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Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #75 on: May 09, 2016, 08:13:33 AM »
Nope -- you got it and I'm back tonight to digging through the last half of season two.  I've been out of it the last month due to work overload but we're heading for exams and it's getting easier.  I've also got to get to the Chinese/August scenes and do it quick (before next Sunday).  The big question from twitter (after the sniping about Outlaw Queen's with Hood's death was: Wasn't that the dragon in next week's episode.

And spot on deaths from last night.  Now how do we count the death of magic?

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #76 on: May 09, 2016, 04:32:13 PM »
I also saw The Dragon (or someone who looks a lot like him) in the previews. Which is an intriguing and overdo plot sidetrack that they need to address. Looking forward to that.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #77 on: May 10, 2016, 08:49:37 AM »
Season 2, Episode 9 -- Queen of Hearts

In the Enchanted Forest
Hook enters Belle's cell to rescue her.  He will take her to her father who is sick.  He's really looking for Rumple and she tells him she doesn't know hot to find people. He knocks her out and starts to leave but meets Regina who knows all about his vendetta against the Crocodile.  Regina will help him kill Rumple but with a price?  This is before the curse because Regina is already planning to enact the curse.

In her new realm, Regina says it will be a land with no magic.  Rumple with no magic means that Hook can kill him. His role in all this: make sure Cora doesn't go to Storybrooke with them.  How?  By ripping out her heart and brought back to Regina.  (Continuity error here with 100th episode.).  Regina sends Hook through a portal using the Mad Hatter's hat to Wonderland.  He is forced to kneel before Cora who orders all to leave.  When Hook tries to take her heart, she takes his which how she learns what Regina has planned.  Cora feels that Regina doesn't have honor or she would have come to do the deed herself.  Hook must help Cora because she can give him what he wants.  She'll let him kill Rumple and enjoy it. 

In the past all are in the same land. Regina enacts the curse but Cora decides to shield herself and Hook in a globe.  Regina knows the curse must end in 28 years and a quest will resume.  Cora plans to help Regina pick up the pieces.

In Present Day Storybrooke
David is still sleeping and Rumple and Regina must take precautions against Cora coming through.  Their goal is to find where they will come through and stop it.  Only problem.  if they stop Cora, they stop Snow and Emma also.  Regina feels the magic is unpredictable. She also can't lie to Henry because she's trying to be a better mom. 

Henry reads to David and Regina tells him to watch David while they prepare for Snow and Emma to return.  Regina and Rumple leave to find the well.  When Leroy tells the crystals are missing, Henry realizes that his mom lied.  Meanwhile, they are at the well and Regina whats to know what if Snow/Emma try to come through. Rumple starts a spell as magic hits the well. Rumple finishes and says no one can survive coming through.  Henry arrives and Regina tells him they can't let Cora through. Rumple tries to reason with him but he echoes Snow with "Good always defeats evil." Regina tells him that her mother always destroys everything.  Henry goes to the well and Regina tries to pull him back. Henry knows they will return and reminds Regina she has changed. He asks her to have faith in him. Regina stops the spell. Henry rushes to well and Emma and Snow crawls out. All hug.  Regina and Rumple exchanges looks.

Red takes Snow to David who is awakened by "true love's" kiss. Emma is welcomed by Regina.  Emma tells Rumple she understands why he did what he did. She asks him why didn't he use the scroll ink to escape the curse.  He knew he could but he knew where he needed to be.  He created the curse but he did it to make her.  She was the product of true love. Cora couldn't take Emma's heart because of the magic.  Henry tells Regina she has changed and hug her.  The Charmings celebrate at Granny's while Rumple rubs it in that Regina wasn't invited.  Meanwhile a pirate ship rides off shore of Storybrooke with Cora and Hook on it.

In Enchanted Forest present
Aurora finds a message.  Aurora enters a cell with the compass and Cora shows up and takes it.  Emma tries to deal with Hook but is locked in the cell with the others. Cora and Hook plot their departure for Storybooke.  Hook has the seed taken from the giant but he sees it as useless.  While Emma feels she did what was necessary by breaking the curse, they can't escape the cell because it was made to hold Rumple.  Cora and Hook arrive at Lake Noister which is dry but where the legend said they would find the power of what was lost (his ship). Cora cast a spell and the lake fills.  Meanwhile our heroes have realized that Rumple had a spell in the cell to get out.  They find a scroll that will open the door.  In the past Snow use to watch Regina practice magic. She blows on the paper and squid ink melts the bars. Aurora says she must stay behind because Cora will know what is going on.  Mulan promises to come back and get her and she is locked in.

At the lake, Cora gives Hook the ashes which he sprinkles in the water creating a whirlpool. The heroes arrive and the compass is shot from Cora's hand (by Snow of course). Hook grabs Emma but Mulan fights Hook. The medallion/compass falls but Hook catches it. Mulan is hurt but still fights as her sword deflects Cora's magic. Fighting between all continues with Hook trying to kill Emma for the compass but Emma hits him, knocking him out. Emma advances on Snow and Cora's fight. Cora goes for Snow's heart but Emma gets in the way and Cora can't take Emma's heart. Cora thinks lough is a weakness but Emma tells her it is a strength.  Emma and Show jump in to head home.

Mulan has Aurora's heart.  She returns to the cell, frees Aurora and restores her.  Aurora remembers that Phillip's soul may not be trapped forever. They can bring him back and off they go to do it.

Cora  stands beside the lake looking sad cause she failed. Hook may not have ashes but he has a ship which appears.

Deaths -- 0 but not for lack of fighting or Cora ripping out a heart.

The Cricket Game and Outsider will be up later.

Quotes:  Snow to Emma:   "Good always defeats evil."  (Echoed later by Henry to Regina and Rumple.) (My side note after Sunday's episode:  Really?)

Cora to Regina (about Daniel):  "Love is weakness."
Regina to Cora:  "Mother, you are my weakness because I love you."

Cora:  "Love is weakness."
Emma:  "No! It's strength."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #78 on: May 10, 2016, 09:39:39 AM »
Season 2, Episode 10.  "The Cricket Game".  While technically the ending of season 2A, it starts the action for 2B.

Hook and Cora come to Storybrooke. Hook starts off after Rumple but Cora has other plans.  While on the dock, Hook and Cora are interrupted.  That doesn't stop Cora, she turns the person into a fish and Hook kicks him in the water.

At home the next day, Charming and Snow celebrate their reunion only to be caught by Emma and Henry who plan to make tacos.  Luckily Emma distracts Henry from action in the bed. 

At Granny's a welcome home party is happening.  As Charming toasts his family, Regina arrives with lasagna. Most aren't happy but Emma invited her and she stays. Henry tells her he's glad she's there. Regina leaves after the food but Emma goes after her. Regina asks Emma to let Henry stay but Emma is reluctant which makes Regina strike out. Emma says she knows she is trying to change because Archie told her. Hook watches Regina and tells Cora beside him that she's broken which Cora replies: Not Yet.

Regina confronts Archie about revealing their sessions on the dock. Archie assures her that he can be trusted and Red shows up and asks if everything is okay. Regina dismisses her. Later Red watches as Regina enters Archie's building and hears Pongo bark. Regina is really Cora and appears to choke Archie (but does she?) More later.

Henry and Emma talk about Enchanted Forest. Pongo arrives upset and Red realizes that something is wrong. They go to Archie's and find him dead on the floor.  Red saw Regina enter. Regina is at the Sheriff's office being questions but Emma thinks she didn't do it.  Emma points out that if she had, the building would be destroyed. Regina wants to change and Emma wants proof. At Archie's Regina's file is is empty. Theyrealize that Regina may be being framed.  Going to Gold's shop, they find Belle with him. Emma explains and wonders if Rumple can do anything. Pongo is brought in and Emma will be the one to see what he sees.  Rumple tells her to use her magic.  He gives her a dream catcher (nice catch in season 5a) and shows her how to run it along Pongo's back.  She looks into it and sees Regina/Cora killing Archie.

At Regina's, Emma tells her what they saw.  Regina realizes Gold helped her to use magic. Emma tells her that this will break Henry's heart.  They fight over Henry and Regina stops the spell Blue is about to throw then disappears.  Emma and the others go to catch Henry's bus.  Emma tells them she must be the mother and tell him. A funeral is held, and Henry mourns.  Emma brings him Pongo as a pet and while Snow accepts, she sees problems.

Cora now tells Hook that Regina has lost everything.  She also tells him that there is a gift in the hold of his ship waiting for him.  It's Archie who knows everyone's secrets. 

Enchanted Forest
Regina watches as a celebration occurs.  The Charmings have defeated King George and Snow is alone heading to meet Charming.  Turns out it is a trap and Charmings catch Regina when she goes to kill Snow. In Council all want Regina killed but the Cricket speaks for her. Snow/Charming discuss what to do and they decide to execute her.

Regina watches the preparation for her execution when her father arrives. He pleas with her to ask for forgiveness.  He accepts the blame for what she became but she says it is hers. He urges her to say she has changed. Regina looks to be doing it but attacks all instead.  As the arrows start to fly, Snow yells no and Blue stops them. She has another way -- rehabilitation.

After a talk with Charming, Snow goes out to get some air only to find Rumple outside.  Rumple was there for a souvenir. Rumple will help see if Regina can change.  She asks for the price but he talks in riddles.

Snow goes to see Regina and reminds her of her kindness to young Snow. She opens the door to let Regina have a fresh start.  Regina goes for the knife Snow has and tries to kill her.  Instead, Regina can't.  Snow has a protection spell on her. Charming arrives and Regina learns Rumple's role. Snow banishes Regina due to her saving Snow's life.  On Snow's wedding day, Rumple shows up to visit Regina and proposes the "other land" where she's not banished or forbidden to use magic. Regina calls for her coach to attend the Charming's wedding.

Deaths == 0
(While Archie is thought to be dead, it was a sleeping spell and is alive and maybe well in the hold of Hook's ship.)


Cora:  "Magic is here and that makes things more complicated."

Regina to Red:  "Go take yourself for a walk."

Regina to crowd:  "I know I'm being judged for my past -- a past where I caused pain. A past where I have inflicted misery.  A past where I have even brought death. When I look back at everything I have done, I want you all to know what I feel.  And that is regret. Regret that I was not able to cause more pain, inflict more misery and bring about more death. And above all else, with every ounce of my being, I regret that I was not able to kill Snow White.

Charming:  "If we don't stop her (Regina) now, no telling what she'll do." (Turn to the light?)

Regina:  "How can I blame the one I love most, who stood by me to the end."

Snow to Regina:  "You saved my life once.  Now I've saved yours.  So we're even.  And if you ever try to hurt anyone in my kingdom again, I will kill you."

Regina to Emma: "The savior of course...Well I can only assume he warned you then . . . that magic always come with a price."

Hook to Cora:  "It may take some work, but this cricket will chirp."

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #79 on: May 10, 2016, 01:28:54 PM »
Season 2, episode 11 -- The Outsiders (this episode should really mark the end of season 2a.  It's when we get Belle's first stupid trick and the Outsiders entrance to set up Pan)

Storybrooke Present
Our episode opens with Rumple and Smee at the town line. Rumple has a potion and plans to use it on Smee and throw him over the line.  He does and Smee remembers everything.  Rumple can now go search for Baelfire.

The funeral for Archie has made Henry very sad.  He gets Pongo though as a pet (which I recorded last show) eventually.  On his ship, Hook has tortured Archie for answers but realizes Archie doesn't know where the dagger is. He does get Rumple's weakness from Hook (but we don't hear it).

Rumple and Belle are discussing his ability to leave town and hunt for Bael.  Rumple will put the potion on Bael's shawl and his journey is "something he has to do."  Belle goes to the library only to find Hook. She hits him with shelves then hides in the elevator and uses her cell to call Rumple. By the time he gets there, Hook is gone.

Henry won't eat and the Grumpy and company express their desire to return to the Enchanted Forest. If evil Regina is back, they think it might be safer. Rumple is meanwhile worrying about keeping Belle safe. She knows to help but Rumple tells her his version of Hook and Milah.  He only tells her that Milah died. When they return to Gold's shop, everything has been turned upset down. Smee's been there and took Bael's shawl so Rumple can't leave Storybrooke. Rumple is going after them and Belle wants to help. Rumple doesn't want to lose Belle and refuses. He gives Belle a gun to protect herself and goes off to accost Smee who he almost chokes. Belle's at the docks and finds Hook's ship. She also finds a wounded Archie and let's him lose.

Pongo is now Henry's and is at the Charming's apartment. Snow wants something bigger but Charming wants to return to the Enchanted forest. Belle is found on the ship by Hook who has the shawl.  The gun is lying away from her and Hook ends up with it.  Belle and Hook argue with him calling Rumple a coward. Hook then tells his side of the story and that Rumple killed Milah but Belle tells him she still sees good in Rumple. She hits Hook and runs only to have Hook catch up with her. Rumple arrives and they fight.  Belle stops the fight before Rumple kills Hook. 

Henry is in the loft working on blue prints for a home Emma and himself in the loft after the Charming leaves. There's a knock at the door and Pongo acts strange. It's Archie who tells Emma that Cora did it. Henry suggests telling Regina.

Belle and Rumple are at the town line so he can leave.  He asks why hasn't she given up and she replies, he's worth fighting for.  Rumple crosses and they talk. He wishes Belle coule come too but she can't. A shot rings out.  Hook has shot Belle who falls into Rumple's arm forgetting who she and he are. Car approaches from out of town and doesn't stop.  Somehow this car can enter Storybrooke and hits Hook.  The car wrecks.  It's an outsider (and starts the descent into the worse 2nd half of a season ever).

Enchanted Forest Past
Belle is in a bar listening to men planning to go after the Yaogua.  Dreamy comes over and urges her to sign up to go after the monster. Belle says her day of adventuring is over but Dreamy gives her some fairy dust and urges her to go.  Fairies use their magic for good he reminds her.

Belle goes on the adventure and studies her books for details.  She knows where to go and tells the men the lake. They kick her off the wagon and she smiles. She lied.  He's in the mountains hibernating by day. She gets to the cave and makes a noise, the beast attacks but Belle is saved by Mulan who has been tracking him for some time.  She's surprised it only took Belle a day.  When the men threaten to put Belle down the well for not telling them the truth, Mulan saves her and they team up in the quest.  They find the beast who attacks and Mulan gets hurt. Belle is the one that must go after the beast and she's scared. Mulan offers encouragement. 

Belle goes into the town and finds the beast. She knocks out his fire with water and realizes that something is strange about the beast when he starts writing "help." She sprinkles it with fairy dust and it turns into a man, Prince Phillip.  Belle broke the curse cast by Maleficient. He tells her he's in her debt and she asks for his help wtih Mulan.  As Belle leaves, she runs into Regina and Regina puts her in a cage to take her to the tower.

Deaths = none although Hook did cause Belle to lose her memory, got hit by a car which crashes

Quotes: Mulan to Belle:  "Show them you have the warrior's spirit."

Season 2 deaths to date:

Cora  -- 100 (Village)
Charming -- 5 (and this doesn't count the war with King George)
King George/George -- 2
Regina's Guard --- 1
Rumple -- 1
Regina -- 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #80 on: June 18, 2016, 11:54:06 PM »
Because I seem to have forgotten the season five finale...

5.22 Only You & 5.23 An Untold Story
Deaths? None that last. Regina murders her 'evil' sid, but apparently that doesn't work out for her.

Regina 102
Liam Jones 14
Hook 4
Zelena 3
Arthur 2
Hades 2
Charming 1
Nimue 1
Rumple 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #81 on: September 03, 2016, 09:04:37 AM »
Since my (presumably) well meaning mom bought me season four of Once Upon a Time for my birthday last month...it seems like the right time to try and rewatch it and at least try to see the good in it (if it exists) so here we go.

4.1 A Tale of Two Sisters
The Frozen arc begins and I'm reminded that they honestly did a great job casting the three major roles.

We get several good Rumple/Rumbelle scenes in this episode; Rumple visits Bae's grave and delivers a monologue on how he wants to be a good man for him (Bae) and Belle. Too bad this storyline was more or less dropped. A visible and well explained storyline of Rumple struggling to give up magic/be a better man while being pulled in by the temptation of the Sorcerer's Hat would (to me) have been better than the unexplained choices he (and others) will make in season four. Speaking of the hat...we see it for the first time at what we now think of as The Sorcerer's house, which Belle found on a hike and chose as their honeymoon spot (remember they can't leave Storybrooke because of...whatever reason currently) and we get not only a lovely dance scene for Rumbelle to 'Beauty and the Beast', but also a stunning visual reveal of the hat as Rumple opens it for the first time and it plays The Sorcerer's Apprentice tune slowly in background. What a great sequence that was!

The rest of the episode deals with Regina being pissed that (not-really) Marion is still alive while Hook, Emma and the rest of the goofy gang try to defeat a snow monster.

Also in Arendale of yore Anna skips out on her wedding in order to cross the sea to Mist Haven and find out why their parents really left.

Deaths - Anna & Elsa's parents die at sea, but as yet no one has been blamed for that so no points needed.

4.2 White Out

Continuing on the positivity side... This is the episode where Anna (calling herself Joan) meets Charming (who has fabulous hair) and she teaches him how to use a sword so he can fight one of the best random out of the blue one-off characters that Once ever created - The Warlord: Bo Peep.  :043: Charming tries to give up, but Anna calls him a coward which (eventually) motivates him to save the day. And to save Anna how has now been branded by Bo Peep (using her handy dandy magic shepherd's crook). We also get to see mama Charming again as she gives Joan (Anna) the most important clue in her quest to discover why her parents left/where Elsa's magic comes from...a piece of paper with the name Rumplestiltskin printed on it. Cue adorable giggling Rumple cameo as he watches Anna in a crystal ball.

Oh and we learn that Charming's father died in a drunk carriage accident. Whether this is somehow important or just a PSA about not driving drunk in Amish country I don't know.

Meanwhile in our world... Snow is confronted by a small angry mob consisting of Granny, Grumpy and either Sleepy or Sneezy (I still don't have the other dwarves names down even after 5 seasons?!) who inform her the power is out and demand she fix it since she cast this (latest) curse which in their opinion makes her the Mayor. (eventually) Snow fixes the power using her mommy powers.

Elsa continues her bizarre behavior by raising an ice barrier around the town and trapping Emma in an ice cave to try and force Hook and Charming to find Anna. During this time (slowly freezing to death) Emma and Elsa bond over magic and family problems, while Hook and Charming bother the Golds...
Mr. Gold to Belle as Hook and Charming charge into their pawn shop: "It appears our honeymoon is over." :D
The Golds help Charming realize that Anna is none other than his old pal 'Joan' which leads them to Bo Peep (now a butcher) which nets them her crook, which doesn't lead them to Anna (spoilers she's back in Arendale safe and sound as I recall), but lets them know she is alive by emitting a heartbeat.

Please note that the fact that Elsa still can't control her magic is annoying to me because I've seen the movie. I'll try not to harp on it.

And the episode ends with Henry confronting Regina at their house where she has been hiding (re: sulking) since 'Marian' returned. Hugging ensues. Cue credits.


SEASON FOUR DEATHS (after 2 episodes)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2016, 10:56:55 PM »
4.3 Rocky Road
Robin, Roland and 'Marian' stop for some ice cream. How sweet.

Emma confronts Gold about Elsa. He says he doesn't know anything. Hook wants Belle to use the dagger on him, Gold assents and Belle does and we all know it's a fake so the scene is very awkward really, but it does the trick and Emma is convinced and leaves to find another lead.

Snow and Charming reminisce about Rupert their court jester. Why?

'Marian' collapses at the town meeting and everyone thinks Elsa must be behind it. An angry mob starts to form. Robin tries True Loves Kiss on 'Marian', but no dice (gee I wonder why and the answer isn't 'because he's totally in love with Regina now'). Robin gets Regina to help and she takes 'Marian's' heart out and puts it in a box to keep her alive.

Emma finds Will Scarlett going through Robin's tent; he leads them to a suspiciously unpowered ice cream parlor.

Hook blackmails Gold with the knowledge of the fake dagger. Gold kindly helps him by returning the Snow Queen's magic (in 'Marian's' hair) to its original form so that they can follow it to the person who cast it. They do and SQ nearly kills Hook. Darn. SQ escapes.

Later SQ meets Gold in the woods. They know each other and he knows that she knows Emma somehow, but that Emma has forgotten.

Regina tries to bribe Henry into helping her find The Author. No need he's thrilled to help and Operation Mongoose begins.

In Arendale past Hans (who's army is forming at the border) has a familiar magic urn and Kristoph and Elsa go to get it and are ridiculously captured by Hans, who opens the urn to trap Elsa, but oops...should've checked to see if it was empty first because the Snow Queen shows up and freezes him. Elsa brings her back to the palace where SQ tells her she's her aunt. But when they meet in present day... Elsa no longer remembers her.

DEATHS - Well SQ freezes Hans, but I think he recovers later and she nearly killed Hook, but it doesn't happen because we can't have nice things.

4.4 The Apprentice
What's this? A genuinely GOOD episode in season four? It's like seeing a unicorn!

...In the distant past Zoso tries to steal the hatbox, but is repulsed by a barrier because his heart is dark. The Apprentice says no Dark One will ever get the hat - cut to Rumple opening the hat in the present day. GREAT SCENE.

In Misthaven past - Anna meets Rumple who wants her to put something in an old man's tea. Anna agrees, but backs out once she meets the old man. She returns to Rumple only to learn that what she had wasn't poison, but the antidote to the poison Rumple got him to drink ...yesterday. Oops. They watch through Rumple's glass ball as the Apprentice is turned into a mouse. It was a test of Anna's heart. He needs someone to consider darkness and turn away. Anna says she never considered it at all. But later she threatens him with a sword and he almost taunts her into using it...which gets him the tear he needs to get past the barrier and get that box. Which he does, but Anna and the Mousy Apprentice get Rumple to drop the dagger, which Anna uses to get Rumple to spill his plan...he wants the hat to free himself of the dagger and retain his power - and she makes him promise not to hurt her or her sister again and he must change the Apprentice back into a man blah blah blah. Rumple does it all and then screams in impotent rage when he finally gets his dagger back.

BTW Rumple says in this episode that the hat was crafted THOUSANDS of years ago by a powerful Sorcerer and that his Apprentice guards it...so basically the timeline they later establish in the Camelot arc is total BS!!! But back to the actual good episode of Once...

In the present day - Hook goes to blackmail Gold again, this time to get his hand back. Gold warns him the hand is cursed, but Hook insists. Later when Will Scarlett interrupts his date with Emma and Hook not only threatens him, but goes looking for him later and beats his face in. He blames the 'cursed' hand. Right. Belle finds a beaten and drunk Will in the library the next morning and calls the cops.

Gold then blackmails Hook right back, getting him to help him hat The Apprentice in exchange for getting his Hook back. Once the hook is attached once more, Gold smiles and tells him the hand was never cursed. It was just an excuse Hook used to go back to his old ways. They threaten each other some more. Gold pulls out security footage of Hook hatting the Apprentice (with Gold helpfully magic'd out of the frames). He's stuck.

The episode ends with Henry plotting with Regina to trick his grandfather into hiring him as an Apprentice, which he does, even bringing up his dead father/Gold's dead son as a reason they should spend time together. ...THIS WAS A TERRIBLE THING FOR HENRY TO DO! :c029:

- None. The Apprentice comes back later so clearly hat does not equal death.

  Mr Gold: (Chuckles) You were right. Dark one lies. Dark one tricks. This hand is nothing but a lump of flesh. The only thing it did was give you permission, permission to be the man you really are... not some puppy dog chasing after the object of his affection, but a ruthless pirate who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. I did you a favor. I helped you remember the darkness that lies beneath.
  Hook: (He is now speaking in a threatening tone) Then you know that that darkness will have no problem crushing Belle's heart.
  Mr Gold: If you go after my love... You will surely lose yours. You threatened my marriage, tried to destroy the only light in my life, and for that, you will owe me as long as you live.
  Hook: What if I'm willing to take you down with me?
  Mr Gold: I think... I know you better than you know yourself, dearie. So here we are, Captain, still in business together. I think... You and I are gonna have some fun.


(Henry is standing in Mr Gold’s shop. Mr Gold is behind the counter and is looking surprised at whatever Henry had just said to him.)
  Mr Gold: A job?
  Henry: You know, after school and weekends. Now that my father's gone, I realized that you're the closest thing I've got to him, but I-if you don't want me around...
  Mr Gold: No, well... All right. A few days a week. But, uh... stay out of the back room, and don't touch anything without asking. You can be my apprentice.
  Henry: What does an apprentice do?
  Mr Gold: Many, many things. First, you can start by sweeping the floor. (Hands Henry a broom)
  Henry: (Takes the broom and starts sweeping the floor)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #83 on: September 08, 2016, 08:05:15 AM »
Oh and we learn that Charming's father died in a drunk carriage accident. Whether this is somehow important or just a PSA about not driving drunk in Amish country I don't know.

Somehow I think this will be addressed this season.  I heard Charming is going to delve into his history some.

And I WILL get season two completed when I stop falling asleep on the couch at night.  It's embarrassing.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #84 on: September 08, 2016, 03:15:08 PM »
Oh and we learn that Charming's father died in a drunk carriage accident. Whether this is somehow important or just a PSA about not driving drunk in Amish country I don't know.

Somehow I think this will be addressed this season.  I heard Charming is going to delve into his history some.

And I WILL get season two completed when I stop falling asleep on the couch at night.  It's embarrassing.
More early Charming on the horizon? I do hope that means The Wig will make a reappearance.  :)

Its a spoiler of course, but I did trip across the info that the Rumbelle baby's gender was leaked accidentally by a script tease or something. Whoops.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #85 on: September 09, 2016, 08:01:31 AM »
Well, what was it?  I can't find anything on twitter.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #86 on: September 09, 2016, 05:30:10 PM »
Well, what was it?  I can't find anything on twitter.
It's a boy for Rumbelle! ...shucks I wanted a girl. :57:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #87 on: September 12, 2016, 06:13:19 PM »
4.5 Breaking Glass

This is the one where we meet Lily, which makes it even more boring the second time considering her character never really amounts to anything and the stuff they do to shoehorn her in (like the Charmings dumping her egg into a portal) messes up several characters later on.

In real time - Emma finds a picture of herself talking to the Snow Queen in Storybrook. It's one of Regina's spy pics from season one, so she asks her for help. Regina turns to Sydney who wants to be freed. Regina denies him and makes him help her. Later on when Sydney betrays her to the SQ nearly sending Regina and Emma into an icy grave...it makes sense to me.

Anyway from the SQ makes a fancy mirror from the small one she gets from Regina.

DEATHS - None.

4.6 Family Business

In the past Belle has bad dreams about the ogres killing her mom (Collette), a time she does not remember because of...trauma? I guess. She wants to know how her mom died and her father Maurice (whom I have never liked) refuses and basically orders her to stay in her room even though she is like thirty years old here (it has never been clear how old Belle is when she meets Rumple which occurs directly after this story by either days or weeks.).

Belle runs away from home and heads for Arendale to find the rock trolls who can restore memory. She meets Anna along the way and together they get a memory rock from the trolls. Later Belle chooses that memory stone over Anna when both are dangling from a cliff and she manages to save neither of them as the memory stone shatters and Anna... well she doesn't, but she really should've given the height she apparently fell from, but maybe the SQ (did I forget to mention she was the one causing this problem in the first place?) cushioned her fall or something. Anyway...SQ steals the hat box from Anna, who stole it from Rumple and Belle watches them poof away. She feels massive guilt over this. Later when she returns home her father tells her how her mother died (sure now he tells her.) and she died heroically saving Belle and so Belle wants to be a hero too. She and her dad chat about calling in an evil sorcerer named Rumplestiltskin for help (she learned about him from Anna; Maurice already know about him though) thus nicely teeing up Skin Deep from season 1 - aka the best episode of Once ever.

In the present day - Belle is wearing a cute scarf covered in tiny daggers, which may well be the last complimentary thing I say about Belle for the rest of this recap as the gang gets together to discuss stuff and Belle denies knowing Anna or much at all about Arendale...why?! I know she feels guilty, but she doesn't have to admit she chose the rock over Anna. Anna didn't even know that! This was a pointless lie!

Later Rumple and SQ meet in the woods and vaguely threaten each other.

In another nod to the terrible writing in season four...Belle pulls out the dagger and orders Rumple to take her to the SQ.

Belle lies to Rumple about knowing Anna. Again...why? In the SQ's cave she meets evil Belle in the mirror who tells her she sucks and Rumple only married her because she's weak and easy to control... Rumple interrupts the spell standing between Belle and the bad mirror to let her know the SQ is coming back (Belle ordered him on watch outside the cave earlier). Belle is still upset over what the bad mirror said so she takes a swing at Rumple with the dagger making a shallow cut on his neck. Rumple grabs her arms and poofs them home (hey she didn't order him not to.) where Belle continues to act badly until she sees the cut on Rumple's neck. She's ashamed about something else now and finally tells him the truth, which is really no big whoop. She says she wanted a hat from the SQ. A hat that can strip magical beings of their powers. Hmmm. Ever hear of such a thing Rumple? lol

The episode ends with Rumple confronting the SQ with the hat open in his hands. WHY DOESN'T HE HAT HER RIGHT HERE????!!!! PLOT HOLE ALERT! They threaten each other again. They talk about her magical mirror and there's something about the spell of 'shattered sight'. Great. And again I ask...why doesn't he just hat her?



Anna: Careful! Careful.
Belle: Why? W-what's inside?
Anna: A hat which can strip the magic from the most powerful of sorcerers.
Belle: Why do you have such a thing?
Anna: I sort of stole it from an evil sorcerer when I was back in the Enchanted Forest. I went to him to help with my sister, but things didn't exactly go according to plan.
Belle: Why? What... What happened? Who... Who is this person?
Anna: I-I'd really rather not get into it. The less you know, the better. I just pray you never cross paths with that twisted man.

Belle: I... I hurt you. I... I'm so sorry,
Rumple. Mr Gold: It's okay.
Belle: When I f-found that mirror, something came over me, like a... Like a spell. And... And it spoke to me and made me... Made me believe all these horrible things, and it said to me that the dagger you gave me is fake.
Mr Gold: I can assure you that nothing that mirror said is true. It was imbued with the darkest of magic. I-I know you would never wrong me.
Belle: I have wronged you. I've kept a terrible secret from you. I'm the reason... That Anna's missing. I didn't want anyone to know until I could make things right and save Anna. But I couldn't. I failed. And all I managed to do was abuse the dagger and... And take advantage of you, my true love. I-I don't even know if I... If I deserve to be with you anymore.
Mr Gold: No, no, no. You were only doing what you thought was right.
Belle: You... You forgive me?
Mr Gold: Of course I forgive you. Thank you for telling me everything.
Belle: Thank you for understanding. I never should have kept a secret from you, especially 'cause I know that you'd never keep one from me. I love you, Rumple.
Mr Gold: And I love you, too.

Mr Gold: I'm afraid we have a problem, dearie. I caught a glimpse of your mirror today.
The Snow Queen: It's rather impressive, isn't it? I had no idea your bride would be so easy to turn.
Mr Gold: Watch yourself. Now, I don't know exactly when you intend to use this mirror, but you should know this. I won't allow you to hurt those I care about.
The Snow Queen: And I won't allow you to derail my plans because you've suddenly gotten sentimental.
Mr Gold: You only get one warning.
The Snow Queen: Which is more than you get. I can't make any promises over who may or who may not survive.
Mr Gold: You know, you were wrong before.
The Snow Queen: That you needed leverage to get what you want?
Mr Gold: No, that I didn't have it. I do. (Mr Gold shows the Snow Queen the hat.)
The Snow Queen: Where did you get that?
Mr Gold: Oh, that's irrelevant. But now that I know what you're up to, we can have a real talk. You might want to reconsider your position, because I doubt you'd enjoy becoming just another embroidery on this hat. Looks like you've just lost your leverage, dearie.

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (six episodes in)

Edited to add a note that Belle's mom died in 4.6, but killed by ogre doesn't count as a point so we're still at zero.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 06:15:29 PM by Outlast »

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #88 on: October 05, 2016, 03:54:33 PM »
6.1 The savior
DEATHS - Nuevo Jafar kills the messenger

6.2 A Bitter Draught
DEATHS - The Count of Monte Cristo kills some baron.

Regina kills one of her guards. She also burns down a village...but Monte said the villagers all fled, so I'm not sure if she gets 100 bonus points for this village or not.

Rumple time delay kills a handmaiden named Charlotte?  I think so anyway. I re-watched the scene and he never says he poisoned her, but I assume he did it. The other option is that she drank the poisoned wine that Monte poured earlier and Rumple just took advantage of the tragedy.

Regina kills the count of Monte Cristo.

Season Six Death Count (after 2 episodes)
Regina 2
Jafar 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #89 on: October 10, 2016, 01:48:17 PM »
6.3 The Other Shoe
The other half of the Cinderella story.

No deaths.


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