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Author Topic: Once Upon a Time Death Count  (Read 35836 times)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #90 on: October 10, 2016, 01:54:39 PM »
4.7 The Snow Queen

In ye olde Arendale of yore we meet Ingrid (before she became the titular Snow Queen) and her sisters Helga and Gerta. When they are young Ingrid freezedrops a tree onto villain who was trying to kidnap them. Later as grown-ups we see that Ingrid, like Elsa would a couple decades later, isolates herself in the castle and avoids people to keep her powers hidden. Gerta suggests they visit Rumple in Misthaven and he makes a deal with them...he takes their three yellow sister ribbons (which are presumably filled with sisterly love juice) and gives them gloves to help control Ingrid's powers and the urn which will trap her later.

The gloves work just fine until Helga (who was hilariously courting the duke of Weasel town) gets between Ingrid and the duke and she takes the freeze blast meant for him and then is shattered into a million ice cubes. Coming upon the sad scene third sister Gerta urns Ingrid and goes to the rock troll to remove all memory of these events from the land. Smart.

In present day - Emma visits her mom at the mommy and me class and gets so jealous of her little brother that she boils the milk in his bottle. Also the writer's seem to have forgotten that Cinderella's baby was a GIRL.

SQ gets herself captured in order to ramp up Emma's alienation from her parents which works ridiculously well.

Henry starts his spying on his own grandfather. which again, makes me mad.

Emma accidentally knocks a light pole onto Charming. He's fine.

SQ bargains with Rumple to get her ribbons back by whispering the info he needs to finally cleave himself of the dagger. Info which I recall was that he needed to kill someone who knew him before he was the Dark One and only one man fits that bill, which is why Rumple smiles at the end of the episode.


Emma to SQ: ...I have one of those (a family) and it spans three generations and four hundred years.
Me: REALLY?! Does that mean Emma think Gold/Baelfire are four hundred years old? Because that messes up the timeline they later establish with Merlin, which I've already said several times was a huge continuity error on their part!

Deaths - 2

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (seven episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 2

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #91 on: October 10, 2016, 02:00:16 PM »
4.8 Smash the Mirror parts 1 & 2

In Arendale past - The Snow Queen visits The Apprentice and makes a deal, the hat for two magical sisters to love her. Then she goes back to Arendale and curses Anna with the Spell of Shattered Sight (or SSS for future reference) which causes Anna to put Elsa into the urn. SQ freezes all of Arendale. Later Rumple shows up and wants to deal for the hat. SQ says no. Rumple poofs urned Elsa into his dark vault and says if she (SQ) wants to make a deal to just say his name three times. At a future date SQ does, but just before she can get out the third 'stiltskin' The Apprentice appears and tells her that her second sister hasn't been born yet and sends her to the land without magic (circa 1982) to wait for her.

In Storybrooke present - Emma's powers are so (unbelievably) out of control that she hurts Henry (minor scratch) so she goes to Gold for help, which he is most willing to provide. She wants to get rid of her magic, he sends her to a mansion in the middle of the woods. Emma calls her folks and they love the plan to get rid of the magic. Hook overhears and knows that Emma must've gone to 'the crocodile' for help. He goes to Gold's shop and finds a map to the mansion left conspicuously in sight. At the mansion Elsa stops Emma before she can enter the hatting room Gold set up and the two of them 'embrace' their powers which powers up SQ's yellow bracelet giving her the combined power of all three. Meanwhile Hook walks right into Gold's trap and in the best scene of the episode Gold tells the captain that he's 'his oldest friend' and rips out his heart (which btw was waaay too red for a murderous pirate like Hook, but this show loves to whitewash the past evils of Hook and Regina when it suits them). In her ice cave, SQ revels in her new power and casts the SSS sending glass shards billowing out towards the town as the screen fade to black.

The B-plot this episode was a very trashy one with Regina and Robin having sex in her crypt vault while 'Marion' is presumably sleeping in a tent in the forest with 'their' son Roland. Later Snow tells Regina she shouldn't be ashamed (about sleeping with a 'married' man)...wait? Of course she should! That she (Snow) did it (also wrong and in very similar circumstances too!) Snow prattles on about how Regina used to make bad choices and now she was making good ones...wait what? Apparently in Once it's fine to sleep with a married man as long as you love each other. Cause you know 'love' conquers all...

- none.


Mary Margaret: It may seem drastic, but it's the only way Emma can be sure never to hurt anyone again.
Regina: This could be the worst idea you've ever had, and you hired the wicked witch as your nanny.  (LOL)
David: Well, we actually think it'll be good for her. We... She could be normal.
Regina: Let me ask you something. Do you know what I regret most?
David: Countless innocent lives you destroyed? (again...LOL)

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #92 on: October 10, 2016, 02:03:44 PM »
4.9 Fall

Arendale past/Present - Anna and all of Arendale unfreeze after some 30ish years of being Frozen. She and Kristoff run from Hans and his brothers. They make a deal with Blackbeard and somehow get plot-holed over to Storybrooke for a sisterly reunion.

Storybrooke - Gold makes a deal with SQ to spare Belle and Henry from the curse and he forces Hook to hat all the fairies, who are at Granny's trying to find a solution as the SLOWEST CURSE EVER meanders its way towards the town.

Everyone ends up locking themselves away from each other to stop them from killing each other.

DEATHS in 4.9 - NONE

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (Nine episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 2

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #93 on: October 17, 2016, 04:27:39 AM »
6.4 The Strange Case
DEATHS - Jekyll/Hyde kills Mary
Hook kills Jekyll/Hyde ...here's a question...should this count for ONE point or TWO? hmmm.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #94 on: October 17, 2016, 01:07:25 PM »
I'd say 1 because Hyde was a part of Jekyll.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #95 on: October 17, 2016, 04:14:16 PM »
1 point it is then!

Boy they're really ramping up the death this season!

Season Six Death Count (after 4 episodes)
Regina 2
Hook 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #96 on: October 26, 2016, 11:50:24 AM »
6.5 Street Rats
Aladdin - Jasmine - New Jafar...yet no deaths.

The Oracle person appears to be dead in Storybrooke though and The Evil Queen seems to be taking credit for that one so...point to Regina?

Deaths points - Regina +1

Season Six Death Count (after 5 episodes)
Regina 3
Hook 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #97 on: October 26, 2016, 01:08:54 PM »
Should we separate Evil Queen from Regina.  Oh shoot.  This is getting difficult.

By the way -- who has the Rumple sword?

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #98 on: October 26, 2016, 03:57:01 PM »
Should we separate Evil Queen from Regina.  Oh shoot.  This is getting difficult.

By the way -- who has the Rumple sword?
I don't see any reason to separate one Regina from another. They're the same person after all and I'm 90% sure that they'll end up reintegrating by the end of the season. But if future events prove that they should be treated separately than I'll edit later.

What is the Rumple sword? Do you mean his dagger? Because I'm pretty sure he took that back from Hyde's dead body.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #99 on: November 01, 2016, 10:14:00 AM »
6.6. Dark Waters
No permanent deaths. Liam2 stabs Nemo, but he eventually survives that.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #100 on: December 13, 2016, 03:14:36 PM »
6.7 Heartless
Snow and Charms meet/don't meet for the first time. David kills the Woodcutter with an ax holding assist from caged Snow. We end with the double sleeping curse; best not to mention that true love twig thing.

1 point to David

6.8 I'll Be Your Mirror
Opens with a sweet sleepy Charmings montage.
Emma and Regina get trapped in a cool looking mirror world.

6.9 The Changelings
We learn that Rumple's mom is dun dun DUN...THE BLACK FAIRY!
EQ tries to kill Zelena and fails miserably.
Belle heartlessly sends the baby away with Blue for plot reasons.

6.10 Wish You Were Here

EQ gets what she deserves which is apparently to be turned into a snake by a guy she's never met.
Rumbelle re-team for plot reasons.
Much wishing abounds.
Emma and Regina end up trapped in a wish world with a mysteriously un-aged (and alive) Robin Hood and an adorably manic Rumplestiltskin.

Ok so Regina kills both Charmings in the Wish World, but do those count? Is this a real place? I'm not sure. Maybe we should just wait on the points until we see the spring premiere and how this story progresses. If Robin/manic Rumple can come back to the 'real' world than maybe these wish people ARE real enough to count for points. If they say try to bring Robin back and he disappears as soon as they leave...no points?

Season Six Death Count (after 10 episodes)

Regina 3 (+2 possible for Wish Charmings)
Charming 1
Hook 1
Jafar 1
Jekyll/Hyde 1
Monte 1
Rumple 1

Offline LindaM

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #101 on: December 14, 2016, 08:46:25 AM »
Regina didn't think they counted.  I'm so confused about the "Wish World" I don't know what to say.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #102 on: December 14, 2016, 03:39:55 PM »
Regina didn't think they counted.  I'm so confused about the "Wish World" I don't know what to say.
Regina doesn't seem to count much against herself and neither does Emma these days. She always sounds so woe is me when she talks about her past, it's all 'geez I'm totally good now, why do people keep reminding that I murdered a few hundred people like ages ago in another whole realm? Can't they see that hurts me?' ... -duh-

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #103 on: December 15, 2016, 07:58:02 AM »
Okay -- I've done some thinking on this.  The wish realm is real to the wish realm.  The problem comes with whether Emma and Regina are really residents there or just illusions.  While the wish realm is an illusion to R & E, it's not to "Wish Henry."  Thus, I'm stymied on how to say count the deaths.  And remember, if the "wish realm" and "our realm" really were together, all R would have had to do was crush one heart, not too.   :c029:  Can we get anymore complicated.

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Re: Once Upon a Time Death Count
« Reply #104 on: January 26, 2017, 09:45:03 AM »
4.10 Shattered Sight
The curse descends and immediately everybody starts fighting. Charming asserts that maybe baby Neal is Whale's son and not his (ooooooh). Will steals a wallet from an unconscious man...there is much fighting in the streets.

Regina's hatred releases the bracelets so that Emma and Elsa can save the town, but Ingrid has a last minute change of heart and saves the town herself sacrificing her own life.

So one point to Ingrid I guess?

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (Ten episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 3

4.11 Heroes and Villains   
In the past Belle is kidnapped by the 'queens of darkness' and recued by Rumple in exchange for a magical gauntlet which unbeknownst to Belle he later gets back because they never made a deal, he paid a ransom.

In Storybrooke
Elsa brings down the snow-wall, while Gold threatens Hook and Regina cures not-Marian from her icy cursed sleep.

...I'm pretty sure I've made my feelings clear on how I feel about this show breaking up Robin Hood and Maid Marian to give Regina a boyfriend. Not cool.

Henry calls Belle grandma... gee Henry showing familial concern for Belle... no wait he was probably just using her to find out more about The Author.

Not-Marian 'relapses' so Regina sends her and Robin to New York and somehow gives them Neal's old apartment (how exactly does that work again?). Regina asks Gold why he's (a fellow villain) happy, he says he took it and advises Regina to do the same, he even holds her hand and wishes her well (which gesture she will repay soon by stealing his wife's heart to torment him...yeeeaaaah she's really really changed). At the town line Robin sends his 'wife' over first so he can make-out with Regina one more time before he and not-Marian run off to New York to make a baby.

The Arendale gang finally leave, but not before Anna (ridiculously) turns around after the others have already gone through the door and asks about kind Mr. Gold who told them where to find the door to Arendale and when she hears the word Rumplestiltskin she tells them he's a liar which shouldn't have been news to them, but somehow convinces them to find him right away to see what he's up to ...and then we get to the worst moment on Once thus far where Belle uses the gauntlet to track Rumple's greatest weakness, which leads her to the dagger, which pisses her off because she thought SHE should be #1 on the weakness chart so she stops him from killing Hook and cleaving himself from the dagger (which fwi would in fact have made Belle #1 for reals) and then she banishes him across the town line and I really don't want to watch the show anymore and maybe I shouldn't have.

DEATHS - NONE (unfortunately)

SEASON FOUR DEATHS (Eleven episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 3

4.12 Darkness on the Edge of Town

In the past Rumple and 'the queens of Darkness' (a plotline I think may have been one of the worst if not THE worst in Once history outside of whichever writer thought a plotline of Rumbelle fighting for three straight seasons would be good) go on an uninteresting adventure to retrieve the dark curse after which he leaves them to die at the hands of the Churnabog (however you spell it).

In Storybrooke Belle and Hook become friends because she's stupid and forgetful and I'm far too grouchy about this storyline to be generous to her.... anyway Belle finds a way to get the fairies out of the hat thanks to a helpful 'professor from Oxford' (hmmm...did he type like he had a limp perchance?) which inadvertently releases something else from the hat... the Churnabog.

We get to watch Rumple eating noodles in New York with the least interesting of the three QoD, Ursula. They track down the best part of the three in Cruella and make plans to get back into Storybrooke. Which they do easily even taking the time to stop by Mr. Cluck's (from LOST) on the way.

And we learn from Rumple that the Churnabog (which for some strange reason goes after the heart with the greatest potential for darkness) wasn't after Regina as the townsfolk thought...it was after Emma Swan.... yeah that storyline never worked either.

And lastly we see the Charmings threatening Ursula and Cruela not to tell the town about what they (the perfect hero Charmings) did in The Enchanted Forest.


SEASON FOUR DEATHS (Twelve episodes in)
Ingrid (Snow Queen) - 3


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