-growing her arm.

"Stop whining. You're none the worse for wear." he said, turning back to face Belle, "Now what do you say you try out your magic on Rumple's dame here. I bet she'd make an adorably squash-able mouse."

"With pleasure." said Zelena raising her restored arm about to strike, when she had a much better idea. Smiling wickedly at Belle the witch knelt down beside the prone form of Rumplestiltskin, "What say we wake our dear Rumple up and see what HE thinks I should do with you..."

"No!" Belle screamed, trying to free herself from Isaac and Lily and get to Rumple, "He's under a protection spell. Breaking it could kill him!"

"Oh, dear, wouldn't that be a shame." said Zelena as she put out her hands and began wrapping Rumple in a green mist. She struggled to break through the Apprentice's protective barrier spell, her face tensed into frown before suddenly brightening in triumph as the magic both green and white disappeared in a puff of grey smoke.

Rumple groaned weakly, his eyelids fluttering briefly until slowly he opened his eyes....


Rumple's soft brown eyes blinked weakly in the dim lit pawnshop. He looked around at the shop and the four other people in it and asked, "Where am I?"

"You're in your shop dearie. What's the matter don't you remember?" Zelena asked, looking amused.

"I think I'd remembering having such a prosperous shop." Rumple replied, trying to sit up and failing miserably. "There's more in here than I could earn in three lifetimes."

Zelena murmured something to Lily who returned with a nice cushioned chair which the two of them helped Rumple into, leaving Isaac to keep an eye on Belle. Oh my God, she thought, quickly developing a new plan, the fool doesn't remember anything that's happened to him in the last several centuries....

"Thank you." said Rumple quietly, breaking into her scheming, "You're being so very kind, but I don't know who you are or how I got here and I..." he broke off and looked around quickly becoming agitated, "Where's my son?! Oh no... Bae... they took him didn't they?" he asked, tears running down his cheeks. "I tried... I tried to stop them. I had a plan to..." he cradled his head in his hands. "I can't remember anything. Please," he pleaded looking Zelena in the eye, "Tell me what happed."

Zelena smiled down at him and stroked his hair, "Oh, Rumple, don't you remember, you DID save your son, you were so very brave, but..." she broke off, "I'm afraid the witch has done a real number on you, love. You see, Baelfire survived the ogre wars and the two of you were very happy until..."

"Until what?" Rumple asked miserably.
Zelena turned and pointed one of her long fingers at Belle, "Until THAT witch murdered him!"

A look of shock and anger sat frozen on Rumple's features as he stared at an equally shocked Belle.  Rumple tried to stand, but only managed two steps before his bad leg gave out and all he could do was to stare at Belle with a look of impotent rage. "Grab her!" he called to the others, "Please don't let her get away! She murdered my boy!" too weak to stand, he wept noisily on floor as Zelena petted him on the head and murmured soothingly, "Don't worry dear. We've got them trapped. That's why we came to this strange land. To capture her and make her pay for what she's done."

Finally Belle found her voice, "No! No! Rumple, she's lying." Belle cried passionately, "She's the one who killed Neal.... Rumple please, I'm your wife, don't you remember me." she said as the tears spilled down her cheeks.

Zelena motioned to Isaac to cover Belle's mouth, "You see what a liar she is?" said Zelena, pointing once again at Belle,"She doesn't even remember Baefire's name. Neal indeed," she scoffed, "Obviously she's killed so many men she can't keep them strait anymore and as for being your wife...poppycock. How could she be your wife, when I'm your wife, hmm?" she wiped the tears from Rumple's face and kissed his tear-stained cheek.

Belle screamed into Isaac's hand and tried to break free.

Rumple looked in confusion from one woman to the other, when suddenly  the little bell on the pawn shop door rattled madly as Will Scarlet rushed into the shop.

Will took in the scene and began rolling up his sleeves, "I know who you are, mates and I know none of you have any magic anymore... now get yer hands off 'er."

"No magic?" Zelena scoffed, "If I've got no magic, then how can I..." she stalked towards him, her eyes sparkling with venom and thrust her arm into his chest only to root aimlessly in his chest cavity in frustration as the prize she sought eluded her.

"Sorry love." Will said levelly, "But I haven't kept my heart in there in quite some time."

Isaac snorted, "You're sure not having much luck with that trick." added over his shoulder to Lily, "She tried the same thing on Regina  a while back and came up empty. I would've written about it but I was trapped in a book at the time."

Zelena glared at Isaac and using her rage confusion against her Will shoved Zelena over and taking one last look at Belle he turned to run for help.

"Oh no you don't!" said Zelena, dragging Will back with streams of cloudy green magic that hurt him badly as they plunked him down next to Belle. "Aw," she commented seeing the pair together, "How sweet."

Rumple rubbed his eyes, "Magic?!" he exclaimed, "YOU have magic...I don't understand..."

Zelena crossed back to kneel beside Rumple and pasted a sickly sweet smile on her face, "Just a little trick you taught me love. After all we need to learn some magic ourselves if we were ever going to capture the wicked Belle of... Endor." Zelena silently thanked Robin Hood for showing poor little unsophisticated Marianne how to use Neal's cable remote.

"I taught YOU magic?" said Rumple skeptically, "No, I would never meddle with something so dangerous..."

"I'm afraid you had no choice dear." she held his face gently in her hands, "It may have taken you three hundred years, love. But you finally caught up with her."

"Three hundred..."

"Shhhh" Zelena silenced him with her finger, "I'm sure your memories will come back soon." she smiled, "In the meantime I think we should do what we came here for..." she rose dramatically to her feet and motioned Isaac and Lily to stand back from Belle and Will.

"What are you going to do to us?" Belle whimpered.

...  :beta:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2015, 07:15:41 PM »
Zelena smiles and goes to one of Rumple's shelves to rummage around until she finds something she likes. Zelena comes back with the gauntlet.

"That's the gauntlet that leads people to the thing they love most..." Belle said with a tremble in her voice.

"Not exactly right, dear." she turned to Rumple, "You know for a witch, this one seems surprisingly ignorant." she looked back at Belle and Will, "This..." she began holding the gauntlet in front of her, "Is the gauntlet of Lancelot du Lac and it always leads the greatest weakness of whoever they want to know about... Now I'm going to show you another trick." Zelena holds up a tiny translucent bean. "Like it?" she asked the pair with a smirk, "I traded the giants for one some time ago, pity stopped trading with human shortly thereafter; a coincidence I'm sure. Now thanks to my green thumbs, Rumple and I need never depend on your dark magic to get ourselves home." she paused to glace at Rumple in what she thought was a loving manner, but was actually quite off-putting to the cowering spinner. She threw the bean at the floor which dissolved into a spinning vortex as she returned her gaze to Belle and Will and raised the gauntlet again, "I'm going to send you, your new boy-toy and this worthless trinket to meet its original owner." Zelena tossed the gauntlet to Will, "Enjoy Camelot." she said, adding with a wicked grin, "Oh and..." Zelena placed her hand over her stomach, "Don't even think of coming back to hurt me or MY husband or our child in the future. I assure you I won't spare you a second time." Laughing Zelena shoved Belle and Will into the magic bean-hole.


...ok I think I know somewhat how I want the Belle, Rumple, Will and Zelena stories to go, so I guess I should you know think about the "main storyline" for season five which I assume will be Dark Emma. I have basically just one scene in mind so far. I think Emma needs to kill someone to prove to the audience that's she's evil now (if she's just all angsty and conflicted all season I think I'll scream!). I'd love that death to be Hook's, but I was thinking about the scene and I have a different idea now. Hopefully it will work out...


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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2015, 09:02:02 AM »
Rain lightly pelts the streets of Storybrooke Maine as Regina reaches down to pick up the dagger laying in the middle of the street, right where Emma dropped it after accepting the dark curse...

"Emma." Regina reads from the dagger in a pained whisper as Killian, Snow and Charming slowly join her and all three stare in abject horror at the name now etched in the dagger - Emma Swan.

"Oh God oh God oh God oh..." Snow babbled in voice full of anguished panic as Charming puts a strong arm around her and tries to comfort her.  Soothing his wife's pain momentarily taking his mind off his own pain.

Killian looked angry. He blamed Rumplestiltskin for this, as for every other bad thing that had ever happened to him, from his brother's death at the hands of Rumple's father, to Milah's death at Rumple's own hand (at the cost of Killian's). He wasn't sure how Rumple could be responsible for the hangover he had from last night, but he blamed him just the same. He reached for the Dark Dagger, but Regina beat him too it. Snatching it from under his hook without a glance at the former pirate or a discussion as to who should hold the dagger.

As far as Regina Mills was concerned the matter needed no discussion. She was not only the mayor, but also the most powerful magic user left standing and Emma had damned herself to save her, Regina, The Evil Queen, from the darkness she had willingly courted for most of her adult life. This was her fight, her quest, and nobody was going to lead the operation but her. She could tell the pirate wasn't happy, but she didn't care. She was never one to let someone else's happiness interfere with her own and at this moment she couldn't allow Emma to go down the dark path without a fight. She owed her that much.

Hook knew better than to fight Regina for the dagger. A hook vs. magic was always a losing battle as he well knew from his centuries long pursuit of Rumplestiltskin. "Call her." Hook said to Regina, his voice steadier than his heart. "She's tied to the dagger now she has to come if you call her."

"I know that." Regina hissed irritably. "I just hate this entire situation that YOU put us in, pirate, by not telling us sooner that this Apprentice person was in the hat!"

"How was I supposed to know who he was?" Hook asked, "The Dark One forced me to do his bidding and I had no..."

"I know, I know." Regina hushed him, "Boo hoo, boo hoo, The Dark One stole my heart and made me trap all the nuns in his magic hat. Give me a moment and I might summon up a little pity..."

"Regina." Robin interrupted, "There's no need to vent your anger on him. The Darkness is our only true foe now and we shall need each other's support and loyalty to fight against it." he looked at Hook, "We're none of us disposable."

Hook shrugged, "Glad to hear it mate. Now..." he turned back to Regina and repeated his earlier plea, "Call her."

Nodding her assent, Regina raised the dagger, "Emma Swan!" she cried into the twisting wind. Nothing happened. She looked at Robin, who motioned for her to try again. She raised the dagger, "Emma Swan I command thee to come to me!" Immediately the street light's began to flicker and then pop, dosing the already poorer lit street into near total darkness as Emma swirled into existence amongst a cloud of dank blackness. The moon cast a faint glow over the scene, reflecting off Emma's skin giving it a momentary metallic sparkle. But her family hoped it was only a trick of the moonlight.

"Emma..." Regina said her name breathlessly, suddenly afraid of anger that had always lurked somewhere behind her friend's eyes. Her friend? Regina still had trouble believing that one, but in her heart she knew it was true. Good think she'd kept it in tonight. It would be awfully hard to have a heart to heart chat with the new dark one if she'd left hers at home. "You didn't have to do that." she said, "It chose me. You should've let it have me."

"And how could I do that?" Emma asked, her voice dripping with scorn, "When my parents stole my freewill from me before I was even born." Emma turned on her parents a glare of such malevolent that it practically froze the tears on their cheeks.

"I'm not going to try and justify their actions." Regina said, "They did what they thought best at the time."

"They were wrong." Emma stated emphatically.

"They know that NOW." said Regina, emphasizing the word now, adding, "Sometimes parents make mistakes. Especially when they're young, and scared, and nobody should understand that more than you, Emma!" Seeing that well-known defensive look in her eye, Regina softened her tone, adding, "You're a good person, a hero, you saved this whole town from the dark curse and then, after you saved everybody who deserved saving, you did something even more amazing... you for gave me. You helped me overcome my demons... Please, Emma. Let me return the trust you showed me. Let me help you."

Emma's bottom lip trembled as she spat out, "How can you help me? How can you trust me?!" she cried, "You have no idea how many dark thoughts have racing through my mind.  I can't be trusted anymore. The darkness is too strong..."

"No stronger than you Emma." said Regina firmly, "You're The Savior Emma. Your parents may have done wrong when they removed your potential for darkness, but maybe that mistake was for the greater good. You can't be evil, Emma. It's just not possible. The darkness doesn't have a thing to hold on to inside you..."

"But I feel so dark inside..."

"The Darkness can't win, Emma. Not unless you let it."

"Please, Regina. Use the dagger to send me away to somewhere where I can't hurt anyone. Lock me in one of your cells and throw away the key. You have the dagger. If you order me to stay there I'll do it. I'll have no choice..."

"No, Emma! I will not allow you to lose your free will. You'll never be able to beat this darkness sitting alone in a cell. You need to be trusted..." she held out the dagger to Emma, hilt first. "You make your own destiny Emma Swan. I trust you."

Emma hesitated, she tried to look Regina in the eye, but the dagger tugged her eyes back to it. She extended her hand. It shook. But as her grip closed over the dagger a look of exaltation spread across her pale features.  "Big mistake, Regina." she said, blasting her backwards with a wave of her hand. "Now..." she said, moving to stand over a stunned Regina, "Give me my son!"


"Give me my son!" Dark Emma demanded again, her right hand clenched tight around the dark dagger.

"Never!" Regina declared, getting shakily to her feet and readying one of her fireballs.

Emma swatted Regina's fireball away as if it were merely a pesky fly. She raised the dagger and charged at Regina with murder in her eyes. But just as her blade slashed forward towards Regina's throat, Robin Hood drove in front of Regina and took the injury instead. The former outlaw slumped to the ground, his eyes fixed and unmoving.

"NO!" Regina screamed as she caught Robin's body mid-slump, letting it bear them both to the pavement.

Snow, Charming and Hook stood in shocked silence around Regina as Emma shrugged and vanished in a puff of black smoke.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2015, 11:58:47 PM »

It's several hours later and Emma Swan, The Dark One... is bored.

Sitting at the counter in the apartment she'd shared with her parents and baby brother, she spun the dagger idly on the cracked surface, and tried to think of a something to do while she waited. She felt it's presence and addressed it without turning around, "Not you again."

A shadowy figure has appeared behind her. It wore a long black hood with hid its face. "How did it feel?" it asked.

Emma shrugged, "I have no idea what you mean." she lied. "Besides..." she added waving her dagger, "...the Dark One feels nothing."

"We both know that's not true."

Emma makes a rude gesture.

The shadow giggled archly, "Gesticulate all you want Dearie, there are some things you can never take back."

Emma looked down at Henry who was unconscious on the floor.

"That was an accident." Emma said, her voice harsh, "Henry said he didn't want to come with me and when I tried to use magic to drag him towards me it... it went wrong somehow" she said looking down at her hands as the harshness died out of her voice, "Instead of pulling him closer it shoved him back towards the wall and knocked him out."

"Sounds like your new dark nature isn't getting along to well with your old magic." said the shadow. It looked down at Henry, "Why don't you use your healing magic to wake him up?" it asked. "It's not hard, let me show you..."

"No!" she said moving between her son and the shadow, "I'm afraid if I use my healing that could go wrong too and I'll hurt him even more." Her jaw tightened, "Besides, I don't think you can help me anyhow. You're nothing but a shadow, Rumplestiltskin."

Shadow Rumple smiled under his dark robes, "Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it Dark One, I'll always be around..." the shadow giggled again as it disappeared.

The clock chime brought Emma back to herself and she smiled putting the shadow out her mind. She knew what she needed.


Tired from a night of fruitless searching for Henry the people of storybrook meet up at Granny's Dinner to plan their next move...

Snow cradled the glass of hot chocolate between her palms, letting the warm sit in as she waited for it to cool down to sipping temperature.

Charming slipped his arm around Snow's shoulders and kissed her on the side of her head, "I think we should call off the search. Henry could be anywhere by now."

"But we can't just give up." Snow said, as tears began to form in her tired black eyes.

"It's pointless!" said Regina knocking back a shot of bourbon, "If Emma wants to hide Henry, she poof off with him in a moment's notice the minute one of the search parties gets close."

"For all we know they could be in Timbuktu by now." Grumpy muttered over the rim of his second beer.

"No." Regina shook her head, "Magic doesn't work like that here. Believe me if Gold could've gotten out of town with his magic he'd have done it a long time ago. No no, in this realm magic only works within the boundaries of Storybrook itself. They're both still here. Emma just doesn't want to be found."

"They could've opened a portal or a magic door or something..." Ruby offered.

"Passage into other realms is rare and hard to come by." Regina reminded the often absent waitress.

"Only because someone destroyed our entire bean crop..." Grumpy grumbled, reminding everyone that Regina had razed the magic bean fields last year.

Snow got up from her stool and stood by Regina's side, subtly reminding everyone that Regina was now on their side, "Don't worry." she said putting a hand on Regina's shoulder. "She's his mother. She won't hurt him."

Charming nodded, adding, "Speaking of mothers, maybe you and I should go home and check on baby Neal. He could probably use..."

"NEAL!" Snow screamed running for the door, "I left him with Belle yesterday!"

"But Belle's been sitting with Gold all night hasn't she?" Charming asked, joining his wife in her panic.

"Glad to see you finally remembered your son." Granny said from behind the counter where she stood with her arms crossed. "Don't worry; he's back in the kitchen sleeping off his breakfast. Belle dropped him off here earlier." Granny frowned, "Though why she'd want to waste her time watching Mr. Gold sleep is beyond me..."

Looking suitably chastened, Snow and Charming thanked Granny and went to check on their son.

Setting her drink back on the counter Regina tuned out the rabble as her thoughts turned to a subject she'd been avoiding for hours. Roland, she murmured, I'll have to tell him about his father soon. She rose to her feet and quickly downed the rest of her drink. Best to get it over with, she thought heading for the door.  But as her hand reached for the door it was flung open in her face, nearly knocking her over as Emma entered the dinner.

Emma Swan now dressed in a sparkling white pant suit covered in gaudy sequence and accented with a black swan feather boa swaggered into the dinner and approached the counter. "Hot chocolate" she ordered, fixing Granny with a militant stare, "NO cinnamon." Regina glared at her briefly and then she did a very un-Regina like thing and left rather than start another confrontation.

"Emma?" Snow running out of the kitchen holding baby Neal with Charming nipping at her heals, "Honey... are you ok?"

"Of course she's not ok." interjected Grumpy, "She just absorbed the darkest evil in all the realms. How could she possibly be ok..."

"Leroy please." Charming chided, as he and Snow moved to flank Emma, not in a military sense or anything, more as a show of support.

You... look... good?" said Snow, stumbling over her words. "Very... radiant."

"Yeah I'm positively sparkling these days."

"Emma... what happened to you when you disappeared?" Snow asked, her voice full of motherly concern.

"Nothing happened." Emma lied to her mother, "I just vanished..."


(Emma flashback to what really happened when the darkness took her)

The blackness was absolute ...and then it wasn't. The dark mist lifted like a veil before her eyes and she saw that she was no longer in Storybrooke, but in a village. Though she was sure she'd never been in this particular village before, she was sure she was back in The Enchanted Forest. Suddenly she hears a soft voice in the forest and in the blink of an eye she was transported deep into the wood, along a winding road that had clearly never seen concrete.

Ahead she sees a man and boy stumbling down the road in what look like a panic.
"It feels wrong to run away." said the boy.

"It’s worse to die, son." the man replied, "I’m not having you taken away to the Ogres’ war."

Emma noticed the man walked with a crutch. He also looked scared to death. Just then a beggar appeared, funny that she hadn't noticed him before...


Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2015, 05:01:19 PM »
Very good.  Maybe I should pick up there.

I do have some news.  I'll write it up later this weekend.

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2015, 08:49:18 PM »
Very good.  Maybe I should pick up there.

I do have some news.  I'll write it up later this weekend.
Please do. :08:

I hate writing dialogue. Plotting stuff out is sooo much more fun (as I'm sure you'd agree).  :97:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season Five (Fanfictionized!)
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2015, 11:56:13 AM »
Um, LM... I kinda sorta finished this story a few weeks ago. Not that it much matters now that the 'real' season five is nearly half over. But hey at least this story has a happy ending!

I also have an idea to do a story about Rumple's first maid (you know the picture drawing mute). But I should probably wait until I re-watch the episode again during the mid-season re-watch/death count that I still plan to do and see if the outline I've already draw up will fit.


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