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Author Topic: So, How Are You Doing?  (Read 1412 times)

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Offline bacali

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So, How Are You Doing?
« on: May 18, 2020, 11:40:06 PM »
I just needed a place to chat... so what better place then here?
Am I alone with my anxiety? My husband feels just fine. He flits into stores, plays golf again now and I am not feeling well.
I have good days and then I have bad ones. Today was not very good. I feel like I did a few weeks ago with a lump in my chest. ??
The close relative I told you all about that passed away 3 weeks ago now, she was my husband's first cousin whom I knew since we were little. Yesterday, her husband went to the hospital but, it was not for the virus although he did test positive for it. it was for a wound he has from previous cancer surgeries. This man has been to hell and back.
He had colon cancer twice and did get one colostomy bag removed but still has one one.

Things are opening up all over...not that I'm not glad about it , but, we still have so many positive cases.
Tell me that people are going to social distance on a Boardwalk or on the sandy beach!
It terrifies me that things are going to get worse and I worry about my children and grandchildren. 

I know that I am not totally alone. The woman next door told me this weekend that she lays on her couch and cries and my own sister and daughter have had their days, too.
It just feels like it will never end and honestly even if any restaurant around allowed you to eat inside, I wouldn't.

I miss the children SO much. We haven't seen most of the family since before New Years with my being sick and missing a couple of get togethers. I was finally feeling better and we were quarantined.
We have seen, as I think I mentioned, the two little ones...Liam and Ava. We sat well apart and they played. It killed me not to kiss and hug them
My husband said over the weekend ...let's go over to Bobby's. I said...no. I have felt more down coming home from there not getting the eskimo and butterfly kisses...if you Grandmas know what I mean.

Well, I think I am finished venting. I am trying to relax. Keep healthy and let us all know how you are doing.

Offline ponytail

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2020, 12:29:18 AM »
I am fortunate to live where I do. My friends and I have been very conscientious about where we go and how we go about our daily lives, but we do get together...kind of! We will gather on the porch, sitting apart or even in a parking lot so we can chat and catch up. Not so bad! My hubby and I still go for long drives and we actually ate inside at a restaurant on Sunday. only 3 other people there, masked servers, precautions carefully observed. I don't know if we were so wise, but it was awfully nice. I have still to see my daughter and grand kids, but hopefully soon! It's gonna be a long old haul isn't it?

Here's hoping you are feeling better, Barb. As well as everyone else.

Offline bacali

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2020, 02:59:19 PM »
You are fortunate, ponytail.
With my getting sick in Jan and it going into Feb. , I was finally getting stronger when it rolled into March. Well , you know what happened in March....the country closed!!

Here it is  going to be Memorial Day soon and I haven't been out at all to eat except once. Everything was canceled... parades for St Patrick's day, Liam's birthday, my birthday, grandnieces birthdays, two communions and a christening, our Fire Dept Chief's installation dinner and now Memorial day...the parade.
And, here I sit! 

Even when things open, I can't even imagine how they plan on sitting people in a restaurant.

We have gone for some drives, but, not too often.
We have been occupied getting our new bathroom on our first floor done. And, then... me cleaning up. You know what dust this brings in.
I am done now with this and put up my spring things and deck and front porch have their flowers. Now I WANT TO GO OUT!  I want to hug and kiss the children....all of them!
What a year this has been and is going to be.
Did you see on the news that they honestly have released real footage of alien spacecraft....no joke. It was on the news last night and was taken by some pilots and has been verified. Wow!  #4846

Offline bacali

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2020, 03:04:56 PM »
In regard to the ufo's , I just saw it on tv yesterday. I looked it up an evidently this has been news for a long time?


Offline ponytail

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2020, 12:11:28 AM »
I was just reading an article today about NASA finding some kind of evidence of a parallel universe in Antarctica. Are we living in the X files? This is just crazy! Pandemics, UFO's, parallel universes. What's next?

Offline LindaM

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2020, 03:39:11 PM »
Oh, I believe that UFOs are possible.  Let me give you another detail.  Madeline L'Engle is famous for Wrinkle in Time.  I have met and spoken with her many times before her death.  Do you know why it took so long for Wrinkle in Time to be made into a movie?  When Norman Lear tried to buy it and gave her the rights to help with the production, she wanted the contract to add rights to Alpha Centura.  He refused.  I heard that straight from her.

Offline trouble405

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2020, 06:49:01 PM »
and now we are sending astronauts up on the spacex.  Elon Musk is sure excited
Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2020, 11:20:14 PM »
I read that article about the parallel universe and I don't believe any of it.  Then I think the Big Bang theory is crap too.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

Offline ponytail

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2020, 12:10:49 AM »
Snowbird, I don't know if I do either, but I find it extremely interesting, and we know so little about the grand scheme of things.

trouble, I still remember the first successful landing from Spacex. We have come so far in the last 60 years or so of space travel. It was uplifting to me to see that ship come down and land perfectly after it's flight.

Offline LindaM

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2020, 11:01:20 AM »
Just had time to look at the "parallel universe" and got a kick out of it.  When I was a lot younger I was part of a Christian coffee house scene for teens at night.  As one of the adults, it was my responsibility to be there and that was about it.  We had one college age who came in and was a know it all.  We decided one night that we were tired of him controlling all the conversations so we decided to go off on a Dr. Who frame of mind and pull the old mish-mash speech.  We got to talking about parallel universes when he showed up and he believed everything we said.  It was mean but to hear him replying to Doctor Who and Star Trek  tribble as it was actual made my night.  We did, of course, tell him eventually we were putting him on.  That was after the Christian concert.

Regarding UFOs--i again go to Madeline L'Engle and one of my favorite quotes.

quote one:

"In a universe where the lifting of the wings of a butterfly is felt across galaxies, I cannot isolate myself, because my separation may add to the starvation and the anger and the violence."  A Stone for a Pillow.

Offline bacali

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2020, 03:15:07 PM »
Well, I for one am getting tired of being sequestered, quarantined or whatever you want to call not going anywhere.
Stores are open for some things but, I don't feel safe going into them.
Our Church opened about 3 weeks ago and my husband went and there were only about 20 people there. They say being inside with any am't of people isn't wise.
NJ is showing a upward trend again due to the shore and beaches.
We do not have inside dining, so these poor restaurants have put up tents in their parking lots or fronts of their places and try to carry on. I read about so many businesses just giving up and closing. But, the weather has been HOT for weeks now ...in the 90's and who wants to sit under a tent in this temp?
We try to support some by doing take out, which is good so I don't have to cook. Costs less when you come down to it if portions are large and we can split a dinner.
I am still staying away from the kids. I heard Dr Fauci say that children are 200 times more likely to give you this virus , though show no signs of it themselves.
Well, that's my vent for today. Can you tell that I am BORED!!!  :)

Offline LindaM

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2020, 12:02:31 PM »
We are still in Phase 2.  Gatherings of more that 25 outdoors are forbidden.  Our trend went down but expect it to go back up.  Elon started up this week and move-in is today.  So what happens.  There are 10 new cases of which 5 had to go to isolation.  I'm glad I'm retired but miss seeing people.

Offline ponytail

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2020, 12:18:43 PM »
About the same here. Although Omaha is going into the red zone. Everything will change when school starts back up. And the motorcyclists at Sturgis return to their respective homes. We are gonna be swamped with it everywhere! C'mon vaccine!

Offline bacali

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2020, 01:56:15 PM »
Yeah, wasn't that motorcycle rally ridiculous? No social distancing and no masks.
If EVERYONE would do their part as told by the doctors our country might be able to get a grip on this.

Offline Snowbird

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Re: So, How Are You Doing?
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2020, 05:19:04 PM »
I went on a road trip at the end of last month so I can't say I have been staying away from people. We wore mask when we got out for bathroom breaks and found restaurants opened whenever we needed one.  From here we traveled through Tennessee and Kentucky into Indiana.  It has been almost two weeks since we got back and still not sick. Knock on wood #4846

Now my youngest great-grand, almost 4,, started to Early Learning this week.  They have their temps taken before going in and wear mask all day.  She was happy to go the first day, not quiet as happy the 2nd day, and today she protested and told my daughter when she took her not to look at her and not to speak to her.  She brought her home when it was over and she was still in a bad mood.  The schools here are allowing people to choose if they want to go or do it at home.  My older great-grand in the 7th grade wanted to stay home.  My daughter is substituting and has been at Early Learning all this week so she could be exposed plus she works for a tutoring service an is around different people.

I was very careful for several months but it is impossible now with my daughter who lives with me working. 
I had gone out with my school friends to one of their houses twice and the five of us sat around a table.  I went to graveside services for one of our members with another member and some of us might go out to eat this Friday.
I might be stupid to allow myself to perhaps be exposed but I was so bored and I decided that I would take some chances and leave it in God's hands.  I did not want to live the rest of my life lonely and bored.  I have so many other things wrong with me that I doubt I could survives if I caught the virus.  But then I could die before this virus is over and never get out of the house until the coroner came for me.  Sorry if this is so morbid but I just decided to get on with what life I have left and pray for the best.  :88:
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King


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