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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin  (Read 22737 times)

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Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #90 on: May 03, 2016, 08:07:40 AM »
Do you know what happened to the quill? Did it pass on?
Henry left the underworld copy of (not sure if it was the original or not) 'Once Upon a Time' in the underworld stuffed with stories to help the denizens of Underbrooke with their unfinished business, but I don't know what he did with the quill. Did he bring it back or not? We'll probably know soon or never.

How could a living heart save Pan when half a living heart didn't help Hook? Well I don't know. The only clue we have is that Pan's body disappeared along with Rumple's when he killed them both, so... a loophole?

I'm trying to keep up my hope that Hook will stay dead, but I feel like I'm doomed to disappointment there. Maybe He's someone revived with Hades heart, maybe that ambrosia tree starts to bloom in the underworld again now that Hades is gone (or after our heroes kill him) Maybe Henry uses the quill to write him back to life... who knows.

How disappointing that the pan pipes were never played on screen. I guess maybe Rumple used them to call his father to help kidnap Zelena? I was really sold that those pipes could free the souls trapped in the river, but now that Pan is one of them... I don't think that will be happening after all.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #91 on: May 03, 2016, 08:47:54 AM »
Found a link to a tv guide article about the season finale that tells us why everyone important is in New York...

So it seems Henry is going to try and destroy magic. Why THE AUTHOR would need to go to New York to do it I don't know. But there ya go. Maybe the moms will commit Henry to an asylum (really they still have those?) to save magic.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #92 on: May 03, 2016, 11:20:41 AM »
I don't think it will be Henry who is committed. He's still vital in Storybrooke and the world needs magic.  I'm wondering if it's his girl friend from Camelot.  The whole thing as I see it is, how does New York asylum and Storybrooke work.  I don't think either moms will commit Henry but Gold might.

Regarding where they're heading.  I'm sure the Grimm brothers is going to come into play.  Henry has been shown in a still with the Once Upon a Time book under his arm in New York. 

Regarding Emma's mourning in the graveyard.  Can't figure that one out.  She has a conversation with Snow sometime during the episode and the script tease Horowitz gives is:
Snow:  Oh, Emma.  I'm so Sorry.
(Snow embraces her while Emma holds back tears.)
Emma: I made alot of mistakes mom.  I never should have gone there.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #93 on: May 03, 2016, 02:37:14 PM »
The spoiler people at Once podcast are saying they think it will involve jekyll and hyde instead of brothers Grimm, but I'd rather have the brothers Grimm, so hopefully their guess is wrong.

Regarding Robin I'm wondering if Hades will kill him as a gift to Zelena. You know sole custody of baby Pomegranate and all that.

I assume that script tease is just more of Emma mourning for Hook and she's certainly right that they should've never gone down there.

Offline Merry Prankster

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #94 on: May 03, 2016, 05:20:16 PM »
Regarding “Last Rites,” If someone in addition to Hook dies, the process of elimination favors Robin.  Also, Zeus appears in this episode.  Regarding Season 6a, MP found the following description of the brothers:

   The casting call describes him as "Late 30s - early 40s. An imposing, physical man. Brutish and morally corrupt. Jacob desires power above all else. The power to control his own destiny however he sees fit. With no discernible moral compass, Jacob will use any means at his disposal to get it. Even if it means destroying his own family in the process".

   The casting call describes him as "Late 30s - early 40s. Slight and weak. Always in the shadow of his more powerful, and more sinister, older brother. Nathaniel only wishes to be free of his sibling’s wretchedness. But fate continues to thwart him, drawing them together in increasingly dangerous ways, and threatening all he holds dear".

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #95 on: May 04, 2016, 10:20:10 AM »
Here's an article on the new folks. 


On another note:  Yes, I've heard Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  When I read this, I have to wonder if it could be Romanus and Remus (from Roman myth).  Also, there is Loki and Thor who could work in.  It's going to be interesting to say the least.  And they're not really releasing any major spoilers.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #96 on: May 06, 2016, 11:34:27 AM »

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #97 on: May 08, 2016, 09:24:25 PM »
I'm a little conflicted. I feel like this was a good episode that perked right along and kept me interested as well as providing some minor closure to the Camelot arc and major closure to the Hades arc (still sad the river of lost souls never got emptied), but ultimately it feels wrong that Robin Hood (useless misused character though he be) should die defending Regina against Hades and it's Hook alone who gets rewarded by Zeus? Granted I wanted Hook to stay dead so there is that, but it still feels unfair and I'm sure Regina will agree when she finds out.

Poor little Roland Hood! :03:

And no matter what Snow White tells her daughter, this whole arc really has been Emma's fault. She's the one that dragged everyone into the underworld to save Hook, so yeah... kind of her fault what happened.

As for the Rumbelle story A) I knew her dad would be a jerk who cared more about sticking it to Gold than in saving his daughter. B) badass Rumple still rocks even though I wish they would let him be more like the Rumple I expected him to be by this point in the story; i. e. a reluctant hero.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #98 on: May 09, 2016, 08:10:19 AM »
It was an excellent episode and I don't really count Robin out yet.  We do know that spoilers pictures ran of him going into the woods and Roland running to him with Little John.  We do know that a scene was filmed with Zelena in front of a green/blue screen.  Why go to that expense and not use the footage. It's once thing to do it when all are on set but this was only a few, in the woods (not the main set) and required a blue screen.  Plus, we have the following:

1.  Hades said that it would be instantaneous and your soul would be lost forever.
2.  When he aimed it at Regina, Hood stepped in the way.  His body fell on taking the bolt but his essence lived on long enough to say goodbye to Regina.  And it didn't disappear, it whooshed out.
3.  When Hades was struck by Zelena, it was instantaneous and he was turned into dust.

It was Emma's fault but Regina and company were offered the opportunity to leave and didn't.  Very good 5b if you ask me.  Actually very good season 5. But there were a few things I don't get.

1.  Hook knew his unfinished business.  Isn't that a little odd?
2.  The killing of Arthur that early in the episode.  To the sane person (which doesn't mean Zelena) it was a flashing sign that should have said beware.
3.  Arthur teaming up with Hook.  I actually liked this.  And they've soften Hook's appearance and not as much manliner.
4.  Zelena was thinking with her heart.  Has she started to mellow.
5.  Hades double crossing caught up with him.  And he can never return.
6.  Hook's crossing over -- and we got to see Olympus.  But did anyone else think that Zeus was a wimp.  He's always painted as the strong wind god.
7.  Hook's arrival at the funeral after the burial -- bad form.  Although nice touch since Emma admitted she could finally grieve.

Now on to the next two episodes/movie. . . . My thoughts on this.
1.  Henry destroying magic.  There has to be a little sense of magic in the air.  If not, all hope is gone.
2.  Regina turning evil again.  Well, we expected it but she does end up in New York with Emma looking for Henry so she's not completely evil.
3.  If Henry destroys magic, doesn't that destroy Rumple's magic too.
4.  Are they turning Rumple into the big bad again.  Not that he was completely reformed, but I like him the way he is now.
5.  How long will Belle sleep?  Will Snow go into one since she's going to need maternity leave also.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #99 on: May 09, 2016, 04:00:24 PM »

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #100 on: May 15, 2016, 09:24:04 PM »
Really really not sure what to say about this one. It seemed all over the place. At the end I was surprised by the evil queen's return (how did she survive the heart crush? Which was a terrible stupid idea btw) mainly because I thought what Hyde had traded to Rumple was the formula to split himself in two and so I expected Dark Rumple to turn up and slay the dragon. Which might have actually made me happy since presumably pure hearted Rumple could've woken up Belle, who would then be split into good Belle and stupid Belle and good Rumple and good Belle could live happily ever after with their child and bad Rumple and stupid Belle could break up and evil Rumple could be the fantastic evil villain that everyone wants to see and stupid Belle can get off OUAT and bother people on one of those stupid housewives shows or something.
But once again no one seems to care about Belle or Rumple, while everyone bends over backwards to help Regina. Maybe if they bothered to be as loving towards Gold and Belle than he would be good by now and the show would've been over (or cancelled) seasons ago!

Other than that, I enjoyed the penny rain, but not the speech from Henry to New York.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Season 5 -- Let's Begin
« Reply #101 on: May 16, 2016, 08:33:40 AM »
And it's apples and oranges again.  Overall the episode worked but I'm unsure of how I feel about Hyde and Jekyll showing up.  And a tip of the hat to the writers for making Henry's young lover Mark Twain's daughter.  Loved that!

For some reason Rumple has to be the big bad.  Carlyle does a good job with it.  I think they wanted to give Lana a chance at an Emmy.  She can gnarl the scenery next year and still be good.  The one drawback is the heart thing.  Bad Regina should be no more.  Is the ripping out of the heart and smushing it no longer effective or is it only because it belongs to part of a person.  Sheesh. 

Hyde creeps me out but it may be good.  My question is who else did he bring back that has "unfinished story."  To me it would be Frankstein but that story is done.  It could be Fagin (Oliver Twist).  It would be funny if it was the Mather preacher family who wants to hang all witches.


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