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Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« on: September 28, 2015, 08:06:29 AM »
Okay -- I'll start.  That show sort of blows the mind (especially the ending).  I think I know what is going to happen.  I think there are actually two Emma's now.  What could have happened in Camelot that set her so against her parents.  Held in prison while they enjoyed themselves?  Here's my opinions on the characters last night.

1.  I thought I'd love Arthur but the show is making him out as a brat.  That's okay but I see no redeeming factors in his personality.  He's supposed to be chivalrous.  Why didn't he bring horses for his guests?

2.  Dark Emma is surprisingly good.  I don't want her to be the "dark one" but she's made an impression. 

3.  The show last night deserves an Emmy nod and Jennifer Morrison deserves a nom for her work also.


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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2015, 03:39:15 PM »
Merlin talking to little Emma in a theater showing 'Sword in the Stone' was cute and all. But I need more before I'll buy in on the OUAT version of Merlin. I know some stories say he ages backwards, but it's still weird to me.

Camelot :king:
I agree that Arthur wasn't the chivalric hero I was hoping for. I can only assume they wanted him to be less noble so when Guinevere leaves him for Lancelot it will make sense (never really did to me in the stories).

But having the dark dagger be the missing tip of Excalibur was probably the biggest jaw-dropper of the show. I loved it! Hopefully this piece of plot will work out as well as the reveal did for me.  :great:

I liked her. Love the accent (of course) and her interactions were good. I hope the writer's don't ruin her story with a bad romance. (hint hint) (rumors rumors)

Dark Emma was better than expected (based on the horrible promo pics we saw early on), but I did expect more darkness and less 'struggle' considering all her own darkness has (supposedly) been removed since birth, which should I'd think make it harder for her to fight the darkness since she'd (allegedly) never really experienced that struggle before. But that 'all dark potential removed' crap happened in season four. So let's just forget that and move on. I'm sure the writer's have.

On Rumbelle
I was pleased to see Rumple in his coma and Belle actually saying she cared... though why she'd leave him like that, especially leaving him in the apparent care of the Blue Fairy is baffling to me. I'm not sure why Belle was going to Camelot (a scene where she discovered a rare book telling her how awesome Merlin was at curing magical comas would've helped explain why she was going.  They better not have brought her just to babysit Neal AGAIN!). Note she was conspicuously absent when they returned (good grief not the memory lose AGAIN!). Not that anyone noticed. Hey maybe she was in the background and I missed her, but I sure didn't see her.

Dark Rumple :88:
...was the mostest awesomest thing ever. I've been starving for some good Dark Rumple scenes and this time my meal was delivered! So many good quips... too bad the rest of him had to be in a coma to get some good scenes.  -Console-

The Charmings
Why did they bring baby Neal again? I guess maybe they thought they might not get to come back or perhaps they were planning on staying in the Enchanted Forest if possible. Or maybe the writer's heard a few fans criticizing them for always leaving the newborn with a babysitter and decided to just bring him along this time (he sure isn't growing very fast is he?)

Loved the video of Josh and Jenn  LM!  :035:

Regina :040:
As usual my biggest gripes are with her (you don't have to read this LM) ...how come Regina is suddenly too good to use the Apprentice's (mixed magic?) wand and yet Zelena isn't too bad? Are the writer's watching the show because just last season (a few days ago to Regina) she ripped out Belle's heart and used it to torment Rumple, not in some good heroic, let's beat the baddie (not that Rumple actually was the baddie) at his own game, but in a cruel and sadistic vendetta against someone who (in her mind) taunted her over his own happiness in the midst of her own unhappiness. And reading between the lines (with so few Rumple/Belle scenes in S4 I kind of have to) it seems like she's done this before to Belle and I personally find that despicable. Bottom line is - Regina is no hero. Not to me.

I found myself rooting for Zelena in this episode. I shouldn't want to do that. But at least she owns up to her bad self and doesn't act like she's changed, when the viewers (the ones who care about Belle at least) know that she (Regina) hasn't changed at all. She's just changed her targets. 

Plus Zelena is a real scenery chewer. Always fun to watch her be bad.  :97:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 12:49:39 PM »
Yeah-- Zelena is a scenery chewer and I love her for that.  That whole Regina/Zelena thing didn't make sense to me either.  Of course with Rebecca a "regular," they have to do something.

Did you notice that when they returned all were dressed as courtiers.  I saw a spoiler this morning where Regina has to assume the "leader" role to deal with what happened to Emma.  And they are doing two seasons again in one with Emma being the featured character the whole season.  I'll try to find that link again.

And did they have to resort to "lost memory" again!!!!  Isn't that getting old.

The hints of Narnia are back which I like.  I still say that they should use some of the Last Battle in the series finale. 

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2015, 11:29:11 AM »

I found these yesterday. Love 'em. Roll those eyes Belle!  :clap:

Anyway, the idea of using Last Battle to end the series is an intriguing one and could really fit the core idea of good vs. evil, light vs. dark, but...  if they did use it, I'm pretty sure they would take out everything that really mattered about the book. The part about only those who served Aslan making it through to 'Aslan's country', the bit about Susan being left behind because she no longer believed (and if they did use the Susan bit it would probably be Rumple left behind the way the writing seems to lean), that part would be hard to write because Susan did nothing 'wrong' in a worldly sense. She just stopped believing in Aslan and I've heard/read complains/arguments for years about that being unfair (Susan being left behind), but to me, C. S. Lewis was making a point with Susan to show people that good works in and of themselves are not enough if you don't believe. Even if they replaced belief in God with belief in 'magic', I still don't think they'd go there. It would probably be more like, people who use dark magic are bad (except for Regina) and don't get to go into the light. Rumple like Ben in LOST would be left on a bench outside the church regretting his life. Though to me the only thing he should regret is saving the town from Peter Pan.

On the other hand they could just do a general, 'oh no! The whole town blew up and everybody's dead... fade to black... fade in on a bright day in The Enchanted Forest where everyone who ever died on the show is waiting for them and then everybody hugs and walks into the light together.'

I'm making fun a bit, but I do love LOST and I still love OUAT. I just don't want to go through another season frustrated like I was last season. The writing in S4 was so poor and the characters (especially Rumple and Belle) were so forced to go against what was already established that I just don't trust the writers anymore. And I know I crap on Regina a lot, but I would think her fans would be equally upset about the heart thing with Belle since it spoils her entire redemption arc, even if that isn't acknowledged on the show, to me that's not something a hero would do and at the very least she owes Rum and Belle a genuine apology in front of witnesses (including Henry).

Hey Eddie, Adam and OUAT cast, raise your hand if you liked the writing in season four...


At least it was a pretty good premiere with lots of Rumple quips. I'm not complaining about that! I'm rooting for you season five!

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2015, 04:22:52 PM »
Actually I just saw a spoiler on Twitter with Jennifer.  I took on a twitter account because my student who had it graduated.  Let's just say, the could do the first one now with a good/bad Emma if what I saw pans out.  No more of a hint than that because you don't like spoiler.

Easily, they can leave the Susan bit out.  Or make it Zelena easily.  So if Zelena is Susan, who is Lucy.  And here's what I'm thinking about the Aslan bit.  Emma/Savior versus Emma/Witch. 

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2015, 07:22:53 PM »
Zelena may not be the only new mommy in Storybrook! Emilie de Ravin has announced that she's pregnant.

Rumple better wake up and get to work real soon or the darn writers will decide to make Will the father, icky as that may be!

Or they'll just write Belle out of the rest of season five once the actress starts to show. :(

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #6 on: October 04, 2015, 06:46:09 PM »
Adam (executive producer) responded to that last night.  Emile will not be written out.  They're happy for her.  So no chance of her disappearing and i  :72: about it better not be Will's kid.  In fact, I hope Will has disappeared off the canvas.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2015, 08:34:11 AM »
Last night's shows has me still trying to figure out some clues.  I need to rewatch it but don't when I can.  Here's what I got.

Regina isn't the "Savior" because she still has evil in her.  It takes the entire town to rescue Robin even though Regina was willing to give her life to save her love.  It takes  a village may be the theme this year.

Can Emma really destroy what she loves to put that stupid sword back together?  No way cause that would be Henry, Hook, and her mother and father.  I don't think she's that evil and never could be.

Have they kept "Hood" to become the next Kenny on this show?  South Park did flash in front of my eyes.

King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.  Don't like either one of them!  Both seem to be using our team for no good.  And why does he want that sword united and for what reason.

Where is Merlin?  Shouldn't he make an appearance?

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2015, 12:36:07 PM »
I was disappointed that they saved Robin, especially so easily. I felt like they spoiled the surprise of him getting 'killed'. That and I don't care about his character that much so the emotional stakes to see him spared weren't there. I was sadder about Dopey being turned into a tree and he's never had a line in the show.

Speaking of trees - Merlin was (apparently) inside a tree in Camelot and then poor Dopey gets turned into a tree by leaving town. Not sure if Merlin is behind this latest curse, but it's certainly related.

On the 'Price' of magic... I'm a bit confused here. Now I've only watched it once so I could have a few things wrong, but it seemed like Regina/Emma got in trouble by Emma using her dark powers to save Robin without a price (why not just ask her for a lock of her hair huh? Worked for Rumple with Snow!) and that caused that banshee/demon thing to show up in another realm six weeks later to try and claim/reclaim Robin Hood? Rumple has used his magic before to help people without asking for a price - healing Belle's wound (you known from when Hook shot her in the back - why are they friends now with no real apology from Hook btw?) and healing Charming's Dreamshade problem from Neverland. So how come Emma is suddenly in deep dark do do over healing Robin Hood?

I agree that I don't like Arthur and Guinevere. Seem shady as heck, granted our characters ARE lying to them, so they have reason to be doubtful.

Why kill off Percival? My Arthurian knight memory is a little fuzzy, but wasn't he the one who found the Holy Grail? I was also a little startled to see our hero Prince Charming run the guy through without a pause or a regret afterwards. I thought killing was bad? Add to that, I was under the impression that Percival was only going after Regina because SHE MURDERED HIS WHOLE FAMILY AND SMILED ABOUT IT! It doesn't sound to me like he was a villain at all.

Still love that the Dark Dagger is the other half of Excalibur somehow. Even if Emma having the sword in the stone in her basement or something is weird as heck.

I think if Merlin was in that tree than they probably got him out while they were in Camelot. Now whether he's still in Camelot or if he's hiding out in Storybrook somewhere or locked up in Emma's basement... I have no idea. They're probably saving him for the midseason finale.

I'm glad that Belle won't be written out, though that could mean anything really. I think they need to do one of the following:

1. Let Belle be pregnant on the show....
. Merlin/Emma whoever transfers Zelena's baby into Belle
. Belle tells sleeping Rumple that she's pregnant and assures him (and us) that it's his and she never ever slept with Will.
. Rumple wakes up and gets busy right away.

2. Hide the pregnancy...
. Hey Belle that's a nice high desk you have there. Do you want to come out? Not for a few months. Ok.
. Hey Belle that's a swell coat you have. How come you're wearing a coat in the summer?
They could also have her constantly eating in every scene and pretend she's just filling her Rumple void with Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. As you do.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2015, 01:33:48 PM »
I was sadder about Dopey being turned into a tree and he's never had a line in the show.

Dopey is my favorite!  Made me sad that this happened but they may be able to bring him back when Emma is "good" again.  You know that has to happen!  Doesn't it?

Speaking of trees - Merlin was (apparently) inside a tree in Camelot and then poor Dopey gets turned into a tree by leaving town. Not sure if Merlin is behind this latest curse, but it's certainly related.

Merlin was everywhere.  When he "died" or fell asleep (if you please) due to his young lover, it was in a cave.  Arthur too sleep and will awaken when England needs him the most.  Some people thought that was WW II.  I just got T. H. Elliott's Once and Future King and I need to re-read that.

On another note, the knight that Arthur killed was supposed to be his step-brother who went on to serve as a Knight of the Round Table.  Error one in Camelot and where I started doubting Arthur.  Now Percival (who did go on the Grail quest) bit the dust.  It's like this Arthur doesn't know the story.  And Guin is just as cunning and evil as Arthur.  How could Lancelot fall for her. She's supposed to be unassuming (and gullible as I read her back when I read this for my 16th century English class).[/quote]

On the 'Price' of magic... I'm a bit confused here. Now I've only watched it once so I could have a few things wrong, but it seemed like Regina/Emma got in trouble by Emma using her dark powers to save Robin without a price (why not just ask her for a lock of her hair huh?

It's:  Magic comes with a price.  I agree.  They never had to "pay" for doing magic to save anyone before.  And mind Rumple changed it again.  To utilize the "dark magic" you have to give up EVERYTHING you love -- even your memories of your loved one.  That's why he could go completely dark.  I really need to rewatch this again.

Still love that the Dark Dagger is the other half of Excalibur somehow. Even if Emma having the sword in the stone in her basement or something is weird as heck.

Agree.  There is something deeper here.  I still think the sacrifice will have to be Emma's sacrifice.  Either she dies or (and I hate to say this) Henry must.  Does she love darkness enough to give up her son?  Or if we are going Narnia, it would be Regina.  Regina could equate to Edmund who Aslan gave his life for. 

At least his season has us talking and asking questions.

Regarding Belle -- wouldn't it be neat if they tell us at mid-season that Rumple's redemption has left a gift with her -- a boy child who may or may not inherit the "dark spirit."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2015, 07:48:58 PM »
Merlin was everywhere.  When he "died" or fell asleep (if you please) due to his young lover, it was in a cave.  Arthur too sleep and will awaken when England needs him the most.  Some people thought that was WW II.  I just got T. H. Elliott's Once and Future King and I need to re-read that.

On another note, the knight that Arthur killed was supposed to be his step-brother who went on to serve as a Knight of the Round Table.  Error one in Camelot and where I started doubting Arthur.  Now Percival (who did go on the Grail quest) bit the dust.  It's like this Arthur doesn't know the story.  And Guin is just as cunning and evil as Arthur.  How could Lancelot fall for her. She's supposed to be unassuming (and gullible as I read her back when I read this for my 16th century English class).

I was just thinking tonight about this educational? computer game I had as a kid. I don't really remember much so many computer games later, but I remember at one point it would come on with the quote;
Here lies Arthur, the once and future king'

I had to look up the Latin bit of course, but the English version (spoken in a very deep male voice) has stuck with me all these years.

I don't know that I like the idea of Belle giving birth to a demon. Gabrielle did that in Xena and it really didn't work out very well as I recall.  :043:

As for Emma, unless it's confirmed that this will be the last season, I don't think they would kill off Emma and I don't think they have the guts to kill Henry in a family show. I'm going with (spoilers for one of my ideas to end of the season five fanfiction...) is that Merlin will pull the darkness out of Emma (as his Apprentice did for Rumple) and then Zelena, always greedy for power, will willingly take it on and just like Emma she'll disappear back to The Enchanted Forest and will thus be someone else's problem.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2015, 10:15:54 AM »
I was just thinking tonight about this educational? computer game I had as a kid. I don't really remember much so many computer games later, but I remember at one point it would come on with the quote;
Here lies Arthur, the once and future king'

I had to look up the Latin bit of course, but the English version (spoken in a very deep male voice) has stuck with me all these years.

I don't know that I like the idea of Belle giving birth to a demon. Gabrielle did that in Xena and it really didn't work out very well as I recall.  :043:

As for Emma, unless it's confirmed that this will be the last season, I don't think they would kill off Emma and I don't think they have the guts to kill Henry in a family show. I'm going with (spoilers for one of my ideas to end of the season five fanfiction...) is that Merlin will pull the darkness out of Emma (as his Apprentice did for Rumple) and then Zelena, always greedy for power, will willingly take it on and just like Emma she'll disappear back to The Enchanted Forest and will thus be someone else's problem.

OKay -- I remember reading that.  The Latin is always printed in the versions I have read followed by the English.  Arthur slumbers until needed then awakes.  Of course, this new Arthur could sleep and no one would miss him.  He just wants to be king.

Forgot about Gabrielle's baby.  And let's not forget Angel's child of evil from the Angel series.  And killing Henry I agree is doubtful although ABC use to be known of as "dead baby month" during May for killing off children. 

I'm still going with Emma has to give her life like Aslan did.  Then she rises, like Aslan did, as good.  That way the Savior is set as Emma.  Whether it is by sacrifice of Merlin saving her from dying, I'm not sure.  And I'm sure she will give her life for either Henry or even Regina.  Emma has seen Regina as being good and if Regina saves Henry, Emma would protect her.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2015, 09:37:23 PM »
He's awake! He's Awake!

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #13 on: October 12, 2015, 03:26:50 PM »
Knew you would be happy.  Not happy he's in Evil Emma's clutches.  The show is getting interesting.  It seemed like so much happened in the first 10 minutes but the whole hour was jammed full.

I knew Lancelot couldn't just vanish.

I knew Arthur was evil.  Wouldn't it be funny if he IS Modred.  We know cloaking magic exists. 

Arthur is a power hungry twit who is nothing more than a cult leader.  Wonder when David will figure it out.  Is it just me or should David be playing the lead in Clueless?

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2015, 07:14:54 PM »
I'm not happy that #1 Rumple and Belle are separated AGAIN, but also like you that Emma is apparently using him to get Excalibur out of the stone. But overall I liked the episode. Regina's bad character is finally being acknowledged again by the writs with her basically telling Zelena that she is out of chances (just how many chances have you had Regina?) and that she and Robin will take the child while Zelena will be what... Dead?

I enjoyed the stuff with Arthur and Charming as a sort of fun adventure of silliness and of course Arthur is a bad dude everyone saw that coming. But the car vs. horse chase was hilarious.

I'm super happy that Belle is back to caring about her husband (thank you writers!) but again, I would rather they were allowed to be together, something Rumbelle is rarely allowed (boo to the writers for that one!)

Is that really Lancelot? I'm sure that Cora could well have lied about killing him, but that doesn't mean I'm taking his survival as cannon just yet.


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