Big Brother 21 > Big Brother 21

Who are you rooting for be the ultimate BB winner

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Unlike so many, I was entertained by Christie. I wasn't happy to see her go just yet.
As far as the remaining houseguests, I do not want Jackson or Holly to win.
I am not one to favor a showmance person to win.
That leaves Tommy, Cliff and Nicole. So, for me .. I am rooting for Cliff.

Cliff may not be the best BB player we have watched, but, for this season he didn't do badly.
And, it seemed to have taken a lot out of him to be away from his wife and children.
Look at his "dances".
If he doesn't win, I think I will vote for him as AFP.

I'd love to watch his reunion with Sharon( I think this is his wife's name) ..but, unlike Survivor the last minutes pf BB are too rushed and we, the viewers are rushed with the winner's exit.
But.. Go Cliff!!

Only Cliff or Nicole winning would make me happy.

I do think they both have a decent shot at winning if they make it to the end against anyone (other than Jackson). But the odds of that happening are starting to narrow rather sharply.

Go Cliff!
Go Nicole!  :08:

Now that it is getting towards the end, I want Cliff to win. If he doesn't I
will be okay with Nicole but that is all, I don't really care for anyone else
that is left. Usually the person I want to win, never does so I hope I
haven't ruined it for these two. When Christie gets to the jury house, she is
going to be trying to get votes for Tommy.  Hope they don't listen to her.
I don't think they are going to want Jackson or Holly to win so it will be
interesting to see what happens! :051bye:

If Jackson or Holly get to jury they will probably tell about Christie and Tommy.  That might hurt Tommy's chances. 
Holy was put up to replace Cliff.  Cliff and Nicole are thinking about getting her out.

I think they plan on voting Tommy out tonight.  If it comes down to those four -- it's either Nicole or Cliff for me. Evel said last night that Cliff would be the worse winner ever as he has been evicted and came back.  To me, that might make him the best winner ever.


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