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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #60 on: September 10, 2021, 01:06:57 AM »
The rest of the season is going to be so good! As of now, I am leaning towards Xavier for the win. But we will see! I don't like Tiff, but she is playing a good game and so is Hannah.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #61 on: September 12, 2021, 09:55:16 PM »
Big Brother #23:  The Cookout Begins the Fight  (9/12/21)

Big Brother fans!  Can you believe it?  One complete alliance of all members has made it to the final six.  First, I don’t recall that ever happening.  Add to that that the group is PoC.  The diversity this year paid off in the Big Brother game (even with the complaints) but I feel that they owe much to two things:  production’s decision to split the group into teams and Frenchie’s statement that no PoC or woman would be evicted week one.  By the time those waves ended, the game was down to people who kept the team mentality and those who had a broader game in mind.  It was the group with the broader game (overlooking teams) that made it.

After the Double

After Claire and Alyssa left, the Cookout members could use their alliance name and celebrated.  Big Brother though wasn’t through with their week in one day and HoH loomed before them.    Hannah tells us that going into the double the plan was for one of them to win HoH, nominate Alyssa, win PoV and evict Alyssa.  She’s so happy because at 21, she’s been on her favorite television show and made it to the final six.  Both Tiffany and Azah also celebrate the win in the bedroom.  There was one problem before the final vote.  When Xavier won PoV, he took himself off.  Kyland/Lyland was going up but he wasn’t happy.  He thought Tiffany or Hannah should go up since neither had been on the block.  Hannah was HoH which left Tiffany and she wasn’t going up.  Tiffany didn’t want Lyland up but better him than her. 

Even as the celebration happens at the end of the show, Tiffany’s brain is going (look at her eyes).  Derek tells us they stuck together and got all of them to the final six.  Tiffany says it is every man for himself (but she’s been playing more that way than the others lately).  Xavier says that their time and effort paid off to get everyone so far but he’s determined to be in one of the seats on finale night.

Tiffany starts damage control with Lyland.  She tries to explain her reasoning for staying off the block and get him to agree with her on the plan and have no issues.  Tiffany, you just told us that everyone must play for themselves from now on.  While Tiffany thinks things are calm, Lyland has changed his mind about taking her to the end.  He sees Tiffany as trying to do jury management.  Tiffany has cornered Xavier upstairs to try her mist on him regarding Claire.  While he listens, he’s not buying her tale.  In the Diary Room, Tiffany admits she feels like people see her as a threat.  While she thinks Xavier won’t come after her, she’ll send him to jury.

Lyland and Hannah are talking because Hannah needs to do damage control for putting him on the block.  They talk and she tries to smooth things over.  Lyland tells us in Diary Room that he doesn’t want to work with her in the long run.  Hannah’s excuse is the “I was rushed” (as if Tiffany and she hadn’t planned it before hand).  Next up is Xavier and Derek’s talk and it’s about Tiffany’s actions.  Derek will take a shot at Tiffany and in Diary Room tells us he’s ready to get it done.  Kyland and Xavier talk and congratulate each other for still being in the house.  They talk targets and taking care of each other if in the nomination chairs.  Lyland in Diary Room tells us he has started making decisions on who he wants to go against at the end.  It has to be a contender and that is Xavier.  So Xavier and he made a final two deal and name themselves “The Gentlemen.” 

HoH Competition

As they wait for the HoH, Tiffany tells us that she needs to win and stay safe because she doesn’t know who will take a shot at her.  Lyland says that the first HoH of the group must make a decision on who will go out first.  Hannah just doesn’t want it to be her.

The HoH competition is set up in the backyard.  The house guests (the heroes) are being held captive by the super chicken.  It’s the egg up the chicken wire wall and into a slot competition and I didn’t hear the name.  It looks easier than in the past, but they must roll their eggs down a ramp and knock three levers down to get free.  Hey, everyone!  After all our complaints about Derek not being able to win, he does knock down the first lever.  Of course, Lyland wins but it should be noted that Derek had two to Xavier and Azah’s one lever.  And how many did Tiffany knock down – zero.

After the competition, Tiffany meets with Lyland to start her pitch.  She wants to remind him of their deal to go to the end together.  In a later meeting, she pushes a larger target (Xavier).  Hannah also tries to do damage control as she nominated him for jury.  She also pushes for a final four and Xavier to be the target. Lyland has made the deal with Xavier and he knows that there may be a line drawn in the sand. 

Lyland knows Derek is worried and upset with his performance.  Derek is in the “have-not room” and Lyland comes in to talk.  Derek is trying to figure out how he can continue with his game because he’s not a threat and can’t win anything.  Lyland admits he knows how much Derek wanted to win but it just didn’t happen.  Later, Xavier and Lyland meet to discuss the nominations.  Tiffany and Hannah are the top of the list.  Azah will be the third nominee and pawn.


Lyland knows that this nomination ceremony will be the first Cookout member eliminated.  It’s a tough decision but he has to put up two people.  His nominations are Tiffany and Hannah.  The reason for this is because of a loss of trust.  Lyland tells us that he used to trust Tiffany but he doesn’t feel safe with her in the game.  Xavier is happy that he didn’t go up after four weeks on the block.  Hannah is shocked and sad because she’s up against her number one ally.  Tiffany is mad.  They had a deal, and he didn’t trust her.  “It was suppose to be Xavier.”  She wants to win HoH next week and take control.

So who will win the Power of Veto and will Hannah or Tiffany be taken off the block.  Be sure and watch Wednesday night.  Also, don’t forget that Thursday we get a two-hour episode.  Since we haven’t seen jury, I’m sure it will be a part of that two-hour episode.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #62 on: September 13, 2021, 12:53:47 AM »
Little Miss Tiff was in quite a snit tonight! Ha! Glad to see a little trouble coming her way. Really, Azah has done zero this season, she doesn't deserve to go much further, hope she doesn't. Derek F, gotta feel kind of bad for the guy. But, hey, I just plain don't like throwing comps so someone else can win.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #63 on: September 15, 2021, 09:15:31 PM »
Note:  She's spent at least one night in the HoH bed with Lyland and I think Hannah joined them one night. 

Big Brother #23:  Action Heroes Unite (9/15/21)

Tonight, Big Brother promises we will get the Power of Veto Ceremony.  For anyone watching feeds (or reading Live Feed Updates), we know it is BB Comics.  For the Big Brother fan, these have become fan favorites during the past few years.  So whose comic cover will be the best?  Can Hannah or Tiffany pull off the PoV and save themselves?  Will Derek “prove” himself today and finally win a competition.  The cover is up to you to decide!  No jokes please.

Pre-Competition and Players

Tonight, will be the first time that all get to play in the POV.  The Cookout has scored a win by getting all members to this point.  The question is:  who can win and will fights occur before the eviction.  Here we go!

We’re reminded that Lyland is playing both sides:  the guys and gals (minus Azah).  That may come back to haunt his HoH. Oh, it did.  He put up Tiffany and Hannah.  I wonder if they’ll share the HoH bed with him again?  Oh, and only two weeks remain before a winner is crowned.

After the nominations, Kyland tells us that since he can’t trust Tiffany, she’s up.  Tiffany does feel betrayed.  She felt the final three was sealed.  Derek is just happy that Tiffany is FINALLY on the block.  He’s wanted this to happen like forever.  Xavier is glad that Lyland honored the agreement (and yes, I still call Kyland by my nickname for him, Lyland).  Hannah feels he’s thrown her for a loop and wants to talk.  Lyland tells Hannah that she’s not the target.  She’s up because she is close to Tiffany.  Lyland says Tiffany and Xavier would never move forward together which confuses Hannah as always.  She does realize that the guys are working together.  You mean it took you this long to realize it?  Hannah is sure that if it comes down to Lyland and Xavier, Xavier will win but she’s going to fight to stay. 

Derek tells us that he feels bad for Hannah, Tiffany and Lyland.  It’s not going to be easy.  Xavier tells him that it is hard but there has to be targets.  Xavier tells us from jury management scenarios, he’ll win against Lyland and Derek.  Derek worries that Lyland may try some “tricky stuff” but hopes to make it to the end.  Meanwhile Tiffany and Hannah didn’t expect the nominations.   Tiffany has realized that since Claire left, she only has Hannah.  Hannah decides to approach Azah and she’s going to push Azah to win the veto and take one of the women off.  During this talk, Hannah tells Azah that she doesn’t want the guys to control the game.  I’m afraid that she’s left Azah out for too long.  Azah tells us that she wanted the women to work together at the start, but she got close to Derek and Xavier.  Tiffany does send us a message via her camera chat but in Diary Room she tells us that it will be life changing for her and her son.  She wants to win the veto for a birthday gift to him. 

News Break

Four American have launched successfully into orbit on the SpaceX rocket.  Of course, I couldn’t see it because of clouds.

The Veto Competition

The competition will be done one at a time.  As always in Big Brother (BB) Comics, they are dressed as super heroes, swing on a zip line and observe comic book cover titles, and then must put them in correct order on a “web page” (computer image).  They must also be careful because one little detail could be wrong so the correct cover must be chosen.  If you are wrong, you will get a buzzer.  Note:  Notable comics include Derek X. in his herald’s costume, Derek F. snoozing, Xavier ripped with an “X marks the spot,” Sarah with her breath.   

Looks like Derek is first.  He’s looking forward to this comp and gives us a good explanation.  The way he suggests for the game to be played is that you get the covers in the right order then start looking for differences.  To explain this it would take forever and good covers are available online now.  When you hit the buzzer, you are told if you are right or wrong.  If you are wrong you must figure out which is wrong.  Derek actually does a good job.  He’s followed by Kyland who does very well as does Azah.  Xavier and Tiffany both have trouble so they’re not adding to their resume.  Finally is Hannah.  She takes her time and gets all right on the first try.  How will times play into this?

The times are in with Derek’s time of 14:05 revealed first.  Hannah was right behind him with 14:06.  Xavier (20:56), Azah (20:22) and Tiffany (40:00) haven’t done as well.  It comes down to Kyland who score of 11:64 wins.  I guess his love of comics paid off.  Derek is so happy to finally come in second.  Wait, doesn’t he now have two second places.  He tells us in Diary Room that he’s afraid he may now be considered a threat.

After costume pictures, Xavier and Kyland run scenarios.  When it looks like he may be changing his mind and HoHitis is taking over, Xavier reminds him that by putting up Derek, Derek would leave.  Tiffany does have a plan and it involves visiting Kyland and promising the moon.  No, she promises she will take him to the end and be true only to him.  Right, Tiff!  You said you wanted a Cookout woman to win this year.  She even uses that her ego/pride got the best of her and now she’s willing to put it aside.  Hannah uses a different strategy and only offers one week safety and the use of veto in the final three.  In Diary Room, Kyland says the offers are enticing but he’s not really buying it (I think).  Kyland wonders if he can trust Hannah to vote Tiffany out (of course not).

Power of Veto Meeting

Kyland calls them all in and announces he will not be using the Power of Veto.  He apologizes and wishes both the best of luck.  In Diary Room, he says he’s not happy doing this but he wants Tiffany to go home because it is the best thing for his game.  Hannah is upset she’s on the block against Tiffany.  They need only two votes but Hannah’s is going to get those.  Derek is so glad she’s leaving.  He uses the card analogy that she’s a queen but he’s a joker and joker’s have the last laugh.  Tiffany tells us she will have the votes she needs.  She came up the plan to keep them there for the game and she’ll come up with another plan to stay

Note:  Remember, tomorrow is a two hour episode.  (Live feeds have been down all day and won’t return until tomorrow night after the show airs in Pacific Time.)  We will get another episode on Friday but none on Sunday so be aware of the schedule change.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2021, 01:27:06 AM »
I liked Azah's comic the best! I got a kick out of Derek patting himself on the back for coming in 2nd 2 times in a row, but not wanting to be perceived as a threat! LOL! Oh, Azah, I had such high hopes for you this season, you have done diddly squat, you need to go. Anyone else tired of Kyland's grin?

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2021, 10:12:27 PM »
Big Brother #23:  Which Queen Will leave Durimg the Double Eviction

And so it begins on Big Brother!  For all the weeks the game has been played, the Cookout remained hidden and kept itself together.  I have my ideas on why this happened and the biggest belongs to CBS and the team concept.  The teams just couldn’t let it go!  But I digress.  Tonight, we will see the first Cookout member leave the house to jury.  Will it be Tiffany or Hannah?  Does CBS have a secret up it’s sleeve?  Twitter has been hoping for a battle back between the two evictees tonight but I don’t really see it.  It would have to include the other five who went before and are in jury now.   We’ll have to wait until the two hours play out to see what they have in mind for tonight’s episode(s).  By the way, remember feeds have been down since early Wednesday so no one knows what has gone on in the house.

Post Power of Veto

Julie reminds us that the Cookout alliance made it to the final six.  After a recap that reminds us of the men’s alliance (with the sub-alliance of The Gentlemen), we are reminded that Kyland/Lyland had a final three with Tiffany and Hannah.  He’s true to the men though and not the ladies.  By leaving them on the block, Lyland went against his word to the ladies.  Can he be trusted?  Of course not!  This is Big Brother. 

Julie states it frankly: “It’s every man or woman for themselves.”  Julie then moves into what happened after PoV Ceremony.  Kyland didn’t change noms because by taking Tiffany off, she would stay and he didn’t want to have a hand in that dangerous situation.  Tiffany tells us that she’s going to work hard to stay.  See how loyal she is?  Later as the two play chess, they discuss the summer and the success the Cookout has had.  Later.  Tiffany tells us that the group has accomplished so much this season by getting all to the end. 

Tiffany starts the campaign by talking to a sleepy Azah.  She explains that Hannah is cut-throat and that’s why she needs to stay.  To Derek, she uses the argument that Hannah wants him gone then turns around and does the same spill to Xavier.  Little does she know that Derek and Xavier compare notes and realizes she just substitutes names to satisfy whoever she is speaking with.  The discussion of going to Vegas comes up and I don’t think that Derek wants to go if Brent is there.

Elimination Ceremony

Julie congratulates the Cookout for making it to final six and having a PoC this year as a winner.  Julie asks Tiffany why this alliance was so important to which Tiffany said that she wanted to insure that one of them made it to the final six.  They all the same goal and it was an amazing feat.  Xavier gets asked how he felt when he realized they done it.  He tells Julie that it was groundbreaking.  Their hard work paid off.  Derek tells Julie that it was hard and a challenged but well worth it.  Hannah admits to Julie that it was hard to see Derek X. leave the house but the mission they were doing was more important.  Kyland talked and talked and said that personal game on one side and mission on the other and he hated betraying Sarah Beth.  Azah barely could answer the question because of Kyland but she tells Julie they made history as the first six person to make it in tack.

Jury House

Julie sends us to the Jury House and they are discussing who is coming in the door.  They think if it is Sarah Beth, a man won HoH.  Well is it Sarah Beth and Derek X. admits he didn’t want her to win but to go a little further.  Watching the video, we see a more confident Britini as she has a good read on the game.  They figure it will be Claire or Alyssa as the next house guest to come and are surprised to see Sarah Beth.  Sarah Beth realizes that there is a large alliance working together that is making it to the end (the Cookout). It will be the first PoC person winning and the first alliance that makes it in its entirety.  The next week, they welcome first Claire and then Alyssa.  Claire is hurt because it is Tiffany who sent her out. She had hoped that Lyland would leave.  Her good-bye messages talked about an alliance and something bigger.  Alyssa’s video is watched and she had hoped that she could win and Kyland would be the replacement.  She knew something was different because of Xavier’s PoV speech and the good-bye messages about alliance and mission.  Britini thinks Lyland is the biggest problem and whoever takes him out gets props from her.  Derek X. is surprised that Tiffany sent Claire out.  Claire was hoping Xavier would go.  Her messages of bigger purpose, alliance and respect.  While Alyssa didn’t see it coming, she respects what they did.  Britini declares that the game has officially begun since it’s just the alliance left.

The First Vote

The house guests make their pleas.  Tiffany tells the house guests that their names will always be paired together.   Hannah wishes her dad happy birthday and is so proud of the Cookout for playing together. The voting starts with Derek first.  By a vote of three to zero, Tiffany is evicted from the game.  After Julie reveals the votes, Tiffany doesn’t look surprised and hugs all.  She tells all of them to have fun and does their Cookout cheer as she walks out to meet Julie. 

Julie asks TIffany why is she sitting on stage with her.  Tiffany feels that she had a final two with Lyland week two but it looked like she kept changing her mind.  Tiffany admits that the Swing HoH win didn’t help.  She also tells Julie that she’s a risk taker and would rather ask for forgiveness afterwards. Julie calls her a master strategist and Tiffany agrees.  While she wanted to win, the mission was important.  They had to control the game.  Tiffany had to come up with a way to win and one morning, she got the chess board and figured it out in five minutes.  It was hard to play for herself and for the PoC goal.  She could have gone against the group by not putting Claire up, but it was a bigger mission.  Tiffany is surprised by the double elimination.

Second Eviction Begins

Julie calls everyone back to the living room and congratulates them on making it to final five.  Then she says second eviction and they go into shock.  Everything happens soon in the back yard.

THe HoH competition is “BB Ballers.”  Two rounds will be played.  Round one has each house guests with 12 balls.  They must retrieve a ball and roll it up the ramp to knock 12 silver balls off the game field.  The first two who accomplishes this will be in a playoff.  Xavier and Azah advances and now must roll 10 balls up the ramp and get them to stop on the grass.  If it is a tie, they will have to answer a question.  They must roll at the same time.  While they both have problems at first, Azah wins her first HoH of the season by beating Xavier five to two (or was it three).  Derek hugs her and all head into the house.  Looks like Azah will put up Hannah because she can’t touch Derek unless as a back door.  Hannah isn’t the target.  Lyland is going up also, it appears.  No wait!  It’s Xavier.


Azah is asked to nominate the two house guests who will be up for eviction.  Azah tries to keep her promises.  She puts up Xavier and Hannah and one of them may be the next one eliminated.  Next up the Power of Veto game

Power of Veto

The Power of Veto game is a Big Brother classic game, “What the Bleep.”  They will watch videos with a bleeped-out word or phrase and Julie will supply an answer.  They must decide if it is true of false.  It comes down to Kyland and Xavier as the same correct answers.  When the tie breaker is asked, Kyland wins and Azah may have to replace him as a nominee.  The tie breaker question is:  In seconds how long was the “cluckster competition” from start until BB declared Kyland the winner. 

Power of Veto Ceremony

Of course, Kyland uses the Power of Veto on Xavier leaving Derek as the only option.  He assures Julie that he’s okay with it.  Azah seems upset.

Eviction Two

Each make a plea and Hannah says please keep me.  Kyland is first.  By a vote of two to zero, Hannah is going to jury.  Kyland was torn by his decision, but he felt he needed to give his vote to Derek.  Hannah is upset but hugs Derek first and then the rest.  She tells Kyland:  “It’s okay.”  Asked about hurt feelings, Hannah tells them, “not at all.”

On stage with Julie, she tells Julie she can’t believe she’s out.  They watch Azar and Derek cry.  Kyland takes it worse than Xavier.  Julie asks when Azah nominated her, she looked shocked.  Hannah felt that Azah would target Kyland because she had said she would.  Hannah believes the men are working together and Azah doesn’t realize it.  Hannah didn’t think she was the target but thinks Azah wasn’t aware of Kyland and Xavier’s deal.  Julie asked why she felt that her only path to the end was with Tiffany and Hannah admits that she just didn’t have the same relationship.  She felt Azah just didn’t know how close the guys were.  Julie asked Hannah if it was difficult keeping the six together.  Hannah felt it was hard because she did have two other alliances.  In the end, Hannah’s purpose was to get the six to the end and a PoC as the winner.  There was no “ifs, and or buts.”  Hannah feels like a winner.  When she entered the house, she wanted to play ruthless but when she saw the other five, she knew that they should play for a final six.   As the show ends, each of the remaining BB Cookout members are contemplating the game (in separate rooms?).

Tomorrow night (Friday, September 17) will be the HoH competition.  No episode on Sunday due to the Emmy Awards. Finale night is September 29th.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #66 on: September 17, 2021, 12:42:54 AM »
I think I got too pumped up for tonight's show! When they all like each other, even though they kinda have a pecking order, that's the way it goes I guess...blaaah. They were all really a bunch of sad puppies after the girls left.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #67 on: September 17, 2021, 09:51:07 AM »
I was excited when Azar won HOH but then she blew it.  That was a dumb move.
Our lives end the day we become silent about things that matter. - Dr. Martin Luther King

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #68 on: September 17, 2021, 09:06:40 PM »
Big Brother #23 – The Final Four HoH (9/17/21)

Big Brother delivered an interesting season 23.  The house guests were smart, savvy and came to play.  Let me say to the Big Brother production team, kudos to the casting director.  You did an excellent job of finding people who wanted to play and not get a career from the show.  To the Big Brother executives who thought up teams, I have one question:  Why?  While the concept has been used before, this time it hid the tree amid the forest.  The Cookout succeeded because the house guests had their head so buried in team alliances that they kept playing teams after they ended.  If there is one thing that caused the Cookout to be successful, it was the team concept was lodged to much in Claire’s, Sarah Beth’s and Alyssa’s thoughts.  While good for the Cookout, it was bad for the others.  With Xavier, Kyland, Derek and Azah to fight it out, it comes down to which one wants it the most. 

HoH Game Begins

With the exit of Hannah and Tiffany, Azah is left on her own.  She must beat three men to make it to the final.  While Azah has been in a big alliance, she’s been playing an invisible game.  Will that help her or hurt her.  Derek, on the other hand, just can’t win a competition while Xavier and Kyland have consistent wins.  Of those two, Kyland has a disadvantaged because he over-thinks and over-speaks every question asked and statement made. 

After the recap and the sad reminder of Tiff’s and Hannah’s eviction, we get what happened afterward.  Diary Rooms are interested.  While Derek is happy that he got to stay, he knows that Xavier and Kyland are only loyal to each other.  Xavier tells us that he hated to see Hannah go but it was the best for his position in the house.  Kyland is Kyland and only thing I get from him is that doubles are notorious and whatever.  Azah wanted Hannah to stay and Kyland should have told her he planned to use the veto.  She feels like she’s been played.

Hannah before her exit could see the writing on the wall.  When Derek was put up beside her and the commercial happened, she talked to Kyland and Xavier and asked for their vote.  She reminds them they had said they wanted to go with a strong player, and she meets that bill.  Xavier told Kyland that Azah didn’t want it used but Kyland, as always, goes his own way and ticks off people (Azah and Derek).  Xavier does tell us in Diary Room that from now on, his every step must be calculated and perfect.  Even after the eviction, when Xavier and Kyland talk, Kyland wants only them to control everything.  Later Derek tells Xavier that he’s upset about the nominations and that neither Xavier or Kyland talked to him.  Xavier says Kyland’s using the Power of Veto raised a flag with Derek which isn’t good.

HoH Competition

The HoH will be based on CSI: Vegas (which I haven’t watched in years). Don’t ask me which actress was on the screen because I missed her name.  They will have five clues they must find which are hidden on the wall in a “museum”.  They must use a special light to find the clues.  Once they find a clue, they must match it to the correct graphic cards on the clue wall.  They must be careful because there are multiple suspect cards to choose from.  After they find all clues, they must ring in and see if they are correct.  If not, they must go back and check the clues again.  Derek is first, followed by Xavier and Kyland.  Kyland has problems finding the last clue.  With a time of 10:18, Xavier is the new Head of Household. 

In Diary Room, Xavier doesn’t look happy.  Derek feels like he has lost.  He likes to be a leader but hasn’t been one this season.  Xavier walks through an empty bedroom saying “we needed to beat Kyland.”  Kyland, meanwhile, really wanted this one.  It’s surprising that Derek goes to comfort Kyland.  Meanwhile, Derek realizes it all comes down to the Power of Veto.

Xavier visits Azah and tells her she is going up.  Azah asks Xavier about a final two and he lies but does say maybe to Derek.  Of course, he’s lying.  Azah doesn’t know how she feels about Kyland and Xavier.  She knows that she and Derek will be separated by the end of the week.  Xavier’s noms will determine if she feels played.  With the talk with Derek, Xavier asks for trust.  From now, I’ll only put things of interest up in the one-on-ones because they are usually edged with lies.  Xavier knows that Derek could hurt him in jury.  Derek tells us that it hurts to think of sending home Kyland.  Derek puts it simply:  someone has to go. 


It’s time for nominations. Xavier’s choices are Azah and Kyland which surprises all.  Azah is up because she’s never been nominated.  Kyland was nominated for his wins.  The real power though lies in the POV  Azah is shocked that hitting the block could put her against Derek.  Derek realizes that his game is still in danger.  The veto is life and death.  Xavier knows this is what determines who makes it the final three.  Xavier says that Kyland needs to go this week and it’s the chance to do it.  Kyland tells us that game relies on winning PoV.  And I zoned out during his long winded speech. 

How will win?  I will be unable to cover the PoV which is Wednesday at ten.  Special time so be sure and watch.

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #69 on: September 18, 2021, 12:23:30 AM »
So now Xavier wants Kyland out? I agree, but am somewhat surprised....

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #70 on: September 23, 2021, 09:14:52 PM »
We had fall arrive yesterday with off and on storms.  The ones last night were supposed to be bad (but weren't) so I didn't recap.  I won't recap tomorrow either.

Big Brother #23 – And Soon There Are Three (9/23/21)

Sorry I missed last night. I’ve actually taped it but haven’t had the time to watch.  We were in and out of weather alerts all day and night.  I figure it is more of the Kyland’s woe story and I honestly lose his thoughts after his first line. 

So how did we get here?  Let’s review.  The on-air premiere had the group divided into four teams of four members.  Frenchie won the HoH and made the promise that he wouldn’t nominate a PoC or a woman.  Unfortunately, it came down to one of his final two alliance (of which there were many), Travis, who left.  Unknown to Frenchie, the PoC (minus Derek X.) had formed a secret (silent) alliance called the Cookout which would eventually lead them to the final 12.  The six Cookout members took a “pawn” from their team to hide behind. Unfortunately (for the Jokers), Azah and Derek F. had to share Britini while Xavier had Christian and Alyssa.  And as the game continued, we came down to the Cookout final six.  With Tiffany ahd Hannah leaving, we have the final four of Xavier, Derek F., Azah and Kyland.  Xavier won both the HoH and PoV so nominated Kyland and Azah.  So who would go?  Well, Twitter and Facebook think Ky is leaving tonight.

Pre-Eviction Ceremony

Julie reminds us that Xavier is the Head of Household and has the Power of Veto but cannot be the sole vote to evict.  We get the recap with reminders of who promised who to take them to final two.  To me it is funny!  No one really trusts Kyland (or they’re tired of his overthinking and over-talking everything).  Xavier definitely wants Kyland to leave but Derek F. is having problems forgetting the deals with Kyland and Xavier.  Xavier, of course, is playing this best for himself.  And yes!  We have Jury House.

On Day 79, Julie welcomes us to Kyland’s Blindside.  Then the program gives us Big D and his dilemma.  As Derek goes back and forth, Kyland puts on the pressure to keep him.  Kyland uses the words, words, words and in Diary Room, the gist of his speech is ‘keep him and get Azah out.’  Derek asks: “is it worth having his best friend, Azah, leave against his showmance/friend, Kyland.  Hey Big D.!  You may think of Kyland as a showmance but I don’t think he does.  Azah tells it true.  Kyland is a gamer.  And Xavier, Derek and Azah talk and talk and talk about the Kyland eviction.  In Diary Room, Azah makes her wish to send Kyland out.  Oh Azah and Derek have had some --- er – verbal skirmishes.  And Azah tells us no one carried her to final four.  Actually, Azah, the group of six carried each other to the final six. You and Derek did the floating while others did the scheming.

Jury House

I’ve always said that at this point in the game, the 24/7 coverage should move to the Jury House.  Why, you may ask?  Because the final four/three are usually boring as the game play is very limited.  I also advocate for the show to cut the period between the final four and the finale in time.  They take the feeds down and nothing is going on (also in the past few years, people could care less who wins) so a reduction in days makes sense.

As the jury gather outside to greet the new person, they speculate on who is coming in next.  Alyssa wants answers since they know about the alliance.  Derek X. hopes it is Kyland but Tiffany arrives.  Tiffany admits that the men saw her as a threat.  Scared, Tiffany is happy to be able to reveal the Cookout’s mission to jury.  As they watch the video, Alyssa is shocked about the three HoHs in a week. Tiffany admits that she had a final three with Kyland and he had to have the votes to get her out to make the move.  Tiffany thinks that the three guys had something going.  Ky wouldn’t send her out because they had a deal.  And Claire says “Kyland’s got a lot of blood on his hands” and worried about whether to vote for him because of his game or the blood on his hands. 

Tiffany explains the surprise of what happened when she walked in the house.  She saw so many like her and realized never that there had never been an African-American winner.  It began as an understanding and then the Cookout emerged.  The six agreed to do their part to get the six to the end with Tiffany doing the master plan.  This surprises all that she was the mastermind.  She explains the pawn plan and Claire calls it iconic which will make Tiffany a master of the game.  They all admit they were out-played.  Tiffany tells that each of the six gave up what they wanted and best for their game for the overall purpose of the mission.  She tells us that they respected the other jurors.  Then Tiffany drops the double eviction bombshell.

Next up is the arrival of Hannah.  She is still in shock because it happened so fast.  Tiffany gives her a hug and wonders what happened.  Tiffany confirms to us that she and Hannah were interchangable.  They get down to the show with Azah winning, putting up Xavier and Hannah, and Kyland getting the PoV. 
Hannah said that she and Azah made a deal but Ky ruined it.  She had to win the veto or be gone.  When Ky took Xavier down, she knew she was gone.  Sarah says it is a  waste of Azah’s game.  Hannah said Ky couldn’t look at her.  Tiffany is now sure the guys are working together and thinks Azah will be the next juror.  Derek X. says if it comes down to Kyland or Xavier in the final two, he’s not voting for Xavier.  Sarah still shows she is bitter but likes Kyland.  Hannah is rooting for Azah to win the game.

Live Veto Meeting and Eviction

Julie asks what will happen and will Ky see it coming?  Xavier is asked whether he is going to use the veto or leave the nominations in place.  He stands and announces he will not use the veto.  Both can plead their case.  Azah makes her plea thanking God for letting her play the game.  She asks Derek to look at them, two Jokers who cried, cook and laughed and made it to final four.  She’s glad she found a true best friend and being on the East Coast know they will see each other (Julie thanks her for giving God the glory.)  Ky is thankful for being in the game with them and wants to stay.  Now Derek must cast the sole vote to evict.  Derek tells them that he loves both.  From the game level, he played the game for himself.  He cast his vote to evict (not evote) Kyland. 

Kyland isn’t happy and not going out quietly.  He and Xavier have words.  Derek tells him from the game point of view, he can’t beat Kyland.  By now, I’m yelling:  “Kyland, please leave.”  He’s trying to argue his way into staying.  The other houseguests have gracefully exited but it takes Julie ordering Kyland out to the stage multiple times for him to leave. 

Interview with Julie

As Kyland leaves, Azah thanks the guys for keeping her.  Julie asked if he was surprised that Derek evicted him.  I think Kyland said that he was surprised but not surprised (double talk again).  Julie asks Ky about the pre-Veto event with Derek.  Kyland says he wouldn’t give Derek the assurance because he would lying (Julie gives him the words). Kyland doesn’t see it as lying and off he goes on another tangent.  Julie asks if the final two agreement with Xavier was the one he would honor.  He talks about the “gentlemen” but Kyland goes off on representation and I didn’t get his true feelings.  Julie asks about Xavier not using veto on him.  Kyland says he understands it but I didn’t get anything out of the rest of the speech.  Julie asks about Derek’s vote.  Kyland said Derek wouldn’t have done it without all agreeing. 

Azah in her message says that she hopes they can be friends outside of house.  Derek said that the veto meeting was what sent him home.  Xavier said Kyland was too competitive and Xavier made an early agreement to take Derek F. to the finale.  Kyland looks a little surprised.  Now Kyland is asking to return next year.  Please producers no.  We can’t take another year of him talking all the time. 

America Favorite Player

America’s Favorite Houseguest will win $50,000.  To vote for your favorite, text the houseguests’s name to 97979.

Friday will be a special episode with family’s video and the recap show.  Tuesday’s show will be competitions and Wednesday at 9:00 will be a two hour finale.  Julie’s last words to us:  “Love one another.”  In the Big Brother house, champagne is poured and the final three toast. 

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #71 on: September 26, 2021, 09:21:54 PM »
 Brother #23 – The Final Three  (9/26/21(

Big Brother 23 has been one of the most enjoyable seasons on record.  It’s the only time an alliance of People of Color has made it to the final six.  Now three of them are sitting ready to take on each other to see who can win it all.  What is more important is the fact that this season’s cast became friends.  They kept the house live feeds most interesting, had very few fights, and showed what true strategy is.  In my mind, they could teach the Survivor cast how it’s done.  But enough of this, let’s get on with the show.

After the Eviction

Okay!  Have we ever had an exit like that from the Big Brother show? Have we ever seen that much discussion as someone exited.  Sure, we have had someone walk out over the table and barefoot, but Id do not recall someone who stood there and argued like he thought lodging a protest would allow him to stay.  Let’s give Julie Chen Moonves a big Big Brother appreciation clap of our hands for getting Kyland out of the house before blows were thrown.

Julie is on stage and welcomes us to Big Brother.  After the recap that reminds us that Kyland left (and we didn’t get a repeat of the drama), we get down to the HoH competition.  Xavier, Azah and Big D makes it to the finale.  But first, we get a retrospective of how Xavier, Azah and Derek got to this stage of final three.

Xavier’s Road to the Final Three

Xavier is first.  Just remember, he claimed to be a bartender but was a lawyer.  Xavier didn’t want to be seen as a threat and he didn’t want distractions (showmance).  He built alliances with Derek on day one then Frenchie with Slaughterhouse and Royal Flush.  His loyalty though was to the Cookout because the goal was important.  He felt that Big Brother needed to crown an African American winner.  He tried to be strategic and take “one” for the team (or several losses for the team).  For Xavier, trustworthiness was important.

Let’s not forget that Xavier made power moves.  He nominated and got Brent out.  He was four times on the block.  While he regretted losing Alyssa, he had to do it to keep the Cookout together to the final six.  He used Kyland to get Tiffany out and got Hannah out because she was Tiffany’s right-hand person.  During the final four, Xavier won both the HoH and the Veto which ensured that Kyland left.  Kyland was a threat, so he had to go.  Xavier shares that he lost his brother shortly before coming in the house.  He promised his brother that he would take care of his brother’s son.  He playing to have the money to do this.

Azah’s Road to the Final Three

Azah’s path wasn’t an easy one to the final three.  She came in and wanted to be strong but soon realized that it wasn’t going to be easy.  She realized the comps were hard and there were many big personalities in the house.  Azah realized that she needed social game and became part of alliances, the Jokers and Cookout.  Now, she is glad she didn’t win early comps because her “hands are clean.”  Keeping a low profile allowed Azah to build genuine relationships that will continue outside the house. 

Azah always wanted to be honest with people.  This honesty made her call-out fellow Cookout members when she didn’t agree with their game play (Tiffany and Derek X. stacking Britini’s cards so she lost).  Once the group had made the final six, Azah felt that she could serve as a role model for other PoC children and show them that they can be/do anything they set their minds to do.

Derek’s Road to the Final Three

Derek Frazier is the son of Smoking Joe Frazier, a famous boxer.  Derek came into the house to be dominant and “tear the house apart.”  He wanted to represent the PoC and the “big people” out in the world.  Derek knew he had to play a social game and make people laugh but he needed allies so he built those with Frenchie (who he loves) and Xavier (final two) and Kyland (final two).  His real best friend, though, was Azah, who he felt close to as a fellow Joker at first and a real friend as the game progressed. 

While Derek didn’t win competitions, he felt he didn’t need them because he could align with whoever was HoH.  He wanted to be the first “black winner of BB” (I typed that as he said it folks) and made the claim to forming the Cookout.  He saw his role as the one to keep them together and to hide the group from the other house guests outside of the alliance.  While he had arguments (with Tiffany), he did serve as the one to keep them together and running smoothly.  He evicted Kyland because Kyland became a target.  This and his personality should help Derek make it to the final two and win the show.  By the way he wants to win for him mom.

HoH Part One.

Each of the house guests are sitting on a “boat” (I see it as a float).  It works like a bouncing bull seen in bar movies. The game is called “Bounce Back Boat” with the final person on their boat winning part one.  While the boat rocks up and down/back and forth, the sea creatures rain down and water falls.  Derek gets hit by a plastic shark during the game.  Each find it hard to hold on.  Each is wondering how their play will influence final two.  Derek feels either of the other two would take him to the finals.  In Diary Room Derek refuses to leave anyone in charge of his game.  Xavier tells us he wants to win because it guarantees he will be in part three and he wants to win.  It won’t be easy and he has his work cut out for him.  Azah tells us she doesn’t want to “blow” this competition.  Derek has trouble, makes noise while playing, and is the first off.  While Azah is hanging on and wants to win, she’s the second one off.  Xavier wins part one. 

Azah and Big D will face off for part two and the winner will go against Xavier.  Azah feels she can go against Derek and beat him.  As the group get ready to go in, Derek starts playing with a toy shark.  Before you know it, Xavier is also.  In the house, Derek and Xavier shake and discuss the next stage.  Derek hopes to win the next comp and go against Xavier in part three.  Meanwhile Xavier thinks of the people who have left.  Azah and Derek discuss the game on the couch counting juror votes and apparently having a fight.  Even though they get mad, they get over it.  They give each other pep talks.  Azah tells us that she is nervous, and no one has her back.  She must win so she has a better chance of winning it all. 

On Wednesday, we will get a two-hour show.  It will be live and include the last comp live, jury with Kyland, and all coming back for the finale.  (Of course, comp two and jury will have to be taped).  Remember to vote for America’s Favorite House Guest and the $50,000 prize.  To vote, text the name of the house guest you want to win $50,000 by texting their name to 97979.    One vote per day (so no robo voting).

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #72 on: September 29, 2021, 11:32:59 PM »
Big Brother #23 – And the End of a Good Season

Big Brother 23, let me start by saying thank you!  You finally, after more years than I want to discuss, gave us an interesting season.  Not only did we have a cast that enjoyed themselves, but we only had one showmance, game play that no one saw, and an alliance of six that made it to the final six.  Of course, there was controversy.  Many on Twitter wasn’t happy with the Cookout alliance but if you look back through history, this one has finally given us many firsts.  We did have an exit with Kyland that got messy, but I believe everyone who watched Big Brother was expecting it.  I don’t know who was in charge of the casting, but please let them do it again.  We got an intelligent lot with most knowing the game.  That made it so much better.  And if there are typos tonight, remember!  This is a two hour episode I’m trying to get up in an hour.

Round One to Xavier, Round Two Goes to ...

Julie reminds us that one of Xavier, Azah or Derek F. will win the $750,000.  After the recap of the entire history of the Cookout (and a reminder that Xavier promised to take Derek to the end), Derek evicts Kyland and Xavier wins part one. 

Julie tells us that 85 days have passed.  The second round of the HoH competition is called “Four of a Kind Slots” and looks like a huge slot machine.  They have to use their feet to line up the answers to the questions with four people who answers the questions.  Once a questions is correct, they get their next question.  It’s tough and both Azah and Derek (BIg D) have problems.  While Azah doesn’t get the answers right, Big D has problems with his knees and gets hurt.   In the end, Azah beats Big D with a better time (Azah 13:19, Big D. 20:22).  Big D did try to use his father’s fights with Mohammad Ali as inspiration.  He tells us in Diary Room that he did the best that he could. Azah celebrates in the Diary Room and is ready to take on Xavier for the money.

After the competition, Big D is upset because he didn’t do well.  He’s also worried that Azah is infatuated with Xavier (but not in a showmance way due to Xavier’s choice).  He’s getting very paranoid.  It doesn’t help when Azah asks him who he wants to set next to in the finale.  And they fight and disagree.  This seems to have been the tone during the last few days.  Xavier is happy even though he’s often caught in the middle.  One thing Azah seems to forget is that she hasn’t won!  My thoughts is that neither Big D or Azah did much during the early weeks.  They both seemed to fall in love with the bedroom and their separate beds.  Xavier does tell us that the more they argue, the better chance it will be for Xavier to be in the finale versus Azah.  But what will Xavier do if he wins?  (Oh, and Big D’s biggest regret is taking Kyland out.)  They do (as always make up.)  Azah tells us that she is confused and doesn’t want to lose Big D. (Derek) as a friend.

The Jury House Greets Kyland

The group is waiting for the next juror to arrive.  They debate who will be next and Tiffany hopes it is not Kyland.  People want it to be Xavier but really don’t see surprised to see Kyland.  After Tiffany asks him “what happened,” Kyland lets it fly and tells them that Big D was the one to evict him.  Then, they get down to how to determine the winner.  Tiffany says they must look at strategy, social lgame, etc.  Xavier had the relationships but he was always guarded and playing the game (per Claire).  Kyland lets it be known that Xavier threw competitions.  Tiffany adds that Xavier never had “heavy conversations” or game talk.  Big D and Azah flew under the radar.  Azah had relationships outside of the Cookout and was good at making relationships with people she liked.  It’s going to be hard for Azah if she sits next to Big D.  Big D. had a social game.  Derek X. jokes that they share the same name.  Big D talked a lot and disguised the Cookout from Sarah Beth (and others).  He hasn’t win competitions.  It was not because of strategy because he couldn’t.  TIffany sees that he gave the game his best and his will power cannot be overlooked.  Kyland is talking about winning competitions and Claire rolls his eyes.  Kyland has now apparently made the jury mad and Tiffany says he’s insulted Hannah.  Kyland sees Big D and Hannah as interchangable.  Britini makes the point it’s going to be determined on how they answer the juror’s question.  Wait!  No Dr. Will Kirby this year.  Well, it’s probably due to Covid.

The Final HoH

This will be a question/answer game called “Houseguest Headliners.”  They have to look at headlines and three statements.  One statement is a lie.  After viewing the video about the juror, they must choose which is the lie.  I don’t think studying this would have necessarily helped.  Azah is nervous and she misses the first question.  At the end, Xavier beats her by one question.  (And a question to readers:  How do you like how “buff” they made Derek X. look.)

Xavier gives each a chance to make a plea.  Big D reminds him that they bonded day one and he’s had his back since the start of the game.  Azah tells Xavier that she appreciates his game and thanks him for starting the Cookout (that’s three that takes credit for that!).  Xavier is told that he’s guaranteed at least $75,000 and must decide who to evict.  It’s the different between big money and second place.  He chooses to evict Azah and she joins Julie on stage.

Azah and Julie

As they watch, Big D. cries and thanks Xavier while Xavier grins and tells him Xavier has had Derek. Big D. can’t believe his luck and says this proves anything can happen.  Julie asks Azah how she feels and she is upset.  She knew the first question but overthought it.  She doesn’t regret anything.  When asked who she would have taken to the final two, she says Xavier because he did visible things in the game.  Against Big D., she didn’t have a chance.  With Xavier, she would have gotten votes but it would be close.  Julie congratulates her on making history (Cookout).  Azah’s final thoughts are that she’s still trying to process everything.  She knows she messed up and wonders what the purpose for her being in the house was.  She knows there is a reason and she can’t wait to find out what it was.  Julie tells her that “God has a plan.”

Jury Questions Begin

Jury is now on the stage and Julie calls them rowdy and asks who they think is the final juror.  Sarah Beth hopes it is Derek but it’s Azah which seems to surprise them all.  They welcome her.  They’re told that Xavier as the last HoH and chose Derek F. But now it’s time for juror questions to the two. 

The first question is Kyland who asks Xavier what is the most important factor to crowing the first African-American Big Brother.  Xavier says he never got personal.  He did lie and hopes he didn’t disrespect anyone.  To him, he played the best game.

Britini asks Big D. what decisions he made on his own.  Big D. tells them that he started the Cookout.  He went to HoH to protect the Cookout every week. 

Alyssa asks Xavier what his biggest mistake was.  Xavier feels that it was watching her leave.  He doesn’t really regret anything.

Hannah asks Big D whether he was only in it for fame.  Big D. tells her that he wanted to be on television and help his mom and had made that clear throughout the game. 

Derek X. asks Xavier what move he made that the jury didn’t know.  Xavier admitted to throwing two competitions because of the Cookout.  He talked around that answer though. 

Sarah Beth goes to Big D and asks what he contributed to get to the final six.  He tells her any time there was an HoH won, he was in their ear to benefit the Cookout.  If something had to be executed, he made it happened (even if the Cookout didn’t like it).

Azah asks Big D what he did to deserve the $750,000 more than Xavier.  Big D tells her he gave it his all.  He didn’t think of himself but the rest of the Cookout.  He made himself a pawn (to protect the Cookout).  Big D. showed everyone his heart (and I’ll give him that).

The final pleas are made.  The winner will be the first African- American champion of Big Brother.  Big D says he deserve the prize and he came in wanting to be the first African-American winner.  He tried to win comps but couldn’t.  He knew he wanted to start the alliance of six.  Xavier tells all that he played a team game because he had to do that to get everyone to jury.  He won when he needed and gives his credentials. If length of speech counts, Xavier wins.

Jurors cast their votes.  They will vote one at a time and insert the key with the name that should win Big Brother.  Of course, they congratulate the two as they cast their votes.  (Of all the jurors, I think Sarah Beth is still bitter.)  Kyland, of course, has to give a long-winded speech.  Azah makes a joke about not evicting and scares Julie. 

The rest of the evicted house guests join remotely.  They’re as rowdy as the jurors.  Julie says that they saw what America saw and talks about the Cookout.  Christian found out as soon as he got home.  He says that the Cookout is the greatest alliance in BB history.  When you put a bigger purpose in the game, history can be made.  Julie says “unity,”and Christan says yes!  Xavier said Christian said it perfectly but Big D and Kyland nodded.  Brent was most surprised by Tiffany and thought all she did was hair and braids.  He was surprised by her undercover game.  He gave her credit and didn’t see it coming.    Julie asks TIffany if she ever thought the plan wasn’t going to work.  Tiffany admits that she did and it really hurt when she had to evict Claire.  She admitted that the other strong people in the Cookout told her that she had to do it.  Julie then asks Derek X. if he knew about this when he was in the house and was only a pawn in the master plan.  Derek X. says he didn’t know he was played.  He had only seen two seasons. 

The house guests’ secrets are revealed.  Julie shows the clips of Hannah saying she’s a protegee, Sarah Beth revealing her job, Claire and math, and Britini’s black belt.  Claire is asked about which surprises her the most and she tells all that it is Hannah.  Of course, the Cookout is the biggest. 

Big D is then asked to share his secret and Xavier does “the Thinking Man” pose while Big D stands.  Derek F. tells them that his lifestyle and other things he said was true.  What he hid was that he was the youngest son of “Smoking” Joe Frazier.  Xavier gets up, smiling, and jumps in his face laughing.  Derek F. was afraid that the house guests would think he came from money, but he doesn’t.  Xavier says you think you know a man.  Derek tried to cover up the Frazier tattoo. Xavier says he still would have taken him to the final two. 

Now it turns to Xavier about his occupation and Derek props his chin and says, “oh yes.”  Xavier tells all that most of what he said is true.  He has done bartending at wedding.  He omitted that he’s a college basketball player and a fully licensed attorney and Derek F. gets back at him with the fact that Derek F. guessed it.  Julie admits they have that on tape from an early episode. 

Britini has asked to share something on stage.  She stands and announces that she did have a black belt but now she wanted to reveal a secret she kept from the house guests.  At 22, Britini was diagnosed with autism. She didn’t want any of them to think that she was anything but Britini.  She’s much more than her disability and is so proud of her Big Brother journey.  Derek X. hugs her while Derek F. wipes tears and Tiffany and others around her take her hand or hug her.

Kyland is asked about the exit confrontation which he still doesn’t regret what he said.  Xavier tells him that he shouldn’t have made it personal by bringing up his nephew.  Xavier says that it is a game after all. 

Hannah is asked about her feelings when she left the house on day 65.  Hannah said while it was a shock.  When she opened the door, she knew it was one of the happiest moments of her life because the Cookout (and she) had made history.  She was so proud of being a part of the alliance.

And the winner of this year’s Big Brother is Xavier by a unanimous vote.  Xavier and Big D. hug and Julie tells them to come out.  Big D does hang back and let Xavier have his moment in the confetti.  Xavier’s parents/family/friends are watching live.  Hugs and celebration ensue.  Kyland and Xavier have a word (but I think there will be more).  Tiffany consoles Azah. 

American Favorite came down to Derek X. and Tiffany as the two top vote getters.  Tiffany wins.  Tiffany thanks America and tells her son that the money is all hers.  Xavier is asked how he feels.  He’s thrilled.  He loves all.  Xavier gets $750,000.  BIg D. gets $75,000 (plus what he won at comps).  Derek F. wants
the money to change his mom’s life and will do so.  He thanks the Cookout. 

As the show ends, Julie thanks all the house guests for a wonderful season (and I agree whole heartedly).  She announces that you can apply for Big Brother next summer (please use the same casting director).  Then she announces Celebrity Big Brother will return in February.  She will see us then! 

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2021, 12:14:37 AM »
 Yep! Good season, but fairly predictable that Xavier would win I think. And he deserved it. He played a cool, calm and collected game. I loved the variety of characters this year. Looking forward to Celebrity BB!

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Re: Linda's Blog
« Reply #74 on: October 19, 2021, 02:57:57 PM »
Only season I remember not having really big fights.
And, sorry this is so long in coming , Linda....thanks so much for putting your blogs on.
We all loved reading them. :88:


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