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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2021, 09:33:50 AM »
Getting ready to write a piece comparing Brent to Gaston from Beauty and the Beast. 

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2021, 10:37:08 AM »
 -loll  That will a good one! I can see it already!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2021, 12:12:24 PM »
Here you go.  Why Brent's Been Bothering Me.


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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2021, 09:37:48 PM »

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2021, 09:13:06 PM »
Big Brother 23 – Eviction Night or Blind Side Nigt – (7/29/2021)

When we last saw Big Brother, all were celebrating the potential exit of Brent.  Brent has been annoying everyone from week one.  Considering the way he acted that week, Brent really thought that the HoH that Frenchie got was his.  Big Brother doesn’t work that way.  Last week Frenchie left.  This week it looks to be Brent.  Plus Brent evidently didn’t pay attention during the “sensitivity” training as he has been actively seeking a showmance.  I honestly think Brent is only “in love” with one person – himself.


Remember, the last thing we saw last night was Christian not using the Power of Veto.  Julie told us that Brent was excited for the first big blindside this season.  The bad thing, she says, is it on him.  Blindside started at the end of the Power of Veto and we are off to the show.

Julie has information about creating and pulling off a blindside – keep it a secret.  Christian thinks it’s smart he kept the nominations the same.  Xavier hugs Brent but is excited that he is gone.  Britini is going to lay low.  Will any house guests tell Brent the truth?  Of course, someone will slip up.  It always happens but will Brent’s ego allow him to believe it is happening.  While Brent feels secure with his “The Mafia” formed last is week, he assumes he has the numbers.  While all feel somewhat uneasy about the decision, they do have to laugh behind his back after he makes his rounds.  Brent is trying not to be paranoid. 

In the kitchen, the crew is laughing at their pictures.  Derek F. thinks that Xavier works in government, as a lawyer or with the FBI.  Xavier denies it.  Derek F. is beginning to upset Xavier who tells us in Diary Room that he hopes Derek F. will shut up.  Derek F. admits that it is the way Xavier talks and Xavier tries to play it off.  Upstairs, they watch as Brent moves around the house trying to find people.  When Brent talks to Whitney, she seems to try and warn him but he’s not believing her.  Whitney says he’s too oblivious to what she’s trying to say. 

HoH is discussed, the players feel that one of the Kings has to go to make the teams equal.  Derek X. feels safe because he’s in the “Royal Flush” alliance and his team’s alliance but he can’t take the shot.  Alyssa wants to win since she hasn’t won anything.  My question is:  how are you so sure you will win.  Someone would have to throw it to you.  Tiffany would love to see the showmance broken up.  Are they finally beginning to see things as individuals?  No, it’s too early yet. 

The Live Eviction (and Possible Blindside) 

Julie goes to the living room and Britini is up first.  She’s rapping again but stops and does a traditional exit speech.  Brent does his shouts out and jokes with the house guests.  He tells them he is a man of his word.  He does a smart response and says he will still be there.  By a vote of 11 to 0, Brent is evicted from the house.

When Brent reaches Julie, he looks – er -- bland.  It’s not like he knew he was going but he did think he was safe. I’m beginning to think he has only one facial expression – the one we always see.  Brent thinks he was a threat and people saw it.  He’s looking smug on camera for Julie.  His personality and others game took him out.  Asked about Derek X.’s game which is similar, Brent says that their game was different.  Julie asks why did you lobby for the blindside not to be used.  Brent thought he’d be safe if the veto wasn’t used. 
Brent blames the other house guests’ game play.  He also says he tried to pull Frenchie away from his decisions but Frenchie wouldn’t listen.  Brent thought he had 6 to 5 and Julie wants to know why.   Brent felt the vote would run team lines.  Julie plays the godbye messages.  Xavier says no hard feelings.  Hannah tells him that his arrogance sent him home and gives air plane instructions.  Derek X. said the house target shifted.  Once it start, Derek X. could stop it.  Allyson says that Brent thought she was wrapped arround his finger but she had him wrapped around her finger.  Tiffany tells him that the Jokers and three Aces sent him out the door. 

HoH Competition

Will the house still have targets, Julie asks.  Next up is the HoH competition.  Tonight’s comp is “Peer Pressure.”  They will play as a team.  They must complete their surfboard puzzle as a team.  Each player has 25 seconds to put a surfboard together.  If they don’t race back and change players, they are out.  The first team to finish, wins HoH and the last player will be HoH.  Jokers are doing great but it is the King’s that wins. That’s the one team no one wanted in the HoH room.  Christian will be HoH.   

Julie tells us that Tuesday will be the last Wildcard competition.  Personally, I’m glad of that.  Next week for the HoH, we have endurance and we will be able to watch it on live feeds.  Does anyone believe that?  It’s been promised beforel

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2021, 08:14:51 PM »
Another great blog, Linda.

I really didn't care much for Bent and am not sorry to see him go. I have gotten finally to see some of the personalities we have and have to say that Xavier is at this moment my favorite hg.
He is smart and he is funny.
I like Tiffany, and Sarah.
Actually this season I don't have any deep negative feelings toward anyone. I like our house guests!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2021, 09:16:01 PM »
Big Brother #23 – Christian for Week Four (8/1/21)

Big Brother fans were surprised that Christian won the HoH this week.  The plan was to throw it to someone who would put the pair of Christian and Alyssa?  So what happened?  Christian, and his competitive nature, too over and he saw he could win so he did.  Unfortunately, this set up the showmance with the perfect opportunity to continue their romance and this time legitimately in the HoH bed.  It also meant that the plans that the Royal Flush made were null and void.  All plans and alliances may be null and void soon with the number of alliances that exist in the house.  Maybe next week the dynamics will heat up some more as it looks like teams dissolve at the eviction Thursday.  Will the alliances last?  I can’t wait to see

HoH Aftermath

The HoH, as you may remember, was a puzzle surfboard.  I’m not sure what was going on but it seemed to the houseguests to be harder than it looked to the fans.  As the only alliance of four left in the house, Christian and Alyssa were happy.  They were safe and had heard rumors that they were going on the block.  The King’s target from last week was Whitney but Xavier thinks she needs to stay.  So with the power in their court, who will Christian put up to leave on Thursday night.

Christian and the members of the King’s team celebrate but Xavier, a member of the group, is worried.  Tiffany now is all for Royal Flush because she’s a member with Christian and Alyssa so she feels safe from the noms.  The Kings meet in the Storage Room for ANOTHER celebration and Alyssa is happy.  Alyssa calls their showmance a ‘social game.”  Wink, wink, keep believing that Alyssa.  Meanwhile Derek F. and Azah are talking.  While Derek F. thinks they are coming for the Jokers, Azah feels safe.  Azah tells him to act happy.  Claire feels safe because of the Royal alliance.  Meanwhile, Derek X. is worried about Hannah and Whitney.  He’s safe due to the Royal Alliance but they’re not.  Hannah thinks she’s okay but she really doesn’t have anything in common with Christian.  Derek F. feels defeated but Whitney tries to encourage him.  Whitney wants Christian out.  He’s the last of the three that was on her exit list.

Yeah – no HoH reveal but we see Christian and his team gather to discuss their target. Alyssa really wants to keep Whitney for next week.  Xavier and Christian don’t care.  Alyssa wants Hannah out because she knows the game and pushes like crazy.   Sarah Beth wants Whitney.  Xavier doesn’t want Hannah up.  Xavier pushes Britini but Christian is saving her for the renom.  So the top three for choices are:  Whitney, Hannah, and Britini.

Derek F. and Whitney discuss workout outfits and Derek F. questions Whitney’s choice.  Whitney has had some questionable outfits but this one is mild.  The outfit question goes to all with Alyssa saying that she doesn’t like it (most agree).  In the hammk area, Derek X. talks about family and China.  Azah understands Derek X.’s feelings.  Both respect their heritage but they love the American life.  This discussion goes over Whitney’s head.

Wild Card Competition

The Wild Card Competition is up.  The Kings can’t play and Claire is up her team.  Whitney must play for her team.  The Jokers must decide between Azah and Derek F. with Azah playing.  Christian in Diary Room tells us that Whitney cannot win. The game is called “Lights Out” (I think).  On entering the room, they are all dressed up in party clothes.  This game involves rolling a ball (an olive) down a curving ramp to the cup to make a martini.  The lights will go off periodically throughout the game.  While Azah goes slow, Whitney has problems.  Claire uses math and winss the game.  Her prize is either a week of safety for her team or two weeks safety (to jury) for herself.  After much conflict, she takes the two weeks.  Tiffany is happy for Claire but it could jeopardize Tiff’s game.

The Royals meet to discuss the nominations.  Christian wants to make sure all are on the same page.  All feel Whitney makes sense, but the second choice is all over the place.  Hannah is discussed because Sarah Beth wants her gone due to Hannah’s knowledge of the game.  Others suggests Britini from the Jokers.  Tiffany sees Britini as a legitimate choice because she could put up their teams due to two weeks on the block.  Xavier doesn’t want Hannah up but has to move carefully due to the Cook-Out alliance.  Jealousy is huge on Sarah B.’s part.  Tiffany doesn’t want to see Hannah on the block so the target needs to stay on Whitney.  Christian tells them those are his three choices and Tiffany takes the blood off her hands by reminding him that it is his decision to make. 

Later Christian meets with the Jokers who promise to work with them. I guess Christian doesn’t realize the showmance clause?  Xavier is not happy because it makes it harder to protect the Cook-Out.  (Little do they know, teams are almost over).  Christian talks to Hannah and tells her about the pawn situation.  Hannah calls it hinting and she’s looking for a way to protect herself.  Hannah mentions the Jokers.  Reasoning with Christian is like reasoning with a two year old.  He admits that he needs to decide whether to put her up or not.

Nominations Ceremony

At the Nominations Ceremony (please bring back the key wheel), Christian turns the keys revealing Whitney and Hannah.  Whitney and Hannah are up because his team would have been up if they had won.  Now his squad needs to figure out the target.  Hannah is already gunning for Christian and Alyssa.  Whitney doesn’t know why she was thrown on the block.  Xavier is upset because a Cook-Out member is up but will do all he can to protect her. 

Okay, here’s the things these house guests should be considering.  How much longer can the teams last?  They should realize that it’s coming as the option for Claire was jury. Can you count on your original four team member to stay loyal or leave you high and dry?  Just how many alliances will hold together as the jury comes into play?  Could it happen Thursday (and we know it must as it is an endurance comp)? 

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2021, 09:20:45 PM »
Big Brother 23 – Where oh Where Is Christian? 8/4/2021

With Big Brother, you always need to know what is going on as Head of Household.  Your job isn’t over until after the Power of Veto Ceremony.  Yet, after reading/watching live feeds, I have often found myself asking:  “Where is Christian?”  Frenchie was all over the place in everyone’s business.  Kyland and Xavier were part of the group and watching over the alliances and groups.  Yet, Christian seems content to stay in the HoH and hold meetings there.  Of course, his second in command, Alyssa, is with him and he trusts his team and the Royal court but is that smart.  I guess we’ll find out tonight.

Post Nominations

With Whitney and Hannah on the block, the rest finally look to start evening up the numbers.  It doesn’t look like the guys are worried being down by three, but they do have issues with one team with four.  After this week, one team will be down to two while Christian’s team will still have four. The others see this as a threat (it is).  These house guests just haven’t grasped the concept that teams must end sometime.  When it does, the teams of four are no more and so is the loyalty.  It will be everyone for themselves.  Thus, their team scheming on which needs to go up next week has been wasted.  We, the fans, know that with no Wild Card and an Endurance comp this week to come, there will be no more teams!

Sarah Beth has been overplaying her hand this week.  She wants Hannah gone.  Alyssa has been whispering in Christian ear and is wanting Whitney gone.  Guess who is winning that decision (Alyssa).  Both Hannah and Whitney are on the Aces and Whitney tells us she is confused.  She knows her relationship with the Kings is done and she’s the target.  Hannah knows she is the pawn but she’s going to find out if the nom was personal.  And, let’s don’t forget Derek X.  He’s the only member of his team that is safe. 

Alyssa and Christian are holding court in the HoH bed.  They’re hoding “court” with the Royals to decide who to vote out.  Sarah Beth pushes for Hannah to leave and Xavier for Whitney.  Hannah has told Christian, though, that she would not put him up (wink, wink).  Sarah Beth sees that Xavier wants to keep Hannah and realizes if she (Sarah) keeps pushing her choice, she is a target.  Christian tells Hannah she’s safe and to put her trust in him.  She tells us that she’s still not feeling safe. Hannah is going for the veto.

Xavier talks to Whitney because they are friends.  She tells him that all is okay.  He asks her if she mentioned his team as a target.  She tells him that she’s never said it (but of course she did).  In Diary Room, Whitney points out that Christian’s team had been the target of the house before HoH.   Of course, Whitney goes to Christian about this and asks if she was mentioned specifically.  (It was Derek F. not any of Whitney’s team.)  Christian in Diary Room says Whitney knows she’s lying.

It’s time for backyard fun and Christian is doing pushups and back flips (six!).  As Britini says: he now is on others radar.  As the group relax, Whitney plays up to Xavier making Azah jealous.  At least Azah tells Xavier about her feelings!  Xavier is not in the Big Brother house for a showmane and changes the conversation.  Whitney and Derek X. talks about the nominations then Hannah asks him to protect her.  Derek X. wants both safe but he must first win the veto.  Derek X. talks to Alyssa who assures him that Hannah is the pawn.

The Power of Veto Comp

It’s almost time for the Power of Veto choices.  They’re cleaning and Tiffany falls while doing the moonwalk.  She’s not hurt but embarrassed.  Then Christian arrives with the box to pull for veto (safe until jury).  Hannah picks house guest’s choice and chooses Derek X. (because he will keep her).  Whitney feels betrayed by Hannah’s choice and pulls Azah.  Really, Azah wasn’t good in the Wild Card comp this week.  Very quickly, Tiffany fills Hannah in on the Royal Flush meeting with Sarah Beth’s pushing for Hannah to be gone.  Hannah’s now has a new reason to win and target.

The Veto Competition is setup as a volleyball game.  They must play against themselves.  They roll the ball up the ramp and run to the other side to return it.  If the ball hits the ground, the score returns to zero.  I think it’s called “Jump the Veto” (it’s sometimes hard to understand Alyssa who is host).  Derek X and Azah have an early lead but as the game progresses, Azah drops her volleyball.  While all don’t seem to want the noms changed, Sarah Beth (on the sidelines) wants Hannah gone (with a Whitney win).  It is coming down to Christian and Derek X.  Christian reaches 100 first and wins.  In Diary Room, Christian is happy, Hannah plots revenge for next week, and Whitney is scheming. 

Unfortunately, Whitney hears a comment in one of the group gatherings that she is “going home” made by Derek X.  When he apologizes, she tells him she’s ready to go home (liar).  Whitney talks to Christian about staying.  She wants Derek X. up now.  He understands and listens but doesn’t think Derek X. has a chance to go home (he’s a member of Royal Flush).  Whitney makes promises and Christian admits in Diary Room that she’s made valid  points.  Will it sway him?

Power of Veto Ceremony

Christian calls the group in for the Power of Veto Meeting.  Christian does the spill, no pleas are made, and he choses not to use the Power of Veto.  The meeting is adjourned.  In Diary Room, Christian tells us that he’s not putting up Derek X.  Hannah is still worried and she knows that one person wants her out (Sarah Beth).  Whitney is upset and will do what she can to stay.  Azah is happy that Whitney is up but Sarah Beth is still going to try and get Hannah out because Hannah is Sarah’s biggest threat.

Who will go tomorrow night?  Will Sarah Beth sway any votes?  Can Whitney vamp her way to safety, or will Hannah’s alliances keep her safe?  This has been the best year of Big Brother in a long time and it’s sad that one of these two schemers must go?  Of course, we now have new targets to watch in Sarah Beth and Derek X.  So stay tune and hold on to your seat.  With so many weeks left, I don’t expect a dull season.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2021, 09:28:11 PM »
Big Brother 23 – Eviction Night!  Will the Curse of Frenchie Continue (8/5/21)

The Show Begins

As usual, we get a review. What they forgot to show was Whitney was the third person of Frenchie’s trusted leaders.  With new action, we see Christian is happy that will stay the same.  He wants Whitney gone.  Sarah Beth said she had to back off trying to get Hannah out.  Later, Tiffany fills Hannah in on Sarah Beth’s actions and feelings only to have it broken up by Sarah Beth.  Sarah Beth meanwhile plays up to Kyland which really sets Tiffany off.  Kyland admits that if he had to choose between Sarah Beth and the Cook-Out, the Cook-Out would win.  The Cook-Out meets and realize they must find a partner outside the alliance.  That way if the two gets put up, they can safe guard the Cook-Out alliance.  (I missed a few minutes but I’m sure it’s more of the same). 

When I get back after the commerical, Whitney knows she is in trouble and looks for votes.  She comes up with activities including a model walk with Christian participating.  Has he realized he needs to participate!  Xavier has style though and Christian just can’t get the swagger needed.  Later Tiffany comes in on Xavier, Sarah Beth and Kyland meeting and gets upset.  Kyland gets called out by Tiffany for spending time with Sarah Beth.  Everything was awkward when Tiffany entered the room.  Kyland says it was only social and they are okay with the Cook-Out.  Claire meanwhile has finally hit radars (and she’s been invisible until this week).  With being safe until jury, no one knows what to think of Claire.  Tiffany and Azah talk and put the radar on Claire and Sarah Beth.

Whitney hopes to use Alyssa to sway Christian.  She has a one-on-one and promises safety to both Alyssa and Christian for longer than Hannah has.  It’s a better deal (of course) and Alyssa takes it to Christian who seems interested.  In Diary Room though we learn that he wants Whitney gone.  As we get a peak at the living room, looks like Hannah is staying as Whitney is in fancy dress.

The Eviction Ceremony

Julie goes to the living room for the live vote.  Hannah and Whitney are given the opportunity to sway the votes.  Hannah talks to her family first and then the house guests.  She has enjoyed it.  She wonders how the house will survive without her gone.  Whitney gets bleeped at the first of her speech (oh great, not again).  She calls the house guests weird and that she loves them. The voting begins with Derek F. first.  Derek F. votes for Whitney and I have to wonder if the rest will.  The final vote is unanimous (10 to 0) and Whitney is headed out the door. 

Again a bleep as Whitney exits to hugs.  They must have known they would need a 10 second delay tonight.  Sarah Beth looks sad as Whitney leaves.  Outside the house, Julie has questions as her picture turns to gray inside the house.  The house guests scurry off to get ready for the comp. 

Julie asks Whitney if saw the hand writing on the wall.  Whitney admits she did and thinks she had to leave because she was loud and the guys were scared of her (annoyed is more like it).  She’s not afraid to make moves that scared people.  Julie asks about the threat level and she feels like she was a bigger threat than Hannah.  Asking about the suggestion that Christian use Derek X as a blind side, Whitney has problems understanding why.  Julie tells her about the Royal Flush and puts up the eight members of the alliance.  Whitney admits that explains much of what went down.  The goodbye messages are played with Xavier first who tells her that she was the main target.  Sarah Beth says that she fought to keep Whitney in the house.  Azah tells her that she had issues with Whitney due to Xavier.  Azah has a crush on him.  Whitney is confused and surprised about what Xavier said.

The HoH and the Game Changes

Julie tells us that only one can win Big Brother and calls the house guests to the living room.  All wish Tiffany a happy birthday.  Julie tells them that with the Aces down to two, the Jokers and Queens have three and Kings have four but only one can win Big Brother.  Teams are gone.  “It’s every man and woman for themselves.”  The Wild Card Competition is done also.  They only have themselves to guarantee safety.  Julie offers Hannah congratulations.  She’s asked about the biggest challenge of being in the house and Hannah says the teams.  Julie tells them to go outside for the new Head of Houeshold.

We have a wall competition.  This is the hanging on the wall which looks like a boat.  Each has hand grabs.  The game, “Whale of a Time” is played by them holding on to the last.”  If they fall, they are out (and no mention of the first being “Have Nots.”  The game immediately begins with the wall tilting over.  The next move is usually liquid thrown or poured on them.  Julie says the forecast is for rain, and rain they get.  IT’s pouring.  Tiffany, Azah and Claire look to be set for a while.  Derek X. looks cold.  As credits roll, they’re all still up.  At least they have goggles this year.  When the show ends, no one has fallen.

Sunday will be the conclusion of the HoH competition.  Wednesday will be the Power of Veto and next Thursday, with eviction, will come a twist involving America.  So get ready to help out.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2021, 09:23:34 PM »
Big Brother #23  – Another Week, Another HoH  (8/8/21)

Big Brother 23 fans!  It’s another week of an entertaining season.  Just when you think you know the floaters, everything changes.  My one concern is that this group can’t get their mentality away from teams and on to playing for themselves.  They spent four weeks scheming to take their team to the finale without realizing that there are other alliances and other agendas afoot.  Will the teams win or will new alliances form and take control of the game?  The only alliance that seems solid going into the no teams HoH is the Cook-Out.  Let’s face it though – at least Tiffany and Xavier are using the alliance to protect themselves.

HoH Competition

An Endurance Competition is hard but the wall has to be one of the worse.  When the show went to feeds, no one has fallen.  In the opening, we were reminded of the Royal Flush and Cook-Out and how Tiffany is running the Cook-Out. 

As the Endurance Competition starts, “rain” falls and the boat tilts forward. Christian’s diary room is cock as he talks safety yet he wants Alyssa to win.  Xavier in Diary Room tells us he doesn’t want to win because he’s “good” with everyone.  Alyssa sees this as “her” competition (confident, really).

Derek F.’s diary room runs similar about winning but he’s the first one off.  Maybe he should be glad as the rain gets colder and the “passenger” (figures) start throwing up (green vomit).  Tiffany’s Diary Room is about Alyssa while Azah’s is worried about the cold.  Claire’s Diary Room is about waiting but she says, “I don’t need it” and off she goes.  Sarah Beth feels safe and goes out as does Hannah.  Kyland is not happy with the way the boat is leaning and he’s down (of course the Cook-Out still has members remaining).  Britini wants the HoH but the wall’s tilting makes her fall.  Tiffany, who is still up,  says that Alyssa is her worry and she won’t fall until Alyssa does. 

As the game goes on, it comes down to Derek X., Tiffany, Alyssa, Xavier, and Azah, who is struggling and who goes down.  Christian (Diary Room) feels good since all those left are members of the Royal Flush.  Derek X. (Diary Room) wants all the control.  Tiffany falls and is upset because scared of Alyssa.  Xavier makes a deal with Derek X. so he’s “slipping.”  Now Alyssa asks for safety, but Derek X. only gives it to her.  Alyssa (Diary Room) says she can’t let go but Azah and Tiffany are willing her to fall .  Down goes Alyssa leaving Derek X and Xavier.  So far this comp has run an hour, 24 minutes.  Xavier and Derek X. trash talk but Xavier makes sure he is safe before “falling.”  Derek X. promised not to put Xavier up.  Derek X and Hannah celebrate but Xavier, during the congratulations, urges Derek X. to keep the Kings safe (see what I mean about teams?).

After the Competition

Alyssa feels good about Derek X. winning.  The Royal Flush is safe!  She doesns’t think Derek X. will take a shot at the King’s team but take an easy route.  Alyssa is feeling sorry for herself though because she fell (why?).  Later, Derek X and Hannah celebrate in the Storage Room (why is that the celebration center).  Hannah knows that Sarah Beth wants her out but Derek tells her that Xavier wants the King’s safe.  Xavier meanwhile talks to Christian about the competition.  Alyssa has known that the only way to be safe is to stay on the wall. 

Sarah Beth realizes she has some fences to mend with Hannah.  Before the HoH, Sarah Beth has talked to Hannah but Hannah is too smart and doesn’t buy Sarah’s apology.  Sarah Beth thinks she has bough herself a few weeks.  Meanwhile Christian feels secure but Derek X. is talking to Tiffany about the deals.  Tiffany wants a King gone and feels they haven’t respected anyone’s other than their team (she is right but they have the numbers and players to win).  Derek X. thinks Christian is the biggest threat in the house and wants him gone.  If Christian remains, Derek X. will be his target so Derek X. must backdoor Christian. When Derek X. talks to Tiffany, Hannah is listening and the Royal Flush is mentioned.  Hannah gets information from Derek X and then more from Tiffany.  Hannah is not dumb.  She has lost some of her trust in Tiffany.  Hannah stores the information for later use.

Derek F. and Azah has a friendship but Derek F. is worried about Azah because she just doesn’t understand the game.  She never says yes or smiles.  Azah tries smile but it seems awkward.  In Diary Room we learn she doesn’t feel that attitude is right for the real world.  Later Xavier talks about how Derek F. manages to sleep everywhere in the house and all the time.  Derek F. knows they make fun of him and laughs over it.

Derek X. holds meetings to decide who goes up.  Xavier feels that the Royal Flush should be safe as well as the Kings, his former team (at least he said former).  Derek X. is trying to justify putting up a King but Xavier doesn’t understand (duh! Derek X. wants to win).  Xavier is wants Christian to be safe (as a shield for himself).  Xavier wants Britini up.  Sarah Beth is asked the same questions and wants the Flush safe.  Sarah wants Tiffany or Kyland up (to help Derek X, sure).  Did she just throw her Flush team under the bus.  Derek X. is thinking of Sarah Beth as a pawn.  These meetings continue but no one really wants to be a pawn.  Finally, Derek X. fills Hannah in on what he thinks.  Hannah’s target is Sarah Beth but is okay with Christian as the target.  They discuss Britini and Sarah Beth which is the way Derek X. is leaning.  Christian will be the blindside.  Derek X. does tell us he has no clue on what to do – offend the Royal Flush or make a big move!


Derek X. holds the nomination ceremony and puts up Sarah Beth and Britini.  The Royal Flush looks worried.  These two are nominated because of trust.  They are the best for his game to keep people’s trust.  Sarah Beth is upset at Derek X. taking a shot at the Royal Flush.  Britini is upset but wants to win the POV and shove it in others face.  Derek X. says it is the best way to get Christian on the block and if not Sarah Beth could go.  Christian (in his superior role as leader) doesn’t understand why a Royal Flush member is up.  Hey, Christian!  Wise up!  At some point all alliances must turn on themselves to win that money.

So, who will win the Power of Veto (non-feed watchers will be surprised)?  Will a nominee come off the block?  Will Christian go up?  Is the Royal Flush doomed?  One thing for sure, we have had an interesting season and people are scrambling which makes for an entertaining show.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2021, 09:35:27 PM »
Big Brother #23:  And the End of an Exciting Week

Big Brother will see the end of Derek X.’s reign tonight.  He has had one of the more interesting HoH turns and unfortunately, I don’t think we will get to see ALL that happened.  Live-feeders know that last night Tiffany, with Xavier’s help, tried to flip (change) the vote so Christian would stay.  Christian, in his delusion, still made promises from his team to stay, and a blowup happened with the Cook-Out.  Will the Cook-Out survive?  Will the Royal Flush lose more than one member?  Is there a new showmance on the horizon?  Is Tiffany’s game exposed (she overplayed last night and continued into today)?  Well, we won’t find out all the answers on Big Brother tonight but we may get a few.

Power of Veto Ceremony/Introduction

Will Big Brother have time for a recap after Julie’s introduction?  Of course, Julie promises the biggest move ever before the recap.  It is very short and does show Alyssa and Derek X.’s meeting then to the veto.  Christian demands Derek X. to “stick with the plan” in Diary Room.  Oh, and tonight a new twist is announced – the High Roller Room.  Okay really?

Julie announces “to backdoor or not to backdoor.  (Wait!  Haven’t I used that?    We move into Britini’s veto meeting.  She uses the Power of Veto on herself.  Derek X. must name a new house guest – namely Christian.  Christian wants Derek F. up but brave herald Derek X. sticks to his move and puts up an angry Christian (with a sad Alyssa looking on).  Derek X. tells Christian that he’s a big threat and with that the meeting is over. 

In Diary Room, Christian calls Derek X. a coward.  He’s not happy with the backdoor but he’s the great Christian and is going to do what he must to stay.  Derek X. in Diary Room tells us that all has been perfect (patience Derek X, things can get worse).  in Derek X.’s opinion, Christian’s exit is best for pre-jury.  Sarah Beth doesn’t need to campaign because Christian will end up campaigning against himself.  Alyssa later asks Christian what he will do as Derek F. offers a hug.  Derek F. tells us that he has to check-in with the Jokers and Cook-Out before he makes a decision.

Christian calls for Derek X. to open the bathroom.  Christian immediately starts in on Derek X. about Sarah Beth throwing him under the bus.  Here to stick his nose in is Xavier.  So Christian starts in with half-truths to stay.  Xavier agrees with Christian.  Julie comes back and talks (finally) about the crack in the biggest alliance left, the Cook-Out. 

After commercial, Claire is called to the Diary Room for her card costume.  It’s a card unitard and fairy tale crown.  When the command is given, she must play “52 Card Pick-up”.  Kyland gets called for his punishment.  As the “Jackass of Clubs,” he’s dressed in a donkey costume and must make complicated club sandwiches for all.  (Yes, even the “have-nots.”)  In Diary Room, he tells us the first time took an hour and a half. 

Tiffany talks to Christian and tells him that she’s sorry he is up and that Sarah Beth has been too “relaxed.”  Christian is worried about Claire but Tiffany will get her vote.  Tiffany’s goal is to keep him safe (for her sake).  Christian tries to figure out his guaranteed votes.  He thinks he has at least four (the Royal Flush and Britini). Tiffany knows he doesn’t have what he needs to stay and “it tugs on her heart” that people are lying.  (This is Big Brother Tiff, get over it and don’t ruin your game).  She goes to talks to the Jokers to get them to vote to keep Christian.  Tiffany uses that she’s being pushed for her vote.  Britini swears she doesn’t know where her vote is going and Derek F. and Azah are seeing Britini as being bullied.  Derek F. is so sick of Tiff that he wants out of the Cook-Out.  He also says in Diary Room, he doesn’t like being talked to like Tiffany does.  He only listens to his mother and God when he makes decision and he’s tired of his team telling him what to do.  Derek F. tells Azah that Tiffany isn’t playing as a team but for herself.

Tiffany goes and tells Christian that he really needs three votes because the Jokers want him gone.  (NEWS FLASH TIFFANY:  THE TEAMS ARE DONE!)  Christian just can’t understand because he thinks the Royal Flush and one vote is all he needs.  Tiffany is surprised by his reaction.  In Diary Room, she admits that keeping Christian is best for her game (please someone – wake her up).  Tiffany talks to Xavier about how she hurts that Christian is leaving.  She’s getting too demanding and upsetting the Cook-Out because she wants Sarah Beth gone.  In Diary Room, she tells us with Alyssa and Xavier, only two votes are needed.  She plans to make it happen.  She turns to Claire (who doesn’t trust the Royal Flush) and then goes for Britini (using Christian as a decoy). When her scheme fails, she storms off to see Xavier who is with Hannah and starts complaining (and cussing).  Xavier and Hannah look at each other saying:  “We’ve got to keep the Cook-Out together.)

The Eviction Vote

Julie offers the two victims (I mean evictees) a chance to sway the votes.  Christian is first thanking his friends and talking about his friendship/trust of Alyssa.  He promises to be fair if he stays and not take anything personal (or be a cry baby, yeah right).  Sarah Beth talks to her family, upset because she was beside a teammate, and promises objectivity.  Julie jokes about a jury twist (which isn’t happening).  Hannah is first with a vote to evict Christian.  As the rest file in, we see it won’t be unanimous this week.  The final votes are 7 to 2 to evict Christian with Xavier and Alyssa wanting him to stay.  What!  Tiffany didn’t vote for her guy!

After good-byes (and a long kiss for Alyssa), Christian exits to talk to Julie.  He wants to be with Alyssa after the show.  Julie admits that he fought hard to stay and gives him an A+ for effort.  She asks if he knows why he didn’t have the votes.  Christian admits it was his record of wins.  Julie shares that in The Royal Flush, Derek X. was gunning for Christian due to his winning record.  Christian tells Julie he should have taken Derek X. out with the same shot last week.  Christian’s final thought:  he had the opportunity.  He came to play and make good friends and he has.  More with him later and the goodbye messages will be shared on Paramount+.  The show is running long.

America’s Choice

In the Living Room, Julie announces that all are on the jury at this point but there is a new twist.  Beginning with next week, there will be a “High Rollers Room” opening at the Beach House.  America will vote with the top three getting $100 BB bucks, the next three $75, and the final getting $50.  The room will have three casino games with three game changing powers (taking yourself off the block, second veto?, and slipping the power to a favorite.  Of course, no idea yet on how these work.  EAch week, the room will open but the players don’t have to play.  They can bank their money for a better prize.  The better the power, the more it costs to play.  We can vote by texting our house guests name to 97979. 

On Sunday we will learn the new HoH and the nominees.  The High Rollers Room doors will open.  Who will gamble?  Now more importantly, we need to know can the Cook-Out be salvaged?  Will Tiffany lose it again?  With Kyland and Sarah be the next showmance?  Sunday is only three days away or get the live-feed and updates! 

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2021, 08:40:21 PM »
Thanks again for your excellent blogs!!  I love them!
Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2021, 09:15:01 PM »
Big Brother:  Another Week, Another Scheme  8/15/21

So Big Brother is down to jury!  We’ve seen the players leave one by one.  First HoH was a riot as Frenchie had too many alliances except with evictee, Travis.  Then one by one, Brent and Whitney left.  Big Brother also saw the end of the only (so far) showmance with Christian shown the door.  The Slaughterhouse, Butchers, and Royal Flush all have taken hits.  Thankfully, Julie did away with teams Thursday and said everyone is playing for him/her/themselves.  Unfortunately, you can say ‘no more teams,’ but still teams exist.  That’s what we’re getting this week as Xavier is keeping his shield.  Tiffany is in control of Claire while Sarah Beth is under Kyland’s wing.  The only one getting a clue is Derek X. which Britini has clues.  We need the Cook-Out to turn on each other and make it interesting but except for a few cracks, Big Brother probably will not see that this year.

HoH Game

Big Brother had so much to show last Thursday that we didn’t get the HoH.  The game was played later Thursday night and called “Name That Croon.”  The backyard has musical instruments in it.  The BB Lounge is open.  Each with pair off, hear a BB tune that  if about a games they have played.  If the answer is wrong, they are out, and the winner will pick the next pair.  In the Diary Room, Tiffany says she wants to win so bad but as long as a Cook-Out wins it is fine.  By the way, Derek X. is a great host.  The game sees players leave until only the Cook-Out alliance remains.  In Diary Room, Azah is bitter as she tells us she lost because Kyland played for himself.  Final round is Kyland and Tiffany after Xavier threw the competition (on purpose).  Tiffany thinks that this is her competition but once again she blows it and Kyland wins.  Kyland is happy but not happy.  Azah and Tiffany really want it and are mad that Kyland had to win.

After the competition, Tiffany tells us that she’s upset because Kyland won’t put up Sarah Beth while Azah is in tears because he will put up Britini.  Xavier is trying to keep the Cook-Out together but it is hard.  Maybe if Xavier would allow his shield to go up it would be different.  Derek F. is upset and talks with Kyland about the noms.  Derek F. tells  Kyland to play smart but how can Kyland when he won’t give up his pawn, Sarah Beth?  That leaves Alyssa, Claire and Britini (who each have people trying to keep them).  For Kyland it is more challenging (for a simple – er) brilliant mind.  Xavier tells us that the pawns can’t cloud judgements but with Tiffany and Xavier it does.  How can they keep the Cook-Out safe if they plan to take care of their pawns in the game?

Kyland holds meeting (he loves them so).  Azah wants to know why Kyland chose who he did in the game. Did I hear him say, Britini should be gone for the best of the Cook-Out.  Azah doesn’t like the double talk and calls Kyland on his meeting style.  He sees Azah as not a great communicator but I see Kyland as a non-communicator who is on a power trip. Meanwhile Azar feels she’s not heard.  Claire meets with him and plays coy but wants a Joker gone (the team reference again) and Cook-Out members.  Kyland is having problems of who is going up due to the “High Roller” angle.  Derek F. knows Britini is going up but he volunteers to be the pawn.  Bad move on Derek F.’s part but he knows he should be safe.  It looks like Kyland would vote him out for the “fun” of it.  Kyland and power doesn’t mix.


Kyland does his nominations and puts up Claire and Derek F.  Both are nominated due to their reaction to HoH (really Kyland – poor excuse).  Kyland tells us in Diary Room that Claire had said Kyland would go on the block if she won HoH.  Derek F. is up because he offered himself as a pawn.  Claire has been a floater in my eyes until now but can she get off the block (on her own)?  The Jokers are upset with Azah thinking that she was going up. For her, Derek F. may be worse.  Derek F. hopes for big “BB Bucks” (for all we know he already got them as we don’t know when the special game happens).  Meanwhile Claire and Tiffany talk and Tiff says losing Claire would not be good for her game.  Careful what you want Tiff.  I think Claire would take you out!

High Roller’s Room

The houseguests are awakened to play “High Rollers”.  They enter a casino room and invited to play BB Derby (is that Sharon Osborne giving instructions).  Each can risk $50 and slide a beer mug down a board to score the highest point.  They get three chances.  For $125 BB bucks, they can play Chopping Block Roulette.  For $150 BB Bucks, it is Wheel of Destiny where you may win the chance to overturn HoH with and replace nominees.  Voter Veto is the one they can play for $50 BB bucks.  They can save their money for coming weeks or bet on a contestant in the PoV (we learn in feeds).  Kyland feels the High Roller for the week isn’t fair because it would put pressure on him to nominate again.  If you play and score, you can use your BB bucks to bet on PoV Competition.  I’ll give you the money awards (by America’s votes) after I finish the game.  Since Kyland, Sarah Beth, Derek F. and Claire chose to play, they can place bets during the competition. (I hope I got that right.) The bucks awards are as follows:

$50 – Sarah, Azah (saves money), Alyssa (saves money and upset at amount given), Kyland, Claire
$75 – Hannah (saves money), Xavier (saves money), Tiffany plays
$100 – Britini (thanks America, saves), Derek X. (happy, saves promises not to tell then tells Derek F., Azah), Derek F. (plays but has $50)

And with that the show ends with a promise of Power of Veto picks and competition for Wednesday night at 8:00 PM.  Will the Cook-Out remain or will it fall?  Will Alyssa get more money this week?  Derek X. has been suspicious.  Will he spill his theory which will put his game in jeopardy?  Is the Cook-Out too confident?  Hopefully, we’ll get more information on the crazy game of the money/games on Wednesday.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2021, 12:39:39 AM »
Interesting night, I expected by now to be able to root for a person or two, but they are all doing some unlikable things. I guess Derek F. is the most likeable to me, now.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2021, 03:33:44 PM »
Thanks, LInda. ...another great blog! :clap:


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