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Author Topic: GoT--'The Climb'  (Read 1671 times)

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Offline ponytail

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GoT--'The Climb'
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:37:12 PM »
We begin with Sam trying to build a fire. Gilly quickly sees that this is not a chore he has ever done before, and schools him on the fine art of stacking wood properly so it will burn. She has figured out that he is of royal blood. Sam talks awkwardly with her, shows her the blade of obsidian he found at the Fist and tells her how tall the wall is (700'), how it is made entirely of ice, and weeps on a warm day. He reassures her that Castle Black will be a comfortable place for her, and sings her a song.

Osha and Meera are having a 'who can skin a rabbit faster' contest. The girls tear into their bunnies in earnest, there is a definite feeling of hostility between the two. Bran puts a stop to it, and the girls in their fashion call a truce. Jojen begins to have a seizure, Meera rushes to his side and says--the visions take their toll. When Jojen recovers he tells everyone he saw Jon Snow, and that he was on the wrong side of the wall, surrounded by enemies.

Jon, Ygritte are getting ready to climb the wall. She shows him how to strap on his spikes. A little bit of love talk, and then Ygritte tells Jon she knows his secret. He's still a crow. She tells him the Crows don't care about him, and Mance Ryder doesn't care whether she lives or dies. They just have each other.

Arya is target practicing with her bow and arrow. Each arrow, as it flies, carries with it the name of one of the members on her list. One of the brothers tells her she is accurate, but too slow. She doesn't need to aim, her eye knows what to do. Arya says--someone is out there. Oh boy, and that someone is Melisandre. She speaks to Thoros, asking to be taken to see Beric. One look at him, and she asks--how many times.  6  She is stunned and says --not possible. You should not have this power. Thoros says I don't, I ask the Lord for his favor and he responds as he will. He confesses to being a terrible priest and how he came to be with Beric--how he came to believe truly in the Lord of Light. Melisandre asks Beric if he has been to the other side and Beric says there is no other side, only darkness.
Melisandre comes outside to where Gendry and Arya are talking about forging more arrow points and has her men grab Gendry. Bags of gold are handed over to the band in exchange. She tells Gendry he will make kings rise and fall (but we don't know if this means she wants him to get rid of him, or wants him to mold and control.) Our scrappy little Arya confronts Melisandre about taking him and hurting him. Melisandre takes her chin in her hand and tells her--I see a darkness in you, I see eyes staring at me, brown, green, blue--eyes you'll shut forever. We will meet again. And off she goes, leaving Arya to wonder--what the h***?

We see distant ants moving up the huge wall of ice. The Wildlings are on the move.

Theon is wakened by a horn blast and taunted by the boy, whho tells him they are going to play a game. Which body part do you need the least. More taunts and mocking, more pleading, begging. The boy tells him--you must wonder where you are, who I am, why you're here. If you can guess right, you win. Theon fumbles a few, and then hits on the right answers. He is in Carhold, and the boy is a Carstark. The boy says he wins, but --you forgot to ask me if I'm a liar. This isn't happening for any reason, I'm enjoying it. And he proceeds to slowly remove one of Theon's fingers.

Robb meets with the sons of Walder Frey to come to some sort of a bargain with them of their allegiance. They are willing if he grants then Harrenhal, an apology, and if Lord Edmure weds one of the daughters of the house. Edmure is reluctant.

Brienne and Jaime are dining with Lord Bolton. Rather, Jaime is trying to saw his meat one handed with no success, until Brienne stabs it with a fork to hold it down. Lord Bolton agrees to letting Jaime go to King's Landing as restitution for the mistake his soldiers made, and that Jaims swears to tell the truth--he had nothing to do with his maiming. Brienne, however, stays and is charged with treason.

Tywin and Olenna have a verbal duel. She thinks Cersei is too old, Tywin brings up Loras' preference for boys, Olenna counters with--where I come from, brother/sister relations are not a stain easily washed out. Tywin says it is a malicious lie, Olenna says it's convincing, lie or not. And on and on. Olenna is holding her own, not easily done around Tywin. As a final straw, Tywin tells her that if Loras does not marry Cersei, he will name him to the King's Guard which means he will never marry. and that the Tyrell name will die out. Joffrey and Margaery will inherit Highgarden for their children. Thinking this will force Olenna to agree, he hands her a quill to sign the document making it official. Olenna breaks it in half.

The climb to the top of the wall continues. Ygritte drives in her axe and causes a great crack to form above their heads and a huge slab of ice to fall, knocking her and several others free. Orders are given to cut them loose, but Jon in true heroic fashion makes a desperate attempt to rescue her and succeeds.

Loras and Sansa are having an awkward conversation together. Loras is looking forward to the lavish wedding, he's always dreamed of one. (!) And a lovely bride of course. He informs her she should wear a gown of green and gold! Sansa is smitten, but when he asks her if she will be happy to leave King's Landing, she remains quiet.

Tyrion and Cersei are commiserating together and he gets Cersei to admit that he saved the city. He questions her on if she ordered his death and her silence tells him that it was not her, it was Joffrey. He wants to know if his life is still in danger and Cersei tells him probably, but not from Joffrey. Tywin will have 7 kingdoms united in fear. Cersei adds, but not the Tyrells, soon they will be united in marriage with us and history will be taken from our hands. They talk of when Jaime gets back, and it is easy to see their hopes of escaping these marriages will lie in his hands. Cersei wonders--who is going to tell her? as they gaze out the window to see Loras and Sansa walking in the gardens.

Sansa and Shea, trying on a dress for Joffrey's wedding, are interruped by a visit from Tyrion who asks to speak to Sansa. He says--how to begin, this is awkward....

Baelish and Varys meet in the throne room where Baelish is sitting and looking at the Iron Throne (while visions of kingdoms dance through his head). They talk obliquely of the failure of his plan to whisk away Sansa. Varys says maybe he should try something new--abandon lies, they lead to chaos. And Baelish replies (great ending monologue to the show--a must see!)--Chaos isn't a pit, chaos is a ladder, many have failed, and many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. While he is saying this part of his monologue we see a scene with Joffrey and his crossbow. He lazily gets up, adjusts his sword and strolls over to Ros (I think) who has been tied up and shot with several crossbow bolts. Dead. Baelish continues--and some are given a chance to climb, they refuse, they cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Only the climb is real, the climb is all there is. We see a scene with Sansa and Shea--Sansa is weeping uncontrollably as she watches a ship sail away.

Jon and Ygritte have reached the top of the wall--together, with a bond of love forged strong and true. They gaze out over the other side onto the lands below.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 12:25:04 AM by ponytail »


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