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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2015, 05:05:32 PM »
Episode Seven - The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
I guess Graham must've truly loved Emma since kissing her brought back his memories. So sad. Regina killing him like she did has to be near the top of the evil charts and as far as I recall no one has ever called her on that one. Surely once Emma broke the curse she must've remembered all the things Graham said before he died and put the pieces together. Emma's not a dumb character (at least she certainly wasn't in season one).

Also in this episode Regina alludes to having killed Snow's father Leopold, though off-screen that still counts since it's well verified. And Graham kills a guy in a bar back in The Enchanted Forest.

1.7 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
Graham 1
Regina 2

Charming 4
Regina 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Rumple 1
Prince James 1
Graham 1

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2015, 09:05:39 AM »
Okay -- I started season two last night and it's more complicated than I thought.

Season 2, Episode 1 -- Broken

After regaining their memories, people want vengeance on Regina.  Gold gets his vengeance by marking her with the wraith ensignia. When the wraith shows up to claim Regina, the town is wreck. Using Jefferson's hat, they send it down the portal.  Emma gets sucked down the hole too and Snow goes with her because she's not losing her daughter again. Meanwhile Philip has awaken Aurora, Mulan has been introduced, Phillip gets marked by the wraith.

Death count: Phillip by wraith
Almost death:  Regina by wraith, mob threatened her.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2015, 09:12:28 AM »
Season 2, Episode 2, We Are Both

With Emma and Snow missing, Charming has to become the leader.  While he wants to focus on saving Emma and Snow, he must stop the townspeople from crossing the line and forgetting the Enchanted Forest.  Meanwhile in the Enchanted Forest, Aurora wants vengeance and it is aimed at Emma and Mary Margaret who had the necklace when they fell through the portal.  Emma and Snow put in a pit where they find Cora who claims to no longer have her power. We also learn more about Regina's marriage to Snow's dad.  She imagined killing Snow, tried to run away but was caught by Cora

Death count:  Reminder that Daniel was killed by Cora because Snow told.

Other notes:  Grumpy pushed Sneezy across town line causing Sneezy to lose his memory of who he really is.  No explanation on how he got back.
Regina who seemed to lose magic (see new area) regain control and threatens town to get Henry back.
For love of Henry, Regina starts turning her back on using magic to get what she wants.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #18 on: December 15, 2015, 09:21:41 AM »
Season 3, Episode 3 -- Lady of the Lake

This one is difficult for death counts.  Charming and Snow are fighting King George so there is a battle.  Snow gets captured and taken to George.  He has put a curse in the wine she drinks that prevents her from having a child. The work done, he leaves Snow in the woods and she makes it to Charming's mom's house where they are attacked by poison arrows and swords. Charming defeats all but his mom is dying. Lancelot has been helping George until he finds out what George did to Snow and teams with Charming. Charming starts to really become David in this show.  Meanwhile Emma and Snow have been brought before the chief who turns out to be Lance.  He releases them and Snow knows where there is a portal they can use -- her castle. They are given Mulan to get them there safely and Aurora tags along with the intention of killing Snow/Emma. Emma stops them. They are attacked by orges when Emma fires her gun. When they arrive at the castle, Lancelot shows up.  Only it's not Lance but Cora who slips up and reveals Henry's name (which Lance wouldn't know). Emma burns the wardrobe and that portal, Cora disappears. When Emma/Snow and crew leave, Cora returns, gets some ashes from the wardrobe which holds magic.

Death Count:  Won't count battle since we didn't see any fall.
At Charming's mom:  5 of George's soldiers which Charming kills.
                               Charming's mom killed by poison arrow shot by George's men.
Off screen and in the past:  Cora killed Lance and has been impersonating him.
Orge War:  Took out many of those who remained behind when Regina's curse was placed.

Note:  Charming's mom could have lived if she had drunk the drop of water from the lake.  Instead she got Charming and Snow married by Lance who gave Snow the drop of water to drink so the curse would be broken.
George curses Snow and David due to David not being the son he wanted.
Henry goes down to Regina's vault and hears all the hearts.  Where are they now, by the way?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 09:33:00 AM by LindaM »

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #19 on: December 15, 2015, 09:39:11 AM »
So the season Two Death Count total so far should be - Charming 5

With George as a possible point for Momma Charming. I would count her death as a point for George actually I think since he ordered it and his soldiers don' have characters of their own. Plus we'll probably come to this situation again when Regina starts burning down villages. Does it only count if she personally kills each villager? I don't think so.

As for Lancelot I would absolutely put that down as a point for Cora if he weren't inexplicably alive again in season five. I think we need to wait and hear what happened before we issue him a death point.

Oh and Daniel's death will get a point (and a place on our most evil acts list some day) once I get to that episode in season one. I might watch 'Desperate Souls' today if I can. I love that one.

Totals for S2 (after 3 episodes)
Charming 5
George 1

Since we're doing multiple seasons at once, I think we should keep the death counts seasonal until we finish and total them all up. So far Charming is well into the lead, although he at least hasn't killed any good people (yet).

And again I appreciate your doing seasons 2 & 4 LM. I'd much rather read your recaps than re-watch them at this point. 1 & 3 are my favorite seasons of Once. Though I admit I probably should re-watch the even seasons at some point to rank the episodes from a better perspective than my memory.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2015, 03:20:16 PM »
Well, i will have to rewatch all to write the book.  I decided to submit a chapter on 2a for the published work.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2015, 10:36:12 PM »
Episode 8 - Desperate Souls
Now that... was a superbly written and acted episode. Both the Enchanted Forest story and the Storybrook story were excellent and they paired perfectly. I think this is one of the best episodes once ever produced.

This is Rumple's backstory. In it we meet Baelfire for the first time and we see how Rumple was before the dark curse, he was friendless and lame in his own words and his boy was all he had. So when the soldiers threatened to take his son to use as cannon fodder he did what came naturally; he ran. Unfortunately the lame aren't very good at running and well... you know the story as well as I do. I should mention that the lead recruiter/soldier/child stealer referred to him as 'the man who ran' and implied that his flight from the battlefield lead to defeat or something - none of which jives with the story they ultimately tell about Rumple's time in the army and how he lamed himself and was presumably sent home in disgrace. It would've made more sense if he'd been some kind of champion runner who commanded a battalion or something and then he ran away and his men got killed. Then maybe they caught him later and lamed him in punishment. Of course that's pure fanfiction/retcon at this point and it doesn't take his encounter with The Seer into account at all.

The Storybrooke half dealt with Emma becoming Sheriff after Graham's death. There was a fire, which she pulled Regina's 'arse' out of and she stands up to Mr. Gold, which ultimately wins her the election... just as Gold knew it would. Perfect.

Anyway death wise Rumple kills Zoso and 5 bad guys, so + six for Rumple. Biggest kill rate in a single episode yet.

1.8 Desperate Souls
Rumple 6

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 7
Regina 4
Charming 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
Graham 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2015, 10:37:59 PM »
Episode 9 - True North
At first glance True North seems like one of the most useless episodes in OUAT 1.0 (unless you just love to watch Lana chew the scenery, at which she excelled back then), but actually quite a few things happen in this episode... Regina gets her (cursed) apple thanks to Hansel and Gretal, Snow sees Emma's baby blanket and feels unaccountably moved by it, we get a glimpse of the newspaper clipping from when Emma was found, 'seven year old boy finds baby' and not coincidentally 'The Stranger' arrives in storybrooke with his mysterious box that ends up being part of one of the least satisfying reveals in OUAT history.

Oh and this is the episode where Emma lies to Henry about his father.

The Enchanted Forest story with Hansel and Gretel isn't very important, basically they fetch Regina's apple for her and disappear to 'forgotten character island' (I like that term lol). If this episode does anything really it's to illustrate how evil Regina really is. She not only sends Hansel and Gretel into the witch's hands, but she tells them afterwards that they aren't the first children she's sent there! Presumably the other children make up much of the pile of bones at the witch's house. I'd love to give Regina points for all those dead kids, but unfortunately I have no way of ascertaining their number.  Maybe like her eventually village death toll, we should just assign an arbitrary number of death kids to her total.

Anyway the only onscreen death in True North is the blind witch, who I thought Hansel and Gretel killed, but I'd forgotten that they just locked her in the oven and ran. It was Regina who turned up the heat (so to speak).

1.9 True North
Regina 1

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 7
Regina 5
Charming 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
Graham 1

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2015, 10:41:28 PM »
Episode 10 - 7:15 a.m.
Did I say True North felt useless at first? No maybe that was this one. It's so full of Mary Margaret and David's cursed muddle that it's very annoying to watch. This is the episode were Catherine thinks she might be pregnant leading to the oh so stomach-turning  ending line of David: "She's not pregnant!" ...cue long and passionate smooch. ugh.

Other than that there is some friendship stuff between Snow and Red which is fine and an awesome scene between Snow and Rumple, 'what do you need of my hair?; What do you need of it now it's been plucked from your head?'  Snow meets the dwarves for the first time and 8th dwarf Stealthy is killed by one of King George's men (another plausible point for George?) and Charming leaves Catherine at the altar and goes to find Snow who has taken a potion to forget him.

Oh and Emma must have a thing for guys in leather because she and 'The Stranger' seem to have a lot of chemistry in this episode.

1.10 7:15 a.m.
George 1 (questionable)

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 7
Regina 5
Charming 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
King George 1
Graham 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2015, 11:30:00 AM »
Just heard a great song and I wanted to share it here.

This is dedicated to Regina
The Only Traitor by the Whiskeydicks

Because a king is only as good as his queen.  :king:

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2015, 07:27:42 PM »
I'll listen to it tomorrow. 

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2015, 05:01:55 PM »
Episode 11 - Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
This one was Sydney's backstory and we see him manipulated by Regina throughout. In The Enchanted Forest half Snow's father King Leopold finds  The Genie (Sydney) and frees him with his first wish, using his second wish to give the third wish to Sydney who echoes Rumple's magic quote by saying  that 'all wishes have a price' which certainly is the case in this story. Regina tricks the genie into killing her husband and then when he uses that last wish to 'stay by her side and always look on her face' he becomes her magic mirror. The Storybrooke side is more of the same, except this time Emma is the dupe and Sydney is once more thoroughly under Regina's thrall.

We also have excellent foreshadowing for Skin Deep from Mr. Gold who says,' Be careful, emotional entanglements can lead us down dangerous paths.' and they pay service to The Thing You Love Most by giving Henry Sr. the line 'they know I'd die for her (Regina)'.

Death wise we have an interesting situation. I've already given Regina a point for killing her husband since she claims responsibility for it in an earlier episode, but as we see in 1.11 it's actually Sydney who unleashes the viper on the king. So who gets the point? I've already given George points twice for ordering a death he didn't actually commit himself and certainly if I plan on holding Zelena accountable for Neal's death (and I do) then Regina is equally culpable in this case. So can I really give two people a point for the same death? I think I can.

1.11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
Sydney Glass - 1

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 7
Regina 5
Charming 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
King George 1
Graham 1
Sydney Glass - 1

Offline Outlast

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2015, 05:05:00 PM »
Episode 12 - Skin Deep
I know I'm biased on Rumple stories, but I love this episode. Both sides are strong and we get so much character stuff in here! Rumple (of course) takes center stage, but we also get great Emma in this episode (she was awesome in season one) and the scene with Regina (in full evil queen mode) with Gold in the jail at the end... delicious. And Belle... I miss this Belle. She's so self-assured and so kind. She's sees through the beast right to the real man underneath, yet she's so innocent that she gets tricked by Regina. Also this marks Belle's first kidnapping - by Regina for at least 28 (more likely 30+) years.

And all the references to Beauty and the Beast throughout with the chipped cup and 'the old woman selling flowers'... perfect.

I wasn’t asking if she was engaged. I’m not looking for ‘love’ – I’m looking for a caretaker for my rather large estate. It’s her, or no deal.

Yeah, well, I’m a difficult man to love.

Rumpelstiltskin: You will dust my collection and launder my clothing.
Belle: Yes.
Rumpelstiltskin: You will fetch me fresh straw when I’m spinning at the wheel.
Belle: Got it.
Rumpelstiltskin: Oh! And you will skin the children I hunt for their pelts.
(Belle drops the cup of tea onto the floor.)
Rumpelstiltskin: That one was a quip – not serious.
(She kneels to pick up the cup. When she holds it up, there’s a chip missing on the edge.)
Belle: I’m, uh… I’m so sorry, but, uh… It’s… It’s chipped. Y-You can hardly see it.
Rumpelstiltskin: Well, it’s just a cup

Belle: Why do you spin so much?
(He pauses and looks at her.)
Belle: Sorry. It’s just… You’ve spun straw into more gold than you could ever spend.
Rumpelstiltskin: I like to watch the wheel – helps me forget.
Belle: Forget what?
Rumpelstiltskin: I guess it worked.

Rumpelstiltskin: What are you doing?
Belle: Opening these. It’s almost spring – we should let some light in.
(She tugs on the curtains again.)
Belle: What did you do? Nail them down?
Rumpelstiltskin: Yeah.
(Belle tries pulling the curtains again, except this time, she pulls them entirely off the rod. She falls, but Rumpelstiltskin catches her.)
Belle: Thank you.
(He sets her down.)
Belle: Thank you.
Rumpelstiltskin: It’s no matter.
Belle: I’ll, uh, put the curtains back up.
Rumpelstiltskin: Ah, there’s no need. I’ll get used to it.

Regina: I want you, to answer one question. And answer it simply – what’s your name?
Mr. Gold: It’s Mr. Gold.
Regina: Your real name.
Mr. Gold: Every moment I’ve spent on this earth, that’s been my name.
Regina: But what about moments spent elsewhere?
Mr. Gold: What are you asking me?
Regina: I think you know. If you want me to return what’s yours – tell me your name.
Mr. Gold: Rumpelstiltskin. Now give me what I want.
Regina: Such hostility.
Mr. Gold: Oh, yeah.
(Regina pulls out the chipped cup from her purse.)
Regina: Over this? Such a sentimental little keepsake.
(She dangles it in front of him until he grabs it from her.)
Mr. Gold: Thank you… Your Majesty. So. Now that we’re being honest with each other, let’s remember how things used to be, shall we? And don’t let these bars fool you, dear. I’m the one with the power around here. I’m going to be out of here in no time, and nothing between us will change.

On the bad side it has that horrid valentine card disaster and the boring girls night out side plot.

Death wise we only have poor old Gaston who Rumple turns into a rose, with a small assist from Belle who snips off his feet and puts him in a vase.

1.12 Skin Deep
Rumple 1

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 8
Regina 5
Charming 4
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
King George 1
Graham 1
Sydney Glass - 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2015, 04:13:40 PM »
Episode 13 - What Happened to Frederick
Well let's see. Charming kills The Siren (and later we'll learn lake Nostros itself dies too), we learn what happened to Frederick... that's about it.

1.13 What Happened to Frederick
Charming 1

TOTALS Season One (so far)
Rumple 8
Regina 5
Charming 5
Jiminy Cricket 2
Prince James 1
King George 1
Graham 1
Sydney Glass - 1

Episode 14 - Dreamy
This was a cute episode. It's too bad they basically dropped the Dreamy/Grumpy/Nova/Astrid romance, it had potential. We got a good speech on love from Belle at the tavern (just before kidnapping #1 in the timeline) and we learn that Gold hates nuns - Leroy: "Who hates nuns?!" Gold has his reasons. Too bad they don't get into that much either. Character wise I think this is where Emma first starts to doubt her special lie detecting skills, yet another thing Regina does to her. I miss confident not emotionally screwed-up (at least outwardly) Emma.


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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2015, 09:12:49 PM »
Season 3, Episode 4 -- The Crocodile  (Long episode recap -- sorry about that)

Okay this is a Rumple story with the added bonus of Hook's first appearance.  Let's break the story down.  Belle is dreaming of Gold giving her a necklace. She awakes and goes to find him. He's spinning gold and doing magic which upsets Bell. She asks where he was, he lies, and she leaves.  Belle is in town enjoying  a ice tea and talk with Red who tells her about the library. She tries to get in and the door is locked. She goes around to look in a window and Smee grabs her and takes her to her father. When he can't convince her not to love Gold, he and Smee take her to the mines to send her out of Storybrooke so she forgets. Rumple has gone to David for help finding Belle and Red sniffs her out. Rumple prevents Belle from leaving and she disowns both of them. The next morning she awakens and goes downstairs to eat. A present has been left for her, the library key. She enters to find Rumple who left the key. They talk through things and she asks him to take her for a hamburger.

In the old days in the Enchanted Forest,  Rumple arrives home to find MIlah missing and Baelfire (Bae) by himself. Milah is down at the local bar having a good time when Rumple finds her.  He also finds Hook. She sees Bae and returns home. Seems she wanted to be a widow due to the Ogre Wars. Milah leaves and Rumple (good by the way) goes looking only to find she's on Hook's ship and they're taking her with them. When he arrives, Killian Jones (not yet Hook), says she will entertain his crew. Killian challenges Rumple to a fight which he loses and Millah sails off with Hook. After Rumple becomes the "Dark One," Hook shows back up.  Hook lies when he is asked where Milah is.  Milah shows up in the alley and asks Rumple to let Hook live because she loves him. In exchange, she will given Rumple Bae's blanket and knows about the magic bean. Rumple and Hook still duel on the ship. In the end, Rumple takes Milah's heart (and the blanket) and crushes it. When Hook tries to kill him, Rumple tells him it will take more and cuts off his hand.  Hook picks up the hook which gives him his name and new hand. Hook uses the bean to open a portal to Neverland.

Present Enchanted Forest, Hook is on the lake shore and Cora enters. Hook wants the Crocodile and Cora wants her daughter.  Off to Storybrooke they plan to go with the dust from the wardrobe.

Rumple:  1 (Milah)

Totals for S2 (after 4 episodes)
Charming 5
George 1
Rumple 1

Rumple:  "Magic is power."
Belle: "You need courage to let me in."
Killian:  "I do consider myself an honorable man, a man with a code.
Killian (about what to tell Bae about Milah and the reason she left): "Tell him the truth. His father is a coward."
Rumple: "Always like to make an impression."

On Killian's ship:
Rumple:  One question. How could you leave Bae.
Milah: I was a coward. I let my misery cloud my judgment.

Notes: Only the Dark One has eternal life.
Smee knows about magical things.
We learn how Killian becomes Hook.
Smee begs Killian for his life and becomes a shipmate.
Rumple finds out he is hated.
Rumple finds out from David how he and Mary Margaret "made it" as a couple -- honesty of the hear


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