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Author Topic: Mockingbird  (Read 797 times)

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Offline ponytail

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« on: May 18, 2014, 10:53:37 PM »
A disappointed Jaime is telling Tyrion how he threw it all away, and Tyrion tells him he couldn't listen to her standing there and telling her lies. Jaime says--you fell in love with a whore. Tyrion--yes, and I was stupid enough to think she fell in love with me. Our father gets you back as his son and heir, ships me off to Castle Black, out of sight. All so perfect. It felt great to take that from him. He knows I'm innocent, he's wilingl to sacrifice me anyway. It felt good to take that from him. You're the golden son, you can do anything you want--f*** your sister....Jaime says-=-careful, I'm the only friend you've got. He goes on to tell Tyrion that he didn't realize he would die for his pride. Tyrion says--I'm not dead yet, there's still trial by combat. But Jaime dashes that hope to the ground and tells him he can't save him, he couldn't win against a stable boy. Tyrion blusters on--where's your sense of adventure? Even if you lose, imagine the look on our father's face--our family's name snuffed out when you fall with a single swing of the sword. Jaime--tempting. But he and Tyrion know it is not going to be happening this way or any other way. Tyrion says--Well, Bronn fought for me once, he'll do it again, and asks Jaime if he knows who Cersei will nominate as champion, he hopes it is Ser Meryn, but Jaime gives him a sorrowful look and says--no it's not Ser Meryn.

The Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane, is having sword practice in the yard. His manner of sword practice is spear, disembowel, and hack to bits prisoners that have swords thrust into their hands and are shoved forward by the guards. Cersei views him at his practice, minces her way through the carnage on the ground, goes up to him and thanks him for riding in so quickly.

Arya and the Hound see a village burning in the distance and go to take a closer look. They speak to a dying man but he can give them no information on who the responsible parties are. Arya and the Hound both question him, why he is still suffering, why he hasn't taken his own life. Why go on in his condition. The man says--habit, maybe nothing is worse than this. Arya says--nothing isn't better or worse than anything. Nothing is just nothing. The man asks for a drink--dying is thirsty work. The Hound bends over him with the drink and swiftly slides his sword into his heart. He turns to Arya and tells her, that's where the heart is. (Another lesson for Arya....).
Just at that moment, the Hound is jumped on from behind and wounded in the neck. He throws the man off and asks him if this is what the king's men do now. The man tells him the king is dead and that there is a bounty on the Hound for killing Lannister soldiers. Arya looks at him and realizes he was one of Yoren's prisoners, and he told her he would f*** her bloody. The Hound says--he's not on your list! Arya replies--I don't know his name. The Hound asks his name, he answers--Rorge, and Arya runs him through his heart with Needle. The Hound looks at her proudly and says--you're learning.

Horns sound at Castle Black. Jon Snow has returned, Ser Aliser sees Ghost and tells Jon to pen him up. Jon is before the Night Watch giving his report, and telling them all that Mance will be here before the next full moon, they need to prepare, seal the tunnels with rocks and ice. Ser Aliser pooh poohs the idea. This is a man who will never agree with anything Jon Snow proposes. He tells Jon that they couldn't range north--you'd cut off our legs, poke out our eyes, and have us cowering behind the wall. Someone protests that they can't defend against 100,000, but Ser Aliser insists that the castle has stood for thousands of years, and the Night Watch has defended it all this time. Jon tries to make him see that they have giants with them, that the iron bars won't stop them. Ser Aliser asks the rest of them if they agree with Jon, there is a long hesitation, some uncomfortable squirming, but eventually he gets a no. Jon is ordered to night duty on the wall.

Bronn, dressed in fancy new clothes goes to visit Tyrion. He tells him he is about to wed. Tyrion guesses that Cersei has made the match, and Bronn explains that she brings the chance for a castle and lands to him. She is the younger daughter, but the older daughter could have an accident....if you want me to be your champion, you must offer me more than gold. Tyrion tries to sway him with all the usual arguments--a Lannister always pays his debts, he is married to the heir of Winterfell, he could influence her to give Bronn lands. But Bronn tells him that the north is cold, his fiancee is soft and warm....and goes on to say, maybe he could take him but but one misstep, and he's dead. Why should he risk it? Tyrion says, because I'm your friend. Bronn replies--When have you ever risked your life for me? Sorry it has to be this way. Tyrion holds out his hand and says farewell, how he will have to do it himself then, and if he does, it would make a great song. Bronn says--I hope to hear it one day.

Dani walks into her bedroom and is surprised by Daario, who has come through the window. She is not pleased and tells him she would have summoned him if she wanted him here--but goes on to ask him why he did come. Daario is 'bored' he's only good at two things, war and women, and the woman he wants will not have him. He asks her to send him to kill her enemies, let him do what he does best. Dani says--very well, take off your clothes. He does, we see a bare bottom, and Dani sees the rest.

Melissandre is bathing, Stannis' queen comes in, she tells  her how grateful she is that she has come into their lives, how she is worried about Shireen and her heretical beliefs, and that maybe she should stay home and not go with them. Melissandre insists that that is impossible, she must be with them when they set sail.

Jorah runs into a very happy Daario leaving Dani's bedroom, and it is evident what has been going on. He immediately tells Dani not to trust him. She informs him that she has sent Daario to Yunkai to kill all the masters. Jorah tries to persuade her that she is behaving just as badly as they are, that this is a people who have known only cruelty and must be shown another way. Dani says--so I must repay slavers with kindness? Jorah tries to make her see that there is good and evil on both sides, but she is skeptical and tells him that the priests can argue over that one, slavery is real, and I will end it. Jorah tells her of a time when he used to sell slaves and that he wouldn't be here today if Ned Stark had done to him what she is going to do to the masters of Yunkei.
It sinks in. Dani says that she will send Hisdahr zo Loraq as an ambassador to Yunkai to tell the masters what has happened, and that he will explain to them the choice they have before them...live in my new world or die in their old one. She tells Jorah to go to Daario and tell him that I--no you--have changed my mind.

The Hound and Arya are on the move again, she tries to help him tend his wound by burning it to keep it from getting infected, but the Hound will have none of it and he explains why. How his brother Ser Gregor Clegane (aka the Mountain), held his face to the fire for taking one of his toys, and his father protected him. Arya helps him wash it out and sew it up.

Brienne and Pod are at an Inn--Hot Pie's Inn! It is fun to see the relationship they have, as she is mother henning him and he is not liking it too well! Hot Pie, who is working, sits down with them and rambles on and on about making pies. Brienne asks about Sansa, and Hot Pie closes it down fast, gets up and leaves. Outside the two are getting ready to leave, Pod warns her about blabbing to people that they are looking for Sansa, when Hot Pie comes out. He tells them that he knows Sansa's sister Arya, how they were prisoners together, and that the last he saw of her, she was heading north with the Hound. He hands Brienne a loaf of bread in the shape of a wolf to give to Arya.
The two believe that the Hound will take Arya to the Eyrie, to her last living relative and ransom her, Sansa could be there, too. They come to a fork in the road--decisions, decisions --will they continue on with the original plan or go to the Eyrie? They take the fork to the right.

Tyrion has an unlikely visitor. Prince Oberyn. He tells Tyrion that he has spoken with Cersei, talked about her daughter, but she couldn't hide her true intentions. He tells Tyrion about a visit he made as a child to Casterly Rock--he hated it. But the biggest disappointment of all was Tyrion. All the way there they were told he was a monster, with claws, red eyes, a head twice as big as his body, both man and woman parts, and a tail between his  legs. They finally got Cersei to take him to the nursery and all they saw was a baby, not a monster. Cersei told them that he had killed their mother, she pinched him so hard he cried, and said he should die soon.
Tyrion says, sooner or later she always gets what she wants. He goes on to tell Oberyn that --if you want justice you've come to the wrong place. Oberyn replies-- I've come to the perfect place....I'll begin with Ser Gregor Clegane. I will be your champion.

Sansa is looking out happily at snow falling on the Eyrie. She goes to the courtyard and builds a snow castle of Winterfell. Robin shows up and asks about it, if it has a moon door, what they do to people they want to 'fly'. He touches the castle, and part of it crumbles, which upsets Sansa. She yells at him and tells him he ruined it, to which he throws a tantrum, and kicks it. A furious Sansa slaps him across the face and he goes running inside.
 Baelish sees her outside, notices the damaged castle, and tells Sansa--if you want to build a better home first you must demolish the old one. Sansa point blank asks him why he killed Joffrey. He looks at her and tells her that he loved her mother--what would you do? In a better world you might have been my child. You're more beautiful than she ever was. He takes her face in his hands and gives her a kiss--not a fatherly one. Guess who's lurking up above and witnessing it all. Lady Lysa sends for Sansa and we know this won't be good. She has Sansa at the moon door telling her of the horror of death by the long fall, and then tells her--I know what you did. Sansa immediately apologizes for slapping Robin, but Lady Lysa says--You kissed him. What do you think happens to people who stand between Peter and me? She is strugglilng with Sansa, trying to push her through the moon door, when Baelish enters and makes her let Sansa go. Lysa tells Baelish that Sansa is just like her mother, she will never love him. Baelish goes up to her, he tells her he has only loved one woman in his entire life--Lysa's face lights up--and then he drops the bombshell--your sister. A quick shove, and Lady Lysa learns how to fly.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2014, 10:28:26 PM by ponytail »


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