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Sharpe Objects

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Is  anyone watching Sharp Objects on HBO? 
It is an 8 part movie written by the woman who wrote Gone Girl.  It is about a women who comes back to her hometown and her dysfunctional family to write an article about a murder.  Saying dysfunctional puts it mildly but I can't think of another word except maybe crazy.  If you are watching what do you think about it?

It sounds like it would be interesting! I don’t get that channel but if it comes to Netflix I will definitely watch.

I have been watching it! I read the book and enjoyed it, all Gillian Flynn's books are good. My problem with the show is the jumpiness of it. They do a short little 15 second scene and then jump to another one and then another one. Not always, but enough to bother me!The continuity of the story is disrupted for me. Maybe I need a while to let the story sink in before jumping to another character. But yes, it is quite the story of a very dysfunctional bunch of people with major problems, including the star character who is a cutter and an alcoholic. Without giving anything away, the ending is a doozy!

I have not read the book but I plan to as I have it on hold at the library.  I did read Gone Girl and the end was very unexpected and not to my liking.  I think there were changes in the script for the movie of Sharp Objects.  I wonder if it will end like the book. 

That's always a worry. Usually the books are better than movies, aren't they!


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