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Offline LindaM

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COVID and You
« on: May 05, 2020, 03:47:58 PM »
Okay, yesterday I posted a story about how the Pandemic will affect television viewing.  I actually got responses on a Survivor Facebook page agreeing and staying that opened their eyes.  I really didn't expect many "reads" here but I have to ask:  Was I right?  If you missed the post, it's listed below here:


But in writing this, I really want to know what others think about the fact that it took the US too long to react to it.  I was following it when it started and raging through China.  I was very much aware from history that we would be impacted here yet day after day the word from Washington was -- nothing to worry about.  Try telling that to friends who had their study abroad trip cut short to China, was stuck in Florence and then had to self quarantine when they finally got home, had friends who had to return from a trip to England that was supposed to last three months and those who had no sickness on their cruise but had to end their "round the world" second honeymoon far short of their goal. 

But let's get more serious shall we.  I know that people over here have lost family and friends to this virus.  I know that I personally have lost a childhood friend due to mental health issues that escalated during this "fake" virus.  I know of children who are self-isolating and missing birthdays.  It's not fair.  We should have been better prepared.

And let's not forget our first responders and medical personnel.  They're suffering through a crisis because of lack of material.  Don't give me that about the states should supply it.  We pay taxes.  The Federal Government had a stockpile.  So don't tell me administration that it is yours.   

Sorry for the rant but this could have been contained better with truth.  The easing of stay at home orders could be lightened if people followed rules.  And people wouldn't die because people who feel their rights are being infringed on didn't infringe on others doing their job and shooting others in the face.  Enough for now.  My rant is over.

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2020, 11:31:01 PM »
I am angry about those issues too Linda.  In another post I wrote about a state agency in my county who refused to let employees wear mask and gloves after the death of a worker because "they didn't go with the uniforms".  Since then there have been ten deaths in our county which doesn't sound like many but we are a small county. 

I saw where someone posted that a professor in biology (?) said this was a man made virus that came from China.  He said a true virus could not live in the hotter countries and this one is all over the world.  I don't know if that is true or not but it makes you wonder.  I also heard that there are people who have it that have no symptoms. 
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2020, 12:21:46 AM »
It worries me a lot, too. My county now has 4 cases. We are very small, with a total population of around 3000, so it is a lot to us. I just wish we could get a coordinated effort in the works to test and track. And we are also smack dab in the middle of several meat packing plants that are breeding grounds for infection. We are only 50 miles away from one of the hottest spots in the nation.

Offline bacali

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2020, 01:11:36 AM »
It's so very terrifying. I live in a suburb, and get the nightly covid 19 alerts on my cell phone.
Each night I see another person in my own town has passed away, that's not to say how many have been infected .
I can't even tell you how it is to hear that the cemetery is burying 25 people/ day.
My beloved cousin is still not cremated, having passed away a week ago Sat. There is a 3 week backlog.
Can you imagine? Oh Lord!!

It is all so disturbing to listen to the tv and hear so many various versions. Right now, I have heard that this lab idea of the virus is probably wrong and it was probably an animal giving it to just one person. That is what Dr Fauci has said. That was the original report.
He seems to be the one with the most knowledge of pandemics.

I am , as my husband thinks, paranoid. But, then I lost a dear, dear loved one who had so much more life to live .
I do think that the US had their eyes on China when this first broke out there and that the first cases may well have been here already in Dec.
With such a virus, I don't understand why we weren't more prepared and well stocked with more equipment for first responders, while we watched this virus creep over Europe. I have to agree with you Linda and am mad.
Someone dropped the ball ...and Big Time. Looking at the death rate will verify this.

As has been said, no one knows when this will be over. It's a virus and a virus will last as long as it can infect another person. I personally hate being stuck in the house since mid-March but this seems to be the only way to mitigate the spreading. This and the social distancing and masks....
But, since I have not been going anywhere I haven't worn a mask.

Watching all these people disregard all the warnings and going to beaches etc...makes me so mad.
As one of the doctors said. : If you want to kill yourself by eating a cheeseburger every day...go for it. But, by disregarding all the regulations, you are not only killing yourself, you are killing me and those I love.
But, look at these stupid people protesting,...they just don't get it!
None of the states opening have even reached the regulations for Phase 1. ( as far as opening) This virus is far from over. And , yet, tonight on the news I hear that the Pence's coronavirus task force is going to be disbanded !!! I can't believe it.
I hope this answers your questions, Linda, about how I feel. 

Offline LindaM

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2020, 09:05:45 AM »
It does and we're down here in NC with our own problems.

Until last weekend, there had been no known cases of COVID-19 in a nursing home.  Then,one got 13 cases immediately.   We have a long time family friend there who has been there for years.  He doesn't even recognize most of us but does remember events.  Confined to bed/wheelchair, I know he's not getting out.  His family are so close to us that we think of them as sisters.  His niece is one of my closest friends and I feel like an aunt to her daughters.  Last night his niece posted that the cases had doubled.  They're now at 22.  I'm worried sick because he doesn't know what goes on around him.

I had a friend commit suicide as the epidemic got worse.  I got yelled at on Twitter and FaceBook by saying it was COVID-19 related.  There was a 10-page suicide leter which I refuse to read.  It's been offered but I don't want to think of it right now.  His major point was that he didn't want to be a bother to his mother (she's in her 89s and bad health).  His time was when the virus was getting worse.  Of course, it was COVID-19 induced.  We won't ever know how many more of these are happening.

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2020, 03:28:38 PM »
What is so sad to me that if someone has the virus or even if they are sick with something else and is in a hospital or nursing home family members cannot visit them.  They are all alone to die with nothing but strangers around them.  Then only ten people are allowed at the funeral here.  I don't know what it is every where else.  We have a friend in another town whose mother got sick in a nursing home right after this started. She didn't have the virus but they still could no go in to see her before she died.  Can you imagine knowing your mother died all alone?

The places the governor is allowing o open in Georgia are no necessary places.  How can you give someone a hair cut, massage, or tattoo without close contact?  It is stupid.

 When this is over small businesses will be out of business and chains such as Walmart, Family Dollar will be bigger and richer than ever.

Some time ago (maybe a year) I read about a place in Georgia where there were Keep Out signs all around and someone had discovered thousands of coffins being stored and had seen big transfer trucks going in the sight.  That had to be some sort of a government organization storing coffins but for what reason? 
Did they anticipate this?  Or something else?
PS.  I just checked this out again and found that they were coffin liners stored by a company that makes them. \
« Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 03:38:20 PM by Snowbird »
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline bacali

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2020, 07:35:25 PM »
When we had the death in our family ..it will be 2 weeks this Sat. no one was allowed to go to the funeral parlor but her husband and her 2 children.
There were no flowers , no kneeler.....nothing. They walked in alone and weren't allowed to stay long. Her wish has always been to be cremated. I haven't heard this has been done yet.
Funerals with ground burials.. only the undertaker was allowed to accompany the body into the cemetery. The gates were locked until the hearse got there.

I understand that they have lessened these rules a bit. I think now 10 people are allowed at the wake,with social distancing and masks, and the cemetery is open for Mother's day and every day from only 3 to 6.
You have to wear mask even to go alone to the cemetery. 
The reason for the cemetery being closed til now all day and only 3 hours per day is.... they are so busy and backlogged burying all the dead . Horrific!!

And, you are right Snowbird. All these poor people in nursing homes, hospitals are not allowed any visitors. They usually die with a stranger holding their hand and have to say good bye to family via FaceTime, if this is even possible. So very sad.

Today, I don't know why. I woke up with a knot in my stomach and had to ward off a panic attack almost. I have had enough. I don't think my mind can absorb anymore.

Offline LindaM

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2020, 09:44:59 PM »
Did anyone have the following on their bingo card for 2020 -- protests (June/July), statures removal, aliens (UFO) report, black beetles (July)???  Anyone??

So on to what I wrote.

Okay -- latests from NC.  Schools have an option to open.  Gov. Cooper said that if things stay as is, face-to-face school would be okay but districts can have the final say.  Some areas (like Triad, Triangle, and Charlotte/I-85 and 40 corridor) has many cases where the mountains don't (just wait until those colleges get back).  Most of those in my area is going with remote learning for at least the first 9 weeks.  The cases here are still rising although we have no real emergency yet at the hospitals.  Part of this is because certain older hospitals were set up as COVID centers.

And I do have one new issue.  Why is it that schools are supposed to open but Barron Trump's school will either do hybrid or remote learning???

Offline LindaM

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2020, 09:32:57 PM »
Just an update from NC. 

The universities went back and have started to close.  First UNC-CH (Carolina) closed and today ECU (Eastern Carolina, the party school) has closed.  I am not sure of NC State that had several cases.  UNC-Charlotte has delayed on campus classes until October.  It's not looking good.  Every school had in place a mask/social distancing/no party clause.  All schools have frat/sororities/dorms that have it.  The Chancellor put the blame squarely on the students shoulders saying they brought it on themselves.

We had been doing well until schools returned.  I'm not sure if we will enter Phase 3 soon or not.  Our church has decided to go back on the first Sunday of September but we will watch online.  Mom is 86 and won't go.  I won't go because I don't want to bring it home to her. 

So far, I have personally lost one friend to the virus.  I have had 2 friends who tested positive and had to quarantine.  I've had six friends who had to test and report signs of symptoms if they occurred.  I know of another friend who lost his sister who was in her 40s.  I know of 8 people at a grocery store that tested positive.  We had two additional nursing homes this week with positive tests.  I don't know when it will end.

Offline bacali

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #9 on: August 24, 2020, 01:01:31 AM »
I am not being the least bit political at all in saying this... but, I think the whole country should shut down for a few weeks. Everyone!
Then, little by little the restrictions can lessen.. and if they worsen... restrict more again.

The way we are doing this virus now, I don't think is going to eradicate it.
People travel now and go from state to state and if they have the virus pass it to others.
Here is the list of states that NJ has had to have quarantined.


WE are ALL in this together.

Offline Snowbird

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #10 on: August 24, 2020, 01:09:53 AM »
Our public schools are offering for students to decide if they want to be in class or do work online.  My granddaughter is keeping the 12 year old at home but the almost  4 year old is going to the Early Learning Center as she needs the socialization.  She has been home with Mama all her life and has always wanted to go to schools.
Last week the two girls started with stuffy noses so my grand called to tell the school she would be out.  They said we needed to get tested which we did but have not heard the results.  Since there are no other symptoms I think it is just allergies. 
Georgia College and State University opened and there were some big parties held on campus without mask.  I expect the cases there will increase. 
We had an increase of over 200 in two weeks here and that number has gone up steadily.  When will it end?  I want a normal life back.

Now my son-in-law is sick.  My daughter said today he is the same.  He is staying upstairs and she is leaving what he needs at the top of the stairs but she has already been exposed to it.  He is diabetic and she has breathing problems so I worry so much about them.  If she catches it I don't know if I will be able to stay away.  It would be awful to think of your baby sick and you can't help her. 
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #11 on: August 24, 2020, 01:13:19 AM »
I agree Bacali.  At the beginning if we had shut down it could be over by now.  The little stores did here but places like WalMart stayed open.   
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline LindaM

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2020, 09:05:32 AM »
One of my friends who got it is an essential worker.  He had to go in and open the grocery store.  He managed to avoid the virus until a co-worker went ot th beach, didn't wear a mask or social distance.  His entire faimly had to test.  His wife had to leave the house because she is an essential worker also at a bank.  She didn't get it but she then made her mom and daughters test.  She was worried sick but he only had a mild case.

The other friend  didn't social distance and would only wear a mask for show.  He got it and made his wife and daughter quarantine with him.  His bunch of friends were the ones pushing for the church to open.  And he didn't seem to learn.

And the news here carried a story about a  young girl who got it and thought she was safe.  She didn't wear a mask.  Guess what -- she got it a second time.  First time, asymptomatic.  This time, fever etc.

I said  that the entire country should have shut down but some states refused.  Are we paying for that now.  I'll keep your family in my prayers Snow.

Offline bacali

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2020, 02:00:09 PM »
I know that I have been extremely careful...going no where.
My son had a retirement party in mid-July and I was the only one to stay home...my husband went.
I have declined numerous invitations. I can't stand being home anymore.
I go to dr visits, ..like the orthopedic one tomorrow.

All the towns are handling school openings differently. I worried about Liam and Ava, but, Bobby has gotten together with several friends he now has made through sports and a group of them are forming a "pod" of only their children and they are meeting in a room behind one of the parent's store and paying a teacher a lot.
This is to keep them out of the big general population of their schools.

Lauren who will be a Jr in college... college is remote, soccer is off.
Kristen who now teachers will do so from home.
Ryan who is now a HS soph is currently at home until Oct 1st and I guess school will decide.
I don't know about the other two yet.

My opinion is that it is not at all safe for the schools to open. We are far away from this virus being over.
Like I have said, unless EVERYONE quarantines at the same time... and that's so hard, this virus is going to jump from one person to another.

I have been invited down to my daughters on Wed. I accepted. Lauren has a new boyfriend now for a while and wants us to meet him. I want to meet him and see all of them. So, I said yes.
BUT, i am worried. They have been "out". The girls have been with friends. They have dined out( no inside dining here). I have yet to eat anywhere but home.
But, what can i do ... stay here forever ?  I am going to take my chances and I know we will be outside so I will try to stay a distance. Pitiful to think I have to worry myself sick just going to my daughters.

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Re: COVID and You
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2021, 03:36:52 PM »
Well, it's been awhile since anyone posted here.
I know trouble has gotten vaccinated, has anyone else been able to?

We are very lucky. My sister called me frantically and told me that our Medical Group had given she and her husband dates but were opening up future appointments the next morning at 8:3 to 65 and over.
We were up bright and early and luckily my husband and I on separate phones giving information, he was called back.
He was able to make both our appointments. We go on Jan 31 and Feb 28th.

Later, the site read to please not call them they didn't have any available, but to keep checking back.
I don't think I will treat things much differently. Still not going out .. ( I get another epidural on Thurs) and it's mandatory to wear masks.

Any availability in your areas?


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