Big Brother 23 > Big Brother 23

End of Teams

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Are any of you as happy as I am that the Teams have finally ended?
I never like this idea, because I like each player doing their own thing.
With the Teams, if one won HOH they were all safe...So.... :039: to the Jokers, Aces, Kings and Queens!!

I am so happy.   Christian was trying to control the game with the Kings and Royal Flush.  Now problems are arising as the Queens want an original king gone.  The teams are collapsing but not the Cook-Out.

I wonder how long it will be before the cookout is flushed out, has there been any suspicion at all?

I'm really glad the teams are over as well. The ones who were safe made it so boring. I have the feeds but I rarely watch them. Probably should cancel.

It looks like Christian is in trouble. 
Some team members seem to have forgotten that they no longer are on four teams.  They still want to support their old team members.


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