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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2021, 08:56:43 PM »
I just sent my editor at the site a piece about the Cook-Out.  If he approves, I'll put it up after it is posted.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2021, 09:27:18 PM »
Big Brother #23:  “The Cook-Out Issue”

In the past few days Twitter has come alive with complaints and comments about the only true large alliance remaining:  The Cookout.  Many fans, including me, has no issue with the alliance as they have managed to sustain their group and few outsiders have figured it out.  Others have been increasingly upset because Big Brother producers have allowed “People of Color” to align their side of the house to stay and run the house. The upset group feels that Big Brother should have done something to stop this or called the house guests on the alliance so that The Cookout was neutralized and the season would be more like previous seasons with the obvious winner.

Past History of the Alliances in Big Brother

The reason I don’t have a problem with this is because this season’s cast is more diverse and, excuse my pun, smarter.  When you enter a house with a large segment of the population equally divided not only by sex but ethnic backgrounds, it makes for a more interesting game.  For the past few years, we have had to deal with the racist/sexist/age angles.  I could go far back and point out house guests that were embarrassed after the show but instead, let’s look at Season 21.  It’s the most current season where the problems existed. 

Before this season, the Head of Households would take out the ones that were different based on age, LGBTQ status, and whether they were a Person of Color.  In Big Brother 21, Jackson Michie was named Camp Director and had to immediately put up four people to play for eviction.  His choices were Cliff (age), Kemi and David (People of Color), and Jessica (difference in appearance/Person of Color).  David lost the contest and was sent to an outsider cabin.  Over the course of the first few weeks, others from the initial group joined him.  To make matters worse, the alliance of Gr8teful formed with Jack and Jackson making racist and other inappropriate comments.  Both were warned by producers but it didn’t seem to make a difference.  Jack was out quickly ann when interviewed by Julie Chen Moonves, he felt the issues were taken out of context.  When given the evidence in a tape, he seemed ashamed of his actions and apologized.  Jackson (otherwise known as Michie) would win the season and then be embarrassed by his actions on the season finale.  To say he was shell-shocked is putting it mildly.  He was speechless and I don’t think he has really apologized to this day for his actions. 

Big Brother 23’s The Cookout Forms

Big Brother 23 has strong players in the cast and they were easily identified.  Seven of the house guests are what is considered People of Color and six of them bonded and formed “The Cookout.”  Their goal was to take each other to the final six so a person of color could finally win the money.  Let’s face it.  The majority of the winners have been Caucasian men who played on strength and looks.  This year, this group would be different and here lies the major issue I have with them.  They excluded a “Person of Color” who was of Asian descent, Derek X.

The Cookout’s Plan of Action 

The big goal for this group was to keep it a secret.  Frenchie didn’t know it during the first week’s HoH, but he led to the group’s success by saying on entering the house:  “No person of color or woman will leave.”  Frenchie wanted to be fair.  While I commend him for this, his method didn’t work.  He eventually had to go back on his word after forming so many alliances no one could track them and his handshake with Travis.  This led to Travis going up and out the door.  This also put a target on Frenchie’s back, along with two others who were considered his strongest allies,” Brent and Whitney.  The house was solid that these three had to go.  Frenchie left week two, Brent left week three, and Whitney left week four.  This immediately saw a decline on the Caucasian side of the house but no one realized anything had changed.  All of the house was having a great time and becoming friends.

The Cookout Members Are Strong

The Cookout is strong and has smart members.  This is both a plus and a minus as they can bond together but the cracks are showing.  Derek F. and Azah have been pushed to the bottom of the pack by the others.  Azah, in particular, feels that they have no voice and have had several fights with Tiffany. Meanwhile Xavier and Tiffany feel that they are the leaders which leaves Hannah and Kyland in the middle of the pack.

The problems are now arising as the group has set up a shield (or pawn if you will) to use in the voting agenda.  Kyland is paired with Sarah Beth.  Tiffany has Claire.  Hannah has Derek X. (who is a person of color).  That leaves Xavier, Derek F. and Azah.  Before I get to Xavier, you must understand that Derek F and Azah are paired with Britini.  Poor Britini has been considered weak by the house but she has won competitions.  She’s also been on the block three times which her team feels isn’t fair.  While Derek F. and Azah had Britini as their shield/pawn, Xavier, the strongest player in the Cookout, had Christian and Alyssa as his shields/pawns.  Christian went home last week.  The funny thing is that Christian realized he was Xavier’s shield.

The Future

So where does that leave The Cookout as nominees are growing tight.  Basically it means that one of them has to go up against their shield to stay.  It’s dawning on Derek F. and Azah that they got the short end of the division as Derek F. is on the block.  (Spoiler:  Claire was up but was taken off the block today by HoH Kyland with a veto.  Alyssa had another veto and is Xavier’s shield.  Xavier wouldn’t let her go up this week without a struggle.)  Tiffany got Claire back.  Because of Derek X.’s record, they want to wait for a Double Eviction to take him out.  .  That leaves Britini and, if the exit goes as planned, she will go and leave Derek F. and Azah without a shield.

Is this fair?  Of course not.  Of The Cookout, the only ones who have really done any damage to the other house guests are Xavier and Kyland.  Xavier has been HoH once and Kyland twice.  While Tiffany thinks she is the “brains” and the Janelle of this season, she hasn’t won anything and has proceeded to cause frissons in the alliance.  Derek X. is catching on and questioning.  I could spoil more on him but won’t.  Azah has lost trust in Tiffany.  Derek F. now realizes that he’ll probably be the first to go of the Alliance.  While Xavier has tried to mend fences, he is unwilling to give up his pawn.  For everything he does, Tiffany opens her mouth and causes problems.  Sorry Tiffany, you are not the next Janelle.  The house guests outside of the key group (Sarah Beth, Claire and even Britini) felt their friendships/alliances with their partner will keep them safe. 

So what could prevent The Cookout from having a member win the season.  The High Roller’s game hasn’t worked so far.  In fact, Kyland made sure that the second veto came into play (again no spoiler with this).  Below is how it could be prevented.

Derek X. continues to win.  He’s figured out much but he doesn’t know that he’s Hannah’s shield.  If he can only put the other chess pieces on the board in the appropriate order, he could play a statistical game and make it to the end. If he can align with a disgusted Azah and whoever is left at the end of the week, a new alliance is born.

Claire needs to realize that it is not teams any longer.  She seems to be seeing beyond Tiffany as a cohort and to the adversary role but hasn’t been willing to let go of the Royal Flush.  She’s been a floater up until recently when she showed she could win comps.  Can she shake off the stardust and realize that Tiffany is bad for her game?  Better yet, can she do something about it?

Sarah B. has lost her “intelligence” and gone to the sunglasses game.   She always appears wrapped in a blanket and clueless.  Kyland makes their decisions.  Her biggest wish is that Derek F. will go.  Can she convince enough of The Cookout to do this? 

Alyssa thinks she is safe with Xavier as her partner.  Well, Christian wasn’t that safe!  The veto gave her a certain amount of power but Xavier will cut her if he has to do it.  I look for it to be a fight between Tiffany and Xavier to save their shield/pawn to the end.

Which brings us to the Britini angle.  Most fans think she’s on the way out the door.  Some house guests see her as being too popular as she did get the “big bucks” in the high roller game from America.  If Derek F. survives the week, he knows where he stands but feels he won’t have the physical strength or “smarts” to stay.  Azah plays too emotional and she and Tiffany are at odds.  Will this split them from the main group to form a new alliance with Derek X.?

So, while the chances look good for one of The Cookout to win, I do have the hope that Derek X. can play the spoiler.  He has both the knowledge of how to win and the competitiveness to win.  We still have some weeks to go and I may adjust this later.  I see fights coming between members of The Cookout.  Tiffany and Xavier think they have this game in the bag but Hannah is a quiet player and smarter than they think.  Kyland has a big problem with perception and is making his alliance mad due to the excessive overthinking of the game and relationship with Sarah Beth.

What do you think?  Will The Cookout survive?

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2021, 11:06:14 PM »
nice job Linda.  Much enjoyed.
Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #33 on: August 17, 2021, 12:47:14 AM »
I hope the cookout breaks up and they have to scramble...it would be great if Derek X figured it out and was able to do some damage to them. Whatever happens, it will be interesting for sure. (I have nothing against the cookout alliance, I just like the drama)!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #34 on: August 17, 2021, 05:28:07 PM »
Linda--you are a terrific writer!! Thank you for taking the time to write and post this. I', looking forward to your next one!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2021, 07:54:01 PM »
The post has some upset on Twitter.  One found a way to prevent me from posting for 7 days.  No biggie really.  I find the majority of people there somewhat petty.  If they don't like a post like this, they get you put in time out for something else.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2021, 12:27:50 AM »
What the heck? I thought your article was thoughtful and insightful.

Offline LindaM

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2021, 09:21:14 PM »
Big Brother #23:  And Leland’s Confusing Reign Continues (8/18/21)

The one thing about Big Brother 23 this year is that it has been fun.  Viewers never know what to expect.  Even better, Big Brother “Live Feeders” often seem confused.  Of course, it’s not really anything the house guests are doing.  All this is coming from the top!  Kyland is causing the confusion.  He can turn a meeting into a lesson in words, words, and more words.  From what I saw on live feeds yesterday, he should be the lawyer because his meetings made little sense.  While confusing, it is fun to watch because no one knows what he means.  In other news, it looks like The Cookout is still in control but for how long? There are cracks developing and questions being asked.

After Nominations

After nominations, viewers often see Big Brother house guests in tears.  This year, there hasn’t been many tears but the scheming starts immediately.  With Derek F. and Claire on the hot seats, will Derek F. need to campaign?  Will Claire buy a clue or turn to her trusted ally, Tiffany.  Britini was breathing a sigh of relief since she isn’t on the block.  Britini, don’t trust your luck!  This is Big Brother and no one knows what will happen.

With the reveal of the “HIgh Roller” twist, Leland feels even more safe with the nominees.  Hey!  How can he get blood on his hands with this twist, right?  Claire, in Diary Room, feels confident because her bet could give her the second veto.  Derek F. wants to bet on the right person so he will be safe.

Britini goes to talk to Kyland about being a target and we get the Kyland double talk game starting.  With Britini, he says something that she takes as being a guarantee of safety and he shakes on it.  With Derek F., Kyland says he wants to control the Power of Veto.  Derek F. understands but we know from Diary Room that Kyland doesn’t want to lose either Sarah B. or Derek X. (for some reason).  Derek F. has doubts already.  Here’s another possible Joker plot exit and he doubts his fellow Cookout members’ loyalty.  Derek F. has another problem.  Going up as a pawn, he has to figure out a new way to keep his secret from Azah and Britini.

When Tiffany meets with Kyland, she’s upset because Claire’s on the block.  Her brain starts churning to figure out a way to get Claire safe.  .  I think Tiffany would send Derek F., a fellow member out, to keep her shield safe.  Kyland tells Tiffany about Claire’s target plan of The Cookout. Tiffany, in Diary Room, tells us that she must convince Kyland that what Claire says is not what she means.  Well, if anyone can give double talk back to Kyland, she can.  Kyland tells us that Tiff pushes back on Claire and wants Britini or Alyssa up. 

Power of Veto Competition

It’s time to pick players, and Leland draws Alyssa.  Alyssa is happy since they took her boyfriend out last week.  Claire picks Azah.  Derek F. picks house guest choice and chooses Britini.  Derek F. and Britini see this as an opportunity to save all three Jokers.  I wish they’d move past the “team” mentality and Derek F. realize the pecking order.

Kyland says they can place bets and chose someone to win.  Kyland announces that there is a clue about the veto – veto spelled backwards. Everyone knows that means OTEV.  In the bets, Kyland chooses Alyssa.  Derek F. chooses Britini.  Claire chooses Kyland. Sarah B. chooses Azah.  Derek X. really wanted to play OTEV and is upset that he was not chosen.

The OTEV course looks like a lagoon and OTEV is a jellyfish that sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger.  First Sharon Osborne and now Arnold?  What gives this year with these voices.  Participants must answer his questions and bring him the jelly with the correct jelly name on it.  Once they find the answer, they must climb the slippy hill to return it to OTEV.  Last one or incorrect answer is out.  Where Claire and Derek F. hope the veto saves them, Kyland plans otherwise.  He wants control of all the power.  First out is Derek F. followed by Azah, Britini, and Claire.  It’s down to Alyssa and Kyland but Kyland can control Alyssa’s decision.  He lets Alyssa win the Power of Veto taking the second for himself.  Kyland will save Claire to gain her trust (or brownie points).  It would be so nice if people actually played the game.  The throwing of comps is bad this year.  First Azah gives the answer to Britini and then Kyland cheats. 

Post POV Competition

Kyland celebrates with Sarah B. but she tells us in Diary Room that she’d be glad if Britini leaves.  Kyland, Xavier and Derek F. talk and Kyland says Britini is the only choice which upsets Derek F.  For some reason Kyland wants Derek X. left even though he is a great competitor.  Sarah Beth is Kyland’s shield.  Is there really any question of who is going up?  Britini draws the short straw.

Before the ceremony, Kyland talks to Sarah B and let’s her know what is going on.  Sarah B. has lost her smarts as she goes out, tells Britini for Kyland, and offers support.  Does that sooth Britini.  Of course not and she goes off to confront Kyland (who hides).  Kyland tells her he has no other choice.  He feels people will vote Derek F. out.  Britini walks away upset, mad and vengeful.  She is mad because he lied.  Kyland made the agreement and lies about what he said.  Well, he is the king of double talk.  During the conversation, Kyland shows no remorse but assures her that he doesn’t care if Derek F. leaves.  You know, as a long-time viewer, I would have caught on with his body language. 

Britini leaves upset and in diary room talks a little about the deal.  Could Kyland be regretting what he said?  He says in Diary Room that were there other options like Derek x.  Does he actually feel remorse?  Britini tells us she will not be silent.  I think, if she goes, a bitter juror will be born and I’m not sure Dr. Will can change her mind. 

By the way, I know what happens but won’t spill.  You will have to turn in tomorrow to see if:  Claire gets Derek F. out; Britini pours on the guilt and stays; or The Cookout remains safe for another week!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2021, 01:20:20 PM »
Enjoyed reading that.  Great take and writing.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #39 on: August 19, 2021, 04:23:30 PM »
I had high hopes for Sarah B. She seemed to have a good feel for the game, what is with her now? All i do is watch the shows, so maybe there is a lot more i don't see of her game play.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #40 on: August 19, 2021, 07:43:12 PM »
I have put Sarah Beth and Claire in the "annoying me category."  What have they done but won one competition each.  And Sarah Beth is supposed to be smart and a LGBT member.  If so, why the attraction to Ky.  She's lying all over him and turning the relationship into borderline showmance.  As for Claire, her arrogance is linked to Tiffany who could go also in my book. 

The one I was unsure about at the start was Derek X.  Now I would love to see him win.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #41 on: August 19, 2021, 09:07:51 PM »
“Big Brother” #23 – Which Joker Will Remain (8/19/21)

Last night on Big Brother, I would have guessed it was Derek F. staying.  But as the day progressed, I saw Claire and Sarah B. more and more wanting him gone and speaking openly to Tiffany and Derek X. about their wishes.  I’m not sure what they have against Derek F. but this is Big Brother and sometimes the one who does the cleaning must go.  They can beat Derek F. at HoH competitions.  Britini staying would give them another lady in the house, but she’s already headed toward “bitter juror” and it would only get worse.  So tonight, I go in wondering if it will fall to the HoH to give the final vote (for a welcome change).  Oh, right!  That’s Kyland and the network needs to end the show by 9:00 P. M.

POV Ceremony and Aftermath

Julie Chen Moonves opens the show tonight with the announcement that emotions are high and two vetoes are in play.  We go straight to recaps and we see just how Tiffany can manipulate Kyland.  I had forgotten she can use words just as cleverly as he can.  Oh, and the new HoH will be crowned live on “Big Brother!”

Julie tells us that chaos erupted as the veto meeting started.  We given the Power of Veto meeting.  Both the holders of Power of Veto are standing and make the decisions.  Kyland will use the Veto on Claire.  Tiffany silent rejoices while Brit starts breaking down.  Britini is told to take the chair.  Alyssa does not use the Power of Veto so that is over. 

After the ceremony, Britini is mad.  Alyssa says that everyone is against her anyway and Derek X. could have gone up.  Derek F. is upset because it is Britini.  Claire is upset because she was up and isn’t forgetting that Kyland did it.  Kyland thinks that Derek F. will stay no matter what but that’s without thinking about Claire, Derek X. and Sarah B.  As Britini cries in Derek F. arms, in Diary Room she goes off on Kyland.  I guess when they have the house guests back in to destroy the house, she’ll go for his stuff.  Britini is sick of being a nominee.  It hurts both Derek F. and Azah to see her like this. 

Upstairs, Tiffany and Claire and talking in the HoH room.  Claire wants Derek F. gone because she feels all will carry him to the end for an easy win.  Tiffany, in Diary Room, tells us that as a member of The Cook-Out, Derek F. can’t leave.  Hannah works on Derek X. trying to keep Derek F. but Derek X., in Diary Room, tells us that Britini would take a shot at Kyland or others that he wants out. Later Claire and Derek X. talk but they count Hannah in with their number of a team.  The problem is that they have Tiffany listening to the talk.  You know Claire is really a bitter person at being on the block.  What did she expect of Big Brother.  Tiffany isn’t on the same page and Claire may have to go sooner than later.

The Cookout has decisions to make.  Tiffany tells Xavier that Claire and Derek X. wants Derek F. gone.  In Diary Room, Tiffany tells us that “for the sake of the Cook-Out,” she’ll get rid of either Claire or Derek X.  Tiffany has to tell Xavier also about Derek X.’s questioning the pairs and possibly the group of six.  Xavier assures her that he will lie to Derek X. if he must.  Later, Xavier tells Kyland that Derek X. is the biggest threat.  They meet with Derek X. and try to form an alliance as the three strongest players.  Derek X. immediately runs and tells Claire about the discussion.  Claire isn’t happy and thinks they’re playing Derek X.  She knows you have to lie to people in Big Brother.  Everyone says something for a reason.  Claire sees Xavier and Kyland taking a shot at both of them. 

The Live Vote and Eviction

Julie joins the house guests in the Living Room (whoops they are dressed for a physical competition).  Britini asks to stay via rap and don’t ask me to what she’s saying except she will help their game if they let her stay.  Derek F. thanks God and his mother and a long list of friends.  He then asks to be kept for fixing food, laughter and cleaning.  The house guests start the live voting with Xavier first.  The votes are coming in but wait.  Azah votes for Derek F. while Claire changes her vote.  Britini leaves for jury on a vote of seven to one but Julie fools them by telling Big D that he is safe before telling Britini she is gone.  With hugs she goes to meet Julie.  Wow did Kyland give Derek F. a big kiss?  Azah is being comforted by Derek X. and later by Tiffany and Alyssa.

Julie tells Britini that she was on the block four of six weeks.  Britini is going to the jury because she could have won with her story in the final two.  She’s okay with going to the Jury House.  America voted her the highest of amount of HoH bucks.  Julie wants to know why she didn’t play in the High Roller Game.  Brit thought she’d be okay this week so she saved her bucks.  Julie asks who she feels betrayed by and she quickly says Clare and Tiff.  She realizes that it is a game and no one wanted to show their cards.  She wants to see how it plays out.

Azah tells her that she tried to keep her.  Xavier talks about the blind sides and wants to be friends.  Claire was looking at it from an individual’s perspective, but her group didn’t see it.  Derek F. tells her that she is special in every possible way.  She cries on that one.  Julie wants to know what the best thing about her experience is.  Brit saying be there and talking to Julie.  Julie did not tell her about cook-out.

HOH Competition

Oh, it’s the balancing game.  This should be good!  The house guests are told that the power is up for grabs.  The game is called “Dash for Dinner.”  One at the time, each must navigate the balance beams to get to dinner.  All beams are not the same size.  They are doing it individually on the clock.  If the clock expires, they are eliminated.  Claire is first and the rest must wait behind a wall.  She switched between wide and small and did it in 34.97.  Alyssa fell as she buzzed in and is eliminated.  She’s followed by Derek F. and Sarah Beth.  Sarah Beth does beat Claire’s time with 21.03.  Azah, Hannah, Tiffany, Derek X. and Xavier all lose to Sarah Beth’s time.  Sarah Beth is the new HoH and the Cookout should be worried.  We should be glad because the action should be great this week.

Julie tells us that High Roller’s Room with Chopping Block as the game.  They can seize power by collecting BB Bucks and playing the game.  We can vote again this week with the same prizes as last week.  Vote by texting name to 97979 tonight!

Will Sarah Beth nominate Derek F.?  Who else will be up?  Will anyone play for a chance to make everyone vulnerable?  Who will Sarah Beth’s nominees really be?

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #42 on: August 20, 2021, 06:35:29 PM »
I do not have a clue as to who she will put up! Will she let Kyland run her nominations? She has seemed savvy in the past, so I hope she has figured out what to do.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #43 on: August 22, 2021, 09:28:27 PM »
Big Brother #23:  Sarah B.’s HOH (or Is It?) (8/22/21)
Big Brother fans!  How many of you thought you’d see a Sarah B.’s HoH?  After all, she seemed to sleep through the first half of the season or do nothing but talk to Kyland.  Sarah Beth also though that the teams would be together to the end.  To that end, Big Brother encouraged friendships and internal alliances between teams and she has thoughts that she helped with Kyland’s HoH last week.  Now will Kyland turn her HoH into Kyland’s second HoH in a row?
HoH Fall-Out
Of course, we get the usual reminder that the Cookout is controlling the game.  Xavier wants Derek X. out for personal reasons and finds out that Derek F. is Derek X.’s target.  We also are reminded that Derek X. lost by one second (could the clock be off – again?).  Don’t ask about the clock?  Big Brother doesn’t cheat.
Sarah Beth celebrates and says this will change her game (game, what game?).  Derek F. is happy that he is staying and got to kiss Kyland.  Derek F. is tired of being a pawn and sounds like he is doubting the Cookout.  As the Sarah B.’s celebration continues in the Storage Room with Kyland, I am beginning to question what her partner outside the house is thinking about their interaction.  The Storage Room pair discuss the nominees and Kyland wants Claire or Derek X. out for personal reasons. 
Azah is upset that Britini is out of the game and TIffany spends time with her to get Azah’s head in the game.  They too are discussing nominees.  Tiffany, in Diary Room, is upset that Sarah B. won.  She was the last person that Tiffany wanted to win.  Tiffany tells us that “she’s not going on the block.”  Meanwhile, Xavier and Derek F. talk.  Derek F. is tired of the game and being a pawn.  He sees Derek X. as never being in danger.  Kyland comes in and tells them to trust him.  Derek F. is worried about his mental state and Xavier has to keep the Cookout together.  Derek X. is upset that he didn’t win.  Wait, Sarah B. is changing into dressy clothes for her HoH reveal?  Who does that? 
And the talks continue.  Alyssa and Derek X. are talking about the High Roller’s Room.  She wants to win the Ch”Chopping Block” and spin the wheel to ensure safety.  Derek F. and Tiffany get into a verbal fight. Derek F. needs to lookout for the Cookout and is trying to keep things good with Tiffany.  It seems that Derek F. said something that Tiffany thought was disrespectful during the week and she’s been stewing about it.  Derek F. and Tiffany start in the bathroom and takes it to the Storage Room.  Derek F. thinks he grew up like Tiffany.  She tells him no and that he came at her in the wrong way.  She talks down to Derek F. and she sees Derek F. as trying to intimidate her.  So, let’s see if I have this right.  Tiffany has problems with Derek F. but he can’t have problems with her?  When did that happen?  She feels she doesn’t owe him anything if he doesn’t have respect for her in the house.  I understand where she’s coming from but RESPECT is a two way street. 
Sarah B. starts searching for nominees.  Her main question is:  Will you play the High Roller’s game?  She doesn’t get the answers she wants as both Derek’s don’t plan to play.  Sarah B. is worried about next week’s power.  She is smart enough to realize that she’s vulnerable!  Sarah B. is happy to finally have power though so she goes on the hunt for pawns.
Derek X. starts overanalyzing the .  He’s questioning Tiffany’s thought process and loyalty to them.  He also thinks that there is a group working together (little does he know).  Meanwhile, Azah and Derek F. feel that Sarah B. is going on a “reign of terror.”  Azah has no idea of where Sarah B,’s head is in the game.  Azah tells Britini she may be out next and seems to break down.  Wait, she’s acting.  Never saw this side of her before.
Later, Sarah B. is looking at the wall.  She thinking Xavier because he’s a big threat.  Kyland knows he has to go slow to get to the target being Derek X., the Cookout’s target.  Kyland starts talking to Sarah B. about putting up Derek X.  Kyland suggests keeping him for a blindside as long as he doesn’t play veto.  I wish she’d take those sunglasses off.  It hides her eyes.  Sarah B. knows she needs to keep her options open.  Two pawns must go up.  (By the way, the show seems very slow tonight.  I guess it is because the HoH and her “partner” love of discussion. 
It’s time for nominations and the usual spill is done.  Sarah B. turns the keys to reveal Derek F. and Claire.  Sarah tells them that it makes it less complicated due to the Chopping Block.  What a ridiculous reason but that’s Sarah B.’s claim.   Kyland will do his best to get Derek F. off the chopping block.  What I don’t understand is why Sarah B. stops at every mirror she sees this week?
Tiffany gives Claire a pep talk.  Tiffany doesn’t have the BB Bucks to help.  She doesn’t want to see Claire go but it may be all that can be done.  Meanwhile Hannah and Derek X. scheme.  Hannah doesn’t want him gone but she knows that to keep the Cookout together, it may be necessary.  Derek X. wants to keep the BB Bucks to get next week’s prize.  He doesn’t want to play this week but how can he guarantee he will be here next week.
High Roller’s Game
This week, the amounts are:
$100 – Claire, Derek F. and Derek X.  None will use their money.  Claire does not have enough money to play.
$75 – Hannah, Xavier (both who are at $150), and Alyssa.  Alyssa will play.
$50 – Azah, Sarah B., Tiffany, and Kyland.  None of them have enough to play.
Before Derek X. makes a decision, he talks to Kyland.  Derek X. is smart but evidently he doesn’t have common sense.  If you could be a target, would you talk to the one person who is in Sarah B.’s ear.
“The Chopping Block” is a game of balance and skill.  Alyssa stands on the roulette wheel and must cause the wheel to spin around as many times as possible in two minutes.  The only player, of course, Alyssa wins and decides that she doesn’t want Derek F. to be a pawn so off he comes.  Sarah B. asks Alyssa to bring out a roulette wheel.  The wheel has all the eligible people left listed around its side.  Where the ball lands is the nominee.  All watch the spinning ball nervously.  The spin lands on Xavier who must take the chair beside Claire.
Alyssa is upset that she played the game.  Her only ally is up on the block.  Claire thinks she is next to a threat and she plans to win the veto.  Xavier will not back off a challenge.  He will win the Veto and others will have to go through him to get it.  Sarah B. now feels some fear as Xavier is up but Derek X. is still safe.  This could lead to her nomination next week.
Turn in Wednesday for the Power of Veto game.  What will it be?  Will Xavier be safe?

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2021, 12:39:17 AM »
Oh my, things are about to get really interesting. Hoping against hope that Derek X can stay on....


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